Friday Favorites + it’s Race Day!

(shirt, leggings (40% off right now), shoes)

I couldn’t resist going out with Emilee for a 2 mile run yesterday at an 8:47 pace.

I’ve pulled out my Boston 2019 glasses for training the next few weeks to build even more excitement.

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I did my normal pre-race things like my recovery boots..

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And chocolate chip pancakes…

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I don’t normally go out the night before a race but I just couldn’t miss Cookbook Club.  Each month a member hosts the group and chooses a cookbook for everyone to cook from and eat together.  The host prepares the main dish and everyone else brings apps, breads, salads, and desserts.  I try to eat extremely simple foods the day before a race but the spread was just too good.

This month’s cookbook was from Our Best Bites!  I’ve had and loved this cookbook for years!

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PS Andrew received his Century club shirt from Peloton for completing 100 rides!

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PPS 20 degrees= shorts racing weather IMO wahoo!  Off to go explore Antelope Island again.

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I have four favorite things this week to share!

*If you want to watch a thriller, you have to watch The Weekend Away.  I don’t like scary movies but I love an intense movie every now and then and I couldn’t blink with this one…

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*I feel like I need to keep you updated with my search for the perfect jelly beans (I still haven’t been able to find the Sweet Tart variety).  The Starburst addition of the minis to the jelly bean bags was brilliant.  Please try them asap.  If you like a little sour in your jelly bean then I also think you need to try the SPK variety.

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*With each year of life, my nighttime routine gets longer and longer.  I love rituals and my nighttime ones are my favorite.  I started drinking perk chill at night and it is delicious.  It includes protein, collagen and it has zero sugar added.  It includes ‘the Power sleep mineral complex to enhance recovery and repair, and glycine to aid in relaxation and sleep quality.’  Maybe it’s the placebo effect, maybe it’s not but either way, I am happy because I really love how my sleep quality has improved.

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*Because why not try a new pant that looks nothing like any other pant in your closet?!  Obsessed and so comfortable.  This is my favorite white shirt and sandals too!

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What are you looking forward to this weekend?!

Tell me about your nighttime routine?

Does 20°F equal running shorts for a race weather in your opinion?

Tell me something new you have tried in your life lately?!

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I am looking forward to my 3 month old daughter finally meeting her two cousins that were born 2 weeks before her and 2 weeks after her!


Good luck today!
And no, 20 degrees would never be shorts weather for me! ?

Cheering for you!


The Sweet Tart jelly beans are the best. I’ve found them at Harmon’s, Smith’s & Target this year. Once a bag is open, they’re gone at an astonishing speed!


Can’t wait to hear about your race! Hopefully the sun provides additional warmth.

I recently tried Hokas for the first time but I had to return them d/t 2 new blisters. V sad. I will keep trying out new-to-me shoes for a little variety beyond Brooks.


I have a love hate relationship with Hokas for this reason! They made my feet feel great but definitely set up some blisters. The Mach 4s were the best and I am still working with them as I am on my 2nd pair but they do callus my big toes. Brooks Glycerin though gave me tons of blisters, I mean 5 on each foot. Why!!


Wow! That has got to a record for number of blisters!
It’s so hard to tell at the running store how a shoe will do over multiple miles.


Have an amazing race today! Starburst jelly beans are, of course, the best.


I can not wait to hear about your race! Cheering you on big time!
I love your cookbook club. What a great way to try lots of yummy food.
I have been reading a lot about Beam nutrition and they’re Dream product. It sounds very similar to Perk. I’m wondering if either would help me from waking up at 3-something every morning… Hmmm
Anyway, just wanted to wish you all the best for your race today!! Go Janae go!


Wndy – I can vouch for Beam Dream sleep powder! It tastes amazing and I absolutely sleep better – no more waking up in the middle of the night for me. If you’re tempted, try it! I don’t think you’ll regret it.

Good Luck, Janae! I need 50 degrees for shorts weather personally but glad you can rock the shorts today for your race!


Happy Race Day! I will be cheering for you from afar! I think I would need it to be 30 degrees to wear shorts.

It is my kids school carnival on Sunday. It is nuts, in the best possible way!

I have bought some new Athleta tank tops (uptempo and momentum) and long sleeved shirts (flurry elemental and momentum). I usually stick to what I know, but I love what I got! My daughter also got the chit chat capris and loves them.

Happy Friday Janae!


Happy Friday!
Can you please share a little about your sandals in the jeans/t shirt picture. They look awesome. Thank you for all the amazing recommendations.


Yes of course! I’m also in love with them, they are so comfortable! Have the best day and thank you!


20 degrees is not shorts weather at all and I am from the North.

I am dealing with runners knee during marathon training. So I am heading to the Y for some pool running. I am trying fluid running and hoping that I can run this marathon in 6 weeks!! Not stressing so much as this happened after an 18 mile run. Lesson learned, don’t get in a car for a road trip and not stretch when you are a masters runner. Who knows, that may have not been the reason but my knee has not bothered me at all in a year!! Trying to see if my doc will give me a PT script without seeing me but honestly it’s just time, hoping pool running doesn’t bother me.


I’m not a PT, but some friends and I have had luck with Spanish squats for runner’s knee (look up Spanish squats with band on YouTube, if you’re interested). Good luck!


Good luck on your race, Janae! It sounds like so much fun!
Email me your address and I’ll send you some SweetTart jellybeans-seriously, you have to try them. They are my absolute favorite. When my kids were younger, I would have to buy 2 bags, one for them and one for me. They knew not to touch ‘Mom’s Jellybeans’.
::raises hand:: I’m another person having a hard time with Hokas. I’ve had a pair of Clifton’s for a while, but I hadn’t worn them much. Then my PF started acting up. I tried the Hokas again and they’re a no-go. No PF pain, which was great, but I got hot spots under the ball of my big toe. A new pair of Asics Novablast (men’s sizing for my wide feet) should be here next week.


20 degrees? Shorts? Only if it’s 20 degrees Celsius :D
Yummy, yummy food. I keep thinking about the avocado BLT on egg bagel that I had when my daughter and I went out for her birthday lunch.
Have a GREAT race!!!


Hi Janae! It’s finally Friday!! It’s our anniversary weekend and since it’s raining everywhere we are just gonna hike anyways and make some good food at home.
Good luck with the race!!!!!


Good luck!!!! You’re going to do amazing!!!


We will both be running 30K races tomorrow! Good luck to us :)


it’s supposed to be a warmer weekend, so getting active, a couple of fun runs planned….we change to daylight saving time on Sunday, so my nighttime routine will be less sleep?
new, am about to head for the gym to pump iron…have not done that forever, but, it’s time, apparently as we get older we lose muscle mass, and I don’t have much to start with…..look out Mr Olympia!
20 for shorts….sure…..but will have to move quick to keep warm..


My nighttime routine always starts in the kitchen, I sleep better knowing it’s clean. This includes putting any pots/pans away from dinner, putting the final dishes in the dishwasher, and making sure the coffee maker is ready for in the morning.

I had to read that 20 degrees a couple of times to make sure it wasn’t a typo! 20 degrees is stay in bed with the electric blanket turned up weather.

Have a great race, Janae!


Hey Janae! I used to look forward to your Friday favorite clothing links, but lately they have all been high end pricey options – madewell or lulu – Week after week. Miss your more affordable amazon and target finds. I just can’t justify spending $100 on a pair of madewell pants that will be out of style by next year, especially as gas prices and the cost of just about everything else continues to soar :/
Anyway – have a great weekend and good luck on your race!


Sheila! I really really appreciate your feedback and will definitely get back to finding some better deals. Thank you so much and I hope your weekend is a beautiful one!


My neighbor brought over a new jellybean I hadn’t heard of – Laffy Taffy jellybeans. She said they’re hard to find, but worth it if you do! So if you’re a lover of Laffy Taffy, give them a shot!

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