11th Blogging Anniversary (+ SHOE GIVEAWAY)!


I don’t know what it is about blogging, but it captured my heart after my first post on this blog.  I remember the day I started blogging here—> I was sitting down on my couch with my laptop on the coffee table and some Skittles next to me while trying to come up with some random way to start a new blog.  I had been reading blogs for a few months and decided it was something I wanted to do in my free time.  I had a personal blog before that and wrote once a month but wanted one where I shared more about my running… 5,510 posts later, and I still love it.  When people ask me if I ever run out of things to write about, I can only think of a time or two because it feels like I am just hanging out and chatting with my friends every day.

You being my friend over the years has meant the world to me.  I can’t tell you how many comments or emails I have screenshot over the years that have helped me when I needed it the most.  I have met/gotten to know the greatest people from blogging.  I hope I’ve helped someone that was going through disordered eating, loneliness or a divorce.  I hope that we’ve all grown in our running together and learned to better cope with the failures while better celebrating the accomplishments.  I think we have found a lot in common with each other over the years while loving to see each other’s differences too.  I hope you are okay with me continuing to share my tangents and training, and before we know it, I’ll be blogging about dropping off Brooke and Knox at college (THEY ARE HALF-WAY THERE).

I wanted to share eleven of some of my favorite pictures/memories from the last eleven years…

*This one was from yesterday… It just felt so so good to be back together with my crew again after a few days away.

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*Brookie’s birth:

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*Feeling like myself again after divorce, loving life together with Brooke, and figuring out being a single mom.


*When we got engaged!

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*When Andrew asked Brooke if he could marry me:)

*Our wedding!

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*Skye’s birth!

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*Seeing the four of them together in Christmas PJs.

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*My first sub 3!

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*2:49 wahoo with Emilee!


*Beck’s birth and somehow waiting until he was born to find out he was a boy!

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I’d love to buy two people a pair of Brooks running shoes/trainers to celebrate today! 

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment saying whatever you want or an emoji, and I’ll choose a winner on Friday!

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11 years! That’s a lot of writing and it makes me think you have a book in you waiting to come out someday, if that’s a dream of yours.

I would love a new pair of Brooks to have waiting for my race in Death Valley coming up in February. I just got a new training pair on Saturday. I always get Adrenaline GTS but the way I pick the color is by which pair is cheapest on Amazon. :)


Congratulations on 11 years! I started reading when you were pregnant with Brooke. My oldest is a couple weeks older than her.


Congratulations on the 11 years! I do enjoy your blog, it’s like a ray of sunshine! ❤️❤️❤️




Congratulations! Love following your journey–you’re an inspiration! And would love to win Brooks shoes or trainers–so I’m happy to participate! I was in NYC on Sunday and kept thinking that it would have been so nice to had run into you since I knew you were there–maybe next time!


Congratulations and thank you for sharing! I started reading because I was looking for running blogs, but yours is so much more. I think we are candy soulmates haha! And FYI I’m old enough to be your mom-so if you’re thinking you might outgrow your sweet tooth I wouldn’t count on it?


This is my favorite blog to read hands down. You are the most positive person and I thank you for sharing your life and running journey with us! And for always being real about the hard things too. Happy Blogaversary!


Congrats on 11 years! ? I discovered you 6 years ago, and have loved following your adventures. You are a joy!


Cheers to another 11 years!


Thanks for your blog and CONGRATULATIONS on 11 years! I look forward to reading your blog each day.
Keep up the great work!


CONGRATULATIONS and many more ??‍♀️????????????????????? in your future!!! Thanks for everything you bring to us readers!!


Happy anniversary!


Reading your blog has been a part of my morning routine for 5+ years :) Thank you for sharing with us consistently and openly!


I’m thankful for your realness with all of us, telling us the highs but also expressing what it feels like at the lows. Thanks for letting us into a peek of your life. We all feel like we have a friend in you, and that shows what type of person you are! Thanks and keep it up! Thanks


Congratulations on 11 years!! Your blog is part of my morning routine and you help get my day started with joy and positivity. I am cheering for you and your family from across the internet!


Happy 11 year anniversary! I have been reading since 2013 :)


Sending you congratulations from the UK – 11 years! I think I’ve been reading you for 10.5 of them and I found so many of my other favourites (some still blogging, some not) through your comments section. I still feel astonished every time Brooke has another birthday. Time goes so fast. I’m so glad you (and your whole extended family) seem to be thriving and to love each other so much. Amelia x


I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past several years. I found it when I was looking for a running blog to hype me up during marathon training. We moved to California this summer, and I can’t wait for the chance to explore Utah and it’s National Parks.


I’ll never forget frantically checking my phone the day of your sub 3 race. I have been following you for years and years and though we don’t know each other personally, it felt like I was celebrating a close friend. Thank you for allowing us to follow along your incredible journey!


I am thankful that you have stayed the distance with your blogging. I have been reading for years and I love your daily check-ins.


Congrats! I’d love a pair of Catamounts to add to my trail running addiction


I sit down with my morning coffee and enjoy reading about your family and running. A nice way to start the day! So much negativity everywhere that it’s refreshing to read positive, uplifting things on your blog. Here’s to another 11 years!


HRG, didn’t you write guest blogs on another runner girl’s blog? I think it’s how I found you. I liked your voice then! I heart it now!! ❤️


11 years!! I started my running journey just a little over 2 years ago, and found your blog just before my first marathon a couple of months after running. Your blog has helped me tremendously over the past two years, and I often talk to my wife about your blog. 2020 was a rough year, and your blog kept me motivated to keep running throughout all of it. I am looking forward to continue reading! Keep up the great work, and I hope your foot is feeling better!


Congrats, i love reading your blogs every day. I would love a pair of shoes.


Congratulations! ❤


Congrats! Love your blog!


Thank you for your blog!! I have been reading it for almost 11 years and I look forward to each post. You are such an inspiration. Love your blog!!


Congratulations on 11 years! I found your blog while recovering from a femoral stress fracture and feel very connected with you – in recovery from an ED, had a daughter, unexpected divorce, and now with a partner who makes my heart sing. :) Running has been my constant companion and therapist. You should be incredibly proud of the blog and the life you crafted for yourself!


Congrats on 11 years of blogging! Thank you for being my go-to for easy meals, Trader Joes treats, and being so REAL and relatable. I’ve been reading you blog for 11 years and I’ll read it as long as you want to do it :)


Love your blog, Janae! I look forward to it every morning. You have given me so much more confidence in running and inspire me to keep getting better, and I am grateful for that! You and I share a birthday, BTW – although I’m 3 years older. :)


Awwww – congrats. Been reading your blog since it was just you and Brooke so I feel like I know ya. I love seeing your posts pop up in my FB feed. Wishing you all the best of everything (like awesome salads, tacos and giant cookies) for the next 11 years and beyond.


Congratulations on 11 years! It’s nice you will have this diary to look back on. Thanks for sharing the journey!


Congrats!! I’ve been a follower since the beginning.


Congrats! ?


I first found you from Ali on the run and I love following you. It’s my secret dream that one day we’ll get to run in Utah together when I’m visiting (my in laws live there). Hopefully our run can end at a bakery!


Congrats!! Love following along here :)


I have been following your blog for many, many years. I’ve w joes your honesty and watching your family grow.


I love your 11 pics! Congrats on your 11 years of blogging. You do so good with keeping up with it, I have one but struggle to keep up sometimes. But I fully love it. And I also love yours ! It’s a very positive read in my everyday. Makes me happy. I think I stumbled upon your blog right around the time you mentioned your divorce on here or right around there. I went back through and read through many posts and I still look forward to it every morning with my coffee. Happy 11 Years !


Congratulations on 11 years! I have been a long time reader and it is so fun to see your family grow and follow your running journey!


I feel like I’ve grown up with you while reading your blog! You’ve had a journey, thank you for sharing it with us!


Congratulations and happy blogaversary! I can’t remember how long I have been reading (and enjoying!) your blog but I know it has been a really long time. I look forward to seeing your posts every morning, and your blog is such a happy/positive place on the interwebs :) I am also so happy that you have been enjoying your Hoka’s- the canteloupe ones are my favorite and I have been wearing them nonstop lately! I sure hope this makes your foot happy and that you will be back out running soon.

Best wishes,
P.S. Thank you for all that you do, create, and share!


Congratulations on 11 years!!


11 years -woot woot – AMAZING!!!! I would love to get the Cascadia 16 for Alaska running.


I’ve been keeping up with you since 2013 and have loved every minute of it! You’ve accomplished so many amazing things these past years.. Thanks for including us. :)


You have such a beautiful soul. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Congrats and thank you for being part of our lives! While I wish I could ask for my beloved Ravenna the Launch GTS will substitute :)


Happy Blogiversary, Janae! I’m glad I found you (been reading since about a month before Brooke was born) and hope you continue blogging for many years to come!


I look forward to reading your blog everyday, it makes each day a little better!


Congratulations!! I’ve been a follower for 10 years! I remember your every sentence was a different font color days! Looking back at your photos – it seems like only yesterday! Time has flown! Sending so many blessings your way!


I’ve enjoyed following for about half of those 11 years! Congratulations!


I have loved your blog for about 9 years now! You are my favorite, and I dont’ even run! Thanks for the highs and lows. I’ve loved following your journey!


Congrats! I’ve been following for years, cannot believe it’s already been 11.


Congratulations on 11 years! I enjoy reading & appreciate your positivity & openness!


I love your blogs and have written you a time a two over the past couple of years. Thanks for sharing your early beginnings and how you navigated the hard times. I used to run, but now walk a 5 mile daily loop with my husband of 45 years! You feel like family to me as you are the same age of my oldest children. I get a glimpse of your life and in turn reflect on mine. It’s just a refreshing aside for my new retirement days! Blessings on your journey, both literally and figuratively.


I’m a long-time reader of yours, maybe from the beginning! I can’t believe it’s been 11 years. Congratulations!!


Congratulations on 11 years! I look forward to enjoying your blog for many more years to come! ?‍♀️ ? ? ?


I’ve only been here since 2013 or so. But thank you. ❤️


Janae – congrats on 11 years!! My how time flies! Here’s to the next 11 ;)


So glad to have found your blog. The icing on the cake was you being friends with Ali and hearing you on her podcast!


I’ve been reading for many years also and have loved getting to “know” you and your family. Congrats on 11 years of blogging!


Congratulations Janae on 11 years!! I love reading your column! Welcome to peloton—it is a great community.
??‍♀️???p.s I’m a huge fan of bread!?


Wow! I can’t believe I have been reading your blog for 11 years lol.!



Congrats! So many bloggers have dropped off. Well done:)


Congrats and thank you for continuing to blog! I really appreciate your view on life and how you focus on the good!! Here’s to 11 more years!


It’s my birthday week and I would love these!


I’ve loved following your journey – both running and with your family! Happy 11 years of sharing with the world!


it’s so funny / weird when I call you my “friend” to Daniel… like oh my friend janae did x today. Lol he’s like WHAT?! You’ve never met!! Haha but it feels like we are friends.
You have the absolute best blog!!


Happy, happy 11! Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I appreciate your candor and positivity.


Congratulations!! I love reading your blog. I try to make it part of my every day and it cheers me up every time!!


E L E V E N years!! Woah! Your blog is now my routine in the morning, I love the positivity and variety you offer! Thanks for sharing your highs and lows with the internet and being so genuine in the process! You are a light! Keep shining!!


This is the first website I type into my browser each morning while drinking my coffee. :) So fun keeping up with you, happy 11 years!


Happy 11 yr anniversary on your blog! The time has just FLOWN by!! I first started reading your blog when you were a driver’s ed teacher and then stopped reading for a bit due to grad school work load, but then found your blog again when you moved back to SLC when Brooke had just turned one and have been reading pretty consistently since then! I love your blog bc it really does feel like I’m catching up with a friend and your blog is so positive. Watching you go after your dream of a sub 3, made me feel motivated that I could actually run a marathon! I signed up for one and it went so much better than I had thought possible! I actually ended up being 10 weeks pregnant, which was not necessarily planned when I signed for the race 6 months before. I finished in 4:19 and originally had planned on one and done, but now I wonder if I can break 4 hours! Hope you have a great week with the family!


I have loved your blog from the very beginning! I have personally celebrated all of your life victories (sub 3, second chance at love (meeting Andrew) and your beautiful children. You are just so sincere and genuine.


Thanks for taking us along on your running journey❤️


Happy 11 year anniversary! I’ve ready so many helpful posts about running – thanks so much!


You are my FAVE blogger! I love reading your posts over the many years and seeing your adorable family!l grow and flourish! Thank you!


I don’t remember how I found your blog but I’ve been a follower for many years now and love watching your family grow and you accomplish so many running goals.


Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing your life. You have been an inspiration, encouragement, and support to so many.


My go to blog every day, loved following along on your journey!


Happy 11th blog Anniversary! I look forward to following for years to come. So many of your posts have gotten me through tough times and made me smile too ?


Congratulations on 11 years of blogging! Thank you so much for sharing your life with us! ❤️


I’ve also been reading your blog for 11 years! Love it!


Congrats on this milestone! I’ve loved following your updates over the years.


Thanks for sharing your life and example with all of us. You are such a great example of strength and persistence.


11 years is so long! Congrats!


Congratulations on eleven years!! I’ve read every single post and keep coming back for more!


11 years! That means I’ve been running for 11 years! I found your blog when I started running! What an accomplishment!


Congrats on the 11 years! I’ve loved following along!


i’ve loved following along the past few years! i’d love the brooks hyperion elite, tempo, ghost, or adrenaline!!! too many good choices:).


Wow, 11 years is impressive! Congrats!


Yours is the only blog I read every day. Congrats on 11 years!


Happy anniversary – that’s a huge accomplishment!


I have been here for most of your 11 years! I love checking in on your sweet family :)


My name is Haley, I met you after St. George this year! Ran proudly in my ghosts :) I was nervous to come up & say hi and tell you that I moved to Utah because of the inspiration of your blog, but you were gracious and so so kind and I’m so glad I said hi!!!
Happy anniversary!


Love your blog so much! I’ve been reading for years! Congrats on 11 years!


Congrats on 11 years!!


Hi Janae, I hope you keep blogging for years to come. Reading your blog has definitely become part of my daily routine. Love seeing what you and your fam are up to. Happy anniversary :)


Congratulations on 11 years!! It’s been so amazing following your journey! Your posts have provided me inspiration to chase my own goals and happiness more than a few times over the years.


Congrats on 11 years! The blog is your oldest child, ha! I love reading each day?


Congratulations!!! Love reading your running adventures
and seeing your family grow!!!


Your blog is always entertaining and inspiring and so kind! Congrats!!!


I love reading your blog. My kids are older — 17 and 14, and my daughter is going to college next year. It goes by in a minute, but it has been an amazing ride. Brooks Ghosts are my favorite shoes too!


God bless you for being a friend to so many!!


Good morning Janae! Congratulations on 11 years! I only found you about 2 years ago after seeing your blog listed on a couple of ‘Top Running Blog’ articles. TBH, yours is one of only two blogs I follow regularly. I love sharing your successes and failures and I enjoy your insights. Your zest for life and your passion for your family and friends is a joy to behold. Keep doing what you do and Welcome Home. It’s the best feeling isn’t it?


Congratulations on 11 years. So happy for you. You’re family is beautiful ❤️


Congrats on 11 years!!


I read your blog every morning! Love it!


Reading your blog every morning is like walking into a cozy home, being greeted warmly by a loved one who hands you a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate for you!), and sits down with you to discuss the day. Though we may never meet, I feel like I’m part of your amazing family sometimes. It’s such a lovely feeling – thank you for letting us all be a part of something so special.


Congrats… eleven years is really a great achivement. I am a Danish blogger and a runner as well, and I read your blog to find inspiration for my own blog. So thank you for all your sharings. Should I be so luckey to win a pair of Brooks, I will come and run a Marathon somewhere near you and hopefully have a chance to meet and say hi ??‍♀️




? ??‍♀️??‍♀️


Happy 11th Anniversary! I look forward to more years of reading about your journeys and adventures!
And today is my dog’s 11 birthday! Seeing that you both bring joy to my day, it seems fitting ;)


I really enjoy your stories! I look forward to reading your blog everyday. You make my boring office job not so bad and make me look forward all day for my next run :)


Thank you for sharing your life with us! Congratulations!


I love your blog. Happy 11 years!! ?


Congrats on 11 years! Your’s is the one blog I still check daily. This has already been a huge week for me. I broke 4 hours with a 3:51 at the Baystate Marathon in Lowell, MA on Sunday, and secondly, my baby boy Leo turns 1 today. They say things happen in 3’s… maybe free Brooks?? Haha, jk. Keep up the good work. You and your family are awesome. Much love ?


Happy Anniversary! Congrats. Love your blog.


Congrats on 11 years! Your positive attitude is my favorite thing about you.


So very thankful for your blog and for feeling like we’re real life friends, too! :)


<3 Congrats!


I love reading your blog everyday! Congrats on 11 years :)




It’s so neat that you have 11 years of pictures and memories permanently documented. Such a gift for your kids in the future!


Congratulations!! I’ve loved following you and your family all these years. Here’s to more sub 3’s!!!!!


Congrats!!! I’ve cut out most social media except your blog, it’s may daily reward after my run :)


Congratulations on 11 years!! I’ve been following for about 9 years. I’m so happy for you and your beautiful family!


Happy 11th blog anniversary! I have loved reading your daily posts throughout the year and am so glad you decided to start this all of those years ago! Congratulations!


Congratulations! I have been reading your blog daily for a few years now, wow!! ?


You have a beautiful family and an inspirational journey!


Congrats on 11 years!!! I think I’ve been following along for 10 of them! You’re one of the only OG blogs I still follow. Hope you have a wonderful day, keep up the great content! ❤️


I am one of the ones your kind words have helped throughout the years. Happy that we’re both in such a good place now and will be a devoted reader always. :-)


I love seeing your journey to happiness in this post. In the midst of things, sometimes it feels unobtainable, and I know it’s not a perfect happiness, but what a difference retrospect can make. Love you ❤️


Congratulations! Can’t believe it’s been 11 years and that I’ve been following along since the beginning ?


I started reading your blog before I was married and had babies of my own. You inspired me to become a runner and do hard things. Now I’m a Momma of 2 (soon to be 3) and I still enjoy reading your posts every morning! Happy 11 years! :)


Congrats on 11 years! I’ve been reading for almost that long!


COngrats on 11 years! I have been a follower since about the time Brooke was born. My youngest is 9 as well. Love following your journey and hearing what running gear you love. Here’s to 11 more years!


I’ve been reading for many years (since 2012?!) and I’m so glad you’re still sharing in this space. Thank you!


Congrats on 11 years! I started reading this blog in 7th grade when I started XC and now I’m almost graduating from college. It’s been so nice to read your blog every day :)

I actually found this blog because I was SO hungry when I started running so I googled “hungry runner girl” hoping that it would help me figure out why I was so so hungry. Instead, I found this blog and was instantly hooked. Thanks for keeping me entertained and validating my candy consumption


Congratulations!! What a milestone! I’ve been reading almost since the beginning. ?


I love your blog for so many reasons….running, parenting, fun randoms. Thank you especially for all the running advice post kiddos.


Congratulations! I enjoy your podcast so much ?


Congratulations on 11 years. ❤️❤️❤️


Elevenly is heavenly (what we tell all the kids in our family when they turn 11 lol)! Always read your blog before I head out for my own run. :)


Yay! Keep on blogging, running, eating, biking, encouraging, mom-ing, & documenting it all for the blogisphere!!


Congratulations!! I’ve been here for almost all of your posts and I still look forward to your blog posts every day!! :D


Congrats Janae, great milestone! Love reading your blog every day.


Congrats on 11 years, Janae! You are an inspiration to so many and I hope you blog forever :-)


I’ve read your blog for years! Love you and your family!


Congratulations on 11 years!! I’ve been around here for a long time – since Brooke was 10 months old! So glad you’ve stuck around, I don’t know what I would do without this blog!! :-D


I love reading your blog! Thank you!


Can’t believe how tiny Brooke was OH MY GOSH. The cutest. I’ve been here for half of the 11 years, I think! Before Andrew made an appearance – so crazy!

Thanks for all your posts – definitely my favorite part of the morning.


Congrats on 11 years! I’ve been a follower for many of those years!

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