7 Year BLOGIVERSARY + a giveaway to say thanks:)

First, you don’t want to miss out on this week’s baby post… it is written by Andrew and it is hilarious.  I give my 32 week update and he shares 15 things not to do when your wife is pregnant.  You can find it HERE!

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PS we just got our family pics back from the amazing Lindsey Orton… I’m in love with them!  I’ll share more soon!


7 years of blogging.  That is a whole lot of posts and comments over the years:

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This blog started with this post titled, ‘Awkward.’  I compared the first blog post to a first date and shared a story with you that had nothing to do with anything important in life… and my posts haven’t changed much since then.  I instantly fell in love with blogging.

Over the years there have been some posts that have had more views than all of the others so I thought I would share a few of the top viewed posts (according to Google Analytics).. I’ll go in the order of them happening:

*Running and Periods.  I posted this back in 2011 and I don’t think it was something that was really ever talked about that much back then online… amenorrhea.  I shared my experience and so many other women shared about their experience.  We all helped each other out I hope!


*5 ways to push yourself while running especially when you are tired.  I posted this in 2012 and I still do all 5 things:)


*When Brooke was born and my birth story with her:)  I’m pretty dang excited to experience this again!


*10 things I wish I knew as a new runner.  Learn from my mistakes:)


*How I started the Hungry Runner Girl and tips to start your own blog.


*Weighing yourself… the scale.  Talked about how I got on the scale after not weighing myself in a very long time (years ago I used to weigh myself daily and sometimes twice a day… obsessively) and things that had helped my body image!


*Today was another lie down on the sidewalk day.  This post has my brother’s s’mores bar recipe in it so I think that is where the traffic came from:)


*Posts on how I was dealing with my divorce—>  Would I do it all over again or skip over the hard part?  10 things getting me through my divorce.   When it isn’t convenient.  Running makes us better at life.  Thank goodness for time.

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*My half marathon PR (first time I broke 1:30.. and this was during a really hard part of life)!


*I talked about how much dating had changed over the years in this post!


*My Boston Marathon Recap!


*My Tucson Marathon Recap… the time I crashed and burned big time during a marathon after 6 months of really great training.


*On being a single mom.  I wrote this post right before I met Andrew!  I’m pretty open and vulnerable about the whole situation in this post.


*When I first introduced Andrew on the blog!  I had never introduced anyone I was seeing on the blog until Andrew and I think that was probably a big sign to you guys that he was beyond special.


*Our proposal story!  He proposed in the perfect way for me!


*When I shared that we got married (we changed the date and I didn’t write about it until the day after we got married) & our wedding with a million pictures:)


*The difference between running a marathon 30 lbs heavier + my St. George Marathon recap.


*Why the holidays can be really hard!  They sure can be.


*When we shared our news that we are pregnant with another little one!  Along with first trimester talk and how we found out we were pregnant and how we told our kids about the baby!


*My sister’s kitchen remodel… lots of people wanted to see this!


*15 pictures from our REALLY special day (when Andrew and I got sealed in the temple).


And I can’t wait to keep sharing more and more (I’ll continue to share probably too much information because I don’t know how to not do that) with you in the years ahead! I wanted to thank you today for being my friend (even if it is over the internet… it still counts).  You have taught me a whole lot over these 7 years and I am so thankful for the connections we have been able to make together.  Thank you for sharing your highs and lows with me and helping me in more ways than you’ll ever know (I get teary eyed thinking about some of the emails/comments I have received through some of the hardest times of my life).  You guys mean the world to me and I love that we get to chat together each day.

Thank you for reading and to say thank you I’m buying someone (I wish I could buy all of you) some new running shoes (or if you want some running clothes instead we can chat about that if you win;)!


To enter:

*Leave a comment telling me anything that you would like.  Tell me about your family, your running, what you ate for breakfast, your favorite restaurant, what shoes you love or really anything that you want!  A winner will be chosen using random.org on Monday (10/23)!


PS This week’s baby post is HERE!!



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I love reading your blog! I’m a mom to twin girls who just turned 2 (how did that happen?!?!). I’ve run one full marathon and several Half Marathons, but my running has been on the backburner lately and I’m trying to get back to it. I tried my hand at blogging several years ago, but couldn’t get the hang of it, so I really respect what you’re able to do! You are a huge inspiration and I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures with your new little one!


Congratulations on 7 years! Thanks for all of the fun you have shared from your home and running life. I had my favorite breakfast this morning… sweet potato ‘toast’ with almond butter, grapes, and plain greek yogurt. Blessings!


Happy Blogiversary!! I truly love reading each post in the morning :) You help motivate me in running big time!
I was going to share with you the other day, that I just received my 2nd pair of Brooks shoes. I have always been a Saucony girl, and still love those for my feet, but I have found a couple of Brooks shoes that are keeping my feet happy!
Again, congratulations on 7 years of blogging! And keep on going! :)


Congratulations! Your blog is my favorite and I’ve been reading it since my freshman year of college six years. You helped me really get into running then. I’ve been dealing with a running injury for the last three years, and am finally running again thanks to intense physical therapy for the last three months! Wahoo!!!


The first time I ever read your blog was the day you gave birth to Brooke! It has been awesome watching her grow up and now I have two girls of my own! Happy blog-iversary!


Love reading your blog! You keep it real and that’s my favorite. And I get to live vicariously through someone who is a LOT speedier than me!


I love your blog! You make me feel like we are friends even though we have never met in person!


Congratulations janae!!! This is actually my first comment… I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and this has helped me a lot going through my divorce (I was 25 at that time and didn’t have anyone who I could relate too). You inspire me so much! I have ran 5 marathons myself and am sooooo jealous of your amazing speed :-)


I love your blog! I have started my blog back up, but I need to put more content on it, I think. It’s a work in progress, for sure! Thank you for being you! Have a great day!


Hi there! I have been reading you blog for years…. since Brooke was tiny! You have inspired me to run & to race and take on new challenges. I look forward to your post everyday while I eat breakfast at work.

I posted a little while ago that I am running the NYC Marathon Nov 5th (my 2nd marathon) and am beyond excited. I moved to NYC from Florida a year and a half ago and it has made all my dreams come true. However, I pulled my glute pretty bad on a 20 mile run last Sunday right before my taper… so now I am not running & going to PT 2x a week. I am praying that it will heal and one way or another I can run my dream race and have the time of my life! Good wishes are appreciated from everyone.

Always thinking of you and your sweet family- you are teaching me to be a more patient 25 year old when it comes to running, love and life! Hugs to the little ones and keep on running!


KELSEY!!!! YOU WON!!!!!!! I am SO SO SORRY about your glute… this breaks my heart. You are going to be stronger than ever once you are back and running! EMAIL ME and let’s get you some shoes!


Kelsey, I had to find your comment after seeing it on today’s post. The EXACT same thing happened to me on my last long run last Sunday just before my taper!!!! Except it was my quad instead of glute. I’ve also had to stop running and go to PT and pray pray pray that I can still run on Nov 5th. I’ve been able to do some runs on the AlterG treadmill at Finish Line PT – highly recommend! It’s not only my first time running the NYC marathon but my first marathon ever. Hoping for a super speedy recovery for both of us! :)


Hi Cat!

So sorry to hear that happened to you- it was not a good day for us at all! I actually do have an appointment to use the AlterG treadmill on Thursday for the first time, should be fun! I hope you rest and recover and are able to toe the starting line.

Hopefully I will see you in Staten Island, or I will be out cheering with my team the Dashing Whippets so look for them! :)


Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading your posts each morning. Have a great day!


Congratulations on 7 years!!! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time; I still remember feeling just gutted for you when you went through your divorce. Reading about your experience helped me learn how to run and cope during a tough period in my life not too long ago – so thank you for being so open about your life! Your blog has always been one of my favorites :)


Congrats on your blogiversary! I love how open and honest you always are with us.


Hey Janae! It has been such a joy to read about how you have overcome the difficult times of your life and how happy you are now! You brighten my day!


THANK YOU for the giveaway <3 I have read you for years and always love the lighthearted honesty of your blog. Congratulations on 7 years.


thank YOU for blogging and sharing your life with us!! it’s been such a joy to follow along with you and watch your family grow! i know it is WORK to do this and i’m so happy that i found your blog at the very beginning!


Happy blogiversary. I think you are an amazing person, mom, and runner and I really enjoy seeing snippets of your life. Thank you so much for sharing over the years, for being vulnerable and for being a kind and positive influence on those around you. I truly love reading your blog every day.
Now for something about myself. I created an amazing recipe that is not even a recipe, it’s more a hack. I took some hot chocolate mix, added a spoonful of pure cocoa powder, and added a little milk (enough to make it the consistency of brownie batter). Then, I microwaved it for 45 seconds. When I took it out of the microwave, it was the consistency of lava cake. So good and so easy!


Congratulations on 7 years! Surprisingly, my favorite shoes for running now are New Balances. My running is primarily at Orangetheory so I need shoes that support running and circuit training and I’ve found these to be the best!


I’ve been reading daily for quite some time – not the whole 7 years, but pretty darn close! I’m not even a runner. My fun news to share with you is that I’m 6.5 weeks pregnant!!!!! It’s mine and my husband’s first baby.


Hi Janae! I’m so happy you’ve continued blogging over the years. I love reading about you, your family, and your running :) I guess the one thing I can tell you is that I finally reached the end of the first trimester in my pregnancy (yayyyyyy!). It’s so exciting being able to tell people! Now hopefully the nausea will go away soon :) Have a great day!


I’m running HM#11 this weekend – and after I had 10 great weeks of training in the spring I crashed & burned at my goal race. I had another great 10 weeks of training, and I’m trying again for a new PR & 8:30 goal pace this weekend!

The weather is supposed to be warm, low of 55 or so, with highs in the mid-70’s, which is NOT normal. When I ran this race 2 years ago it was in the 30’s at the start line with a high of about 55.

BUT, my favorite little tip, that I think I heard here first, is to focus on what feels good, even if that’s only your nose, or your ears.

For the first time ever I trained with a friend with the same goal in mind & we’ll be racing together. We’ve pushed ourselves in speedwork each week, and I’m hoping we can do the same on Saturday!


Congrats on 7 years! I’m working hard to get my pace down so I can sub-2 a half marathon. I’m eyeing April for my attempt!


Thank you for being a space of positivity and inspiration. It is clear that you choose to “go high” (r.e. Michele Obama’s mantra, “When they go low, we go high!”). Thanks for taking the high road, even though I’m sure that wasn’t easy when you were going through some low points. Congrats on the 7 year milestone! You rock!


I love reading your blog. I’ve been a reader for awhile and again even if I don’t know you in person I feel like I know a part of your life. ha! i’m so happy for you and Andrew! i’m getting married in 9 days and I can’t wait!!


I love your blog!! I’ve been reading for 5 of those 7 years, and I don’t miss a day! I’m training for my 7th half marathon and I would love to one day do a full, but I’m too nervous! Thank you for being so open and honest and sharing about your BEAUTIFUL family!


Whaaa! Congrats on seven years! That’s a whole lotta time. I think the first blog post I read of your was around the time you ran the New York Marathon with skinny runner girl, ha!

New shoes would be amazing, I had a baby 5 months ago (where on earth did that time go?), and I’ve signed up for my first 10k post-Bub in November. So new kicks are on the shopping list!


I had pumpkin spice kodiak cakes for breakfast. Tasted just like fall :)


Congratulations on 7 years of blogging!!! I LOVE all of your running talk; but I especially love when you talk about being a wife and mother. I LOVE being a wife and a mommy! I love how you keep it real! Please, oh please pick me :)


Congratulations on 7 years!
My random of the day: I have had bronchitis since August and have kept running through it (though not pushing it), and I finally feel like I’m getting over it! My last couple of runs have felt so much easier – like I can breathe again. And a tempo baseline workout the other day actually felt almost easy. It’s amazing! I can’t wait to get super serious about my half training (half in Jan) and start training for my FIRST full marathon (May).


I LOVE your blog. It’s the first thing I read every morning before I get out of bed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and life with all of us. You are inspiring and motivating ?


Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I think I’ve been reading you for about 6 of those… isn’t it crazy how much life can change in that period of time?!

I wanted to share my mantra lately – “It’s just a phase…so appreciate and soak up every moment of it.” Sometimes I get frustrated when things are hard with the baby or the period of life I’m in right now, and I try to slow down and take in the beautiful…because it’ll never be here again.

Have a wonderful day. <3


Happy 7 years of blogging!! Your blog was the very first one I ever discovered about 3 years ago when I first began my running journey. I learned so much from you so thank you thank you!


Congratulations on your anniversar. It’s fun to watch your family grow and continue to grow.


I am a mom to a little girl Brookes age .born right around the same time. I have enjoyed reading your blog and running through pregnancy with you!


I love your blog. I had apple pie overnight oats for breakfast…YUM!


I love your blog! I started reading I think 4 years ago. You are part of my morning routine every morning- I read your post as I eat breakfast. Looking forward to hopefully many more years to come!


Brooks Launch are my go to shoe. I love them, but not as much as I love ice cream and running.


I look forward to reading your blog – you are an amazing person and I love to see the mom you are!


I have probably been reading your blog for at least 6 out of those 7 years – crazy! Congrats on the 7 year anniversary!


Thank you for sharing your life with us! I’m so happy for you!


Congratulations on 7 years! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for the last few years. I’m getting married in 17 days! AHH!


I love reading your blog. I am 17 weeks pregnant with my second. Running and pregnancy don’t mix for me but I love my morning walk with my pup.


Congratulations, Janae! Thank you for sharing in this space, I have enjoyed reading for years!


Loved to read this post Janae. I started out reading it more than a year ago every single day of my life. Even if I don’t always comment.

It’s incredible how your life has changed over the years. My life has also changed a lot since the time I started reading this blog. Love reading HRG, you’re an inspiration for me!


I have been reading and enjoying your blog since I started running in 2010 as a late in life starter…Ive enjoyed your personal replies to my treadmill questions as well as our Swedish Fish Jelly bean find and love affair! I look forward to your many adventures and your positive outlook on life and faith…


I ran my second half marathon over the weekend and I had so much fun! Trying for the full in the spring. Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I love reading your posts.


I live your blog! I am a casual runner and love reading about your running successes! I have a 15 month old daughter, so I enjoy reading some of your pervious posts when Brooke was my little girls age. Congratulations on adding another addition to you family!


Congrats on seven years! Really enjoy your blog and your openness and honesty in all areas! ?


Thanks for the great blog. I’m still recovering from st George and a new pr, so I need some motivation to get running again. That marathon kicks my butt.


So excited for you and your new little one! I have enjoyed reading the blog over the last year or so! Still can’t convince myself to conquer the marathon, though I just signed up for two more races!


Congratulations on 7 years!! I love reading your blog each day.


Happy Thursday! Congrats on seven years! I’ve been reading for a couple years now and I can’t wait to meet (virtually, of course) the new HRG baby! Thanks for your advice, tips and positivity <3!


I love reading your blog! You are such an inspiration as a runner and a mom. I have definitely gotten parenting and running tips from your blog. So thank you! :)


What a fun recap of posts! Thanks for sharing all.your highs and lows with us!


Congrats on your anniversary! It is fun to see the pregnancy posts, my sister is about 2 weeks ahead of you so I send them to her sometimes. Her husband just ran a marathon so I was sure to send the one where you listed the similarities between pregnancy and running a marathon :)


You rock :) I’m running my first marathon this weekend, and your blog/insta has been a wonderful presence in my life. Thank you!


Hi Janae, I think we all relate to you on many different levels, whether it is as a runner, or as a mom, or a single parent, or someone who loves to cook(and eat), and runners who are Brooks obsessed. I am all of those things. We have helped you to deal with difficult times, and you have helped us to deal with difficult times, and running has helped all of us to cope with the ups and downs of life. Everyone wants a fairytale ending like yours, and we could not be happier for you at how your life has come full circle. You give all of us hope for a happy ending. I am still having a difficult time, but we runners don’t give up, we fight for every step on and off the roads. New shoes force me not to give up on life or love or running, when I am tempted to do all of the above. One day at a time right? Thanks for always being there for us – I remember when you weren’t and I was so worried, as if I knew you. No one is more deserving than you, and I can’t wait to see this new baby and hear all about her! Be well!


Congratulations on the blog anniversary! I’ve loved reading your blog!


Congrats on your 7 year blogiversary! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and it’s awesome going through your life experiences with you through way of your blog posts. I enjoy getting outside and running in order to clear my mind. It’s my form of meditation for sure. Also, I’m partial to the adidas ultra boosts!


I love your blog. It’s usually the first thing I do each day when I get to work haha


Thank you for blogging! I just got into running this past spring and am running my first half marathon in 24 days! I’ve been training with a running group in my area all summer long and it has taught me so many amazing things and introduced me to some awesome people! I love proving to myself that I can do hard things!


Love your blog! I look forward to reading it every day! Keep it up!


I found your blog when I was training for my first marathon in 2013. Thank you for being an inspiration, both with running and raising your cute family:). I’m a mom of three- ages 19,15, and 1.5. I will be running my 31st half marathon at the end of November (Seattle) with my daughter. I’m super excited because it’s her first half and I get to have her all to myself for 13.1 miles, which is rare these days as she’s a super busy college sophomore! Hope you have a great day!


Congratulations on 7 years of blogging!!! I really enjoying reading about your running, your family and the FOOD!!
Your happy personality and positive attitude are contagious and I know it’s what keeps me coming back to read every day.
Thanks for sharing!!


Wow for 7 years! And it sounds like you haven’t even had the 7 year itch. ? still a daily reader after MANY years. Thanks for my daily morning read. It’s been fun to be pregnant at the same times as you and you always inspire me to keep on going especially suiting pregnancy. Our next baby girl is due in February. ?


Congrats on the blogiversary! I’m going to be totally honest with you (like you always are with us!). I found your blog when I was looking for running inspiration. About three years ago, I had decided to start running again after a long hiatus. Shortly after, we began dealing with infertility and that has rocked my world. I appreciate how you are open and honest about hard times. Running is just the context that I got to know you in! Now I feel like we are best friends :)


I love your blog….Helps reading on the days its an effort to go out and run. I just ran my 7th marathon ( and finally got the PR I’ve been trying for). The last half of the race was in the pouring rain and its ruined my sneakers ( only run in Brooks also).


Happy Anniversary! I love reading your blog, sometimes daily and sometimes just checking in occasionally. I’m 11 weeks pregnant with my first, so it’s been so interesting and encouraging reading your weekly updates. Can’t wait to see your little one and thanks for the giveaway!


I love how honest you are about your experiences with running, family, and health. I am so inspired by the way you consistently re-set goals and take things in stride. And I love all the adorable kid photos!


Thanks for sharing so much details of your life, running and everithing in between with us. I really appreciate it and I think there would be something missing in my life without your blog. I see so many parallels between us two, and very often your posts remind me of thinking about something in my life again (or changing something).
So, all the best for the next 7 years (and more….)
Greetings from Germany,


Congrats on 7 years!


You are the ONLY blogger I talk about enough that my husband knows who you are! We were in a LDR when you announced your divorce and I remember being so sad for you that I cried about it to him on our phone conversation that night…i fill him in on your races because he also runs and loved marathons and you’ve done a few that are on his bucket list!…and I showed him the pictures when you got engaged and he even can remember Andrew’s name because his is the same ;) I’m pretty sure the four of us would be BFFs but anyway, I’m so happy I found your blog years ago because it’s meant a lot to me and so do you!

Happy blogiversary!! <3


Congrats on 7 years! Thank you for sharing it all with us, we appreciate the real life perspective.


I just want you to know that you have inspired me for seven years. I started off just trying to run a half marathon and now I’m trying to run a marathon in every state. We have very similar tastes as well. I know that if you recommend something, whether it’s food or clothes, I’m going to love it. You are known around my house as that ‘runner girl.’ Thanks for all the wisdom, vulnerability and tips you have shared over the last seven years. Looking forward to the next! One of these days, i’m Going to run the St. George Marathon and hopefully meet you!!


I would definitely pick new running shoes. Our wedding anniversary is the 25th of this month and I am asking for new running shoes. Haha…I always ask for fitness/running gear for any holiday. I loved seeing your old posts too!! Have an awesome week!


Been following you in IG for awhile but only recently started reading your blog. You are absolutely an inspiration! Running is a love/hate relationship for me, but seeing that even the greatest struggle and seeing how you got there, keeps me going. Thank you!


Happy blogiversary! :) I loved this look back at some of your posts! You and your blog have always been a source of inspiration from me! I am currently not running as much due to dealing with plantar fasciitis. I’m trying to be patient but it’s hard! Maybe we will end up training for something at the same time this spring :)


Congrats! I love the blog!!


I’m new here, just started reading a few weeks ago. I used to run years ago, but was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that attacked my joints and made even walking painful and difficult. Thankfully, it is in remission and I have been cleared to run again. Oh how I’ve missed it!!! I have signed up for a half marathon in the spring so I have plenty of time to train. I found your blog while I was searching for ways to improve my speed because I have a dream of a sub 2 half. I’m hooked and am here to stay. Thanks for all of your helpful tips.


yayyyyy seven years!! I love reading your blog! I’m excited to read when you’re getting back into running. I’m going to be training for my first post baby marathon next summer so I will be able to learn from you!


Your blog is one of the few that I continue to always love reading! Your positive energy and all the real life stories in every post (not just running) draw us all in!! thank you for the giveaway!


I didn’t realize you’d been blogging for so long! I stumbled across your blog about a year ago. I’ve loved following it this past year. It’s made me excited to run again and it’s fun to read when I’m having a bad day. Very grateful you decided to share your days :)


I just got into running, and I’m slowly working my way through Couch to 5k. Would love some new running clothes :)


Your blog has become part of my morning ritual! Have loved watching you grow and learned a lot from you :)


I had cheerios for breakfast.


I am running the NYC Marathon in 17 days, and couldn’t be more excited. I’d love a fresh pair of shoes for when this training cycle is over!


I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning. I was out on a run once and you asked me for directions during the 100 mile bike race you did all those years ago. I’m happy that you are doing so well and running so much healthier. You are awesome!


I’ve been reading your blog since right after you started it! Thanks for taking me on your journey all these years.


HI!! I have been reading your blog for as long as I can remember… and still remembered when you announced you were pregnant with Brooke! I am pregnant now too with what will be our first baby!!! I’m due just ~four weeks after you so it’s been fun to follow along your pregnant posts this time around! I am still running too at 28 weeks, and hoping to continue for as long as possible or as long as I can find running clothes that actually fit / are somewhat comfortable for this growing belly! Thanks for inspiring all of us!!!


Congratulations. I enjoy being part of your community. I stumbled upon you researching running in the rain several years ago. Getting ready for another raining half this weekend. Thanks for sharing your tips and your struggles. It keeps everything “real” rather than only hearing the good stuff.


Happy Thursday, I got to visit your beautiful area of Utah recently and chow down on some Cafe Rio. I sure with we had that in TX.


Love reading your blog, always makes me smile!


In that first picture you posted where did you get that red/burgundy dress?!?! It’s beautiful! And you look beautiful in it!


I started reading your blog a few years ago and look forward to it with my morning cup of coffee! My husband and I got married a month after you guys- we did a candy buffet and it was perfect- congratulations on 7 years of blogging!


CONGRATS on 7 years! You consistency in blogging and running is so admirable! :-) Something about me… I ate half a wheat bagel with cream cheese for breakfast this morning. I haven’t had a bagel in SO Long – just never been in the mood one, really. But today, I thought – I’ve been getting better at running more consistently and a bagel sure sounds good so… hmm, why not? And needless to say, it was HEAVENLY! Lol. God bless Carbs and God bless you, Janae! Hope I win! :-)


Congrats on 7 years! I’ve been reading for almost 5 and love starting my day with your positivity. Thank you for sharing your life with us!


What an amazing journey! Congratulations!
I found your blog over the summer. I have been hyping myself up to get BACK to running, even though it’s been hard. A really bad injury–and then so much self-doubt and a lot of instability over a few years’ time–kept me on the sidelines after developing a love of running. This past spring I tried to get back to it, but learned I had arthritis in my right knee AND was in the last few months of wedding-planning (my husband and I got married on September 3). I even joined the Atlanta Track Club.
Now it’s fall. The temperatures are cooling off. The last year of moving to Atlanta, starting new jobs, preparing for the wedding of a lifetime with the love of my life has all settled in. The instability and doubt of the last few years has settled down, and I am ready! I signed up for a 5K in early December. Luckily, I cross-train a lot with arthritic-knee-friendly exercises like spin class and yoga, AND I started to get back to a good strength training routine (I love Crossfit and I have missed olympic lifts, so I just joined a crossfit gym near our home). I have two days a week that can be running time right now, and for that I am grateful. It’s not an overwhelming amount of obligation, and it will provide me a good way of easing back into running and re-imagining its role in my life as something I love and get to do that is part of a beautiful and varied “tapestry” I guess of different kinds of physical activity.
And now I get to find for myself all sorts of great new running clothes, and a fresh pair of running shoes would be a fun way to signify this NEW phase of my active life! I am obsessed with Brooks shoes–Adrenalines and Glycerins are the only shoes I ever ran in, and they’re the shoes I still buy. I sure could use a new pair of Glycerins or a really fun pair of Adrenalines (which I wore during every single half marathon I ran as well as the full marathon I ran near the end of my PhD program) in one of the great color combinations that are available now.
I want running to be joyful again, and I miss the kind of “therapy time” that my runs gave me. I don’t have TOO many routes around atlanta that I know and where I feel safe and free to run, but I have two different loops–one on the trails and one near a relatively safe part of town–that are the right length for me to run once, and then build up to running twice, to train for a 5K. It’s a starting point to helping me build confidence in running the way I spent so much of the last year re-building confidence in every other area of my life. And I want to keep on feeling confident–while wearing amazing Brooks running gear!


I found your blog shortly after I started running (2011), it’s actually because of you that I run in Brooks! I switched from Nike to Pure Flows after some knee pain and haven’t looked at another brand since. Your love of running re-inspires me to get out there anytime I am struggling with motivation. So THANK YOU!


I am loving not running for two weeks. I fell at mile 26 of a very technical 50k last weekend and fractured my elbow, so two weeks of forced recovery. Good news is that I got back up, finished the race, and won! Winning some free Janae goodies would definitely help with my recovery:)


I went back to a gym class that I haven’t been to in a year and a half! My legs are toast!

Fall break!!! Part of me is really excited and part of me is wondering what I’m going to do with all the kids at home now.


I have been reading your blog since early on.I found you when we were both injured before Boston.Thank you for sharing your life with a little corner of the internet with so much grace.I am sure it isn’t easy to put it all out there but you have such a joy and positivity to your posts it’s hard to not love HRG!
I am also a big Brooks fan:).


Your blog is how I start my morning! While getting ready for work, I have coffee and spend time reading updates about you and the family! I too share a deep love for Stand donuts and when I moved home after college without a job, I would go there with my dad and Grandpa. We would sit at the counter and hope that they hadn’t run out of chocolate bars yet for the day :)

Thanks for letting us all be a part of your life!


Congratulations on 7 years!! Your blog is consistently so fun to read! I am not even a runner but your blog is still a favorite of mine! :)


Congratulations on 7 years!!!! I do Intermittent Fasting so haven’t eaten breakfast yet!! I have chili on board for lunch :)


I’ve been trying to get into running but overall I do NOT consider myself a runner. Regardless I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to your little girls arroval!


I have so enjoyed reading your blog for years! I love to learn about running and fitness but also really enjoy keeping up with your family life!


I love following your blog!


Happy blogiversary! Thanks for sharing your life with us readers :)


I’ve been reading your blog for about 3-4 years now, and I love it! This is the second comment I’ve ever made – the first was to give support after a divorce post (as I had just been through it myself). Thank you for sharing your life with us :)

I have the Baltimore Half Marathon on Saturday, and those shoes are my fav!! Wish me luck!



Happy blogiversary!! I’ve been reading your blog since Your NorCal days (where I live). I wish you another fun and successful 7 years!


I’ve been running in Mizuno sneakers for a long time but I just bought a new pair of Brooks Glycerin in the prettiest blue color and I love them! I used to run in Brooks all the time so I’m happy that I’m still a fan!


JANAE! I love reading your blog! Congratulations on 7 years – that’s incredible! Can’t wait to hear all about your new little girl in December!


I found your blog after a tough break-up and it helped me stay optimistic and power through with some running and triathlon training :) Now 5+ years later of reading, just had my second child 4 months ago with my husband- crazy how fast life changes!

I can’t wait to find my way back to running – I let myself go a bit when becoming a Mom and I’m realizing more than ever the importance of me time, and rubbing has always helped me mentally as much as physically!

Thank YOU for sharing ?


Running not rubbing lol


I have been reading your blog for years, however I rarely comment. I have thought several times about starting a blog but then I realize I don’t have much to talk about. It has been fun watching your family grow. Can’t wait to hear what the baby’s name is.


Thanks for sharing a peak into your life and for inspiring us.
Your injury posts and running while pregnant posts really helped me in my own running journey. <3


I am so happy for you and your growing family. I have two awesome girls! One is 4.5 and the other is 20 months. They are busy, busy busy and I love it! I have run 3 half marathons and would like to add to that list. I am currently really enjoying Crossfit and its a bit easier to do in the early hours of the morning than running (solo, outside = scary to me) so that is what most of my workouts are right now. I still love a good weekend morning run though!


Reading this while waiting (9 months pregnant?) at the DMV. What a fun morning! Haha! New running shoes sound nice.

Congrats on the blogiversary!”


Congratulations! I love reading your blog. I have been reading for a little over a year now. You are so positive and motivational – it’s great!


I ran 4 miles today! Happy blogiversary!


Love your blog! I think I’ve read every post for the last 7 years-eek!! ❤️


I love reading your blog and “sharing” in your journey through life. I look forward to continuing!


I’ve been reading your blog for probably a few years now and it is always something I look forward to in my day! I also have a beautiful little family with my own little Brooke and hopefully going to try to add another little one into the mix next year. I am so excited to ‘meet’ your new little one in December!


Love your blog! Happy Blogiversary!!


Ooh love all these links!! I only found your blog a couple years ago (think I was bawling my eyes out and googling stress fracture info!) so I’m excited to go back and read these!

Here’s what’s on my mind right now—we are moving in 8 days!! And I’m super excited bc the town we are moving to has a HUGE running community and the local marathon goes through my new neighborhood—I signed up the first day registration was open in hopes that it would give good karma towards the move, which wasn’t a sure thing at that point. ? I did kinda regret that around mile 22 of Chicago a couple weeks ago but it sounds fun now! ?


Congratulations! I love your blog. Seven years of consistent posting is impressive. Also, I need new running shoes so I hope I win. Thanks!


Yours is one of the very few blogs I still read after almost 7 years!
I’m going for a hamstring pre-race massage and cupping today! Running Duke City 1/2 with a first-timer and trying to plan our race strategy. She’s a slower runner and I love her to pieces but mentally prepping for holding back an entire race is different. I have a goal race planned for December so I’m taking this as a training exercise!


I am so glad that you blog! This is the only blog that I keep up with. I just think you are so sweet and awesome and could see us being friends in real life :). I haven’t been able to run in over 5 months, I broke my ankle in May and through the healing process of the cast/boot then developed tendinitis so I’m looking at probably another 6-8 weeks :(. It’s been really hard, and the little things each day get me through and save my sanity, your blog being one of those little things. I hope one day to make it out to Utah for a race and some hiking, the photos you post are beautiful. Utah wasn’t even on my radar until I started reading your blog a couple years back, now it’s one of the places I really want to travel to! Anyways, keep blogging forever please and thank you :)


Absolutely love your blog! I’m not much of a runner – but I enjoy reading about the balance you have gained regarding exercise and eating. I also love you style and like it when you share your “favorites” . Congrats on 7 years of blogging.


I have to fast for a doc apt today so I am starving skipping breakfast! Chick fil a chicken biscuit sounds amazing right now! Love the blog and can’t wait to meet baby girl!!!!!


I’ve loved following your journey through instagram! You’re very vulnerable and honest, which makes reading so much more relatable :) thanks for being you and keep it up!! Ps I love your little family, you guys are adorable


I’m running marine corps marathon Sunday! My first marathon in 9.5 years!


I’m running the 10K and then I’ll be at mile 19.5 with November Project DC cheering on some friends! Good luck with your race, Nisha!


Thank you!!!! Good luck with your race and thanks for making up the awesome crowd on marathon day! Nerves are kicking in for me…


Yours is the first blog I read every day! I’ve been a reader since 2012 and I talk about you in conversation like we actually are real friends. My family and boyfriend “know” all about you too ;) We’ve been through some similar things at similar times throughout the years and your posts always make me feel like I’m not alone and there’s always something to smile about. Congrats on seven years!!


Congrats! I’ve been following you a long time- def since the colorful paragraphs and still love reading your blog daily.

Random today? my car battery is dead so I’m using it as an excuse to get a bike so i can ride around with my son in n a burley like my husband does.


I am in a local running club here in Nacogdoches, TX and 3 of our members just ran the Columbus Marathon. I have ran 3 halfs but never a full. I think I may be leaning towards finally doing a full marathon in the spring!


Congratulations! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and learning about running, I’m still fairly new at it and your posts have helped a lot!


Thank you for sharing your blog with us! You have mastered the art of blogging because you have found ways to share your life and expertise as a runner in a way that is authentic and humble! Congratulations. I truly enjoy reading about your journey.


You are such an inspiration! Thanks for helping me learn to love running! My husband and I are about to start training for our 3rd full marathon together!


hi! I’ve been reading you since I think 2011. That’s SO crazy to me but you are still one of my favorite bloggers and first sites I read in the morning :) I just feel very inspired by your positive attitude, strength and have loved following your journey as mine as changed. We have been in Denver for almost a year now, a big change moving from Chicago and before that CA where I lived my whole life (before meeting my now husband)! Just ate banana oatmeal mixed with egg whites and an egg. So filling and delicious. Ps. miss your two posts a day…maybe I should split up the reading into two :) xoxo-Maria


I have hardly ran since I had my daughter over two years ago. I really need to get back into a routine that fits it in. It’s on my to do list!


Happy Blogiversary! Today I’m thinking about how I will be starting my career as a nurse in the medical ICU in just 4 days! I’ve considered starting a blog to document the new grad nurse life in the ICU, because being a nurse is hard but starting right off with the sickest patients is even harder. Running will hopefully come back into my life as a coping strategy, I’ve been on an extended break for a bit. Your blog is always so fun to read and I look forward to reading about your days and seeing all the pics, thanks for sharing with all of us!


I got married just over two months ago and being married is amazing.
I recently purchased the cutest pair of workout pants from Athleta. I am in love with them.


Have to say I adore your blog… your candid honesty is refreshing to me as a mom and as a runner! Congrats on 7yrs!!


I just started running again after 6 weeks off recovering from the birth of my son! Slow and steady but it feels good to get back out there!


Happy blogiversary! Reading your blog is always a part of my morning ritual. I have loved seeing Brook grow up and can’t wait to see the new baby! I keep trying to convince my husband we need to do a race in Utah so we can “bump” into you. And of course try all those amazing restaurants and bakeries you rave about. Thank you for sharing your life and always being so positive about life even when its hard.


Janae!! (Can I officially call you that?? lol) THANK-YOU. Thank-you for sharing your life and giving me a slice of happiness even on the crummiest of days. You helped me through my divorce, talked me through my first half-marathon when I really didn’t think I could do it, and for always being so kind and willing to help whenever I have reached out to you! Meeting you at Salt lake running co to pick up our bibs is still seriously one of the highlights of my life. You are so genuine and amazing. I look forward to you everyday and I am definitely looking forward to seeing all the fun changes that are happening in your life… they truly give me hope! Here’s to many many many more years of you being you!!




I started reading your blog in 2012 (I don’t even remember how I found it!) and I’ve read it every day since then. Thank you for filling us in on your life/running/family!


I love following your blog and it’s such an inspiration! You balance running with being a mom, and seem to excel in it! It’s so refreshing to read your perspective on things vs the overly hyped posts you read on Instagram at times. I got in my 8 Mile run this morning and cannot wait to eat my overnight oats! I also love how honest you are with your weight over the years because that’s something I definitely continue to struggle with daily. Congratulations on a wonderful 7 years of blogging!


Happy 7 years! I’ve been reading your blog since 2012-2013ish. Thank you for writing it and sharing with us. You are definitely a source of positivity and reading your blog uplifts and inspires me!

I’ve been experimenting with overnight oats lately. Today I had oats with almond milk, chia seeds, cocoa powder, honey, cinnamon, Truvia, and powdered peanut butter. It was pretty dang good!


Happy Blogaversary HRG! My favorite running shoes are my original purple pure flows :) I also like my pure cadence’s in blue. Have a great day!


I absolutely love reading your blog every day and loved just going back thru some of those older posts that you linked to! So much great information! I have a 2 1/2 year old and and currently pregnant with my second due the same day as you!

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