Silentish Saturday–> From Vegas!

I did four treadmill miles yesterday while my friends did their BBG workouts (they are rocking it with those)!


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FaceTime with Andrew and the kids.  We got a lot of talking in:)


Benihana’s for lunch—>  chicken, vegetable fried rice, soup and salad.

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It was raining for a lot of the day yesterday so we took it to the malls.

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A stop at Pink Box Donuts is a must.

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Another friend flew in and we walked a lot along the strip.

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Brussels sprouts, salad and pizza for dinner!

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And in bed by 11:)  I am such a partier.

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Andrew took the kids camping last night and they had the time of their lives!

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A very important question from Scary Mommy.

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Almond Joy… DELICIOUS or NO!?!

-Delicious, I love them.

What are three things that you are doing today?

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I LOVE Almond Joys!

3 things: running 3 miles to prepare for a fun 5k! Grocery shopping :( and watching Irma! My schools are officially closed here in South Carolina but who knows where it’ll go! Praying for everyone that’s for sure

Have fun in Vegas!!


You’re so cute pregnant!


LOVE them!

I am going to clean the church today, lift weights (upper body. I think I have did sufficiently trashed my lower body for the week), and CUT MY HAIR!


Almond Joy is not my favorite, but I’ll eat them!!
And I’m doing a little work and a lot of relaxing today; so glad week 1 of school is done.
Have fun in Vegas!


I’m not a fan of almond joy. That’s the first candy to go on Halloween if I’m handing them out because I don’t need a ton of those around the house.


Sometimes you feel like a nut… Love Almond Joy!

No 3 things for me today – I just told Les, “I’m not getting out of my pajamas today.” We’ve had a super busy week and I’m going out of town for a funeral Monday/Tuesday.

Enjoy your girls’ time!


Love Almond Joy as an adult, hated as a child! But really wish they put the dark chocolate of a Mounds bar on the almond Joy. THAT would be the best.


yes!! I agree completely.


Brook and Knox look so much alike in this picture. Amazing how that works in blended families:)


I love that you and your friends get together every year! So fun!! Three things for today: finished my 19 miler, getting an engagement present for my sister (she just got engaged last night!!), and probably eating a delicious meal for dinner tonight on the couch-whatever sounds good! Enjoy the time with your friends this weekend!


If I’m going to have some coconut chocolate I love coconut clusters with the shreds embedded in the chocolate. THOSE are addicting!


Almond joy is not a love for me but I ate them growing up because my grandpa shared them with me. I used to stay with him for a week or so in the summer and he would just drive to the store and we would sit and eat it in his pick up truck. He said it had to be from the store otherwise it was just not special. He was a grumpy guy so I savored that stuff!!


Those donuts look good!!

Three things I’m doing today:
-19 mile run – DONE!
-Nap/bake cookies/Trader Joe’s run to buy Eve her favorite cookies (Eve is my dog … And yes, I absolutely make the trip to Trader Joe’s JUST to buy her favorite treats hah)
-Birthday trolley for my best friend’s 30th!


Hi Janae:) I’m so glad you’re having a good time with your friends in Vegas. I love Vegas!

I’m just catching up on your blog since life has been CRAZY the last few days with this devastating hurricane coming to Florida. Today I needed to distract myself from it and of course opened your blog to read it.

BTW I LOVE Almond Joy chocolates.


Be safe!


1. Just finished my long run listening to you on the podcast with Lindsay. Different hearing your voice then just reading your blog.

2. Going to a children’s festival about learning and reading today

3. Packing meals for the homeless later this afternoon


3 things…11 MIle run; it’s taper time!, hitting up old navy with my super cash, and worrying about my friends and family in FL. I will probably spend most of my time worrying.

Have fun in Vegas! Eat a doughnut or two for me.


Looks like a fun time!

All the Almond Joys for me please! 3 things today: strawberry pancakes (check), working on a baby blanket for a neighbor, and maybe some cooking and baking if my college kid comes home for dinner today. :)


strawberry pancakes???? wha??? Yummy.


Yes! Super easy. Chop up/mash some strawberries and toss with about 1/4 sugar. Let it set for 10-15 minutes. Mix up your favorite pancake recipe/mix and let that rest for about 15 minutes. Gently fold in your strawberries and then cook on a hot, buttered griddle. Drizzle honey over them (game changer, I promise) and serve hot. Your weekends will never be the same! :)


mmmmmm… will do! Sounds perfect for this lazy Sunday morning! Thanks!


Run 6 miles, mow the lawn, and a little bit of work have all been done. Now it’s either some errands or just going out for the day.

I’m with Kristin on Almond Joy – they’d be perfect if they had dark chocolate instead.


What do your friends think of BBG? Would love a little review!


Yay for girlfriend time (Andrew rocks)! Have fun!


Not a big fan of coconut, so no to Almond Joys. (But I love those Dang coconut chips… go figure!)

So fun on your girl’s weekend!

Three things? Did my back/biceps weight training today, went shopping for more open back tanks from The Gap, and signed up for two 5k run/walks! Yay!


Frozen almond boys are the bomb digitty!

3 things: 8 mile run on the beach with friends, xc meet, lunch and beach with the kiddos!


I love Almond Joys! Anything coconut is amazing to me — and when you add in the crunchy almonds it takes it to that next level of YUM!

Three things from my Saturday — (1) hit up the gym and work on pull-ups, handstands, and do a 5K row on the row machine. (2) have lunch with friends! (3) See IT in theaters while eating a ton of popcorn!

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