My ears definitely perked up…

Today’s post is sponsored by Backcountry and Shopstyle! I hope you are having a beautiful day and that you find some new gear to help you get outside as you enjoy the best time of year, IMO.  You can use the code HUNGRYRUNNERBC to get 15% off your first order at (exclusions apply)!

I’m not going to lie, when my friend Nolan reached out to me about a blind date with Andrew, my ears DEFINITELY perked up when he told me that Andrew was a runner and biker.  I was looking for someone who enjoyed being outside as much as I did and hearing those two things made me excited to meet Andrew because it sounded like he was a lover of the outdoors too.  *Note: seeing his picture for the first time also made me very excited for the date too, ha.  

Over the last six years together, we have found that our absolute favorite times are when we are outside together.  

(ME: Lightweight 3.5in Trail Short, Air Zoom Terra Kiger 8 Trail Running Shoe, 1963 National Parks Tour Boxy T-Shirt ANDREW: Troy Cubes T-Shirt, Nike Dri-Fit Stride 2-In-1 7in Short, Salomon Pulsar Trail Running Shoe)

As much as I love going out for a nice meal and a movie, I would 100% of the time choose to do an outdoorsy type date with Andrew.  There is just something about being away from all distractions and out in the fresh air that allows us to connect more than anywhere else.   I feel like it is so much easier for me to be myself when I am outside.  We are much more relaxed, vulnerable, and fun-loving when outdoors, which brings out the best in us.
I need to take a moment to tell you about my new favorite trail shoes EVER (and I have tried a lot of trail shoes over the years).  The Air Zoom Terra Kiger 8 Trail Running Shoe are the lightest trail shoes I have ever tried while still giving so much support and protection from rocks.  They do not feel bulky (bulky trail shoes = I trip and fall), which I love.  The ‘light and tight’ feel keep my foot in place as the trail’s terrain constantly changes. These shoes also provide a spring in my step that is so needed when my legs are tired from all the climbing.  I will be wearing these for all of my trail races in the future.  
Marriage can feel routine at times with kids and jobs, so we decided a few years ago that we needed to make sure that we took time each week to schedule things that were outside and more adventurous with each other.  It’s easy for us to tag team and switch off with the kids to get out for runs/biking, but we are happiest when we get a sitter and go out together as much as possible.
I’ll never forget our second date—> we went on a 12-mile trail run, and I couldn’t believe how fast Andrew was hauling up the mountain. He told me after we got married that he thought he would pass out the whole time; he was going so fast to try and impress me.  I’m happy he didn’t pass out and that he still gets out on the trails with me after that experience when he is running or mountain biking.   I need to take mountain biking lessons because after my last time going over my handlebars, I’m feeling quite timid about it! 
I’m very grateful that we both believe that athletic clothes are what we love most to see the other person wearing for a date:).  

Comfort/functionality > heels/uncomfortable clothing

Backcountry helps us get outside more and feel our best when doing what we love.  No matter what time of year we are in, Backcountry has everything we could ever need to get outside. 
Now I need you to all come out to Utah, and I’ll take you on some of my favorite trails.  They do wonders for our brains, relationships, and our training:) 
(I am obsessed with the Lightweight 3.5in Trail Short, they are so light and provide the best airflow during those hot days. I don’t usually get the split leg type shorts, so I can’t believe how much I love these)
Don’t forget that the code HUNGRYRUNNERBC will get you 15% off your first order at (exclusions apply)!
If you have a significant other, what do they love to do outside?

Blind dates—> ever been on one?  Did it work out for you?  Ever set people up on a blind date?

What was the last thing you did outside?

What percentage of your life is in activewear type clothing?



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Workout clothes are simply the best! I think I wear active type workout clothes 99% of the time. Besides church, it is hard for me to think of a time when I am not wearing active wear. I am already slightly panicked for Fall because I need to wear “real” clothes for teaching preschool.

My husband and I met on, so not really a blind date, but I had no idea what I was going to get. In my dating years, I had 4 blind dates that friends set me up on. The were all fine and perfectly nice men, but not my type. 3 of them I only went on one date. One guy I dated for about 5 months. We broke up for good reasons, but oddly enough, I think that if him and my husband met, they would be best friends, haha.

The last thing I did outside was to take my daughter to the track. She joined cross country for the summer–after years of me gently encouraging her to try running.. Yesterday she got her first pair of “real” running shoes, so she wanted to go to the track to test them out. I could barely contain my excitement, haha.

Have a fabulous Tuesday Janae!


99% of the time is the best statistic for wearing workout clothes. Time to go shopping for your fall preschool teaching job. I so wish that I could put Skye into your preschool class. Okay, that is hilarious about how you think your ex and your husband would be best friends hahah. One of my ex-boyfriends and Andrew are friends ha! I am just so thrilled about your daughter. I bet you are on cloud 9. You two will get to run together forever. Keep me updated with it all and have a beautiful day.

FOUR DAYS! So excited for you to run Grandmas!


The last thing I did outside (aside from daily walks with my dog because those are mandatory so somehow don’t count to me ha) was a hike with the dog on Saturday! A little over 3 miles which was perfect since it started to drizzle as we were finishing up so I’m glad we didn’t go farther before turning around.

Are these pictures the ones Brooke took? If so tell her she did an amazing job :)


You are seriously the nicest, yes they are! She is happy to have a part-time job for me now;) You have the luckiest pup, always adventuring. Wish I could join you on your next hike. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Maureen.


I love the national parks shirt and I love being outside on the trails! I feel the happiest and most alive with a little dirt on my skin!


“I feel the happiest and most alive with a little dirt on my skin!” AMEN to that and I feel most at home that way too. Have the most beautiful day, Jenn!


I’ll always love the story of how you and Andrew met – and made it all official asap from there!! :)
We are in Florida and try to spend time at the beach every weekend this time of year. This post is encouraging me to try some more active dates!!


Thank you so much, Meghan! It sure all happened so fast. Ummm can we come with you guys to the beach? Sounds dreamy! We want to come to Florida for either Christmas break or spring break:). Have a fabulous day!


Good morning, Janae! Wow – Brooke is becoming quite the photographer! She does good work :o)
My fiance and I love being outside too, though we don’t get (make?) as much time for it as we like. His favorite outdoor activities (in my top 5 too) are skiing and golfing. Living in the northeast, we can pretty much cover the entire year with just those two sports. Throw in running and hiking and we’re good!
I’ve been on one blind date. He was very nice, but there really wasn’t any chemistry, so we only had the one date. He sent lovely flowers afterward though :o)
The last thing I did outside was to refresh some flowerbeds and finally get to a big new one that we unintentionally created when we had to remove a huge shrub. It’s so fun to plant things and spend the summer watching them flourish.
If it wasn’t for a 9-5 office job, I would spend 98% of my time in active wear!! However, I can only dress just so casually at work, so I only get to spend about half my time in the good stuff LOL. Have an awesome Tuesday, Janae!


Janine! Brooke is loving her new part time job;). You two are so good at getting out and doing things together with such fun hobbies. I want you guys to teach me how to golf! I bet your flowerbeds are gorgeous and enjoy watching them this summer. I just need your job to let you wear your activewear to the office. Thanks friend, you too!


We are moving to Provo this week so I’d love to hear some of your favorite trails! Especially ones you can take kids on for a family hike. We are coming from Oklahoma so we’re excited for less humidity and the mountains.


AHHH Marcie, I am so thrilled for you guys! My favorite trails are here:
A great one with kids is this one:

And you will have to hike the Y!

You will have to keep me updated with what you find and love in Utah County!
Oh and I love that you two met on a blind date, they are the best. Have a wonderful day and I can’t wait for you to get to these mountains and the dry air.


Also, my husband and I met on a blind date so I’m a big fan. :)


I always forget how my college roommate tried to set me up on a blind date but then it was cancelled before I even agreed to it. Fast forward 15 years and I’m married to the guy that she tried to set me up with.
And the last thing that I did outside was run in this 91% humidity. Send electrolytes, please.


STOP IT. I did not know this story! That is crazy?! You two were just meant to be. Ummmm or I will send you a plane ticket to come run with me in 0% humidity. Have a beautiful day, Molly!


I’ve probably told you this a thousand times, but outdoor is definitely our happy place, too. I think it was our third time together that Les and I went hiking in Yosemite and a year later that is where he proposed. We’re going on an Alaskan cruise next month and have found a place in Skagway that rents bikes. I’ve surprised myself at how adventurous I’ve gotten over the years, as long as Les is by my side I’ll try just about anything!

Last thing I did outside was a bike ride this morning.

I’d say I wear activewear about 50% of the time.


You and Les are the best examples to me of getting out together! And we wouldn’t hate living in Hawaii at some point too. I LOVE that you guys are going on an Alaskan cruise next month, enjoy! Andrew brings out my adventurous side too. Have a beautiful day and I can’t wait for a summary of your cruise on a blog post!


I always love the story of how you and Andrew met. Props to Andrew for taking on a 12 mile run with you!

My boyfriend and I met on a blind date! Our friend thought we’d get along since we were both mountaineers and rock climbers. I stalked him on facebook before the date and was nervous he wasnt going to be cute but then was really pleasantly surprised! Now we’re pretty much the same as you and Andrew, outside as much as possible, skiing, trail running, mountain biking, rock climbing. The last thing that we did outside was ski tour up to Camp Muir on Rainier… in the rain! And I still somehow got a sunburn haha.


I love that you and your boyfriend met on a blind date. You guys sound like the best couple and your ski tour… SO jealous! The sunburn part though… how?! Hahah hope you are having a beautiful day, Jade!


Hi Janae! My husband and I did a lot of hiking together when we first started dating! I think hikes make great dates (after you establish the other person is safe to be around ;)). Now that we both work from home we get out for a walk together every day!
Have an awesome day!


I totally agree with you… such an amazing way to get to know somebody. I love that you guys get out and walk together EVERY day. Those types of things make the best relationships:). Thanks and you too!


My husband is coming back from knee surgery, so he’s on a walk/run journey at the moment, but I join him at least once a week. It’s a good x-train activity for me.

I have never been on a blind date, but I help set one up and they’ve been married for almost 16 years!

I coach high school xc, so I did a little run on my own, and then a little with them and we finished by playing sharks and minnows.

When I’m not teaching, then 90% of my life is in workout gear! When I am, it’s closer to 50%, but it’s definitely the first thing I change into when I get home!


Knee surgery… wow! I am so happy to hear he is able to walk/run now and that you get out with him once a week. SIXTEEN YEARS… that is awesome. I bet they are so grateful for you. Your xc athletes are so lucky to have you and it makes me happy to read that they love sharks and minnows too, that game is great for every age. I like that 90% statistic. Happy summer break (even though you are still coaching:)!


I LOVE outdoor dates with my husband! We trained for and raced Ironman Triathlons together for our 5th through 10th anniversaries (then we had kids LOL).

We still love when we can get out and do things together and sometimes just lug the kids with us.

Backcountry is an awesome company, glad to see you reppin them =)


WHAT!? I did not know this about you two. That is so amazing! Thank you Beth, we sure love them. Have a beautiful day in Colorado!


For those trail shoes, do you wear a different size than your non-running shoes? I’ve been using New Balance for many years & always go a full size up with them. I appreciate your recommendation on things. Have been wearing Goodr glasses because of you & I love them.


I should have included this! I wear a 10 in 99% or running shoes and have these in a 10.5! So happy you love Goodr now and let me know what you think of these!


yes, just over 38 years ago, and we’re still married
i like everything active, my wife thinks were insane…..we have our together things, and well. me….
just did a run with a friend, Karen’s way faster than me, but I managed to keep up, running with her makes me faster, and the fact that we could carry on a conversation while doing that, kind of great.
I have exactly 2 dress shirt, one tie, a sports jacket…and no dress shoes…..yes, I do wear my running shoes to funerals and weddings….and yes, my parents think I need to get grown up clothes…

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