Running Things I Must Tell You + Our Day!

Good morning and I hope your weekend was a great one!  I officially hit my most tired portion of my training cycle yesterday so I’ll be taking my runs very easy today and tomorrow and sleeping as much as possible.

Just a normal Sunday for us that included a nap during Skye’s nap.  I woke up thinking it was the middle of the night.  PS during marathon training my dreams are even crazier and feel more real compared to when I’m not training… does this happen to anybody else?

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The kids were very excited about the car they made while I napped.

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And then we went over to my sister’s house for my nephew’s bday.  Skye was very specific about the outfit she wanted to wear to the party.

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I can’t believe how old he is now….

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When I first started blogging, this was how young he was (does anybody remember when he used to walk on his toes like this?):

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Time for some running things I have to tell you:

*I loved a quote from the guy on the very left of this picture.  He has a marathon pr of 2:32 and he said something awesome about that fine line that marathon training takes us to (pushing hard enough but not overtraining)…”When in doubt, don’t burn out.”  It’s always better to be a little undertrained than 1% overtrained.  We have to be smart about where we are at, how our bodies are feeling and not push ourselves too far because it’s REALLY hard to come back from that!

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*I just keep looking at this screenshot that I took because I can’t wait to be on the plane flying to the race!  We fly in on Saturday morning and leave Sunday afternoon so it will be short but so so sweet!

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*MEET-UP INFO FOR CIM (I hope I get to meet anyone going to the race)!  I will be at (and a guest for) Tina’s LIVE show at the expo at 2:30! Come come come come come!

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*I just wanted to share one more love note about the Ghost 12s.  I honestly get so excited to put them on each time because they are so soft and comfortable.  We are putting in a lot of mileage and speed so to have a shoe that just feels like a cloud/luxurious on my easy days is just what my body needs.  They are smooth, fit my foot so well and still give me a little spring with each step.  If you are looking for a great trainer, I highly recommend these.

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*My friend is brilliant and she had her legs elevated WHILE using recovery boots… double the recovery!

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*So I’ve told you all about how much I love my watch BUT I found something about it that I do not like one bit.  IT DOESN’T BELIEVE IN MY RACE DREAMS (even though I’ve run faster times ((without stopping)) for each distance with this exact watch?!  Has anybody had this problem with their watch?

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*I have found a really great sports massage person in my area (Dr Bennett recommended him for what I was dealing with… he does a lot of soft tissues muscle realignment) and he made a calf issue and hamstring issue completely disappear for me.  BUT he hasn’t been able to figure out my plantar yet because it’s been on and off for a long time now.  I have found that the best thing I can do for it, is sleep with this rather annoying boot for as long as my body will let me each night.  I fall asleep so fast that it doesn’t bother me until it wakes me up at some point and I throw it off and fall right back to sleep.  I usually get 4-5 hours with it a night and those hours are helping it to heal properly more and more.  This video helps to explain why it helps!

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*This article from Lauren Fleshman, “I Changed My Body for My Sport.  No Girl Should” is a must-read.  A lot of change needs to happen.

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Ever had plantar fasciitis problems?  What helped you?

Do you remember your dreams often?  Are they pretty realistic?

Anyone able to come to the meet-up at the expo?  I would love to see you!

What’s your run today?!?

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Oh my! The way Knox is looking at your nephew is so sweet!


Knox adores him… it is so sweet! Hope you have the best day Michelle!


Hi Janae! I’ve been following your blog for a little while now and I also happen to be a podiatrist in Texas who treats plantar fasciitis all of the time. I dealt with it myself in medical school when I ran the Chicago marathon in 2010 and 2011. The night splint helps keep it stretched out during the evening, but treating plantar fasciitis definitively so it doesn’t simply go away for a short spell and then come right back is about a lot of small changes and being consistent with them. First and foremost – no walking barefoot starting the minute you get out of bed. You need something stiff and with arch support, not flexible, to walk around the house in. Performing posterior muscle stretching exercises before you even get out of bed with an exercise band or towel and then stretching throughout the day. Obviously you’re wearing supportive running shoes already! Ice the plantar fascia with a frozen water bottle or just an ice pack for at least 20 minutes daily. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to decrease the inflammation. Steroid tapers are also helpful for a week or two. I hope this helps and best of luck at CIM!


I started wearing Birkenstocks fanatically when I was recovering from plantar fasciitis and I’ve never had a flare up since! I never walk around the house without them and I usually run all my errands in them! Good luck with CIM, we’re all rooting for you!!!


CAROLINE… THANK YOU for taking the time to help me, this means a lot to me. I will absolutely start avoiding all barefoot walking. Thank you for all of the tips, starting them today. I hope you have a beautiful day!


YES to the actual podiatrist! Just have to say this totally worked for me. I had plantar ONCE several years ago and I NEVER walk barefoot anymore and have never had another problem. I also never wear flip flops – Birks or not. In my opinion, your foot has to strain to keep a flip-flop on. Even Birks. My sister, who has never run a day in her life (ha!) has constant plantar and she wears flip flops all of the time :) Don’t know if a podiatrist would suggest this, but I also roll my feet on a nubby ball EVERY single day for prevention. Good luck!



Wow, awesome advice. Is there anything in the “comfy like slippers or sandals” type footwear that also has arch support and enough stiffness you would recommend?


Amanda – flip flops are never great to wear simply because they usually are very unsupportive/flexible, can cause hammertoe deformities because your toes are constantly contracting to keep them on your feet, and can lead to fungal infections due to the porous material they are usually made of that is a good breeding ground for fungus.
However… do as I say, not as I do! John – I love some brands of flip flops / sandals / slippers because I live in Texas and have been wearing them my entire life. Some good brands are Spenco (online website, Amazon – men and women slippers and sandals), Vionic (women shoes , sandals, and tennis shoes), Chaco (men and women). Terafit (men and women – slippers, shoes, and sandals), FitFlop


Perfect, just the info I was looking for!

Thanks Caroline!


My dreams were Cray-cray leading up to NYC this year. Very vivid and wacky.

You’ve shown a few group photos and I keep thinking you’re the one in the Oiselle shirt and fuel vest on, but now, in seeing the *whole group* I was like “nope, Janae’s the one in shorts of course.” (at least I think that is you?)

I had a little niggle in my plantar and got shock wave treatment on it. It helped and I get shock wave on my shins (ouch).

That is so fun you’ll be on Tina’s live show! I saw her in NY and it was super cool (I got a photo with her, too. eeeeks!!)

Have a super week!!!


I wonder why the heavy training = crazier dreams for us! So weird! Oh that is Emilee with the fuel vest… people think we look alike all of the time and I love it! Yep, you know me… shorts haha. I will totally have to check out shockwave treatment. Thanks Kelly and I love that you saw her in NY, she is just the best. Thanks and you too!


Thank you for sharing Lauren Fleshman’s piece–I have been following Mary Cain’s story but hadn’t seen that article yet. Just shocking, the way we’ve talked about and judged women’s bodies for so long–an were completely wrong about athletic performance.

For plantar–rolling the arch of your foot over a frozen water bottle can be really helpful! I also roll my feet over tennis balls post-run (like foam rolling for your feet), and I’ve found that helps me a lot.


You need to make sure to listen to this podcast too:
I cried listening to what she went through but she offered so much hope for the future too.
Off to freeze a water bottle, thank you SO much and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Scared me for a minute with the CIM dates, I thought I’d booked the wrong ones!


Oh no! Sorry about that! Hope to see you at the expo!!!


I have dealt with plantar fasciitis off and on due to a tight calf. The muscle didn’t feel tight or hurt but there were knots in there! When I have a flare, I foam roll my calf and really get after it, sometimes using a lacrosse ball to pinpoint a knot. When I hit the right spot, I can feel the connection to my plantar. Then I stand up and immediately do a standing calf stretch for at least 2 minutes. I do this several times a day, then less to maintain when it feels better. The night boot is basically doing the same, but my experience has been that until you find and loosen the knot that is tugging on your plantar, it will keep coming back. Your massage therapist could work out your calves but if you then go sit in a car or at a desk without stretching after, the effectiveness is diminished. Good luck! You’re going to rock CIM!


I really think that is what is causing it for me too… the plantar is just the victim of the tight calf. THANK YOU for the help and I need to get that knot and work throughout the day on it. Thanks Lindsay and I hope you are having the best day!


I have gotten it occasionally, but luckily just changing my shoes helps.
Today is my first run in 10 days! I was doing so well with my marathon and half marathon, but I think my immunity was down because of all the running and not too much recovery time between. I had great times at my back to back races, but I paid for it a week later by getting a nasty cold. The abrupt change in weather didn’t help, either. I feel almost 100%, just a bit of a cough that hangs on, but I am itching to try a few easy miles tonight and ease back into it. I have a 10k on Thanksgiving, and while I know I won’t have actually lost that much fitness in 10 days, it’s my longest break all year and I am going stir crazy!!


Oh Loribeth… I am so sorry about that cold but so happy you are back and running. All of that hard training and racing = your body fought you on that! I bet the mini break after so much training will actually help you run faster for the 10k. You’ve got this and I hope you are 100% in no time!


Oh my goodness! I remember when you nephew was a little guy! I hope he had a wonderful birthday! ?

Great job training! ? ?? You are inspiring!
I have had plantar problems and they are no joke. Compression socks seem to help me buuuuuuuut I may be asking Santa for a plantar boot just in case! ?
I do remember my dreams! I get motion sickness a lot and when I take medication for that my dreams are SO realistic. Sometimes the dreams are more like nightmares and I wish there was an on/off button. Sometimes I wake up mad at my hubby because of something he did in a dream! There have been days I don’t want to go to ? ! But I’m so tired that sleep wins ? I used to write in a dream journal once upon a time…

I would love to come to your meet & greet but its a bit far! I am rooting for you! Come race in the Midwest!

I have a couple questions for you! Would your mom consider doing another guest post? I think she is such a sweet lady and would love to hear more from her! I have so many questions for her! I have the same birthday as her so I feel extra special! Also how is Andrew’s job going? I have many nurses in my life and know how hard they work! Would he consider another guest post?

I have five miles to walk/run today! ?

Have a wonderful day! ????


Crazy that the medication affects your dreams so much! Oh Andrew can empathize with your husband… I do that a few times a month to him! I will totally ask my mom about a guest post (she writes the best posts ever)! Andrew is loving his job… and he will definitely put together a post! I hope your five miles were amazing! Have the best day!


I have had PF on and off over the past 18 years or so. To prevent flares, I 1) use a footstool under my desk so I can passively flex my feet (rest the balls of my feet on the stool) while I work; 2) massage out any tightness from hamstrings to toes with a foam roller and lacrosse ball–I keep these everywhere, so I can even place it under my hamstrings while driving or working; 3) rotate my ankles before I get out of bed in the morning and stretch/spread out my toes against the floor as soon as I get up. I don’t run a whole lot of miles anymore, but sometimes my feet decide to get too grippy with workouts at the gym and I notice the signs coming on.
I don’t always remember my dreams, but some of them seem so realistic! I’m in crowds or can’t find someone/something, and I feel stressed when I wake up.
Have a great Monday!


Corey, THANK YOU so much and I am going to put a footstool under my desk now! Brilliant and I really love your idea of having a ball with you at all times and even for when you are driving. Thanks for the help. Oh those stressful dreams are just not okay! Thanks Corey and you too!


I have had only an occasional problems with PF. It usually stems from a tight calf. I also work on curling and uncurling my toes–kind of like how your nephew was walking on his toes, I don’t walk on them, but use my hands to bend and bend back if that makes sense at all. I watched it on a YouTube video….so reliable;-)

Today was a rest day from running! I did lift weights–I am trying to build up my strength in hopes that when I start speed work later this winter/spring, I will be able to do so uninjured. It has been way too long since I have had a PR !


Interesting… I’ll have to pay attention to what my toes do when I walk! What did we do before YouTube? Way to go getting in the weights… that helps our running so much and I can’t wait to celebrate your PRs up ahead! Have a beautiful day!


our race predictor seems to be WAAAAY off! How rude! Lol!
I don’t think I’ve had plantar issues but I have had a lot of random issues pop up within the last year. I realized if I held my foot in a certain position, my heel would ache for days. It seemed to go away without any interventions so I’m pretty relieved.
I feel like I don’t dream a lot; or maybe I just don’t remember them. Of course when I do remember them I have to google the meaning ASAP! I think the last dream I had was about a volcano erupting. The meaning was spot on!
Today’s run was a 10 min warm up followed by 13×1 min hard effort w/ 1 min walking recovery and a cool down to an even 5 miles. I was pretty excited to be able to ditch the long sleeves for my speed work but as soon as I started my cool down, it was bur city!
Have a great day!


It really is quite rude because we work so hard… we need some fair predictions! I am SO glad that you were able to find the solution to your feet problems! Hahah I am too nervous to google what my dreams mean because they are crazy! Interesting about the volcano… weird! That is a killer workout… it’s amazing how slow those 1 minute hard efforts go and how quickly the recovery minute goes by. Thanks Jenny and so happy you had some good weather during the speed portion!


Hi Janae! I actually have a reminder on my phone for twice a day called “foot strength”. When I get the reminder I’ll do a simple foot exercise or stretch. Usually stuff I can do at my desk like a toe spread or rotating my ankles. The little maintenance stuff really adds up!

I’m going for an easy run now! I’m still at my parents and it’s warmer here in California so excited for that!


Well, now I am TOTALLY going to copy you. Thank you Amy, what a great idea. Oh enjoy that sunshine and I hope your miles were amazing!


I have the exact opposite problem with my watch! The predictions are WAY too generous! Actually – the times are quite similar to yours but I am a 4 hour marathoner / 1:46 half … I looked it up and apparently it is ONLY based on the VO2 max value that it gives you (I am usually at 48 or 49), which I don’t think is very accurate either! I quickly learned to ignore the race predictor feature!


Oh that is VERY interesting, thank you so much for telling me about this because it has really been irritating. Time to just ignore it and I hope you have the most beautiful day Caroline!


Do you have to pay to read that article? It won’t show up for me.


That is so weird, no you shouldn’t be paying to read it! The full article should pop up!


I had PF for about a year in one foot, and then another year in the other fott. This was when I was injured constantly due to drastic under-eating, so everything took FOREVER to heal, and I would end up with compensation injuries from running through the pain and changing my stride. PF is an injury that you want to nip in the bud so it doesn’t become a chronic, side-lining condition. It sounds like you are doing just that!
I hope Mary’s story brings light to the world of sports and eating disorders. It’s not just runners, and not just young women who are affected, but starting there is… a start.
I ran four miles this morning and then did some light weights after. Felt great!


Oh Stacey, that is SO rough! It’s very true… I can see how that would cause so many other injuries just because it would force one to run differently. I agree and I really hope it helps coaches all over the country to evaluate what they are doing and do what is best for their athletes. Yay for a great morning workout Stacey!


So many good comments on how to deal with plantar fasciitis! Like others have said, I find that working on calf and ankle flexibility helps me a ton. I always stretch them before I get up! And I never ever go barefoot anymore…I just need support on those arches (I used to just wearing running shoes around my house but my husband converted me to Crocs and much as I hate to admit it, they are amazing and my feet feel so good!). One of the things that has made the biggest difference for me was a tip from my running partner (she has two doctorates, one in nursing and one in sports performance, so I always listen when she tells me something to improve my running!) to take glucosamine chondritin supplements. It has helped me SO much!!! Took care of both the plantar pain and knee pain—it can literally reverse cartilage damage. Such good stuff!!!


REALLY… oh this is fabulous. I have taken glucosamine before and I’m totally going to start again. Thank you Rachael (and your running partner) for all of the help, I really appreciate it!


This may or may not be useful but I battled plantar for months a few years ago. Wore the same boot, tried all sorts of massages, eventually took a break from running and even changed shoes. But the crazy thing is, when I stopped trying to make it better, it just disappeared completely. Maybe this will happen for you! (Mine was pretty bad to the point of having to rest from running, too.) sometimes the body is a mystery.


I remember A LOT of my dreams and they are so vivid. A repeat one is failing a school course. The other night I failed TWO out of my five classes. It was awful! I am fascinated by remembering/not remembering dreams. Because some of my friends never or rarely remember their dreams and some often do. I wonder what determines that – what personality trait or habit determines whether we remember or not? I’m intrigued! :)


Yes to PF! I could sleep all night with my boot on. My physical therapist was shocked when I told him this.
My PT did dry needling on my leg with PF. He gave me a few magical stretches to do after my runs. And I would wrap a heating pad on my calf to loosen things up. I found it helpful to do the heating pad too before using the R8 on my calf.


I had some really mild PF pain while training for Boston a few years ago and I bought the compression sleeves that slip over your foot and ankle. They keep the foot in a flexed position. I wore it to bed and a couple times during the day and it helped tremendously, but it is not comfortable to sleep in!

I think I can make it to the meetup! We arrive on Friday so I’ll be there all day Sat! ?

I just finished peak week with 22 miles on Sat and a 25 mile bike ride yesterday – so today is a much needed rest day! Just lots of stretching a some strength. Let the taper madness begin!


I had terrible PF and the only thing that worked was acupuncture! I absolutely swear by it. (It also cured my tennis elbow!). I continue to stretch my calves and feet religiously, ice occasionally and NEVER go barefoot.


I had plantar issues pretty bad from middle school until I was 27 and the only thing that helped long term was switching to Altra shoes. I don’t know why but I have zero issues when I wear them. Before I switched I wore the special sock (like your boot) and ice baths for 15 minutes after workouts helped a ton.


I do get planter problems from time to time, but it is not running related. It actually is from clenching my hip and glutes (from stress) which has a ripple effect all the way down creating tight calf and planter. Honestly, some meditation,hot baths, and good old self care do the trick.
Again, not your issue, but meditation, a bath, and self care…….who wouldn’t benefit??


Today was an easy 8 miles and then some 800s tomorrow! My watch does the exact same thing!! It predicts slower times than ones I’ve run in training… not sure I totally trust the HR monitor!

I was wondering, what kind of home pull up bar do you have? I asked my husband for one as my Christmas present but I there are so many to choose from :)


Hey Taylor! What a great Christmas gift idea… I love it! The one we have we actually do not like at all… it bends pretty easily. We just got it at a sporting goods store here so we are on the hunt for a better one too. I’ll let you know if I find one! Good luck on your 800s tomorrow… you are going to rock it!


I’ve had PF problems for years and friend everything! The thing that finally helped me was to walk around barefoot as much as possible. I never wear shoes around the house anymore.


*tried everything


What a beautiful family, all the best to you. I preserve family life a lot, congratulations.


Friends and family is the best you have, I like to see each other’s horoscopo do dia.


Plantar fasciatis: Oofos flips flops. But you know that already. Hokas speedgoats too, but I’m not a super fast runner. like you :)


For plantar- I have had good luck with the Feetures foot sleeve. It’s pretty intense pressure wrapped around the foot. Typically I put it on at night, go to sleep, and then wake up thinking NO MORE COMPRESSION! I take it off, fall asleep, and in the morning- no pain. Magic. Obvi- plantar just comes back to remind you of its love every so often so I keep the sock around.

Also- my Garmin has too much faith in me. At one point, it said I was running a 2:55 marathon. I’ll give you a hint- that’s not possible for this 3:23 marathoner based on any training or race times.

I love the car! Your kids did great work!


I had a super weird dream a couple nights ago that I dyed my hair but it came out super light like platinum blonde/white (I’m normally a dark blonde). But the crazy part was I had bright orange roots! I don’t normally remember many dreams but this one I did. So random!!


Okay, so I have the new Fenix as well, and I’ve been wondering what’s up with the race predictor because it’s predicting me slower than my older Garmin (a Forerunner) did even though I’m progressively getting faster and feeling pretty good after riding the injury comeback train. Knowing that your Fenix is also being rude and underwhelming makes me feel a little better, especially since you’re so speedy and such an accomplished runner. I’ve always said we are not numbers, and there’s not any kind of technology out there that can measure grit or more importantly, our worth! ;)

On another note, thank you for sharing Lauren Fleshman’s insightful and powerful article as well as for recently sharing about how you’re training with more intensity now but also eating more and feeling healthy and whole because of it. I pray that people like you, Lauren, and Mary Cain will continue to show the up and coming female runners that you can be strong and fast without practicing acts of self-harm. I was one of those high school runners who ran too much on too little. I suffered from a stress fracture, lost my period, and eventually was diagnosed with an eating disorder and had to get treatment and the kicker is I didn’t look “skeletal.” Yet, I was clearly too thin for my own natural design. I wonder now if I struggle with more injuries because I was so hard on my body for so long. As a mom to daughters, I want them to see their bodies as instruments to do beautiful things with, not as objects to be picked apart and also for them to achieve wellness without the obsession.

Anyway, thanks for being such a positive force in the running community. You’re going to show that Fenix how inaccurate come December 8th! Hope to see you at the Expo!


Plantar fasciitis is so hard! What I think finally did the trick for mine was graston (in addition to the brace at night). Also the shoes I wore when not running were a very big deal! Not so pretty orthotics for me! Good luck. I hope yours goes away soon.


Yes to plantar fasciitis issues. Both from adding too much mileage too fast and also from standing on concrete all day (dog shows – go figure!). Did the physio thing (cold laser, massage, even that horrible ice water bottle thing) but nothing helped till I went out and tried this on my own –

I’m sure you can also find this on amazon. It’s like your brace but I find it a little easier to sleep in. It was the only thing that worked for me (because it didn’t allow the muscles… tendons??… under my foot to contract while I slept). The pulling from the top of the foot is different from your brace.

Good luck! I’m sure at this stage of training, every twinge is worrisome but we all know you got this!

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