I was selfless + did I peak with my running?

The time I looked FORWARD to strength training…

It was so hot (87!) on my run that all I could think about was making it to the gym to get to the air conditioning.  I’m doing the stuff my PT gave me and adding workouts in from a few different soures—> Megan, DeliciouslyFitNHealthy, and Caroline Girvan.  Call it the placebo effect but I think I am actually already feeling stronger after just a few weeks of being consistent. 

I was talking to someone that knows a lot about running a few weeks ago and he was saying that I’ve probably hit my peak or close to my peak with my marathon times if I am going to continue to JUST run… The thing that will take me to the next level will be adding strength training to my training and he said that can make a big difference with my times.   Excited to see what happens next year—> I’m still planning on Chicago and I’m motivated!

I listened to Ali’s episode with Emily Sisson during my run and it was so good!

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 What traveling with kids really looks like.  Just waiting in the parking lot while Andrew went inside the store because that is a lot more doable than taking everyone inside sometimes.

We met up with my sis-in-law and her kids at a ninja gym.  These kids had 60 minutes to run around like crazy and get out all of their energy.  Unless you are in a pool, it’s pretty hard to be outside in the middle of the day in St. George right now so this was the perfect option.

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Beck enjoyed cheering everyone on.

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One of my nieces then babysat so we could go out for our anniversary.  

We decided to go and eat at the exact place where we went the night we got engaged.  These bread twists are heaven.

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And then I did something extremely selfless…

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I went to a scary movie with Andrew.  He was THRILLED that I would do this with him ha.  I only watched about 60% of the movie (I’m good at knowing when to close my eyes) but it was actually really fun.

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The treats were winners.

Afterwards we were both feeling very stressed from the movie so we went to a very calming place for the both of us;)

I don’t have any Friday Favorites this week (Andrew is thankful I took a break from Amazon for a minute ha;) but I will link to the previous few weeks of favorites in case you are needing some retail therapy—>   HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE!


Scary movies… Yes or no thank you?  Who has seen Quiet Place 2?

Looking forward to anything this weekend?

Strength training people—> did it make a big difference in your running? TELL ME!

Favorite stress reliever lately?

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Your idea of an anniversary gift is genius! I’m going to have to keep that in mind if I’m ever with someone who likes scary movies. Oddly enough I did watch A Quiet Place and didn’t think it was scary, more suspenseful. Haven’t decided about the sequel though.

This weekend I’m going to my grandparents house with my sister and cousin! We’re recreating a picture we first took in 2001 and then again in 2011 so now we’re going to do it this year. It’ll be fun to just go and be on the lake and relax!


THIS IS SUCH A FUN IDEA! I have to see this recreation! What a fun idea! Have a beautiful weekend:)


No thank you to scary movies. I’ve actually cried for the few I’ve watched before… can’t handle lol.

Seeing some friends from out of town tomorrow and I am sooooo excited!! I missed seeing them when we weren’t able to travel. And having a BBQ with some school friends on Sunday.


I’m with you, I just want to cry too when I watch anything scary. Enjoy your time with your friends, you are going to have a great weekend!


Scary movies, only if they are not violent, so I might be able to handle a Quiet Place! Sounds like a fun date afternoon/evening! Do the kids all go to bed okay with your niece?

We are picking raspberries this evening, so that is a little exciting!

I am a strength-training-in-the-winter sort of person. I have a hard time sticking to it in the summer time… but it definitely has helped my running, I think. And if nothing else, it helps me not get injured, so that is a definite win.


Hey Katie! We got home before they went to bed last night but the older three go to bed well with a babysitter, Beck does not:) Have the best time picking raspberries, that sounds like a blast! I love hearing that strength training has helped you so much. Have a beautiful weekend!


Strength training makes me healthier! I used to lift a lot (and heavy) and run just a little. But when we adopted our daughter, I stopped lifting and switched to 100% running to stay in shape. (My husband also broke his sternum at this time so he couldn’t lift anymore and we were training partners so…) Fast forward many years and I started to get injured all.of.the.time. I decided to start going to a gym with group classes (crossfit knockoff) and it has made a world of difference. I am much healthier lifting and running how.


Thank you so much for sharing this with me, it’s great motivation for me to keep going with it! I wish I could join you in those group classes! Happy weekend, Jackie!


I’m a big NAY to scary movies…but those watermelon gummies are a hugggeeee YAY for me!!
This weekend I’m heading to Myrtle Beach to meet up with my sister, brother in law and nephew! They came to visit us a few days in Raleigh then headed to the beach and now I’m going down..can’t wait!
My favorite stress reliever lately has been watercolor painting- I started last year just as something to do and I fell in love with it. That reminds me that I should bring my paints to the beach..how relaxing does that sound!


Aren’t they just the best treat ever?! Have the best time at Myrtle Beach! I’m excited for you to spend more time with them! Enjoy painting at the beach, that sounds like perfection!


Looooved A Quiet Place 1 and 2! So well done. And look at you going to a scary movie with Andrew! That’s true love right there! Happy anniversary!


Hahaha you are a better person than me. No scary movies! Happy anniversary!!

I haven’t done strength training a lot but I have a girl friend who does. This was her thing even before she became a runner. I have to say she is the only runner I know who doesn’t get injured as much and it has made her a strong trail runner. I was planning to get up early to run this am but slept through the alarm..I had some major dental work done earlier this week so this week has been hit and miss for running ha.

Looking forward to trail time with my crew and relaxing with our little family. And deciding where to go for our summer road trip for the end of the month..

I find walking or running stress relieving and just getting outside.

Have a super day! And Beck looks bigger every time you post:)


That is so great to hear about your friend! I am so glad that you took this morning off and slept in.. your body needed it. You’ll have to let me know where you guys end up going! Enjoy time running and with your family this weekend. Thanks Kristine!


It really was quite the sacrifice haha. Happy weekend, Cori!


Ahhhh I’m also planning on running Chicago next year. Was originally in for 2020, then pushed to this year, but can’t make the travelling work so I deferred to 2022. I’ll finish at least an hour behind you, haha, but depending on how my race goes this fall, I may try to break 4 (I can’t believe I just wrote that down). Have a great weekend, Janae!


CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU THERE!!! You can and you will Break 4 and I can’t wait to hear all about it. Have a great day, Jamie!


I do not like scary movies, they make me to anxious! I have been strength training since I was 16 and I do believe it makes me more fatigue resistant. Re: potential and peaking. You would be surprised what you are capable of. I would not listen to someone else about what your potential is. I pr’d my marathon, 5k, 10k at the age of 42. You have many more years of great running ahead!


Strength training since 16–> You are amazing. That is such an awesome point and congrats to YOU! You give me hope and inspire me big time! Thanks Veronica and have a great weekend!


Nope when it comes to scary movies.

Yes, when it comes to strength training. It has made a huge difference for me, which I found out by accident. I had a stress fracture in my foot earlier this year, so no running, and the bike was painful, too. For about a month, all I could do was lift weights and hobble around in the boot. Turns out that I love strength training and now that I am back to running, my times are a bit faster, my form is better, and I feel stronger than I did pre-injury, all of which I totally didn’t expect. I will add the caveat that I am not a fast runner, you would leave me in the dust! I’m just a mom who wanted to prove she wasn’t old by starting something new four years ago and discovered that I really love running.

Biggest stress relievers right now ->lifting heavy stuff, going for a run, relaxing with hubs, and going out on the boat.

And happy anniversary!!


Hey Paige! This is so great to hear. I am SO happy you were able to find strength training and how much you love it! I love that it is helping your running and form–> Just what I need! Can we come out on the boat with you;) Thank you and have the best weekend!


Happy belated anniversary!!!

Oh my gosh, no to scary movies. In my 20’s my guy friends would always drag me to them–they would get so embarrassed because I was screaming or annoyed because I would be clutching their hand way too hard. After a few times, I was never invited again.

Yes, strength training has definitely helped my running! I feel so much stronger on my runs. I would always joke that I could run forever, but my core and upper body give out before my legs. By the end of my long runs, my form was horrible, now it isn’t too bad! My stronger upper body/core helps propel me and finish my runs strong. Also, stronger legs have been helping me tackle hills with confidence.

Nothing to look forward to this weekend, but I need to find something to keep the kids quiet/get us out of the house. My husband is on the night shift so he is sleeping during the day.

Happy Friday Janae!


Our city is hosting weekly Friday night kid’s races. We are going to the first one tonight to watch our 3 year old race. He did a mile race last month so I’m sure he’ll be more than ready to handle the one loop on a track. They divide each race by age so he’ll be on the track with only 3-year olds. We are excited to get him excited about running.

I dealt with quite a few injuries years ago. I have been very diligent about strength training since 2019 when I was training for Grandma’s marathon. The only injuries I have had since were a broken toe (trail running clutz) and a bone spur. No other issues though so I think it’s working. I am getting faster, but not sure if that’s strength training or normal training…probably both. Keep at it and I think you’ll see the benefits.


Happy Friday, Janae! I’m not into gory, violent scary movies, but I do like a good suspenseful/psychological thriller. I don’t know anything about A Quiet Place, so I’ll say maybe? It was so gracious of you to go with Andrew as an anniversary gift :o)

We were going out of town to play golf and visit with some family this weekend, but we may postpone. We have had nothing but HUGE amounts of rain the last 2+ weeks and now the edge of the Elsa storm is stalled over us, so all the golf courses are under water and most have had to close on and off the last couple of weeks due to the weather. Keep your fingers crossed for us – we may get a glimmer of sun this weekend before the rain starts all over again ext week. It stinks and it makes me grumpy!
I feel like I was at my strongest and healthiest for running when I was strength training. It’s super unfortunate that the kettlebells studio I went to ended up closing permanently due to COVID. Working on creating a resistance band workout for myself in our exercise room (silly us – donated all of our free weights to a local school last year – doh!). If you or any others here have good resources, I would love to hear them!
I also love reading everyone’s favorite stress relievers – I need some :o) Have an fantastic weekend!!


Sounds like you are having a great time!
Yes to scary movies, but my husband and sons say NO! Ha ha. Which means I never see any because I have no one to go with.
I have been pretty good over the last 3 months with strength training, until these last 2 weeks. Time to get back to it! That, along with yoga/pilates has really helped keep injuries away. So glad for that.
This weekend will be all about finishing up our backyard! Planting, planting, and more planting. But we also have our great-niece’s 1st birthday party tomorrow! That will be fun.
I’m getting a very late start this morning, so I may hit up the treadmill with AC for some 400 repeats. It’s already hot and humid ?
Have a great Friday and stay cool!


HUGE difference in running with strength training. I “accidentally” started CrossFit several years ago, but I was really still marathon training for the first year; running 3 times per week and gym 2-3 times per week.

My times for every single distance dropped by at least 10-20%–1 mile, 5K, 10K, 10 mile, half marathon, and marathon. I can’t wait to see you fly even faster than you already are with the addition of strength training :)


*Those Haribo Watermelon are like crack to me! I LOVE them SO much and I blame them for my need for all things watermelon this summer! I can eat a whole bag without even thinking about it.

I don’t do scary movies or strength ha! I do regret not doing more strength though, and it’s always on my list of I Need To Do More of……

Tomorrow is Family Day for our 16 year old that has been at a state university for our Governor’s Scholar Program. She’s been there for two weeks so far(3 1/2 hours away from home) and we miss her terribly! I am SO ready to see her and hug her neck! We get her for the whole day so we will be waiting at the University early in the A.M.! We are taking her to see our kind of movie–Black Widow! Shopping and eating good will round out the day. It’s going to be a great weekend!


It’s a no to scary movies for me. My favourite way to relax is just being outside even just looking at nature is so relaxing for me. Sometimes I like to crochet or play the piano but lately I have wanted to just be if that makes sense. Nothing too crazy this weekend. Sleeping Saturday morning post night shifts then hopefully just family time. Have an awesome time away.


I like scary movies if they are just suspenseful, not bloody!

I am a running coach (RRCA and UESCA certified) and I’m always telling my runners that if they want to improve, they HAVE to pay attention to the extras: diet, sleep, stress level, mobility and strength training. It sounds like a lot, but the studies show that just twenty minutes of strength work twice a week really helps. I usually have to twist arms for them to do it, but when they start, they realize it’s not bad!


no doubt that running is amazing exercise for body

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