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My Training

I did it:)

I am a nerd and I am completely convinced that the first day of school sets up what is going to happen the rest of the year. Last night after watching at least 5 episodes of 30 Rock trying to fall asleep at 9:30 when I am used to my 1 a.m. summer bedtime, I … Continue Reading


I promise my floor is not dirty.  I actually just mopped it.  I promise.  The fact that that floor was laid 103 years ago probably is why it looks like sludge city but we are okay with it……it is all part of the poor just married thing ya know:) I have a new leg move … Continue Reading


I don’t know about you but I NEED sunglasses whenever I am outside, hence my awesome sunglass tanline… is worth it if it means I don’t have to squint or be blinded by the sun right?!?! Plus, when I am out working out no one can tell that I have smeared mascara and eyeliner all … Continue Reading

How often do you do Yoga?

I used to be really good (especially while injured) at making sure to do at least 2-3 hours of yoga per week and after each run I would stretch for about 10 minutes, followed by foam rolling when I got home. I have read in many different places about the importance of yoga for runners … Continue Reading

Post-Race Food.

Leave it to Hungryrunnergirl to be thinking about food, as I was looking back through old photos of races I noticed some delicious looking food……… Yes, I am ‘that girl’ that continues running after the finish line to get to the food tables as quickly as possible so that I can stuff my face with … Continue Reading

Toilet Shot and Planks

I bet you never thought I would post a picture of me in the bathroom…..I admit it, I took this one too far. I am just using the ice massaging trick on my calves.  They are feeling great but I want to keep them feeling great even if that means I have to shiver in … Continue Reading

Motivational Book

I know I am only eleven years late to the game but I just finally read Lance Armstrong’s book, “It’s Not About the Bike.”  It took me forever to read it because I haven’t really agreed with some of his life choices but I wanted to know his story and a little more about cycling … Continue Reading