We are outta here + tangents!

We are starting our drive to Arizona today, it will take us two days to get there because we need to split up the drive for everyone’s sanity;)  We are going to stay at my brother’s house for a few days for our Spring Break and the kids cannot wait for all of the cousin time and pool time!

But first, let’s chat about yesterday…

9.32 miles @ 8:36 average to start the week off.

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Spring Break day #1 activity—> the park!   I’m not sure how we went without parks for so many months last year.

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Beck and I hung out in the shade.

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The rest of the day was spent packing and getting everyone to eat any food in the fridge that might spoil while we are gone ha!

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I was happy to take care of the carrot cake in our fridge from my in-laws, I was not going to let that go to waste.

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Let’s discuss some important tangents!

*Isn’t it weird that when we are now signing up for races our first thought is that we hope that the race will actually happen?!  Before 2020 it never crossed my mind that when signing up for a race there was a chance that the race wouldn’t be happening… there was always the possibility that I wouldn’t make it to the starting line if I got injured or something like that but now we just always wonder if the race is actually going to happen!

*Cinnamon sugar + butter + toast, another great pre-run food for me.

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*Speaking of packing, Megan posted this and it is exactly how I was packing for a 3 day trip haha.

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*When we were in Vegas a while ago Andrew told me to try Raising Cane’s while he was golfing because in his opinion, he thinks it is better than Chic-fil-A (<— my current favorite meal..  I always get the #1).   We tried Cane’s and I was very disappointed in Andrew for liking it more than Chic-fil-A?!  There is just something about these waffle fries and their sauce that beats out every other fast food option for me.  I can’t get enough.

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*If I am warm and horizontal, I will fall asleep within 60 seconds.  Andrew is always so jealous because it takes him an hour some nights to fall asleep.

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*INCREDIBLE.  Ruth Chepngetich finished in 1:04:02… 29 seconds faster than the previous half marathon world record!

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*I tend to chafe much more often when I am running in the heat (all of the sweating:)!  A few years ago a reader told me to try this Dove on the spots where I chafe and it works like a DREAM.  If I put this on first, I do not chafe!

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*Have a happy Tuesday!

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For those of you that have tried Raising Cane’s Chicken and Chic-fil-A… which one is better in your opinion?  What would you say is the best fast food spot?

How long does it usually take you to fall asleep at night?

Ever chafe while you run?  What helps you the most with it?

If somebody came to you telling you that they were going to run ONE half-marathon and it was the only race they were ever going to do… WHAT half-marathon would you tell them that they have to do because it’s the best in your opinion?

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Agree. CFA > Raising Caine’s. I had never heard of RC until we moved to the south. The last time we drove through CFA someone had run over one of the cones and it took two employees crawling under their car to get it unstuck. haha.
I’m like Andrew, I’m a terrible sleeper! I envy you!!
Enjoy AZ!!!!


Hahaha the employees there are just the best… they are so nice they will even climb under your car to get the cone unstuck haha. I hope that you start getting some better sleep soon. Thanks friend, I hope your day is a great one!


I agree, Chick-fil-a is better! I also feel better after eating it, it seems less greasy than Canes. But I like Canes special sauce and the garlic bread!

I fall asleep really fast too. One of my special talents is falling asleep on planes before they take off haha.

I chafe too, deodorant works so well and it’s cheap! I’ve tried anti chafing products, which work, but they are basically more expensive versions of deodorant.


Same same… I feel much better after chick:) I didn’t try the garlic bread though… might have to someday. Okay, I need that talent. That is impressive. YES, it is so cheap and I have to use a lot of it ha. Have a beautiful day friend!


I am also team Chick-Fil-A! To prevent chafing, I use “Squirrels Nut Butter” – it does the trick!!

Question for you – I’m looking to get a Garmin watch for my training and was wondering which one you have, and if you would repurchase it again or choose something else? Happy Tuesday :)


Hey Charlotte! I hope you get Chick-fil-a asap, it really is the best! I have used that stuff too and it is amazing!
I have the Garmin Fenix Pro 6 and have nothing but good things to say about it. It is the best watch I’ve ever had. I also wear it all day after my run too because it is so cute! Here is the link to my full review, I hope it helps! Let me know what you get and I hope you have the best day!



Raising Canes > Chick-Fil-A!
Purely because of the politics- don’t support an organization like Chick-Fil-A that is Anti LGBTQ and Human Rights


Yep. No thanks on the Hate Chicken.


Agree. Spending money on something = support for that company/brand/etc. It could be the best chicken in the world but – if fiscally able to make these choices (which I admit that I am fortunate to have that privilege) – I think it’s important to vote with one’s dollar.

Always love those pictures of your mountains!
Have a fun and safe trip down to AZ :).


Thank you. I have never eaten at Chick Fil A for exactly this reason so I guess at least I don’t know what I’m missing food-wise. But, they could be the most amazing fast food joint in the world and they would still never get a cent for me – it makes me crazy when my daughter’s school district holds fundraisers with them :(


Good morning!! Have a fantastic time in AZ!! There is so much natural beauty in that state, though I don’t think I could live there. My sister lives near Phoenix and tells me they are nearing temps of 100 already – just too early in the year for that! I do envy all of the sunshine though :o)
Confession: I have never eaten at either Raising Cane or Chic-Fil-A. I haven’t eaten fast food in many years, but remember loving the fries at Wendy’s and the curly, seasoned fries at Arby’s.
Generally speaking, I can fall asleep easily and can do it pretty much anywhere. Staying asleep, on the other hand, is a different story entirely…
Chafing happens for sure and my best defense has always been Body Glide or deodorant (so much cheaper!)
The half marathon at the Adirondack Distance Festival is great – challenging and beautiful!!
Safe and happy trails on your trip :o)


I have heard Raising Canes is different the further you are from Louisiana. I am from Louisiana where Canes was founded and have to say the MAJORITY of people here like it better than CFA. If you are ever out this way try it again :)


I like both Chick-fil-a and Raising Cane’s, but Chick-fil-a i is just so much better. My husband and oldest may disagree with me on that though.
I feel pretty fortunate that I typically don’t chaffe, bit the few times I have, I always think about you saying Dove deodorant works like a charm. I should just keep one one hand just in case.
Have a great time in AZ! It should be really nice down there right now. And safe travels!


I use the dove deodorant, even on my feet. I have used body guide and squirrel nut butter but Dove works the best. I feel like it stays on really well, sometimes even after a shower!! But when I put it on my feet too it also helps a little with sweat..

It takes me at least an hour to fall asleep. My husband claims it also takes him forever… Literally minutes after he gets in bed, the snoring starts so I tend to not believe him.


Hi! Does the Dove help with blisters on your feet?


It has helped along with other things but my feet don’t sweat as much and it does help with friction. I also switched to the socks with toes!


Thanks Carrie!


My husband ran the Gate River Run a couple of weeks ago and I told him your trick about the deodorant for chafing. He is hooked now! He uses my Dove on all his runs!


Chick-fil-a house here! Hope you have a great trip!


Happy driving and have a great spring break!


We just got a Cane’s in our town and I DO NOT understand the hype!! I thought it was average at best. Sticking with CFA. Have a wonderful trip to AZ! We were there a couple of weeks ago and the pool time and warm sun were magical compared to CO!!


Definitely Vaseline for chafing, and for the half marathon it’s got to be the Shamrock Half in Virginia Beach. What an event! I recommend it to all my running friends.


Cane’s trumps CFA and really any other fries, ever!! I honestly wonder if you just got a bad batch, because they are SO GOOD. Supposedly we’re getting one here in Utah, but if you’re ever in Murray, you could try Mr. Charlie’s Chicken Fingers – very similar to Cane’s. Whenever we’re out of state my husband has to eat at Cane’s every single day – I’m not exaggerating.


Hi Janae! Waffle fries are the best. Have a wonderful spring break, that sounds like so much fun!
Btw, I’m getting my covid vaccine today! Slightly worried about how it would affect my running, so I have an easy day scheduled for tomorrow. Hope that’s enough for the first shot.
Safe travels!


I love the Chick fil A market salad. definitely the best fast food salad !! But if we’re talking about Fast Casual, CAVA hands down!!

I’m usually a good 30-45 minutes. Which makes it so frustrating when I try to go to bed early! Melatonin though… if i time it right, 5 minutes :)


We just got back from AZ, spent our spring break there too! It was the best, warm weather, pool time, hiking. I’m an early morning workout person and my older daughters suggested we wake up early a few mornings and hike right at sunrise-couldn’t ask for anything better! Have a great trip Janae!


totally agree about raising cains! chick fil a trumps all. and welcome to AZ!! it’s gonna be a scorcher this weekend lol


ohhhh, have fun on your spring break trip! =)

We missed playgrounds so much last year too! My son was three during the lock down and would cry asking to go to playgrounds, it was so heartbreaking having to tell him no. So so happy that things are so much better this year.

My favorite half marathon is the Breck Crest Half Marathon, it’s a trail half in Breckenridge. It goes up and over a mountain so not a PR course but so fun!

Enjoy your desert running and family time!


So as far as sauces go… raising canes sauce is THE BEST. We’ve been making a copycat version at home and its pretty close. I love chick-fi-a though. If I could just have the avocado ranch dressing by the bucket I would be happy!

It takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. I am 15 weeks pregnant so I am out of the instantly asleep by 8:30PM phase, but for the most part I am ok. I have a weighted blanket which helps, but I hate using it later in pregnancy so it won’t be around for long.

I’ve never chafed during a run, but we do reenactment camping which is based during the french and indian war. When it is HOT I chafe like no other… the clothing isn’t my friend. I bought the Dove deodorant spray and it helps a lot!

I have a lot of friends who swear by the Disney Half Marathons, but I haven’t participated in them myself. I haven’t even attempted a half marathon yet. The most I have done is a 10k in Ohio for the Air Force Marathon.


Hi! I’m thinking about running the St. George Marathon in October. Can you tell me how big it is and how difficult compared to other marathons. Also, I’m from Ohio, would the elevation be a problem?


Growing up in GA, I’m a huge fan of Chick-fil-A (even worked there in high school). But you should try Slim Chickens too. More similar to Raising Canes, but better. They just opened a new one in Riverton. We had only seen them in Nashville, so they must be making their way West. The Peach Tea is soooo good. Have a great time in AZ!


Never tried either of those fast food chains so can’t help on that behalf… Sounds like I’ve been missing out though!

It takes me about 30 seconds to fall asleep each night.. SO good!

Definite yes to the chafing and deodorant definitely seems to help. Still haven’t tried proper body glide though so maybe that helps even better?

Ohh that’s such a difficult question re: half marathon. I’d probably choose a Disney one cause they seem so unique and fun, but I haven’t ever done one!

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