Let’s catch up on life + WHIRLWINDS = strength.

HELLO!!! It feels like forever since we’ve caught up on life so let’s start off by talking about our Sunday!

Sunday morning Brooke rushed into our room with something that she made in school… breakfast in bed = an orange, a capri sun and a packet of oatmeal.  She was so proud of her gift.

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Knox made a card for me and he included cash.  I can’t wait to go spend it;)

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For my second breakfast in bread—>  fruit with some waffle;)   Why can’t this be my breakfast every single day?

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We went with my parents and my sister’s family to church.

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What our real height difference is when I’m standing up straight;)  Okay, I did have heels on but still.

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We had an extra lazy day at home.

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Brooke included her tough look.

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And then we went over to my mom’s house for dinner.  Brooke thinks it is so funny when she tries to steal Andrew’s seat and then he sits down anyways.

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Curly hasn’t been on the blog in quite some time so she asked to make an appearance.  She is doing great and counting down the moments until summer break.

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For dinner we had my mom’s lasagna, salad, garlic bread and this bowl of happiness that we brought.  I think I would love winter a little bit more if these below items were more easily available during those months.

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We also celebrated this little guy’s 1 year old birthday!  We brought the Angel Food Cake too and please take time soon to have this in your life.  I forgot how ridiculously good it is.  Topped with strawberries and whipped cream… not much better.

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I don’t have a lot of pictures from Monday but I do have a few.  The day started at 5 a.m. for a treadmill run.  My eyes are a little bit bloodshot.  We had to leave by 6 and I knew that even a short workout would make the whole day go so much more smoothly (and I needed something to wake me up… ps I have never had coffee… running wakes me up instead;)  One of the many things I love about running at home is that anything matches when you are at home, no thought on outfits necessary.

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We drove up to Logan, Ut (my first time there) for a Nordictrack shoot that I did.  They brought Jamba and I happily participated in that.

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I even wore eyeshadow.  I don’t normally do much in terms of make-up (mainly because I have no idea what I am doing) but it is always fun when somebody else does your hair and make-up.  We got home around 6 pm and I was ready for food and bed;)

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Something that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, due to friends and people close to me that are going through some really tough stuff, is about whirlwinds.  I read this quote below right after Brooke was born and it was one that has stuck with me ever since.  It is one that helps me to remember during the really hard stuff in life that these winds/struggles/hard parts are only going to make my ’tree’ that much stronger.  That I am going to grow (this goes along with this post last week, how our body/mind adapts) and get stronger for when things are calm and also for when the wind blows again.  I’ll be able to handle the next obstacle that much better because my roots have spread.

“In nature, trees that grow up in a windy environment become stronger.  As winds whip around a young sapling, forces inside the tree do two things.  First, they stimulate the roots to grow faster and spread farther.  Second, the forces in the tree start creating cell structures that actually make the trunk and branches thicker and more flexible to the pressure of the wind.  These stronger roots and branches protect the tree from winds that are sure to return.”  -Neil L. Anderson

The same goes for running, sometimes we just need to go out and fight the conditions.  I have a really hard time doing this.  My normal self loves to embrace my perfect running days when there is no wind or snow or hills and the temperatures are perfect. I almost gave myself a heart attack by signing up for my last half marathon when I knew going into it, the course was going to beat me up.  But really, where does the growth come with training like that?  It’s during those really hard runs where it feels like every part of the run is against us (headwinds, soreness, heat, humidity, uncomfortableness in the pace) that are the whirlwinds that are really going to shape us.

So in the next few months as the temperatures go UP, the humidity rises (in some areas) or those key workouts on your training plan are getting longer and harder… just remember, that these winds are what are forcing your insides to grow and not a lot of growth happens without that wind.  And then when those fall races come along we will all be so much tougher than if we never went out in those tough conditions.


What are some of the whirlwinds in your running that has made you stronger?

Favorite type of berry or summerish fruit?!

Would you rather only be able to eat breakfast foods for the rest of your life or never be able to have any breakfast foods again?

Do you wear make-up each day?  What are some of your go-to brands?

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Cantaloup is definitely my favorite summer fruit. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’m so happy to have found pre-cut wedges at TJs because as much as I love cantaloup I am equally lazy and hate cutting it up haha!

I love cruelty free makeup brands! My current favorite is Tarte (the packaging gets me every time). It’s a little bit pricey but worth it imo. I can’t stand thinking about makeup being tested on animals :(


It looks like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day Janae.

I like blueberries, raspberries and blackberries the best. Right now they are my favorite, although I’m enjoying apples right now too. I go through stages with fruits. Some months (normally in the summer) I want to eat a bunch, then some months I don’t want fruit at all.


I’m not sure I can pick just one summer fruit! Peaches, watermelon, all the berries.

My whirlwind for running is that sometimes I go through a period of about two weeks where I can’t run at all. I’ll be traveling for work with no down time, kids are sick, and then I’m sick–when it happens all together, it’s a mess. Each time I have to make the decision to start running again, knowing I won’t be where I left off. But it makes me stronger, and each time I’m a little further along than I was the last time it happened, so I never have to start building from 1 or 2 miles again.


I think I would love to be able to eat breakfast foods forever. I’m a huge fan of pancakes and waffles and granola. :) I love blackberries and strawberries and grapes and bananas–I’ve been putting them on granola lately, and it’s delicious!

I don’t wear makeup, but Victoria’s Secret lip gloss is a staple I can’t live without. Thank you for introducing me to it!!


Awesome post today!
My mom makes this awesome breakfast that can be eaten ANY time: tomatillo sauce in a skillet, with an egg, tortilla chips, and Cotija cheese on top!


I cannot wait for peach season. I just bought a watermelon but I am too lazy to cut it up! I will do that tonight! I am not a huge make-up person either, I wish I was! I like MAC and I have the naked palette from Urban Decay – which has some nice neutral colors! I have food envy when I see you breakfast – I LOVE breakfast food. I finally bought the Kodiak mix from Costco the other day and I like it alot – really fills me up!


Blackberries and peaches!

Oh yes, I’d totally be choosing to eat breakfast foods only. Can’t live without eggs and english muffins. Plus, isn’t leftover cold pizza at 8am considered breakfast?

The only makeup i wear daily is eyeliner and tinted lip balm. I use Burts Bees Lip Shimmer on the lips and Clinique Pretty Easy liquid eyeliner pen on the top and Smashbox self sharpening liner on the bottom. Then if we’re going somewhere specific like a wedding or concert i’ll use mascara which is usually just cover girl. And the Naked eyeshadow palette.


All berrie, but I guess blue or raspberry take the win. Hah! Good luck spending that cash ;) wonder which stores take that currency. Happy belated mother’s day to you!


Is no one going to address that fact that you said you’ve never had coffee?!?! That’s it, you must be superwoman! :)


HAHAH superwoman or CRAZY:) I hope you are having an amazing day Alyssa!


Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day – I love yogurt parfaits – trying to cut back on the granola can be so hard!

I can’t believe you’ve never been to Logan! I’ve got to think I drove through it on my cross-country trip in 1992 – we drove from Elko, NV to Bear Lake that day – I remember thinking that that drive north of SLC was one of the most beautiful drives of our 10,000 mile trip, so I knew I had to return. I hate that we are driving all the way from Moab to Jackson in 1 day, but we just couldn’t fit in another day once we decided to stay in Moab for an extra day. As long as the day will be, I am so looking forward to it (and thank you for the Provo breakfast ideas!)

I don’t wear make-up, even though I am feeling like I am getting to the age where I probably should. I have really sensitive eyes, so even though I take allergy medicine, if I do wear make-up I end up rubbing it off. I did love my make-up on my wedding day!


Happy mother’s day to you! That waffle looks amazing! I always go back and forth between strawberries and mango for favorite summer fruit! I’m always so appreciative when everything is in season :-)


I do wear makeup every day! Dior and Guerlain are my favorite :)


Wow, I love that quote! That is such a good reminder – in life in general, not just in running. My favorite summer fruit is for sure watermelon. Although I love the big fruit salad my mom always makes for out by the pool with watermelon/peaches/strawberries/grapes. I almost never wear makeup, but when I do I love the Tarte and Urban Decay brands.

So glad you were able to have a nice, relaxing Mother’s Day with your family :) <3


I wear mascara every day but that’s it. I’m not much of a makeup person. It’s too much effort in the morning!! I don’t drink coffee either! I’m actually allergic to caffeine so I can’t have coffee (or soda or dark chocolate).


The whirlwind quote came at just the right time for me. I had speed work to do yesterday and poor planning left me to do it at 6 pm (94 degrees\30+ wind gusts). I was hot, miserable, and had no energy. Worst yet, I was getting really discouraged because I was only able to do half my workout exactly and the other half was slower but I did finish. I got home and thought wow why can’t we have perfect weather conditions all the time for running!?! My husband quickly reminded me how much better I will be on those “perfect” days because I pushed through on such a harder day. Hate to admit it but he was right! :)


Oh I am glad the quote could help! WOW… yeah that is TOUGH conditions especially for a speed workout! Congrats on finishing, you are amazing! HAHA I hate to admit it too when that happens;) Hope your Tuesday is a great one Lisa!


I’m all about the watermelon during the summer! So juicy and tasty – it’s perfect for hot summer nights.

I’d definitely pick only breakfast foods. I can’t imagine never having french toast or bacon again!


Love the tree quote – I’ll keep it in mind when I start training for my first marathon in a couple weeks.

I never have coffee either – can’t stand it, or any warm drinks for that matter.

Bing cherries are one of my favorite summertime fruits.


So no hot chocolate either!? What about the smell of coffee… I don’t like that either!?!

Super excited for you to start training for your first marathon soon… please keep me updated!


Nope ….no hot chocolate for me! I don’t like the smell of coffee either. My coworkers brew it in the morning AND afternoon, so I have to smell it for what seems like all day long. I do like soup though :) Thanks for the words of encouragement, they really do help.


Blackberries are definitely my absolute favorites!! Love the flavor, the texture, the color…everything.

The question about breakfast is a tough decision. Even though I love breakfast foods, I don’t think I’d be able to give up to lasagna, or tacos, french fries, or all of the non-breakfast food that I really really love.

I do wear makeup everyday. I’m not sure I have a go-to brand. Every item will be from a different brand on my makeup bag: Maybelline concealer, ABH eyebrow powder, IT Cosmetics powder foundation, Urban Decay blush, Wet N’ Wild Eye Liner, Too Faced mascara, and Mac lipstick. Some of these brands a little pricy, but each of these items will last me for months. Plus I don’t buy more than I really need.


I recently left for a run where I thought my stomach felt a little funky. Furthest point out, I was thinking this is not good………..which typically leads me to wanting to be home that second………but I actually thought trough all the times I have been in this situation before, and let it be what it was. Sometimes we even surprise ourselves that the trunk has grown so sturdy. :)


Way to go Erica on getting through that run… funky stomachs are not fun! Love what you said about surprising ourselves. Enjoy your day Erica and I hope you had a great run today!


I adore make up :) I think it’s because I’m creative/artsy; I kind of see putting make-up on as an extension of that. Favorite brands:

Josie Maran—not sure what it’s called, but it’s basically a shimmer foundation that I use just a little bit of on my cheeks
Yves St Laurent Touche Eclat concealer—expensive, but worth it!!!
Anastasia–best brow pencil!!!
Maybelline–this purple quad of eye shadows that I think I’ve rebought like 10 times b/c I love it so much. I always run out of one shadow before all of the other colors though for some reason!
Maybelline–all of their mascaras are good!!!! Expensive mascara–Too Faced Better than Sex mascara :)
Urban Decay–bronzer palette and EYELINERS–the best eyeliners! I have green eyes and love their purple liner called Psychedelic Sister :)

See, I love make-up :) :) :)


Come do my make-up… be creative with me:) THANK YOU for letting me know about your favorites… I need to check them out! Thanks Jen!


Mmmmmmm……..pineapple and strawberries!!!!
I could definitely eat breakfast foods forever!


I’ve been writing to you about me but I want to take this comment to talk about you and say thank you!!! I’ve never read any blogs before yours and I truly look forward to reading yours everyday. Your advice, quotes, workouts and personal stories are so relatable and it truly helps me every single day to read your blog. You mentioned the quote above stuck with you… well now YOUR quote “Whirlwinds = strength” will stick with me!!! Thank you being you!!


Thank you for BEING* you!


Thank you Maddie:) I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!


I love that quote about the tree—so so true.

Completely unrelated: DID YOU FINISH BIG LITTLE LIES YET?! I finished it last night and was very irritated with myself for not catching the twist before it was revealed ;)

And the only makeup I wear every day is eyebrow pencil and mascara (I am super duper blonde and fair skinned and that means my eyebrows and eyelashes are invisible without those two things).


AHHHH ANNIE you are ahead of me… I’m 60% done! I cannot wait to finish… Brooke might go to bed a little early tonight so I can hahah! So glad you liked it!! We should do a bookclub!


Happy belated mother’s day! I got divorced a couple of years ago… it completely sucked but then also made me feel more empowered when I realized that I could do things on my own. I feel like things have a way of working out in the end! Sheryl Sandberg just gave a really great graduation speech about resilience that reminds me a lot of this post :)


Your wind quote came at a great time! I have a run planned for this afternoon after work, but we’re just getting our first couple of hot days here and it had me thinking about going on the treadmill. But if I’m honest with myself, it’s not THAT hot yet, and I’m only going to get stronger and more comfortable running in the heat if I just go out and do it! So bring on the first summer running day of what is hopefully many ;)

I love pineapple the most, no question. It is seriously the best. And I would totally get rid of breakfast food. I’ve never been the biggest breakfast person, and there are so many other delicious things to eat than eggs!


I love breakfast so I’d have to go with having breakfast foods every day. (and there are savory breakfasts so I know I’d be quite happy).

When I signed up to do Nike Women San Francisco Half Marathon the hill training that I did made me so strong. Honestly, for me it’s more effective then speed work. Overcoming injuries and running again made me tougher mentally and physically.

My favorite summer fruits: cherries, strawberries, and blueberries. Picking one is just too hard.

I don’t wear makeup daily but I do wear it regularly. I like products that tend to be on the natural side so I use Flower mascara, Fresh Sugar Lip treatment (SPF 15 and the colors are great), mineral eye shadow, and I like the eyebrow powder from The Body Shop.


I think I love all summer fruit. Cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries…yum! I would definitely choose to only eat breakfast foods for the rest of my life. I love oatmeal, eggs, waffles, breakfast burritos! Geez, writing this comment is making me hungry. :) I almost never wear make-up. I used to wear it more often, but I just got out of the habit.


Two breakfasts in bed, what could be better!! Raspberries are definitely my favorite, but I love all fruit, except papaya, which I hate….


Looks like a wonderful Mother’s Day! Waffles + berries is such a good combination. I’m debating whether I want to have that for dinner tonight, haha!

A big whirlwind in running, and in life in general, that has made me stronger is overcoming my body insecurities with running. It is a constant thing, and I used to be about 40 pounds heavier than am now so my mind automatically thinks I am still that way, if that makes sense. However, I know that is far from the truth and I have worked so hard to transform my life into a healthier, fitter one, but it can still be hard sometimes. That being said, running has definitely made me more confident in my body & it is something that I will continue doing for the simple fact that it makes me feel awesome and strong!

Favourite berries would have to be raspberries and blueberries, hands down! I also love mango in the summertime!

I think I would eat breakfast for the rest of my life, lol. I mean, anything can be breakfast if you try hard enough, right!?

I wear make up to work, so five days per week I am wearing make up. On the weekends I am a free bird in the sense that I a) don’t like wearing make up on my days off and b) don’t even like putting on real clothes, so there’s that. My go to concealer right now is Maybelline Fit Me and Make Up Forever HD, and I love the Rimmel translucent powder because it sets everything, is cheap, and doesn’t look cakey! For mascara I love CoverGirl clump crusher in the lime green tube, and I am a big fan of Tarte blush and highlighters!


Thank you for your encouraging words! I JUST started my first run of my marathon training and I.am.stoked. But I do know that it won’t be easy :)

Favorite summer fruit = watermelon, fresh peaches, or any berries. So good!

I don’t wear a ton of makeup, just a little foundation Nyxe (? spelling) is what I use, and then a little eyeliner + mascara. I love bare minerals for any eye makeup stuff!


I would definitely pick breakfast foods. Plus I feel like if you put an egg on it, it counts as breakfast, so you could still have burgers, pizza, etc. Makeup for me is moisturizer + chapstick :) No skills in that area!

And yay for the Curly appearance. I’m counting down to summer too!


I just love how happy Brooke always looks! Her energy must be contagious!

I can’t believe you’ve never had coffee before!! Honestly though… you aren’t missing out. I used to drink 5-6 cups a day when I met with clients. Now that I work on my own I sometimes go a few days without even thinking about it. It’s better to not have things you “need” anyway.


I can’t wait to hear more about this NordicTrack photo shoot?!?!!!

Mascara every day. That’s it!


I can’t believe that is even a question about breakfast foods ;) How dare you! Haaa. I LOOOVE breakfast and would (and sometimes do) eat it at every meal.


I had a thought while reading the quote above- it’s something our pastor often reminds us-“you are either in a storm, coming up of a storm, or between storms” I think trees wouldn’t survive without those strong roots. I love that quote from today, I will be sharing with my students! Thank you!


Strawberries! Only mascara and eye liner.

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