That’s What Mile 26 Feels Like…

Our last group workout for the training cycle!

We met up a lot later than usual because the workout was so much shorter than our normal Tuesday morning workout.  The sun was even out:)  We did about 2 miles as a warm-up and then we got right to our MTC mile (aka the mile repeat that we do often… last week we did 10 of them… partly flat and mostly down).  Yesterday felt the hardest that mile has ever felt.

This is what mile 26 feels like in the marathon.  Because of the carb depletion I could hear my muscles during that mile screaming to me—> THERE IS NO ENERGY for me to make your legs move any faster.  It really did feel like the last mile of the marathon when you are telling your body to go faster but it just won’t because it is all out of glucose.

So now I get to experience that mile 26 feeling twice in one week;).  Point of reference… yesterday’s one mile MTC pace was pretty much the same as the TEN mile repeats that I did last week.  I was expecting to go faster because we were only doing one but this was all my body had to offer me.

It really was such a shock to my system.  Years ago I did a lot of runs without eating anything before running but yesterday’s run was my first time in a very long time not eating before a run (I wasn’t going to cook up some eggs and bacon before my run ha) so I did it without eating anything and it hurt so bad.  Our bodies adapt to what we give them and my body is very used to eating carbohydrates before a run now.

5.2 miles total for the day and just about 8 more miles of running before the marathon.  I plan on hitting 20 miles before Saturday.  Six today, I’ll take tomorrow completely off and on Friday I will run 2 miles.

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These two walked part of the way to school together all by themselves for the first time ever.  I may or may not have creepily driven behind them because I was nervous about it ha;)

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And then my mom and I met for deliciousness.  I was so ready for this.  The carb depletion really was practically the hardest part for me of this marathon training cycle (except for the day he had us race a half-marathon and then run another 13 miles afterwards).

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My sister and her boys stopped over for a bit to talk too.

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Skye and I met some of my friends that are in town at BYU.  This is where I went to school so it’s always fun for me to bring the kids here.

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Andrew was at a training for the first half of the day so it was nice to have him at home for the second half.

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Just the usual homework time…

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Our dinner involved avocados…

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And then Brooke worked on a goal that she has made.  Our church has come out with a program for the children and youth where they come up with a goal for their physical, spiritual, intellectual and social health.  Brooke chose to learn how to cook under her intellectual goal and she picked out a cookbook from her school’s library and made the cupcakes entirely on her own (I handled putting things in and out of the oven and helping her understand some of the directions).  I am very proud of her for making a goal and following through with it!

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Before I let you go today, I listened and loved two podcasts yesterday while doing laundry/house stuff and I thought I would share a quote from each that I really loved!  (ps I am typing these as I am listening to them so they are not quoted 100% perfectly:)

From Ali’s episode that was a Q&A with Greg McMillan & Dr. Cathy Yeckel about MENTAL SUFFERING

“Suffering is part of it.  That is what you are going for and the better you can deal with it and have an expectation for it, you handle it much better.  We know from neuroscience that If you expect something to be easy and it’s hard then your brain really freaks out.  If you expect something to be very hard and it is hard then the brain says this is exactly what I expected and it will allow you to keep pushing.  It’s less likely you will have a pity party.”

I’m preparing for a lot of suffering on Saturday:)

From The Strength Running Podcast with Deena Kastor:

“My attitude in any given workout (because we always get to that place of strain) and to see how my attitude…  Whether I had self-pity at the forefront of my mind or excitement at the possibility of strengthening and enduring more than I ever had.  It gave a physical difference, it radiated in my body in a much more different way.  I can feel that so intensely that I always thought to uplift and  inspire myself (be a cheerleader)… the point of giving the moment the most potential that it could have.”

I am so excited to endure more than I ever have on Saturday!

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Please give me three words to describe the last mile of a marathon or half-marathon in your opinion?

Anyone else go to BYU?  Share with me about your schooling if you want to and where you went!

Made any non-running goals lately?  

What’s the best part of your Wednesday going to be?

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How far is Brooke’s school that she can walk there? That’s so cool to be able to do that. We live on back country curvy roads with no shoulder or sidewalks and too many miles from school anyways so that can’t happen.
What are Brooke’s other goals? That sounds so cool. I have a 6 year old and I like the idea of having him make goals like that.


Hey!!! I drove them part of the way and they walked a little less than a half mile! Her other goals include saying a personal prayer before school each day (along with our family one we do each morning), to make a new friend this month and to play outside each day! You can read more about it here:

And if you send me your address I can mail one of the workbooks to you! Have the best day Mary!


Congrats to Brooke on those beautiful cupcakes!

My mom taught me how to cook/bake and I’m forever grateful. It’s great to know what’s in the food that I’m eating and baking is a great creative outlet. She’ll be really happy that she picked this goal down the road.


Oh I loved hearing this Emily! Thank you for sharing! It really is so fun to spend time together going after a goal:) I hope your day is a beautiful one!


What do you normally eat before an early morning run? I am so impressed w your training. Best of luck to you
Curious to know what you eat before an early AM run. I do a banana and a little PB and a couple sips of coffee then eat a bigger breakfast after- usually oats and almond butter, berries and some 2% Greek. . Just wondering your go / to forveatly AM?


Last mile of a half marathon (haven’t run a marathon yet) ->it takes grit.

One of my favorite mantras is no grit, no pearl. It’s beautiful to read how pearls are formed, but basically without an oyster getting a foreign substance in its shell, it wouldn’t be making a pearl. In order for us to get our “pearl”, we have to take in some hard stuff too.

Best part of my Wednesday –>my Saturday morning run group is throwing together a little “bridal shower” for me and my fiancé. We are all going out for pizza to celebrate after work:) So I’m looking forward to that. Runners are the best people.

Counting down with you until the big race! I just cannot wait to see how you do!


Grit!!! Yes and I’ll be repeating that to myself at the end, thanks Eleanor! Loved that analogy and I’ll be thinking about that a lot! It’s worth the work for the grit! I agree, Runner’s are the best people! Thank you so much and enjoy that pizza!


Janae the community you are a part of sounds amazing! I like how involved everyone one is in church, friends, running…how blessed you are!!
I did not attend BYU but I am currently back in school! I have returned to become a teacher of the visually impaired at Northern Illinois University. They have full-ride grants so that we don’t have to pay anything to go back to school. It has been hard leaving the South (from Alabama) to come up here but it’ll be worth it in the end!
So my non-running goal is to pass my Braille exams!!!!! I have running goals but learning Braille has taken over my life LOL!
Hope you have a great day Janae! Good luck at St. George!!


Elizabeth! Congratulations on going back to school! What an amazing thing you are doing and helping so many others. Please keep me updated with the whole process! My great grandfather was blind and I have a very special love for him so thank you for helping! Good luck, thank you and please let me know how the test goes!


Completely random question! Do have a list of your favorite pregnancy items for both running and not!? Yes I am going through your HRG baby posts but wasn’t sure if I was missing an obvious place:)

Last mile- Pure torture and pure joy! How is it even possible!?


Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I don’t
This post has awesome suggestions in the comments for baby gear if you need that! I don’t recall a favorite pregnancy items post (sorry) but I do remember a few things:

A belt for running helped so much… like this one (mine is no longer sold):

This brand has the best leggings for pregnancy in my opinion:

And I loved sleeping with a pregnancy pillow like this:

Good luck and keep me updated!!


Last mile of a full marathon: 1. “Why do they keep moving the finish line further away!” 2. “Can’t wait to finish“ 3. Chocolate milk, then a hamburger!

No running for me until St. George. Have a Bakers Cyst behind my knee. Had it drained yesterday. I’ll do a few short walks throughout the day.

Best part of Wednesday, packing for St. George. My son has his All City Middle School Cross Country meet today!


Ahhhh see you soon!! Good luck to your son today! I hope your knee is feeling perfect for Saturday and I’ll be thinking about that hamburger too! Have a beautiful day Diane!


Perfect time for Brooke to learn to bake cupcakes, as her mom is carb loading for a marathon! I think it’s awesome she has goals at such a young age. I don’t think I set real goals until I was probably 12 or 13. The most recent non running goal I set was to start a small business within the next six months. This is huge for me and totally new territory, but I believe I can do it! I’ve heard it said a goal is a dream with a deadline, and I think that’s absolutely true.

I LOVE that quote from Ali! I seriously need to listen to some running podcasts, although the idea of quiet during a run still really appeals to me (have I mentioned I live with six amazing kiddos)?

Question of the day: what is an MTC mile?


I love your goal so much Leah and I am rooting for you big time! You’ll have to keep me updated.
I agree, I’m more than happy to taste test everything Brooke is making hahah! So we just call that mile that we do for our workouts the MTC mile (because it wraps around a building called the MTC)! My coach has even marked it every 200m and he swears it’s our secret sauce ha! Hope you have a great day!
PS I did not know you had SIX kids! You are a very busy woman!!!!


Oh, okay, I thought MTC was some special running term, LOL. And I am pretty busy, but I love it! I call all six of the kids mine, but really only one of them is my biological child, the youngest who is almost a year old. I have three foster kids, and then my brilliant 16 year old sister who has already started college stays with me during the school year because our parent’s house is 2 hours away. The last kid is my nephew, whose dad is in the military and mom is in the hospital, so 90+% of the time, he’s with us. Hope you have a wonderful day!


WOW. Leah, you are absolutely amazing and helping so many people. Wow.


“Just Keep Moving” I ran a tough 10k this weekend in the heat and I had to keep telling myself to just keep moving!


Oh I love that! I might be stealing that for the last few miles on Saturday! Way to go getting through that tough 10k and proving to yourself again that you can do really hard things. I hope you have a beautiful day Sara!


What’s the MTC mile?

Mile 26: I repeat this to myself all the way to finish line…You freaking did it! Now fake smile for the camera because deep down I’m dying. ? ?


Mile 26 = bliss, excitement, HUNGRY
Mile 22 = pain, pessimism, impatience
The best part about my Wednesday will be seeing my son after work… but that’s the best part of every day!
I attended the University of New Hampshire for my first degree, mainly because that’s where my dad went. They have a GORGEOUS campus and I try to return whenever I have the time.


Okay, you perfectly described mike 22 and 26! Love that! And so cool that you went to the same university as your father. There is just something so peaceful and inviting about a beautiful campus! Enjoy that first hug after work and I hope you are feeling well!


I’m laughing out loud right now — MTC mile??? I figured it was a running term, or maybe Make This Count mile because it seems you use it so often for speed workouts– I totally know what the MTC is and the path that surrounds it hahaha literally is the MTC mile! Best of luck at St. George! I am hoping to run the half their in November and setting some goals for myself!!! I love the goal setting for the youth…working with my own two on that! Have a beautiful day!!


BAHAHAH I have to tell my friends “Make This Count” next time I see them. They will LOVE IT! I probably should have explained it a bit better haha. YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE the Snow Canyon half… it is THE BEST!


“It’s almost over!”

The best part of today includes getting to go to a xc meet and not only cheering on my high schoolers, but also my own kiddos since they’re both running for me right now :) SO fun!


Have the best time at the meet and good luck to your kids and everyone you coach!


Um…pain and suffering is what I always associate with the last miles of a marathon.

My non – running goal – to save more. My partner is very good at it..and I had to take a hard look at my own spending habits.

Not sure yet – but the fall weather is amazing here. The leaves are golden and the air is crisp. I have had to layer sweater and tights with my summer dresses to be able to wear them to work.

Have a fantastic day Janae!


I’ll join you in that goal haha:) . Keep enjoying that perfect weather and thanks so much Kristine!


I didn’t attend BYU in Provo but attended Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho) in Rexburg, ID. It was very common to come to Provo and the area with roommates who were from this area. My family lived there about 30 years ago. My step-dad returned to school after he married my mom and he went to BYU in Provo.

I attended sixth and seventh grade in Provo. I can’t remember the names of the schools exactly but I want to say Stuart Elementary and maybe Farr Junior High. idk. Those were good times yet very, very trying times too. My mom remarried and had a special needs baby nine months later and we lived in a small apartment and I was trying to figure out my relationship with my new step-dad. My favorite memories are those with my friends at church and on activity nights. Thank goodness for good, strong female youth leaders who I looked up to during those rough years. My step-dad and my relationship is good now now and they’ve been married over 30 years but I didn’t make it easy for him for YEARS and actually made it very HARD on him.

Funny story from 30 years ago but my friend’s dad worked at the BYU bakery and he always brought home these wonderful chocolate chip cookies. He was a very good baker and had a few pieces of commercial baking equipment in the basement. One day we were in the basement and I thought there was buttercream frosting on this commercial size mixer. Well I took my finger and swiped it across the beater and plopped it in my mouth only to find out it was vegetable shortening!!! Uggghhhhh !!


BAHAHA I bet you can’t ever look at shortening now without thinking about that story! Thank you for sharing this all with me. I am a leader in the Young Women’s and your story helped motivate me to really reach out even more to my girls. Those years sound like they must have been really hard (I am so sorry!) and you have turned out so strong because of them. Thanks for sharing and let me know if you are ever back in the area again!


Well, I’m just reading all the comments for others thoughts on what mile 26 feels like! I’m gearing up for my first marathon on November 9th and this month is all about the increase in mileage! But, I do try to visualize what it’s going to be like crossing that finish line (I do this now almost during every run) and I just start tearing up. I’m not sure what it’s going to feel like that last mile but I can just imagine the joy of crossing that line!

Non-running? Oh man, I feel like everything is all consumed with running lately :) So, long story (semi-short). 12 years ago I went through counseling for healing from issues in my childhood/young adulthood. I feel like this changed the course of my life for better emotionally. 5 years ago I changed the course of my life physically by losing half of my body weight through eating well and working out. And now, I want to focus on the intellectual/career side of myself and work on that so I’m going back to school starting in January to study nursing. I just turned 40 on Sunday and I have a husband and 3 little ones too! So, my non-running goals right now are getting everything ready for this new season of life of school. I’ve been a stay at home mama for a while and so this is a big change for me! But, I am determined and driven (and love goals) so I think I can do this too. If I can conquer this marathon, I know I can do well in school too!

For today (Wednesday), the best part of my day so far is my son encouraging me in my Minecraft playing with him when he got home from school and him telling me how much better I’m doing at moving around in the world. haha!


this. was. awesome. :)

I went to school in Michigan but those winters were LONG and cold so I scooted my booty right back to NJ when I finished.

I made a goal to read a book before bed instead of be on my phone… so hard!

Best part of today… love my kiddo but kid bedtime might be my highlight. 1.5 year olds are BUSY! Hope your day was great!


Hi, I’m new to your blog, and I absolutely love it! I run for fun and fitness, and my husband is a very talented runner training for his first marathon. Our girls, Amaria (12), and Aylee (9), have both run several 5k races and would like to move up to longer distances (Aylee the 10k, and Amaria the half marathon). My husband also would like our 4 year old son Andan to be more involved in our family’s running and wants us to train for a 5k with him this fall. I fully support our children running and I want to encourage them in their goals,but they all seem very young for the distances they want to train for. What do you think about kids doing distance running, and would you allow a 9 year old to run a 10k or a 12 year old a half marathon? Do you think preschoolers can train for races or should they just run for fun? Thanks!


I love Mile 25 of a marathon. I savor that last
mile because I know how hard I trained and how much I put into the last 24 miles of the day. I reflect back on the whole process. So I spend that last mile smiling and I enjoy that runners high. It’s my favorite feeling. Strangely, I don’t want it to end- although my legs want it to end! Good luck on Saturday!!


Struggle, gratitude, relief.

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