Friday Favorites!

(tank, shorts, shoes ((code FMTIB50 for 50% off)), bra)

8 miles @ 8:34 average while listening to the Armchair Expert with Woo-Kyoung Ahn and her research on Human Thinking.

Next up–> some upper body strength, stretching (see below yoga class) and an ice bath. My legs were in extreme need of ice followed by the hot tub. My hamstrings don’t get as tight as they used to (I think that strength training has helped with that so I use my glutes more for the work) but they still need some extra attention when my mileage and speed get this high.

Beck and Skye both couldn’t believe what I was doing but my legs were so much happier afterward.

Fast forward many hours later until Cookbook Club at Megan’s house:

This month we used the recipes from The Girl Who Ate Everything, which was delicious.

I brought the fresh corn, avocado, and tomato salad. I highly recommend it!

Megan had candy for centerpieces. I love her.

Let’s move on to some favorite things:

*Every food combination that includes basil, tomatoes, mozzarella, and balsamic glaze.

(Sam’s Club pizza dough is so good-> get it at the food court, it comes in a box with about 20 of them and they are frozen in perfect circles)

*My current favorite yoga session on the Peloton app. He does the perfect stretches for runners.

*I need to tell you about the perfect cheap top one more time… I love it in white. Also, I have had these Levi’s for a while, and they are a favorite too. When I am reaching for jeans in my closet, these are the ones I grab most often. They aren’t stretchy so order true to size!

*Brooke’s favorite gift from her birthday… this kit to make hand-stamped jewelry. She has made necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and a key chain.

*Running socks can either make or break your run so I take the decision about which socks to wear very seriously. These ones are winners. Breathable mesh + cushioning right where you need it (back of my heel ❤️) + ”The yarn in these socks was treated with No-Stink Zinc™ to inhibit the growth of odour-causing bacteria” <- yes, please.

Any fun weekend plans you are looking forward to?

Ever taken ice baths? Do you notice a difference ever?

Favorite seasonal foods/meals right now?

How often do you wear jeans? Do you like to wear jeans, or would you instead go with leggings/joggers most days?

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Question on the Sam’s club dough…what temp and how long do you cook it?!


Hey Heather! First, I let it rise for about 3-4 hours on parchment paper. I heat up my pizza stone for 30 minutes at 500 degrees. I then place the pizza (with the parchment paper) on the stone and bake it at 500 degrees for 9 minutes. Let me know if you try it and what you think. Have a great weekend!


I love that you have the cookbook club. That is so fun, and what a great way to try new recipes.
Ok, I love those jeans. I am currently on the hunt for a couple pairs of good jeans. I just don’t want to spend a ton of money, ha. I love jeans!
Ice bths… No thank you! Although I have never tried. My oldest will do an ice bath during football camp and after a tough workout or game, but to me me they seem like torture. Ha ha.
No big plans this weekend. Maybe figuring out what to paint in my youngest’s room. But it’s early morning run day, always a great start to a Friday!
Have a good Friday Janae 😊


Yes! Turns out I want to make more recipes from The Girl Who Ate Everything and I had never heard of her recipes before last night! You are smart, they are complete torture. Hope your run this morning with friends was a great run and can’t wait to hear about what you decide to paint! Have a great one, Wendy!


If you love sweets as much as I do, try the Monster Cookie Dough Dip from The Girl Who Ate Everything. I have been making it for years and it is seriously life changing! Grab some teddy grahams or nilla wafers for dipping. I also have to share that I got the Saucony shoes, wore them yesterday and I am so impressed. Thanks so much for the code!! You’re the best!


April. I will be making that asap. Sounds AMAZING! Oh that makes me so so happy, the code is almost too good to be true! Hope your day is a wonderful one!


I might look into those socks–I need socks with a bit of a cuff up the leg for my spin shoes, because the fabric in the lip of the shoe scratches against the top of my ankle if I don’t wear socks that show. I’ve had the same pairs of Bombas socks since easily 2017, and while they’ve lasted a VERY long time, I think I need something fresher and softer. I will look into them! And those Levis jeans have the top length of a rise for what my super short-torsoed self can handle. I’ve been looking for a good lighter wash pair, so if the Nordstrom by me has them in stock in my size I might give them a try-on. Thanks for the recommendation!!!

That yoga session looks really good–I like that it’s just 15 minutes. As much as I love yoga and incorporate it VERY regularly into my workouts, there are days where a full-on hour class just feels like…NOPE. Not gonna happen. Shorter options, and ones that can really stretch out my quads and hip flexors (as important for spin instructors to stretch as runners!!!!!) so I am not in sheer pain on weeks where I teach my classes AND either sub a lot of other people’s classes or spend extra time on the bike practicing new choreography (smile).

As for this weekend–tomorrow afternoon I am filming myself teach BODYPUMP so I can submit it and complete my certification!!! I took a really long time to film myself teaching for this certification, but I am totally OK with that–COVID lockdowns robbed me of filming the video I really wanted to submit for my last certification, and this is the time where I have the chance to do it all on my terms–what fits in best with my life and schedule, when I am ready to not only have good coaching cues but when I have the really *authentic*-to-me coaching cues in place, and where I have taken time to feel confident in my movement patterns, in what I can and can not fully hit in my range of motion (and understanding why…), and in my weight selections.

That’s tomorrow afternoon. And I have a room full of friends coming. I’m excited!!!
And then tomorrow night Tom and I are going out for tacos and chips & guac to celebrate. Because that’s become sort of a tradition with my certification filmings to have a super fun Tex Mex night out afterwards!!!


Today is my oldest son’s 22 birthday so we are celebrating tonight with dinner at his favorite restaurant. Then tomorrow my hubby and I are doing a couple projects for my office decor and I’m in quarantine cause I have tendon and nerve repair surgery on Monday afternoon to repair some severed tendons in my pinky and ring finger.


Hi Janae! I’m loving peaches this time of year!
Happy Friday!


Good morning, Janae! I haven’t had much time to comment, but enjoy your posts every day (even when I only have a chance to skim them)!
I love your cookbook club and am always on the hunt for a new to me cookbook, so thanks for mentioning The Girl Who Ate Everything . My weekly hiking group does snacks afterward and we just did a book swap for the first time. I may suggest we do a variation of a cookbook club just to mix things up :o)
I only did one true ice bath after my very first 10 miler. It was painful, but did help I think. Otherwise, the closest I have come is standing in an ice cold lake (to the top of my hips) that was at the finish of my first marathon. I believe that made a HUGE difference in my recovery!
My favorite season foods are watermelon and anything I can make from the gorgeous produce we are getting from our CSA share this summer.
I stop wearing jeans in May usually and won’t put them back on until as late in the fall as possible (usually sometime in October). I do wear them much more frequently than leggings/joggers though. That’s mainly because I have a cat who sheds like it’s his job and it doesn’t show up as obviously on jeans LOL!
Golf tournament tomorrow!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Janae!!


I’m super behind on armchair expert, but listened to the Shaun White episode on my run today. He seems like such a nice guy!

I don’t do ice baths anymore, but I really should. They used to help me so much!

Headed to Alaska this weekend! Going for a work trip, but built in an extra 2 days for exploring. Have a great weekend!


It’s a work weekend for me. Squeezing in that long run before work on Saturday hopefully.
I started that episode of Armchair but was getting distracted. I knew I needed to save it when I could give it my full attention.
Good luck on your trail run tomorrow!


20 miles on the agenda this weekend! Only 2 more long runs and 5 weeks until London! SO EXCITED!

The closest I have ever come to an ice bath is jumping in the ocean after a run – not exactly ice cold, but the ocean isnt exactly warm over here in CA ha.
I am usually a big salad person, especially during the summer, but some recent GI issues has me taking a big long break. But my hubby and I are huge into brinner lately and I love a good frittata, avocado toast and some smoked salmon!

I am definitely a jeans person when it isn’t shorts weather, but I also have a very strong love for joggers. They are my go-to for air travel!

I did something scary yesterday.. registered for a 50-miler in January! 🙈 I am really excited for this adventure and I definitely plan to reread your blog posts for some tips!!

Have a great weekend, Janae! 😊


Your cookbook club looks like so much fun! How did you all go about starting it?


Have a great weekend! Can I ask where you got your necklace from?


Have a great week!


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