GIVEAWAY!! (CLOSED) + Tangents!

(favorite amazon workout tank, shorts, shoes)

Ten miles @ 8:38 average… part trails and part roads.

The best part of the run was running into LAUREN. She was out hiking, so we joined her for a bit. She will be running in a few weeks and has been so careful over the last few months to allow her body to heal. I cannot wait to do all of the miles again with her.

Andrew got out for his run.   I can’t wait to see how he does in the marathon. This will be his first marathon during our marriage. He did train for one in 2020 but it was canceled.   I cannot wait to see him hit this goal.

I wonder if this race training will get him hooked on running again?!

I would cook 400% more if my family would tell me what sounds good to them. It is so much more fun and motivating to cook when I know they will eat and love it. Skye wanted chicken noodle soup on top of mashed potatoes yesterday, and it hit the spot.

Just a few tangents today!

*Beck loves to carry around these massive cucumbers from my in-law’s garden to munch on.

*We realized our passports expire 3 months after our trip to Budapest (ps Andrew and I both got our passports within a few days of each other before we even knew each other…), and they need us to renew them because they want at least a 6-month buffer. Here’s to hoping we can get them in time. They are telling us it will take 1-3 weeks, and we leave in 4 weeks from today.

I am SO excited to be able to share my love of Core Power with a few lucky readers today!  #AD. I cannot tell you how many running friends I have completely hooked to Core Power.  They try it and can’t believe how easy Core Power makes it for them to get 26g or 42g of protein right after a workout.  They also can’t believe that it tastes just like a milkshake.  I will forever be grateful for finding Core Power because it has helped me so much with my training (recovery is just as important as logging the miles!), and I look forward to it every day.  I challenge you to try it for yourself.  Please tell me what you think!  My life mission is to help runners understand the importance of refueling within 30 minutes of their workouts, and I believe Core Power is the perfect way to do this!

I am giving four readers each 24 bottles (or 2 cases) of Core Power Vanilla and Chocolate 26g. 

To enter, do these two things:

1- Visit the Core Power website HERE and have a look around!  

2- Tell me something you love about running or working out in this post’s comments!

Open to US and 18+ years only. Winners will randomly be selected on 9/20/23!

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I cannot run anymore, but (because of you), I got a Peloton and it has been an absolute sanity saver for me. I missed running so much and was kind of floundering, but the Peloton gives me that similar running high. Working out does good things for my body and great things for my mind.


Love seeing the progress I make in the gym or on the run!!


I love core power! And I love running because it makes me feel strong and on top of the world :)


I first heard of these through your posts and fell in love. They are delicious and give me the energy to sustain my workouts so much more!!


I love how running makes me feel – like I can do anything!


I totally agree with you- cooking is 1000x easier when my family tells me what they want. I always dread meal planning because I hate making yet another decision. For some reason, my husband does not get this and thinks it’s helpful to say, “I’m fine with whatever you cook.” I have yet to try chicken soup over mashed potatoes, which is nuts, because it sounds like an amazing combo. I’ll have to try it once we get some cooler weather. I’ll keep my fingers crossed your passports are renewed in time! I have to say, what I love about running is the emotional strength that comes with running over time. I never really thought about how much resilience and inner strength I’ve gained since becoming a runner until recently. It’s the best! Happy Tuesday, Janae! Have a great day!


I am loving that I can run again after a long bout severe tendinitis!
And I agree, if someone would just tell me what to make for supper, I would gladly do it. Thinking of ideas is too much brain strain for me.


I didn’t realize Core Power and Fairlife are by the same company–that’s delicious milk!
Running and working out are my stress-management strategies, and now I’m also finding they help (a bit) as I’m adapting to (TMI?) menopause. Staying active, maintaining strength, and keeping up decent nutrition are all really important in any phase of life.
So excited to follow everything about your upcoming marathons and trip to Hungary!


I love the mental clarity I get from working out/ running. Oooh I hope I win! =]


I am a late life runner, I started running in my late 30s. Running made me discover a whole part of myself that I would never have known otherwise. Running has made me a better person in all other aspects of my life.


I love the way my body feels after a workout! Thank you for all the inspiration!


I love feeling strong after a tough workout. My favorite is kickboxing and I love that feeling of my arms being almost too tired to wash my hair after a good workout!


I love working out for my own sanity. It makes me feel more alive and confident.


Running helps me transition from teaching to my evenings at home. I can feel the stress melt away with every step!


I love running and working out for the way they help me appreciate what my body can do and how they help me to feel strong!


I was left severely injured after a car accident in 2019. I was unable to dress myself and complete simple tasks for nearly two years. It taught me to never take a moment for granted and now post spine surgery I am wildly in love with pushing my body to new limits daily. Someone telling me that I may never do the things I love again has made me hyper aware of everything I get to do physically and it’s the worlds greatest adrenaline rush each time I crush a new goal or workout.


Just finished my first marathon in 20 years. I love how runners support and encourage each other to keep going. So much positivity on a marathon course!


I once heard an older gentleman say that he exercised because staying physically fit allowed him to help others. He loved to volunteer and give service, and working out kept him in shape so that he could do physical labor for other people. I loved his mentally and have added this to my (long) list of reasons I exercise.


*mentality :)


Hi Janae! I love running/working out because of the feeling of accomplishment I get when I am done! When I finish a workout I am reminded that I can do hard things, and that gives me confidence in other aspects of life :)


I love that running can be as easy or as hard as a workout you need. It’s there when you want to push yourself or just a quick workout to get the blood pumping when you just need some movement.


I am enjoying the cooler temps and lower humidity on my runs. I am also running on the trails in the state park the is out my back door.


Hi Janae! You make me want to find running trails, but I’d definitely need a crew to run with because I’m scared of bears.

One thing I love about running these days is how it sets me up to be more calm, focused, and kind throughout the day. It can be hard to hear the alarm go off (especially as the days are getting shorter), but I never regret getting out for a run.


You got me hooked on core power. I love it! And I love meeting people through running – someone just introduced herself to me yesterday because she has seen me out running. Runners are the best!


I love the community that running and working out brings. Not only does it make it less painful at times, but I find so much joy from being around others (even as introverted as I am :)) and doing hard things together! I hope to have half the running community I see that you have one of these days! The support you give each other is so encouraging.
Thanks Janae!


I workout in the morning so I love how it energized my day and makes me feel confident for the rest of the day!


I want to WIN!! I’m a “older” athlete returning to walk/run after taking care of my hubby & recently my daughter (she was hit by a car). I’ve signed up for the Flying Pig next year as my first race for 2024.


My favorite thing about running is that it brings me stress relief and a sense of accomplishment. My life is hectic between work and being a single Mom. Running brings me joy and have my little girl as my race buddy


I love how it makes me feel better for my day when I work out in the morning


I love the way it makes me feel when I get done.


I love running and working out when it is over :)


I love being outside on trails, especially this time of year


I love that wherever we travel, I get so excited about running in new places. It is truly the best way to see a place. We just booked a trip to San Francisco and Napa and I’m so jealous of your trip to Hungary!


Simply put, I love the way running/working out makes me feels afterwards and during the rest of my day! I don’t always look forward to it first thing in the morning, but I remember how good I feel afterwards and that is my motivation!


Working out makes me feel strong that’s why I love it! And I’m 12 weeks postpartum and returned to the gym this week! Insert jazz hands.


Good morning Janae!

There are so many things that I love about running and working out, but one of the most important to me is being able to release the stress and anxiety of the day. Working full time, married, two kids with busy schedules is a lot to juggle, but being able to take at least 30 min to myself to just release that craziness of the day, helps me to be that better mom with more patience, that better wife that listens, that better coworker who is attentive…. all of the things. It’s just good for our mental well being!

I hope you have a wonderful day! and keep training hard. Love reading how you juggle all the things you do and how amazingly well you do it! So inspiring!


Just visited the website and what I love the most about running is it’s the one thing I get to do every single morning that is just for me. I feel like I get my feet on the ground and my mind in a healthy place before the chaos of life really get started.


I am training for my first full marathon POST babies! I am soo excited to get back into running long distances but 7 years and 3 babies I am learning my body needs extra TLC … I’ve been loving adding core power to my refueling routine! Would be sooo excited if I won this!


I love running and working out because they take my mind off my MS and cancer while I’m doing them…I just feel strong 💪 And they give me much needed energy to get through the day! Fingers crossed the passports arrive quickly 🤞🤞


I am 17 weeks pregnant and have convinced my husband to start running with me some mornings! I love having that extra time with him!


Core Power isn’t just for runners – it worked great to get protein into my nephew after he got his tonsils removed! I love the feeling of accomplishment after a long run. It’s so rewarding to start the day off alone, outside and working hard. It sets such a good tone for the day.

I’m excited to read about your marathon with Andrew. What an experience!


I love working out because it shows me to stay healthy and feel strong. When I workout I am able to have the strength and energy to do all the things I want to do!


I love the way working out makes me feel! It helps me relax and makes me feel strong.




Love the ME time from running. Also– holy cow, you and your older niece (Curly’s older sis :) are looking so alike these days!


I love starting the day with my workout! It sets the tone for a great day!


I love the pride i feel after I workout !


I love the pride i feel after a workout


I love how working out makes me feel. I also want to be an example to my daughter. That we must take care of our bodies.


I love running because of the mother and wife it helps me be the rest of the day!


I love that working out gives me the energy to face my stressful shift as a nurse!! Waking up an hour early to get a run or peloton workout in saves my sanity!!


I love the feeling of being capable to move my body. After feeling the gratitude from my workout/run, all of the tasks or bigger decisions come a bit easier to process. Having a moment to check in with myself and love my body sets a positive tone for the day.


Love the feeling afterwards, I sit most of the day, so getting up and moving makes my body happy :)


Good morning, Janae! I love the sense of accomplishment that I feel after moving my body. I also love Core Power – thanks for recommending it.


My morning run makes me feel accomplished and ready to take on the day!


Running is my mental break, my time to think through the day and a chance to listen to music and let my mind wander. I alternate between the treadmill and road running, depending on my schedule and my kids’ after school sports and activities and with our busy schedule, running in the morning is a huge part of my day and i love it so much even if I don’t always love that early alarm waking me up.


It helps me breathe!


Running has made me realize that setbacks are normal and to keep chugging away because you will see progress. It’s just not always linear. (Truthfully, I had a really bad 10K race this weekend and was feeling bad about myself, but I brushed myself off and am going to keep working toward my goals.)


Working out is a huge release for me. It also motivates me in other areas of my life when I see improvement. I love to lift and seeing my weights go up is so empowering!!


I love knowing that I can do hard things! And the feeling of pushing farther and getting stronger.


Love running for the community and friends!


I love running because I like to prove to myself I can do hard things. I was not in good shape growing up so it’s so cool that I can run a half marathon now when I used to stay home sick on the PE mile test day.


I love the feeling of growing and improving. And I’d love to try out core power!


I love how working out makes me feel and the changes it does to my body.


I like that it is low added sugar!


I love the high I feel after running! I have a new love for my legs regardless of size because they can do amazing things!


Running or working out is the only way to start my day. I was joking the other day that I can’t remember the last time I showered that I wasn’t drenched in sweat. Those endorphins are so important for my mental health.


I love running because it makes me appreciate all the things my body can do.


I love the endorphins after a good run!


I love the feeling at the end of a workout. It’s all the endorphins seeping around and doing its job. Ps love love core power 😍


Hello there👋🏻My husband is training right now for his first half marathon 😊and my daughter!!!! Is running her first 5K!! She is starting to love running and we absolutely love seeing her motivation and her love for running grow. And to be very honest she LOVES Core Power ! It’s the only protein drink she likes to drink -she loves the taste because it does not have a chalky taste to them at all 😛 since she is a vegetarian it helps ease my mind that she is getting the protein she needs after her runs. Excited for their running journey 😍 love reading your blog !


Morning runs are when I plan my day in my head. It’s also when I have my best ideas and it makes any problems seem less daunting.


Running gives me the space to process and connect. I love the fall running weather as I feel so strong.


Cliché perhaps? But there is definitely truth that you never regret a workout! I am grateful for the strength, the endurance and the fitness gained and I LOVE my gym family! It is my second home. :-)


I love how strong working out makes me both physically and mentally.


Running has truly changed my life. I feel stronger physically, emotionally and mentally. Not to mention most of my closest friends I’ve made through running.


You have introduced me to the deliciousness of Core Power and we always have it on hand at our house now!
Running is my therapy. I’ve never been a big talker about my feelings and so I feel like running is how I get my emotions out in a healthy way!


I love the mental reboot – the mental clarity and perspective that evolves thru a run is great. Everything always seems more managable after you have sweated it out!


Running is so so good for my mental health. And it allows me to challenge myself to do things I didn’t think I could.


I am a terrible sleeper, and working out helps me sleep on a regular schedule! I used to neglect strength, but it’s actually super rewarding whenever I can pick up a heavier dumbbell or kettlebell.


I love how working out makes things in my everyday life easier! Picking up cases of water, carrying groceries, going up steps all easier bc of strength training!


I love Core Power!!!! Working out helps me feel better both mentally and physically—-I feel so much better on days when I get some movement in! I also love being a role model for my 2 daughters 💕


Working out keeps me grounded and is a way to really work on achieving goals. Plus it’s great for my mental health! 😊


Good morning Janae! Thanks for the giveaway! Right now, working out is my “me time,” which I really need for my sanity with a toddler and a baby. Sometimes it doesn’t happen as I’m still trying to figure out how to work it in during naps, but I’m always a more patient mom if I get it in.


I LOVE the feeling after a Saturday long run!! I feel so accomplished for the rest of the day. :)


I can look back and see how running has made me a more confident (and happy) person since I ran my first race at the age of 41!! It really has changed me and has also given me the gift of new friendships and the ability to see Colorado from all kinds of trails.


You should really look into a passport office where they can process your passport in person to help speed up the process. Even though we paid to have ours expedited, they took over a month. Then mine came back and had to be re-done because I forgot to sign one section. We always go to a center now to ensure accuracy and to get them quick.


I Love how running , (and lifting and xc skiing) makes me feel ALIVE!!! I also love following you and have been for years!


I love what working out does for my mind. I can be having a bad day and a workout always helps turn things around. I just feel so much better about things after a workout!


I love everything about running except those bad run days but I know they make us stronger too! I also love CorePower, you got me to try it and I’m hooked!


I love dripping sweat and getting my heart rate up. I also love the feeling of accomplishment after and feeling proud of myself!


I Love running. It’s the time in my day that’s carved out for just me…whether I’m by myself or with a friend/running group.

I never fueled after a run but I do love the taste of core power and have changed that habit by grabbing one after my run!


Core Power has been my go-to after track workouts! It takes me like 20 min to drive home and after we cool down, stretch, do strength, it was getting to be way over 30 min that I refueled. Now I drink that driving home and feel so much better! My boyfriend is hooked too.

I love how even a hard run can make you feel better. It shows me that sometimes we have to go through hard things and that’s not always bad! We usually come out stronger on the other side. I feel better 99.9% of the time after a run.


I love the fresh air, sunshine, and chatting with my friends.


What I love about working out is the clarity of mind afterwards and how I can take 45 minutes to shut out everything else in the world other than moving my body.


I work out for peace of mind and to stay healthy – I’ve tried core power after reading about how much you love it! Its great and I got one of my teenage daughters to drink it too!


I love that running gives me all those great endorphins so I can have the energy to power through even the toughest of days :)


I love my early morning runs because of how they kick start my day – a time to reflect, pound life out on the pavement, breathe hard and feel strong.


I love working out because every workout is like youth serum adding days, months years to a strong healthy body, mind and soul. Plus, the endorphins are unmatched! ❤


I love the places running has allowed me to see and experience. Hidden corners exploring on foot in new countries, beautiful early morning sunsets, and amazing relationships with friends.


I love the feeling of accomplishment and the endorphins!!! And then fueling the recovery to know I am getting the benefits :)


I enjoy running for the strength and power it gives me. I cherish every opportunity in given to run. I must remind myself never take it forgranted. Running is beautiful!


I love the feeling of endorphins I get for the rest of my day after running! It definitely makes me a better mom! And I love having an excuse to chug core power, haha!


I love how when I run consistently I feel happier and stronger. Looking forward to cooler weather here so I can do more running outside!


I love the camaraderie of doing a hard workout with others (group run/group class etc) and the pride I feel even if I do a solo run/workout. I haven’t tried CorePower yet but it sounds so good!


I love the mental benefits of running; I love how running gives me a clear head to handle what’s going on around me. AndI really love the mood boost from the runner’s high! Thank you for the giveaway!


I love getting outside!


Oh my gosh! This giveaway come at the perfect time. My mom and I have been looking for Core Power. We live in a small town (1 stop light) and the closest big town always seems to be out of core power or not carrying it. We have a family friend fighting cancer and we were hoping we could get core power for him to get protein.

I love how running has brought me closer to my running partners and brought new running partners into my life.


I love running for so many reasons! The convenience, the ability to explore new places, the connection with other runners, the mental and physical boost – so many reasons!


I love running for so many reasons! The convenience, the ability to explore new places, the connection with other runners, the mental and physical boost – so many reasons!


Those strawberry banana ones look tasty!
The thing I love about running and working out is that it makes me a more patient mom.


Whether I’m hitting the road for miles or going to the gym, there’s no better social hour! LOL!


I love getting to spend my run catching up with friends


I love that running makes my whole day better. It gives me patience and peace. The best!


Something that I love about running is that it is always here to welcome us back with open arms after taking a break! I have been struggling with thinking about my highschool cross country years, and where I am at with training now. But I love that each time I go for a run I fall in love with it again in different phases of my life!


I love how it makes me feel! Even if it is tough to get up, I always leave my workouts feeling glad I did it and proud of my body. LOVE CorePower shakes after to refuel, nothing like a milkshake at 6 am ; )


I love what running and working out does for my mental health! I always feel clearer, happier, and stronger after!☺️


I love everything about running. Except injuries.


Running has helped me in SO many ways. Confidence, self-esteem, mental clarity….the list goes on :)

I also LOVE Corepower drinks and drink them weekly!


I love that it forces me to have me time away from the hustle of work and home. But it’s still a struggle to not push it off because I don’t have time or the stress of what I’m not getting done because of the workout – or because it ends up getting too late in the evening. I used to be able to start a run at like 8pm and have no issues going to bed – but nowadays my body doesn’t like it and I’m not a morning person.


I love the confidence I gain from running and proving to myself that I can do hard things! With three littles, I’m not so great at post workout recovery, so I’d love to see if the convenience of Core Power could help with that!


I love Core Power and Running all because of your blog Janae.. I love the feeling of endorphins I get for the rest of my day after running.


It’s always tough to get out the door for a run but there has never been a time I’ve regretted it. Also – the CorePowers are grrreat in smoothies (I use vanilla with PB2 + protein powder and it is delish!)


Having the time for ME before I have to wear all the different hats…mom, employee, wife, etc!


Huge Core Power fan!!! Love a quick and convenient post run recovery drink that tastes amazing! Running has always been super important in my life and is even more now while going on 5 months pregnant! It truly grounds all the emotions that come along in this period of life and I will be forever grateful for every run during this time! Taking on Chicago on October 8th and although I am sad to miss my first Boston in 2024 it’s going to make 2025 so much sweeter with my new running buddy in the crowd!


I love how I’m able to escape from real life when running and the feeling I have after the run


Running helps me clear my head and feel ready for the day. Strength training helps me feel strong and more confident.


Running has helped me in more ways than I can describe. I started at 13 years old in junior high and am now 40. My high school cross country coach told us that running would impact our lives for the next 30 years and he was so right!! Running had saved my life.


I love running because it clears my head and helps me to be a better mother and wife!


Been running for 15 years after taking a jogging class to fulfill my college PE requirement! I love running (slower) right now to help me maintain a healthy pregnancy :)


I love being consistent in my Peloton workouts each morning. Right after I’m down with the stretch it’s straight to the fridge for my Core Power Chocolate milk. Love being able to also offer my growing teenage boys a solid morning quick breakfast with the drinks too. Just got my boyfriend in on the Core Power action too!


I love having time alone with my thoughts and seeing improvements in fitness.


I love the running community. I’ve never left a run, not feeling grateful for all the incredible people that running has brought into my life.


I have been hooked on core power because of you. I have been buying cases of them now lol. Best protein drink out there!
I love running because it makes me feel empowered. I strive for those runs where it feel like you can run forever, while few and far between, it makes it so worth it.
Thank you for sharing your journey, I truly look forward to your blog daily.


I have recently gotten hooked on trail running! It has been a GAME CHANGER and has made me fall in love with running all over again. I moved to Denver about a year and a half ago and have stuck to the streets until recently. I made a friend here who has been showing me all of her favorite trails. I am in LOVE! Two of my favorite things about running are the people I get to meet through the sport and the ability to be outside/ immersed in nature in a different way. I love when I am on vacation and I get to explore a new place all on foot. I get too see soooo much more!


Deciding what to make for dinner is SO hard!! Really don’t understand why either haha.

I love that working out is just me vs me. It’s my time to be selfish and work out problems since there’s no other distractions around me.


There’s a million things I love about running!! The people and the endorphins are the therapy I need each day to be a better person:) thank you for always motivating and inspiring me through running!


I love running for so many reasons, but mostly because it’s get me outside in all seasons. I’ve seen so many sunrises and animals I would have missed if running didn’t get me out the door. I love to tell my kids which animals I spotted on the run. :)


i loveeeee running. it wakes up my mind and body and gives me a jump start to the day. makes ready to kick mom tasks and take names.


I love running because it teaches me I can do hard things!


Running helps me process life. If I’m mad/upset/sad when I go run, it gives me the uninterrupted time to think things through by the time I’m done. I’ve got three kids 6 and under, so sometimes it’s also the only time I have to myself all day!


Running is my favorite way to clear my head and get out and explore. running is oh so humbling and always shows me I am stronger than I think I am.


As a med student I love running because it reminds me that I am MORE than just my studies, and because it forces me to take time to reflect and prioritize myself when things get challenging!


What I love the most about running is that it starts simple and then it becomes challenging and that makes my body feel good. I like to push my body and see how much it can do òr how far it can go.


I love how even on the days I don’t want to or even on the runs I feel like I’m slogging through, I always feel a million times better and more like myself when it’s done. Currently training for my first trail ultra and I’m so flipping excited! 21 weeks down and 5 to go 😱


This giveaway is awesome, thank you! I absolutely love Core Power and drink a bottle every workout. I was a runner a while back, but I suffered an injury and kinda lost my mojo. I discovered indoor rowing this past April, and doing that plus strength training has given me the confidence to start running again. I also love how much stronger I feel now that I’m working out regularly. There’s nothing like the happy feeling I get after I’ve finished a workout!


I love that running gets me outside more and exploring new places!


Good luck I’m budapest!! And also I absolutely think you should do boston ;) :) I love how running makes me feel so alive and also closer to God. It clears my mind and fills my heart with reminders of what matters.
Best wishes!


As a working mom of two boys (7 and 9), running is the only “me time” I don’t feel guilty about leaving my kids to do. I love going for runs alone and listening to some music or audiobooks or running with friends or my sister and just chatting and catching up! I am currently training for my 3rd marathon, NYC marathon in November and I can’t wait to show my boys again what their mommy can do!


I am crazy about Core Power and running. I discovered Core Power about 4 years ago and always have some on hand for post run and hard gym workouts. Women typically are short on protein, and CP makes it easy to get what I need. I have been traveling to races trying to run one in every state and my partner in crime (mostly we leave our hubbies at home) and I find a 7/11 type of store where we can buy CP for post race. We just left Montana yesterday after a Sunday race! So much fun in Bozeman!


I love core power and so does my son who has special needs and has a hard time gaining weight!

I love running because I feel like a better mom after each run!


Running and working out reminds me I can do hard things. It translates to life. There are very few challenges that I come across in the day to day that are actually harder than running 3, 5, 13, 20 miles.


I love working out hard and feeling strong!


I love running and being able to step outside and turn the chaos of life off and screens for a little while! Also love that running goals can continue to change and adapt depending on the season of life you are in


I love the friendships running and working out has brought to my life. I am so grateful for a body that moves and a mind to clear when doing both :) Thank you, Janae, for the opportunity to win Core Power!


Running is the one thing I can do every day that’s just for me, and I can run in any mood — happy, sad, angry, frustrated, etc. Running helps me de-stress and feel good before my day begins!

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