For those of you questioning me + 10 things pregnant running has taught me about running.

5 miles @ 9:54 average pace!  I was not sure that I would be still running at this point when I first got pregnant but I am beyond happy that it is still a part of my days.  It sure feels like I’ve still got some more running in me for the next few weeks but of course, we’ll play it all by ear.

On my run yesterday I was thinking a lot about the different things I have learned about running over the last 35ish weeks.  A lot of the things I’ve learned are things I want to keep doing with my training after I have this baby too.  For the previous 4.2ish years before getting pregnant I think I was pretty much ALWAYS in training mode for some big (to me) race or some big goal and it has been really nice to have these months of running just to run.  It’s been a really great break for me mentally and physically and soon I’ll be taking a 6 week break from running altogether and I’m sure I’ll learn even more lessons about running (while not running;) during that time too.  I have 10 things that I wanted to share that I’ve taken away from pregnant running this time around.

1.  To focus on paces less.  Pre-pregnancy = I check my watch 20 times per mile (slight exaggeration).  Pregnancy= I look at my watch to see when I need to turn around and don’t even notice the pace until the end of the run.  I want to find a happy spot somewhere in the middle of those two methods this next year.  I want to rely less on my watch and teach my body more about what a certain pace feels like.  I want to focus more on effort level than exact numbers and teach myself how to run in the effort level that my workout calls for that day.

2.  Pregnant running has taught me to be okay with doing things differently.  I am one of those people that LOVES to get in a routine of doing something (with everything in life… I doubt you’ve noticed that on my blog… I kid) and stick to it like glue.  Pregnant running is a great reminder to me that THINGS CHANGE and that’s okay.  Change is good:)  Almost immediately I went from doing speed work Tuesday and Thursday of each week (pre-pregnancy) to not being able to even think about moving my legs any faster than a certain pace once I got pregnant.   With running we are always adapting to our current situation.  Our bodies change (whether they are getting stronger and can handle heavier loads of training or they are injured/pregnant/sick/etc and need to slow down), our life circumstances change which effects our running, our goals can sometimes change etc.  Running teaches us to adapt, to be flexible, to go with the flow, to change and grow according to where we are in life. I love that about running.

3.  I started listening to podcasts during my runs once I got pregnant and I LOVE doing this now.  I will definitely be using music again next year with speed workouts and the fast stuff but for every easy run/long run that I am doing on my own… you better believe I’ll be listening to podcasts still.  They help me to think about different issues I probably wouldn’t normally think about.  A lot of different podcasts have taught me so much more about running and those Oprah podcasts have taught me a lot about gratitude.  Overall, podcasts just make runs even more fun for me.

4.  BUT I’ll also include some silent running time too.  During this pregnancy I started to include time during my runs where I don’t listen to a thing.  Sometimes it is for a few minutes and sometimes it is for 30 minutes.  I’ve loved taking time each run to think without any other noise but my footsteps and breathing.

5.  Pregnant running has taught me again to invest in quality sports bras…  I need to remember to always do this ha and not just when I’m pregnant.  A good sports bra makes the whole experience of running feel 400 times better.

6.  To have times throughout the year where I’m really not training for anything.  Pregnant running reminds me that while yes, I do miss training hard for marathons… I actually really love running according to whatever my body feels like doing that day.  It’s really nice.  A healthy mix is going to be the perfect combination for me.

7.  Hot chocolate is a post-run option that I need to always include with my training… not just during pregnancy;)

8.  To really listen to this body of mine.  We get one body, it is really smart and it sends us a whole lot of signals… Pregnant running teaches me to listen extremely closely to what it has to say.  Not that I will take that into my next training season of life and slow down or take walking breaks all of the time like I do during pregnancy BUT if my body is telling me something about over training/an injury… pregnant running has reminded me to listen REALLY closely to those signals it sends out.  Taking care of our body needs to be the #1 priority.

9.  Running is fun and pregnant running reminds me of that with each run.  There is no reason for us to take it so seriously (and stress out and feel so much anxiety about it).  It’s just running.  I’m not an elite that needs to win the next big race to support my family and it’s not something that I should place a lot of pressure on myself over.  It’s just running, it’s my hobby and it feels so good to congratulate myself constantly for each mile rather than get down on myself for not hitting my workout paces perfectly.  It is fun.

10.  Our bodies are freaking amazing.  Pregnant running has been another reminder to me of how amazing our bodies are—>  How strong we are, how amazing it is that our bodies can endure, how they can change and grow, how they recover/heal/strengthen, how they carry us over the miles and how they can grow humans;)  Our bodies are remarkable.  Living life with gratitude towards our bodies rather than constantly wanting to change it sure brings a whole lot more happiness to our lives (take my word on this one)!

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What I was thinking about non-stop for the last .5 miles of my run… the delicious cantaloupe that was waiting for me on the kitchen counter to devour.

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*I also had some pancakes with Brookie!

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Yesterday Brooke seemed SO much older to me for some reason.  She sure is fun to chat with these days!

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Adding keychains to her backpack is the cool thing to do in Kindergarten so I’m keeping my eyes open for some cool ones for Christmas;)

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And then the backsplash work began.  Thank you x a million to my sister for letting us borrow all of their tools.  Using their tools made this project SO cheap (we paid only 17 cents per tile too)!

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How Brooke feels about all of these house projects:

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My amazing sister (remember how she did her entire kitchen on her own?!) came over to help so I did more the kid side of things:)

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It’s all coming together!  I think I’ll have our whole before/after post of our kitchen for you next Monday!

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We needed some fuel for our day so we ordered Pizza Factory (THEY DELIVER!!) and it hit the spot.

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We also had their breadsticks and I could live off of these.

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My sis sure has her hands full with these two but they are best buds and it was good practice for me to chase around little ones again.

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Fast forward many hours later and Brooke requested that we have a picnic for dinner which worked out nicely because our counters and tables were completely covered with things.

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Dessert= one of my sister’s homemade oreos that I brought home from Sunday night.  Homemade ores > normal oreos.

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Andrew stayed home to finish the backsplash (he finished late last night… don’t you love how house projects always take about 4 times longer than you expect them too) and Brooke and I went to an activity for her school.

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We officially have everything that we need for the baby now that her fake fur vest has arrived.  Andrew was really thrilled when he saw this…  growing up with 4 brothers = this is a whole new world to him:)

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PS Friendly reminder about those evil sidewalk cracks… I ran into a friend yesterday that tripped on a sidewalk crack (I’ve done this probably 15 times over the course of my running years) while running and she tore two tendons!!  She luckily is working with an amazing physical therapist and on the road to recovery but these sidewalks are dangerous for us… BE CAREFUL!

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PPS for all of you that were really questioning my Stranger Things 2 commentary on my unpopular opinions post (about not really liking it)… my brother wants me to retry it once I’m not pregnant because he thinks I will like it more then:)  He is probably right, I’m going to trust him on this one.

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How has your body proved to you about how amazing it is lately?!

Fallen recently on a run?  Who has tripped over a sidewalk crack before?!

Who has watched Stranger Things 2… what was your opinion?

If you could choose the perfect number of races to do per year (pretend races are free for this question), what would that number be?

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My body has been quite a punk lately. Last Thursday I said to my boyfriend “I feel great and nothing hurts for like the first time this year!) and then on Friday I went for a 3 mile run and woke up Saturday limping. I seem to have avoided major injury but it was a sign my foot needs rest. Oh, and not the foot that was injured all year…..this is now the “good” foot. I guess after picking up the slack most of the year it’s now letting me know it’s overworked.

Needless to say taking a week off from running. The perfect number of races for me would be 7! a mix of 1 full marathon, 2 half marathons and a 5k or 10k every season.


SALLY…. NOOOOO I am so so sorry about your foot! That totally happens to me… our bodies overcompensate during times of injury and then boom, something else hurts. Good for you to take the week off and keep me updated with how you are feeling!


Okay I’m definitely going to make homemade Oreo’s someday soon, thank you for sharing!

One thing my body has been amazing with lately in running in general. Whenever I think I won’t hit paces on my run my body nails them! I love the list of things that pregnant running has taught you. I want to learn how to not rely on my watch so much too but it’s hard with the weather changing. A pace that should be easy seems hard with the cold air feeling so sharp in my lungs (at least when I first start to run).

Doing house projects by yourself saves SO much money it’s crazy. You get an excuse for not helping as much since you’re pregnant. Can’t hurt the baby right ;)

The perfect amount of races for me each year would probably be 3. I have no idea the distances but I think one in the spring, summer and fall would be perfect! Then I always have something to look forward to with training.


I just love that you’ve been able to run this far into pregnancy. It really does change how you view the sport, right?? During my last pregnancy was when i decided I was going to BQ post baby because pregnancy running made me feel sooo strong. Of course, it’s also very humbling, and makes you realize how lucky you are to be able to lace up your running shoes and do something you love. So, that BQ aside, I hate racing. This year I’ve done more races than i ever have—and I keep winning free entry’s to 5ks from a particular series bc no actual fast females show up and I’ve gotten first OA at 5 in a row. ? And the prize is an entry to the next one. Hahaha. Happy Tuesday Janae!


CONGRATS TO YOU MOLLIE on all of your wins… that is huge!!!


I try to remind myself to be grateful for the body I have on a regular basis – I’m not perfect, but I can lift weights, go for runs/walks/bike rides, stand a long time at concerts, hike up and down the three floors at work with no problem… and most importantly, I can almost always carry in all my groceries in one trip. :)
I think I have gone this entire year (so far) without falling, which is a first for me. Last year was really rough – I fell 3 times! One time I tripped on the sidewalk in front of my neighbors house (just getting started on my run) and I basically did a belly flop onto the cement… ended up jamming my neck and giving myself whiplash. Sidewalk cracks are not to be taken lightly! I couldn’t even hold my own head up for a few days!
My goal next year is to find two half marathons, two 10ks, and two 5ks… so I guess 6?


Podcasts during run = love. That’s how I survive all those longish easy days during marathon training…

Regarding races, if they were free!, it depends if you mean run them or race (/train for) them.. I’d love to run (maybe race if in the game :p) all the holiday-themed ones if they were free! Jingle Bell Jog, Turkey Trot, a Halloween one like you did earlier,.. Such a good way to celebrate! But not free :p.


Those really are all such great reminders about us and running, even if we’re not pregnant. My body has been reminding me lately that it works a lot better when it gets rest and sleep. I’ve been trying to be more diligent about that, and I always notice an improvement in the way I function (including my running) when I’m not dragging from only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep.

I’ve tripped on a sidewalk crack before, and it’s awful! The worst time it happened was last December (almost a year ago), and I was just starting to have a bunch of kidney troubles, and so my body was already out of whack. On top of that, I had just gotten my heart broken, and that was weighing very heavily upon me. I tripped and had a complete wipeout and even put a hole in my leggings and one in my glove, too. I just sat on the curb and started crying—not from the pain of falling but because I felt like it’s how my entire life was going at the time. Needless to say, I will never forget that fall.


I can’t wait to see your kitchen! I just know it’s going to look amazing!! Those homemade Oreos look SO good and now I want some! I’ve been going through a hard time in life lately and I haven’t been running and I am feeling weak and blue. I hope that 2018 brings good things and I start to feel strong again! That vest you picked out for your new little one is so cute!! I can’t wait for the post saying you’ve had her!! It could be so soon!!! <3


Thank you so much Torrie. I am so beyond sorry about what you are going through this year. I wish we could go to dinner together and talk. I’ll be thinking about you and I’m hoping that 2018 is your best year yet.


Thank you, Janae! You have such a big heart and are so kind.


I remember with 2013 being such a hard year I switched my passwords on everything to something like ‘2014willbethebest’ and that hope helped me so much and it really was a better year. The holidays make hard times even harder (in my opinion) so if you ever need to email with someone, I’m your woman!


I would love to email you! Wasn’t sure which one to use that would reach you.


Do you see the contact me tab at the top of the page?!! Email me there!!


Done :-)


Thank you for sharing your journey running through your pregnancy! You are such an inspiration :) I hope to be running whenever I become pregnant!
I’ve completed 6 weeks of BBG (my update is on the blog today!) and I’ve been so impressed with all the changes in my body!
You’re not alone, I’ve tripped over flat ground before and I fall even more when it’s icy out!
We’re only 2 episodes in to Stranger Things 2 – and I’ve fallen asleep during both episodes…womp womp.


Your sister is AMAZING! What a wonderful person to help out so much! I love the relationship you share with your family and friends! So sorry to hear about your friend’s fall; praying she heals really fast! It’s my twins’ b-day today; nothing better than riding off the high of your kids’ excitement. It’s also their Thanksgiving lunch today. Our district does a legit thanksgiving meal and parents can come and join their kids for lunch. That would be torture for you…not the visit, but the meal. :) haha. Have a great day, Janae!


She really is the best! OH ENJOY all of the birthday celebrating, I love birthdays so much! Have a blast at the lunch today and I love that parents get to join… I hope they have some amazing pie there! Thanks Marie!


I LOVE Stanger Things. I actually rewatched the first season and then I loved the second season and I also now love Hopper, whom I did not think much of before. Seriously, rewatch it! It is also great because my teenagers and husband watched it with me and we all enjoyed it. It is getting harder to find things they are willing to do as a family.

I trip over cracks in the sidewalk all the time! I don’t know what my problem is. Of course, I was walking with friends and talking and walked straight into a street sign so….


I am very involved in my conversations with friends too so I can totally see myself walking into a street sign too! I am so sorry that happened. Okay, I’m going to rewatch it;) SO GLAD it has been something great for you guys to do together as a family, I love that. Have an amazing Tuesday Allison!


I thankfully haven’t tripped on a crack, but partly because I look at the ground when I run. I HAVE bumped into people though because of this! :)
I would do ALL THE RACES if they were free!
I LOVE Stranger Things 2! I think I liked it better than the first season! Our teen daughter wants to watch from the beginning, so we’ll binge-watch both seasons with her! :)


What sports bras have you come to enjoy? I’ve been on a quest to find the perfect sports bra for me and have yet to come close!M


I hear you on the keychain thing! My son is obsessed. He was in Kindergarten last year and had 6 different, very large, and heavy key chains…all on one zipper. His backpack was so heavy and lopsided, but he refused to take any of them off. This year is better, just a couple, but he still loves key chains and he collects them. Good stocking stuffers for Christmas!
I haven’t tripped on a crack, but last summer, I badly sprained my ankle when I had to jump out of the way of a speeding car in my neighborhood! I’m still furious.


I just started watching Stranger Things! I’m on the last episode of season 1 and I like it but I don’t know why! It’s not my style. And usually I’d think I’d be scared watching it at night (I’ve been watching while up with my daughter mostly) but haven’t been at all!

I completely agree that our bodies are tough. I had a c section a few weeks ago and that evening got really sick and ultimately had a second surgery because I was hemorrhaging. I felt horrible the next day, and had some recovery at home for almost two weeks, then felt great! I actually had to remind myself to not go too hard on my spin bike yesterday (also while watching Stranger Things!) because I have been feeling so good. I never would have guessed I’d be feeling this good inside of three weeks the day that happened. Our bodies are all different but they all just want to work!


I have on my goals list (we set quarterly goals in our family) to do at least one race a quarter – so 4 a year.
I like running, but I’m trying to figure out if I like racing (ohh logistics, you stress me out), so I figure setting regular intervals to check in on how much I like it or dislike it will help me know for sure! Also, by picking 4, I can work towards new goals and then pick really neat races to run (Hershey Half?!)


I have not had a period since before conceiving my identical twin daughters in 2014. I had a very rigorous exercise routine including HIIT, running, biking, swimming, body pump, and more. I realized that I most likely had Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. In August, I stopped all high intensity excercise and got rid of all my many food restrictions. I had many doubts that it would work and felt very down about the lack of hard exercise and putting on some fat. Well, this last weekend I got my period. Amazing, all my body wanted was some rest and fuel. Our bodies are very smart.


Amanda. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with me. I am so beyond happy that your body is back in a place where you are having periods. You are amazing!! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


I’ve learned that my body has a love language just like our personalities do. My body loves to stay fit and active. I do really well with just one rest day a week as long as 2 of those days are cross training days. My body also doesn’t love food before 9 am. And it does not like to be restricted with what to eat (like a diet) that makes my anxiety spike again, isn’t that funny?


I’ve been hiking a lot lately and while running is amazing, everytime I hike I think: “wow, we went that far” and it truly amazes me.

I’ve fallen many times on the sidewalk. I don’t think it’s been a normal sidewalk crack but uneven sidewalk…you betcha. In fact that is what happened 2 years ago when I fell, had to get stitches because you could see my shin. I had no idea, just thought I was “bleeding a lot”. LOL.

It sounds like you have been much more relaxed this pregnancy, which obviously is not a bad thing!


I can’t do a lot of long races. Maybe two half marathons a year and when I used to do marathons I could only do one a year. I’m hoping to do another marathon again someday but it’s been years. Wouldn’t mind doing 10k or 5ks every couple months if they were local and free! Not a lot of local races in our small town.


Hi janae, our quartz countertops went in last week, just waiting on contractor for our backsplash too… love your countertops, anxious to see your choice of backsplash, we are going with brick and beveled subway tile (both in ivory color). I have a question for you, what type of flooring do you have in your kitchen, we are considering the luxury vinyl tile (hardwood) look. Thanks!


AHHHH SO exciting! I want to see pictures of your kitchen please! That is going to look so pretty! We just stuck to white Subway and it looks so so good! So we went with Laminate in our kitchen! Can’t wait to see what you do:) Thanks Lori!


Every night I thank my Father in Heaven for my health and strength and ability to run. I’m blessed and don’t want to take that for granted.

My friend/neighbor tripped over a sidewalk crack and broke her knee, surgery a few days later, and out from running for a while. This happened the week I was able to start running again after falling and breaking my ankle running, though up on the trails, not on a sidewalk. I have noticed in our city that most cracks are painted with a yellow strip to warn you. But the one she tripped on is in the next city. I ran that way yesterday and now I am so careful right where she tripped. I keep meaning to call the city and ask them to paint it or shave it down. The crazy thing is she was going to run the trails that day, but decided to go for the sidewalk because she had a race or something coming up and didn’t want to risk falling like I had on the trail!

I think 4-5 races a year is perfect!! Have a fabulous day!! I’m guessing you baby’s name is Ashley!


YES YES YES… I do the same Holly in my prayers! Oh my goodness, she broke her knee and you broke your ankle earlier on in the year… oh that is awful and that sounds so painful. That is nice that your city paints them yellow to warn you! Thank you so much Holly, I hope you have a great day too!


Having an older sis is the best! I was thinking and it’s your sissy’s hair day 1! Lol!
My hubby had all brothers and all nephews and we had 2 sons before having our “princess” it truly is the sweetest thing to watch them together.
I need to start getting motivated to marathon train. Maybe a good podcast will do the trick.


HAHAH YEP… it was definitely day ! I love that you noticed that:) Oh I bet that is the best to see your husband with her! YES, try out some good podcasts, they are the best. Have a beautiful day Christina!


those breadsticks are making my mouth water! I’ve never tried homemade Oreos but I would definitely be down! I feel like my body has been telling me to slow down lately, so that is exactly what I’m doing!


I’m always amazed when we come to Hawaii how quickly my body can adjust to the higher temps/humidity.

On running with music – I really like to run in the silence unless I’m doing speed work. An hour of uninterrupted thinking time is pretty amazing.

It’s been a while since I’ve fallen while running (knock on wood) but I’ve done it enough times to know how much it hurts!

I have never watched Stranger Things 2… so no opinion!

I haven’t raced in over 2 years. I’m still doing a lot of running (and cycling when we’re home) but our schedule is pretty unpredictable so I don’t like to pay money for a race that I might not be in town for. Also, so many races are on Sunday mornings and that just doesn’t work with our church schedule. The only downside is I don’t do much speedwork when I’m not training for a race.


I have tripped on soooo many sidewalk cracks! I have to be especially careful now that I am running in the dark. Of course, I always scare the crap out of my dog too. So it takes us both awhile to settle back in and proceed with the run. I am also very skilled at slipping and falling on ice.

I have not run in any races for a couple of years, not including a Foam Run. My kids are in middle and high school and there is no time on the weekends to train or to make it to races. I don’t get a “do over” for their activities so I try to make as many as possible. Except for that soccer tournament last weekend with it was freezing, windy and weeping droplets from the sky :-)


I tripped on a sidewalk crack last Tuesday on a run & shattered my elbow! Recovering from surgery this past Friday, please please be careful out there everyone!


NOOOOOOOOOOOO Oh Bridget, that is so so awful. I am so sorry! Please keep me updated with how you are recovering. I hate sidewalk cracks!!!


Thank you! Making progress but this is my longest break from running & it’s so hard :( Especially with the holidays looming!


I absolutely loved this post, Janae! “Living life with gratitude towards our bodies rather than constantly wanting to change it sure brings a whole lot more happiness to our lives”…that took me a long time to learn myself but it couldn’t be more true.


Your brother is wise. I also liked Stranger Things 2 better. Can’t wait to hear if you try it again in a few months.


I’m super klutzy so I trip over just about anything. On my last vacation I went to Vancouver and stayed downtown so I could walk everywhere and save on transit/cabs. I ended up tripping on a crack in the sidewalk my second night there. My ankle was swollen and really sore the next day. It ended up being a good thing though, because I went to the Vancouver Art Gallery because it was only a block away from my hotel (I was trying to walk as little as possible). They had a Picasso exhibit, and I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. The Vancouver Art Gallery wouldn’t have been something that I would have checked out if it hadn’t been for my sore ankle.

I loved Stranger Things, and I thought season 2 was better than the first season. I absolutely loved the ending too. I thought it was perfect.


I trip over lots of things, running or not. Haha. However, I am pretty impressed my body held up for a hike up our local mountain Friday. Pretty sure I was coming down with the flu but I desperately wanted to go, and so I did – and on an empty stomach too. Not recommended but it was a gorgeous day and I don’t want to miss out.

I once did 10 races a year way too much – I would say maybe 4 -5 would be the ideal number – and the races would be all different distances.

I haven’t watched Stranger things yet, but have heard lots about the show. Happy Tuesday!


What is this you say about ‘finishing’ a project?! I mean, I understand the counters covered in stuff. I don’t think I have seen my counters in weeks. But finishing a project? You lost me there.


Janae, could you do a round-up of podcasts you’ve been listening to? I’m always looking for good ones. Currently, my subscription list includes: Dirty John, I’ll Have Another with Lindsay Hein, The Simple Show, This American Life and Unruffled by Janet Lansbury. Would love to hear your list!


HEY!! YES YES YES… I am going to post these tomorrow! Off to check out your list! Thank you Madeline!


Ummm…Pizza Factory delivers??? I’m in trouble! ?


So I thought the second season of stranger things was different, scary but in a more involved way. There was certainly more mystery in the first season. I felt like my 10 year old could watch the first season but not so much the second season! I might be the only one that is not in love with “This is Us”. I really was not into it last season and my husband told me he would give it a try with me and then told me that there was something wrong with me because I didn’t like it. It started with being made at the fact that they didn’t have a c-section for the triplets… which is silly but I was sort of hung up on that. I am not in the medical field at all but I know you have a c-section for triplets. Then there is no way they just took him Randall, it doesn’t work that way… I just got hung up on it!! This season I think is worse then last. I know that is an unpopular opinion.
My body seems to be failing me these last 2 years, age, my luck ran out, not sure. But I did breathe a big sigh of relief when my poor step off a ladder and resulting swollen and painful need got better after 3 days. It was my good knee and I was so nervous. I did halt all exercise but then I could barely walk down stairs…


If races were free I would do one every month, but at least half would be smaller distances like 5ks and 10ks. I just love the atmosphere of races!!!!


Love all of your lessons learned! I’ve tried to incorporate a few of these this year, even without being pregnant. I have designated speedwork/ tempo days, but on my easy run days I don’t really worry about pace at all. I also usually alternate between listening to podcasts and going for a run without my phone. It’s funny how some days I’m really in the mood for a quiet run and others I know I want entertainment to distract me. Actually, I found your blog after listening to you on Lindsey Hein’s podcast during a run, so that was a fun extra benefit!

I usually train for one big race in the spring and one in the fall. Spring is usually a half and fall is a marathon, although this year I did a 50k in the spring and am doing a marathon this weekend. I didn’t necessarily intend to do two big races this year, but I felt like I was itching to train for something after taking about a month off after the 50k. I think any more than two big races a year would be too much for me. I like having a little down time in between and I feel like I really give it my all in the actual race, because I know I don’t have another chance for a while.

Hope you’re having a great day!


I’ve watched both seasons of Stranger Things. I really loved season 1…it was so suspenseful!! Season 2 is ok, but not nearly as good as season 1. But if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. No big deal! There are definitely shows that are very popular that I haven’t seen 1 episode of (Game of Thrones, for example) so you are not alone in not liking popular shows!


We just redid our kitchen and looks like we picked the same counter top and back splash. Great taste!! We love how it turned out! :)


NO WAY!! Oh that makes me so so happy! Isn’t it the best to have a new ‘feeling’ kitchen:) We are so excited for it to all be done! Have a great night Kaylen!


Picnic? Your Brooke sure is a smart girl!! :) That fur vest is high fashion – and perfect for the upcoming winter!


Have you seen this??!


Being able to grow a freaking human is incredible! I’m always amazed at what our bodies are capable of doing! :D

I tripped on a crack a few years ago, but haven’t recently. I’m sure when I start running more solo when it gets colder I will (that’s around the time I fell the last time).

I’ll be honest, I was in suspense for Stranger Things, but the second wasn’t so much. I’m kind of with you on not really liking it as well as the first (and btw I’m not pregnant).


How has your body proved to you about how amazing it is lately?!

it got over traveler’s diarrhea…!

Fallen recently on a run? Who has tripped over a sidewalk crack before?!

not recently but yes many many many times. sometimes i catch myself sometimes i splat on the ground… sigh.

Who has watched Stranger Things 2… what was your opinion?

nope not here

If you could choose the perfect number of races to do per year (pretend races are free for this question), what would that number be?

4? once every few months.

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