7 Year BLOGIVERSARY + a giveaway to say thanks:)

First, you don’t want to miss out on this week’s baby post… it is written by Andrew and it is hilarious.  I give my 32 week update and he shares 15 things not to do when your wife is pregnant.  You can find it HERE!

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PS we just got our family pics back from the amazing Lindsey Orton… I’m in love with them!  I’ll share more soon!


7 years of blogging.  That is a whole lot of posts and comments over the years:

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This blog started with this post titled, ‘Awkward.’  I compared the first blog post to a first date and shared a story with you that had nothing to do with anything important in life… and my posts haven’t changed much since then.  I instantly fell in love with blogging.

Over the years there have been some posts that have had more views than all of the others so I thought I would share a few of the top viewed posts (according to Google Analytics).. I’ll go in the order of them happening:

*Running and Periods.  I posted this back in 2011 and I don’t think it was something that was really ever talked about that much back then online… amenorrhea.  I shared my experience and so many other women shared about their experience.  We all helped each other out I hope!


*5 ways to push yourself while running especially when you are tired.  I posted this in 2012 and I still do all 5 things:)


*When Brooke was born and my birth story with her:)  I’m pretty dang excited to experience this again!


*10 things I wish I knew as a new runner.  Learn from my mistakes:)


*How I started the Hungry Runner Girl and tips to start your own blog.


*Weighing yourself… the scale.  Talked about how I got on the scale after not weighing myself in a very long time (years ago I used to weigh myself daily and sometimes twice a day… obsessively) and things that had helped my body image!


*Today was another lie down on the sidewalk day.  This post has my brother’s s’mores bar recipe in it so I think that is where the traffic came from:)


*Posts on how I was dealing with my divorce—>  Would I do it all over again or skip over the hard part?  10 things getting me through my divorce.   When it isn’t convenient.  Running makes us better at life.  Thank goodness for time.

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*My half marathon PR (first time I broke 1:30.. and this was during a really hard part of life)!


*I talked about how much dating had changed over the years in this post!


*My Boston Marathon Recap!


*My Tucson Marathon Recap… the time I crashed and burned big time during a marathon after 6 months of really great training.


*On being a single mom.  I wrote this post right before I met Andrew!  I’m pretty open and vulnerable about the whole situation in this post.


*When I first introduced Andrew on the blog!  I had never introduced anyone I was seeing on the blog until Andrew and I think that was probably a big sign to you guys that he was beyond special.


*Our proposal story!  He proposed in the perfect way for me!


*When I shared that we got married (we changed the date and I didn’t write about it until the day after we got married) & our wedding with a million pictures:)


*The difference between running a marathon 30 lbs heavier + my St. George Marathon recap.


*Why the holidays can be really hard!  They sure can be.


*When we shared our news that we are pregnant with another little one!  Along with first trimester talk and how we found out we were pregnant and how we told our kids about the baby!


*My sister’s kitchen remodel… lots of people wanted to see this!


*15 pictures from our REALLY special day (when Andrew and I got sealed in the temple).


And I can’t wait to keep sharing more and more (I’ll continue to share probably too much information because I don’t know how to not do that) with you in the years ahead! I wanted to thank you today for being my friend (even if it is over the internet… it still counts).  You have taught me a whole lot over these 7 years and I am so thankful for the connections we have been able to make together.  Thank you for sharing your highs and lows with me and helping me in more ways than you’ll ever know (I get teary eyed thinking about some of the emails/comments I have received through some of the hardest times of my life).  You guys mean the world to me and I love that we get to chat together each day.

Thank you for reading and to say thank you I’m buying someone (I wish I could buy all of you) some new running shoes (or if you want some running clothes instead we can chat about that if you win;)!


To enter:

*Leave a comment telling me anything that you would like.  Tell me about your family, your running, what you ate for breakfast, your favorite restaurant, what shoes you love or really anything that you want!  A winner will be chosen using random.org on Monday (10/23)!


PS This week’s baby post is HERE!!



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I have loved getting to know you through the past couple of years that I’ve been reading your blog. It’s a great blend of running/lifestyle/family stuff!


I’ve followed you for a few years now, but whoa 7 years?? Congrats! You are SO inspiring and knowledgeable! Love how you keep it real. Fun facts about me and my running…I’m totally addicted to the marathon distance, talking about running, inspiring other to run, and the most expensive addiction…Lululemon. Hahaha. Congrats again!


Hi Janae! Long time reader and just wanted to tell you how inspiring you are :) You’ve taught me that we can all do hard things and I love every one of your posts!

I”m going camping in Yosemite this week and temperatures are supposed to be at freezing..wish me luck!!!


I am loving the Brooks Asterias right now (have you tried them?) so wouldn’t mind another pair, haha ;) I have 2.5 weeks til my first NYC marathon and am super excited but nervous too of course! Hoping to just enjoy the experience and not worry about time too much


Thank you for your blog and all your inspiration. I am 43 and I run faster and more distance now than I ever have before. Enjoy your family and keep blogging!


I ate overnight oats for breakfast!!! And my favorite shoes to run in are Hokas! I love your blog!!!!


It was so nice to read through your post! Happy 7 years? You have accomplished so much and are an inspiration for many. To tell you something about myself.. hmmm… I own and show two beautiful horses that have my heart. I also love to cross country ski and am so excited for this upcoming season as it’s my senior year in high school! Have a great weekend!


I love reading your blog! I can’t believe it’s been 7 years! I think I started reading it in 2011 when I was nursing my now 6 year old son?.


I have been trying desperately to get my mileage back up after baby #2 but recently was diagnosed with a neuroma in my foot (feels like I’m stepping on a marble). Thus I’m just taking it a day at a time and trying to figure out how to resolve the pain issue.


Congrats on 7 years! I’m a new follower but love how open you are with all of your day to day activities and adventures.


Love reading your blog! I love hearing about your experiences as a runner. I love running and can’t wait to get started up again!


7 years is amazing! I remembering going through a divorce shortly after you and how much your blog helped me through my feelings. I am not dating my ex-husband. A very strange situation.


I’ve had multiple surgeries on my feet, because of old soccer injuries, and I love how Brooks shoes always feel the best when running or cross-training. You inspire me to get out on the pavement and try my best weekly! The shoes would only help me further!


I’ve enjoyed your blog since I found it and thanks for sharing and being so open and honest. I love how you talk about your family and are so close with them. My mom is my favorite person.

I think my love of sweet potatoes has grown since reading your blog too :)


I’m looking online for treadmills right now!


I love reading your blog! I’ve been reading it for about 5 years I started for running advice but now it’s just part of my regular reads! I also really enjoyed listening to your podcast interview a while back. You have a darling family and I wish you all the best as you add your baby girl!


Congratulations on 7 years! I’m looking forward to reading your posts on the new baby, as I’m due the exact same day with my second little boy.


I love, love, love my Hoka Running Shoes!! My feet are so happy in Hoka’s!!


I have been following your blog for years and was so excited to learn you were pregnant again! I am exactly one week behind you! So it’s super fun to read your updates and to see how much we have in common! :)


I’ve been a reader for around 6 years and have loved following your journey. I feel like we relate on so many things and kind of think of you as a friend, which I know is weird but, whatever. <3


Hi Janae, I’ve been following the blog for a few years now and have loved learning about running from you, but even more I have loved getting a glimpse into your day to day family life. You guys seem like such a fun bunch and I’m excited to meet (virtually) little hungryrunnerbaby in December! PS I’m a Brooks fan for life too! I’m glad you converted Andrew ;)


Happy 7 Years Janae!!! This post is very special to me and honestly had me crying happy tears as I’ve been reading every day for many years and have absolutely loved getting to know you and your family, plus all of your ups and downs that many of us also go through and can relate to. Your readers here feel like family to me…thank you so much for building this kind and caring community. <3


Hi! Love your blog! I bought my first pair of Brooks running shoes after reading some of your reviews! I am in love with them and will forever be a Brooks shoe lover!
Hope all is well with that growing babe!



Love reading your daily posts! I am also pregnant, 27 weeks and just did a Half last weekend! Your posts have kept me movtivated to keep running through pregnancy:)


Congrats on 7 years! I’ve been reading your blog for 6 years now (I need to go back and read the year I missed) and find it so honest and relatable. Thank you for sharing your life and love of running with us. You do inspire! I’ve been running for 9 years now and find it to be the balance I need in my busy life as a mom to three awesome kids, wife and with a job that has me working full time outside of our home. Thank you for continuing to share your journey!


I have loved following along with your story! Thank you for the best blog and motivation!


I’ve been eating “Coach’s Oats” for breakfast the past couple of days. Last night we had a small kitchen fire/mishap with the oven so today I took a step back from it and had breakfast out with the hubby. :)


Just did my first postpartum workout yesterday after having my second child!


Your blog has given me so much inspiration, especially your perseverance to run and train (while injured). I appreciate your openness and honesty. It’s been great watching your journey the last few years I’ve been reading your blog.


Your blog is very entertaining, even though most of the time it’s just about your day and not anything special!! (and I don’t mean that in a negative way!)
Congratulations on 7 years and all the good things that have happened in your life lately!


Thank you for being real, kind, and so good to your readers. I am sure I speak for a lot of people when I say your posts have made a lot of us smile.

I am traveling today for work and had a really delicious green smoothie and some orange cranberry protein balls.


Congrats! Your blog is about the only one that still keeps my interest, so thank you!


I love your blog! I visited Utah this summer and was able to try frozen custard because you share so much wonderful food every day and I’m pretty sure that frozen custard changed my life. ;) Thanks for sharing the good, bad and ugly about running and life on a daily basis! I do love reading it!
As for me, today I’m on vacation visiting my family and will be running soon. Something nice and easy…very vacation-like ;)


I love reading your blog and love that your reply back. I am so excited for you on this blogaversary, and can’t wait for the new baby.


My favorite running shoes are Brooks Ghost 9s! I am 12 weeks postpartum and did not run during my pregnancy due to sciatica, so I haven’t had a chance to try out the new 10s yet. This week I finally got the ok from my doctor to start running again!!


I ran at 5 am this week and I’m committed to getting back into running for my mental health!


I have loved following you all these years! You’re family is adorable and can’t wait to “meet” your new little one. You are an awesome momma! Thanks for opening up your life to us.


i love your blog and have followed you for years! thanks:)


I am probably more excited for your baby than you are! A mix of you and andrew is expected to be gorgeouss!


I should be studying now! Thanks for being the best way to procrastinate!


Although we have never met, I have read your blog for 2 years and keep coming back for more! I feel like I have a connection with you as I was once a single mom with a little blonde haired Brooke. But my Brooke is a little older than yours and just had her first baby last week. So instead of me being pregnant at the same time as, my forever baby Brooke was :)


Happy 7 years! Love reading your posts everyday and can’t wait to read for the next 7 years :)


Happy blogiversary! I’ve been reading since before Brooke was born. Your blog was one of the first that I started reading in the healthy living space.


Yay! Happy Blogiversary!! I love checking in with your fam throughout the week so cheers to at least 7 more years!!


I too have followed you for years. When I started I was attempting at the couch to 5k and now somehow I am running halves and contemplating training for a full. WOW! Never thought I would say that!! Thanks for sharing all that you have it really has helped.


7 years is quite the accomplishment, it’s been fun to learn more about your family from a distance! Would love to try a pair of Brooks!


I’m so glad you blog. Yours is one I always read b/c you’re awesome. I look forward to it every day.


*Leave a comment telling me anything that you would like. Tell me about your family, your running, what you ate for breakfast, your favorite restaurant, what shoes you love or really anything that you want!

Congratulations on reaching 7 years blogging!

i’ve been a casual runner but this year i am trying to run more and run competitively (with myself). first time i’ve done 20-30 miles a week i would say. i didn’t really realize that’s what it took to do longer distances and have an easier recovery or that’s what i needed (at minimum) to improve my times. your blog has been helpful to hear your experienced thoughts / considerations about running built into the lifestyle. thanks!!!


I’ve decided after my first 5k and 10k to sign up for my first half-marathon in the spring. ahhh now that i’ve said it, I have to :) I decided to leave my full-time job to go back to school for nursing so I’m on a limited budget and have been saving for a new pair of running shoes as my current pair is pretty worn out. Maybe today is my lucky day :)


I love your space on the Internet. I’m a mom of two young boys, and enjoy reading posts about all of the fun things you do with your kiddos/family. :) Happy Blogiversary!


I love this!! I started reading 3+ years ago, but was in a super boring job so started from the beginning, and I remember all these posts! My friend and I frequently text about you and your family – we want to be real life friends ? I especially love your advice about weighing yourself backwards at the doctor. I hope to have a little one on the way in the next few years and know I will follow in your footsteps with that one!!


Happy anniversary! I read your blog every day and love it so much. Random: I ran two 1/2 marathons this fall, one month apart. Last Sunday after my race I wanted to compare my time to the one I had done the previous month. To my surprise, the times were EXACTLY the same (1:56:58). They were run in two different cities, one with a friend and one solo and for the second race I ran without any sort of timing device to check my splits. WEIRD RIGHT?!


I’ve loved the blog for the past 6ish years that I’ve been reading it…. (i really cannot believe it’s been that long) and it’s the one blog I still read every day or so. Thanks for your running inspiration too!


Thanks for sharing your life with us! Happy blogiversary!


Your blog is awesome! Keep it up! :)


My daughter got her braces off today and is feasting on gummy worms!


Happy blogiversary! I’ve been following since the very beginning and can’t wait to keep reading for years to come:)))


Oatmeal with a big scoop of peanut butter!


Congratulations on your blogiversary of 7 years!!! I have been reading along ever since the start, and I love reading your stories and advice! You are such an inspiration in running and in life! Thank you for all that you share with us!


I love love love this blog. I few years ago I was telling my husband about something you wrote about and accidentally started the story with, “Well, my friend…” A bit later in the conversation he realized I was talking about a blogger that I follow. He still gives me a hard time about that, but that’s connected I am to your blog. Thanks for the daily dose of fun, smiles and miles.


Congratulations! I just bought my first pair of Brooks, so that’s exciting. They’re going to get me through my next half.


Your ability to find joy in stuff is awesome.


Thanks as always for your posts! Looking forward to much more running motivation from you in the future. I’m also very excited that Brooks has been coming out with some amazing new shoes!


Congrats on your blogaversary!! That’s awesome. I have enjoyed reading over the years. I wish I could get the motivation to wake early to run everyday like you do.


I can’t believe it’s been 7 years, I think I have been following your blog since right around the time when I started running. I would really love to win a new pair of Brooks PureFlow 6s to get me through marathon training.


I had a Dave’s Killer Bread cinnamon bagel with peanut butter for breakfast. In the 30 seconds it took me to put it in the fridge, my 9 month old managed to roll/butt scoot himself across the room and under the couch so far that I couldn’t reach him and had to wake up my husband to help me move the couch


I start a new job on Friday! I’m nervous and excited and nervous!


Loved reading your blog over the years. Through one of my pregnancies, I found comfort reading your blog as you provided so many laughs and tips on how you dealt with workouts and being a mommy. You’re like that cousin who is everyone’s source of inspiration! Also your sister’s oldest son is your twin I swear!


I remember finding your blog and loving it from the very beginning. In fact, I even started a blog too. I enjoy every part, the family, the running and the eating! Thank you for bringing this to me every day.


I’ve been following for about 3 years now! Love your stories, congrats on it all :)


Happy 7 years, Janae! I have loved reading about your adventures in life and running so much during the last couple of years -I only wish I could say I have been a reader since day one :) You inspire me each day with my running, and I love your positive attitude about just about everything.

I love all Brooks shoes, but the glycerin series is my favorite.

Cheers to 7 more years of blogging -and a healthy/happy rest of pregnancy :)


I started my journey to fitness in March and just found you on IG a few weeks ago – I love seeing your happy face, it’s very motivating! I hope to start running soon and new shoes would be awesome ☺️ Best of luck with the new little one!


I’ve been following your blog since 2013, and I hope you keep blogging! I love all your posts, and even though I found your blog through running- I really love when you link your favorite (non-running and running) clothes up to the blog. I love your taste in clothes! Happy Blog-versary!


I look forward to reading your blog everyday. Its the only one I have kept up with over the years.


I will honor your 7 years with some oversharing of my own! I will turn 40 on Dec 15th this year, and I have been running since I was about 10. It has always been my stress relief. Through school, dating issues, marriage, and becoming an at-home mom to 3 kids, I have always been able to go out and run. I recently found out that I need pelvic realignment surgery (to avoid early arthritis and hip replacement). So, in January, I will have to hang up my running shoes for at least 6 months and find new ways to manage my stress. Scary! I’d love a new pair of shoes to have waiting for my grand return!


I’ve been reading your blog on my lunch break for a few years now, and it always brightens my day. Thank you!!


Congratulations on 7 years. I bet it is fun to reflect on where you were and how far you have come.
Fun fact is that I too am pregnant (with a very surprising miracle baby) and am about 10 weeks behind you with a girl. And then my oldest daughter is about 10 weeks younger then Brooke ?

Oh and one more thing. The only by reason I found out I was pregnant was because of your blog. After reading your post announcing your pregnant and how you found out, I decided to take an at home test even though the doctor told me I wasn’t. At 5:30am on Saturday morning before my last long run before the Utah valley marathon, I took the test and was shocked to see a positive line. See I haven’t had a period in 10 years (not because of running) and had to do fertility for my other two girls. But I started having symptoms like I did with my second pregnancy so since you had posted that you started having symptoms but the doctors told you that you weren’t and you took matters into your own hands – I decided to do the same.
Anyway thanks for helping me find out.


Your blog has been a bright spot in my day for many years, but even more so over the past year as my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, grew sicker and recently passed away? Your positivity is infectious and so much appreciated!


Because of you…I tried Yogurtland. Because of you…I have fun, wholesome reading during my lunchtime. Because of you…I am always inspired to find something new at Costco. Thank you! Congrats on the blogiversary.


I’ve been reading your blog for years. I’ve silently watched your ups and downs and been crushed for you. I am so glad to see how far you’ve come and you’ve been an inspiration to many! It’s silly to say since we have never met but it sure feels that way! Keep on smiling :-)


I’m due for a new pair of shoes -I think my feet grew during my recent pregnancy! I love reading about your adventures.


Congratulations on 7 years of blogging!! I have so enjoyed getting to know you and your lovely family. You have taught me so much about running, positive body image, and being able to include treats as part of a healthy life. Your family is the cutest and I can’t wait to “meet” your new little girl! Thanks to you, Utah is a must visit whenever we finally do our trip out west and I am sure that I will have a mile-long list of restaurants to try while we are out there. Thanks for being an inspiration!!


I have so appreciated your running injury-related posts. Happy blogiversary!


I love your blog and I have been reading for YEARS. Thank you for always being open and honest. Your positive outlook on life is contagious. Also, my favorite restaurant (not fancy) is Chic-fil-a!


Love your blog! I tried Land O Lakes pumpkin butter in the past week and am obsessed with it if you’re into pumpkin pie spice and butter!


I’ve read your blog now for a couple years and really love it. My daughter is pregnant as well, but with a little boy. They were looking for a boy name that starts with a K, so I suggested Knox. We will now soon have a little Knox in our family as well.


This is going to be super lame, but I cried while reading this on the treadmill! Recently, I’ve been spending my outdoor runs focusing on how far I’ve come in the past few years and practicing gratitude for where I am. Oddly, I experienced similar emotions seeing all the changes in your life, as I’ve been following you for years! I’m so happy for your triumphs and joys!


I have only been following your blog since you have been married but the somewhat short time I have it has had such a positive impact on me! I never used to feel like a runner because I wasn’t fast and I didn’t run marathons, the last half I did was years ago. But your blog has helped me realize I run, therefore I’m a runner. No rules are necessary in that statement. And in realizing this I have found myself putting on my shoes and hitting the pavement even more. It is my therapy, my happy time, the way my husband and I bond some days, it’s my favorite time of the day! As we are hoping to grow our family from 2 to 3 soon, I know I’m strong enough to continue running in that season! Ok I’ve rambled. But thank you for your blog and honesty.


Five years ago today I took my first running class through our kids’ hockeyclub. I thought I’d just try if running was something for me. And it still is five years later. This afternoon I went for a run after work, it was a warm day for October, so I could wear shorts and a tank top. My husband barbecued hamburgers this evening, our children have a school holiday. I love reading your blog, keep on going!


Thanks for sharing all these years! I am just now pregnant with my second, and I am loving reading your pregnancy updates!!


Your blog has always been my favorite since you are just SO REAL. If I had to pick one thing to tell you it would be that I hope my husband gets his dream job that he’s been working towards for 5 years now and we’re hoping he can start in January. We’re currently living separately due to my job moving us cross-country, and him getting this job would hopefully get him up here early next year and we can finally buy a house and put down some roots! So wish us some luck and also keep writing so I have something fun to read every day when I need a breather :-)


It’s been fun to follow along over the years. Can wait to see your new little one !


Beautiful weather today so I went for a virtual Halloween run win my daughter. Would love to win a new pair of shoes. My old ones are about needing to retire:-(


I love your blog!

I’m in the market for new running shoes!


I originally started following you after I saw a friend of mine followed you. It’s been years now! I have loved watching your life journey!


Went for a Halloween virtual run with my daughter today. The weather was too good to pass up! Love reading your blog!


Happy Blogiversary!


Happy blogiversary! I’m going to be training soon for my first full marathon, which I’m nervous but very excited about! Have a wonderful week


Long time reader…I can’t believe I haven’t guessed her name yet!!! I’ve only guessed 8 million times!!!
Tell us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats on your blogiversary! I stared reading when you were pregnant with Brooke and became especially hooked when we went through divorces at the same time. I have always appreciated your openness and honest about the hard parts as well as the good ones.


7 years of blogging is awesome! I first started following you when going through my own divorce. That was when I really got into running and logging weekly miles helped me make it through and even thrive. I began crossfit around that time as well, and through crossfit, I met Nick. We were married May 2016 and this May, we welcomed home our first baby, Caden (we did not want to waste any time now that we had found each other!) Caden is five months old today and I plan to begin running again in the next month. I am in dire need of new running shoes (my feet grew a bit during pregnancy), but I am so excited to begin running again. Looking forward to reading your blog in the future and cannot wait to read about the birth of your new little girl!


this is so exciting! congrats on this awesome blogiversary! I love that you are still going strong. the photos are such awesome throwbacks! the one of you and brooke on the steps is so amazing!


I love reading your blog. Its the first thing I do when I get to my office each morning. Shhh, don’t tell my boss! haha =)


I am currently training for my first ever marathon! Running has been a therapy for me as i started running to cope with infertility. 4 years later still trying for a baby, but learning to enjoy life exactly the way it is right now. Running has helped me tremendously with getting me to the place i am now. Any tips for my first marathon?


You and my sister in law are due a day apart. I’ve really enjoyed reading over the years and this current chapter of life has been so fun to hear about!


Congrats on your blogiversary! Right now I’m feeding my 6 week old baby-who was born in an ambulance because he came so fast!


I’m in an exercise rut. I had trained for a 10k and then I was tired and now I’m still tired but I need to exercise. Maybe new shoes will help?


Happy Blogiversary :)


I love reading your blog, you are so open & honest. I also love my Brooks Launch running shoes!


I’ve really enjoyed that all these years you’ve been sharing your life with all of us -both the good and bad. Here’s to many more to come! :)


I’ve followed you for years and love how I feel like I am hearing about a friends day/life. I recently got married and we are hoping to start our family in 2018. We delayed our honeymoon and are going to Thailand in Nov and since there is a risk for zika there we are waiting till late spring. I am so excited! You seem like such an awesome mom to Brooke and step mom to Knox. I love your blog.


I have really enjoyed reading your blog! You are such an inspiration.


It’s a different sort of anniversary for me! Today marks exactly one year post-breakup and I’m in a new city with a new job and a new outlook. I’m not totally there yet — but that’s life (and does anyone ever have it all together?)! I’m a long-time reader but only wrote to you once (last winter – during some of my darker days) and I so appreciate you responding and giving your advice. Your story inspires lots of hope, and it’s been a joy to watch it unfold. While mine is doing the same, I’ve been focusing on my health, my family and my dog (acquired in the breakup) and know that things will only go up from here. Happy anniversary to us both!


You are such an inspiration! I have followed you for a few years now, but fun to see some of your earlier posts here. Something about me? I was an Asics girl for 20 years and decided to try the Launch 3s because of you. They are fantastic!


All I want to tell you is how impressed I am by 7 years of blogging–you have shaped a lot of lives for the better, mine included. Keep it up!


Hi Janae! Long time reader! Congrats on your 7 years of blogging. Always enjoy reading your posts.


I so enjoy your blog! Thank you so much for the time you give to it when you must be very tired, especially now, and the candor you bring to it. My main stress right now is a husband with advanced Alzheimer’s. I’m still caring for him at home but training for marathons (just did Berlin) by getting up at 4:00 am (he sleeps until 8:00) is my LIFESAVER and stress reducer. Didn’t plan it that way but it has proved to be so. I’m very grateful—to running and to you for keeping me normal!


I really like reading your blog and tend to talk about you to my husband as if we have met. ;-) He thinks I’m crazy. I like cooking for others and showing them that healthy foods can also be delicious. My financial planner and fellow biz group attendee came to my house around lunch time today so I made lunch for both of us.


I am visiting my parents this week and I love running new roads instead of the same old roads I run at home!


Hi! I don’t comment often but I read every day! Your family is so adorable and I’m so excited for your new addition! A new pair of running shoes would be awesome to add to my collection! Ha!! My favorite thing at Trader Joe’s right now is pumpkin cream cheese!!! Yum! Have a fabulous day!


Happy anniversary!!! You always inspired me to run hard and eat welll!!! I am running my 24th marathon on Sunday and I am sure I will be thinking about all your awesome running tips!!!! Probably won’t be a pr but I will be running proud!!!!


Katie, are you running MCM?? (I saw your post and I’m running on Sunday! Good luck on your race!)


I bought pears recently and thought of you…if that’s not weird haha. I don’t know of many people who love them :) Thanks for sharing your life!


I’m a new reader and new-ish runner but because I am crazy I read all the way back to the beginning of this blog throughout the summer. Mine was a rough one and you motivated me to keep pushing through and to RUN IT OUT. which has helped heal me. I feel like we are friends lol… weird what the internet does.


Congratulations!! I love reading your blog and cannot WAIT to see how you manage training with a little one! My daughter is 9 months old and I’m getting ready for my first post-baby marathon in 2018. It’s tough to get the time/energy to run while breastfeeding a little one so I’m really looking forward to your tips and tricks. Congratulations again!


I had a turkey sandwich for breakfast.
Thanks for keeping it real on here, you are so relatable.


Just wanted to say I love your blog. Thank you for writing about subjects that many women deal with, but are afraid to admit. A lot of the things you write about help to let me know that maybe I’m not the only one going through the same stuff. :)


Yay on 7 years Janae! I love following your blog & always get excited when I see a new post of yours in my feed!


Congrats on 7 years! It’s definitely a lucky number. SO thankful for your honesty, vulnerability, and encouraging words along the way. Also, Halo top for life!!!


happy 7 years! I love following along every day :) overnight oats for the win this morning!


Congratulations on 7 years!


i started following your blog maybe 6 years ago. i love reading it. i think i found it when it was referenced about your treadmill marathon. i was in awe. i managed a 1/2 on the treadmill as child care time ran out. it was a loooong time to run on a treadmill.
it’s fun seeing how your life has changed in the recent years and you look so happy right now! that’s fantastic and i look forward to more great posts!


So exciting I have been following tour blog for years and it is quite an achievement to keep it up for so long ! Such a running inspiration!


I had oatmeal for breakfast ?


Love reading your blog! It really feels like we are having a real conversation rather than talking at me. I read your blog for a while before you had Brooke and living in Provo and then stopped for a while when I started my first big girl job but luckily found you again and remembered how I loved reading your blog! I started reading right when you moved back to Utah from Cali! Which I can’t believe how long that has already been too!
I’ve got my first marathon this weekend, Marine Corps Marathon in DC! I’m SUPER nervous, so please lots of positive vibes my way!


Congrats! Have been a long time reader and have loved hearing about your life through your writing! Cheers to many more posts :)


Great Job!! Have enjoyed your blog!



beautiful photos, wonderful journey!


I too have been divorced and remarried and now have 2 beautiful children. Thank you for all you share on your blog. There are very few blogs I read daily and yours is one of them!


Happy blogaversary! I want to make homemade bread this weekend.


Love your blog, so thanks for writing it! I need some new Brooks, which I converted to due to you. And my current favorite restaurant food near you is the bibimbop stone bowl at a little hole in the wall place called Koko Lunch box right by the Wendys across from BYU. Yum!


Today I got a flat tire while driving to work during rush hour ON THE VIADUCT IN SEATTLE. If you have ever been on the viaduct in Seattle (especially during rush hour) you can understand how one would have a complete panic attack about this. So that was fun. :) On a happier note, my wonderful husband brought me lunch at work which made my day 100x better and for some reason I have cried 2x about how sweet it was. Hahaha.

Happy Thursday!! Happy Blogiversary! I love reading!


Congrats on 7 years-I love reading it!
It’s been a very stressful week and I can’t waittogo home and eat the delicious pizza dinner my boyfriend is making for me!


I have been reading your blog since last fall when I trained for my first marathon and needed some inspiration. Fast forward a year and I am now in the middle of my third year of medical school and busier than I have ever been. I am looking forward to being done with third year because during my last year of school (fourth year) I will have way more time for running…I miss training for races a lot! Anyways, thank you for being a wonderful inspiration for over a year now. Can’t wait to continue to read your blog.

<3 Grace


I love reading your blog daily! God bless you and your sweet family ❤️ And I can’t wait for a homemade waffle shortly.


I am really happy that I fell in love with running and in return found so many cool runners (like YOU!) on the WWW :) I don’t know what I would do without you guys!

Happy blogaversary!


I love reading your blog! I’m a new runner, so it’s been fun to go back and start to better understand all of the running posts a little better. We’re trying to get pregnant right now, so I know that I’ll reread your pregnancy posts as well!! ❤


Thank you so much for posting daily and being honest about everything and anything! I read your blog daily and almost cannot go to sleep until I have updated myself on the happenings in you all’s life. I absolutely hope my future daughter is as amazing as Brooke and that I can be half as good of a mom as you are. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I just recently got back into running after a long hiatus. It’s been a challenge to get motivated, but I’m so happy to have it back in my life. Thank you for your wonderful and inspiring posts!


Love the honestly and “rawness” of your blog! Currently nursing a pretty bad rolled ankle 2 weeks before my first 1/2 marathon so more time on the couch and less running has allowed me to dig through some of your old posts and I’ve really enjoyed it :)


Thanks for giving me something fun to read when I need a distraction! We have a new puppy at home who is stressing me out… reading your blog during his nap gave me something else fun to think about for a couple minutes! :)

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