SENTENCE PER PICTURE + 5 would you rathers?!

8.15 morning miles while listening to the Up & Vanished Podcast (I’m hooked and I need answers)… sharing my post-run hip strengthening exercises tomorrow morning!

Before the run we read Charlie Brown after Brooke cleaned her room (always a struggle but slowly and surely picking up rooms is becoming a little ((I MEAN A LITTLE)) bit easier).

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Post run salad with eggs… purple onions, bell pepper, spinach—> felt like a salad:)


Back together AGAIN after 5 days apart but Brooke and I leave this weekend:(


Watching them on these spinning toys makes me want to pass out ha… dizziness is not my favorite feeling.

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Got to see MEGAN and catch up on everything hallelujah!

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They think they are sooooo funny….

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New running song I love!

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My snack.

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His snack.

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Who did Big Sur last weekend… I haven’t heard anything about it (ps Andrew and I really want to do this next year and arrange it with a weekend we are taking Brooke out to see her dad)!

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My mom gave this to Brooke yesterday and I think it made her life… sprinkles are everything to her.

A009ABB3 5BD1 473B 94A5 31F3A9E0E1F9

Just a picture that I like.



The kids want to play “would you rather” all day long so I’m going to make you join in with me today on this game… thanks;)

Would you rather have a big dog, a small dog, a cat or no pets?

Would you rather be able to run fast to hit your goal race times but be injured often or run at an easy pace forever and never be injured?

Would you rather snack on peanut butter or a form of carbohydrate (like cereal:)?!

Would you rather never be able to have headphones while you run or never be able to have your Garmin/GPS while you run?

Would you rather run on a treadmill or run in EXTREME temperatures (I’m talking really cold + snowing or 80+ degrees)!?

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The no headphones or no GPS question stressed me out! Ha ha, both are a must!


Big Dog ( I have two)
Easy forever, I’m not the least bit competitive, just like to move.
Peanut butter, almond butter any nut butter is my thing.
Neither, I run “naked” it’s a meditation.
Treadmill, I don’t like extreme temps.

I also really love that photo of you and Brook, very sweet.


my dog is on the larger end of small.. haha. I would rather run slow but never get injured. Cereal. headphones, i need my garmin. extreme temps, I love snow runs.


No pet
Hit my goal pace
Cereal – all day, every day
No headphones. I forgot my Garmin this morning and if my buddy didn’t have hers I would have panicked.
Treadmill if it’s below 35, outside otherwise. I live in Texas so it’s often above 80 during summer training.


Oh yeah, no spinning in circles for me either.

Big dog! My dog is 65 pounds
Easy forever. Injuries are the worst.
Peanut Butter
No headphones
Treadmill – time can pass so easily with Netflix :)


No pets
Easy forever – I’ve been injured for so long and hate it
Pb + carbs?? Love pb toast
No garmin
Depends on the distance – I don’t mind the treadmill, but sometimes I like short runs in the hot or cold

Love these games!


Big dog!
Oof this next one is hard. I DON’T KNOW. I guess run easy and never be injured…but man, I love working toward those goal paces.
Peanut Butter probably
No headphones, I don’t run with them now anyway! I ran watch-less today though (kind of on accident) and I actually really enjoyed it. Will probably do more of that after the marathon THIS WEEEKENDDDD.
And treadmill. Am I crazy? I really don’t mind the treadmill that much…


No pet. Ironic, since we will be getting a dog in less than a week.
Easy. That is pretty much my life right now and I keep hoping it works.
Both. Carbs dipped IN peanut butter. Obviously.
I haven’t run with headphones since I started running again last year.
Treadmill. I actually just finished a run right before I read this. So that conversion chart is interesting. I used to always run at a 2% incline. I stick to 1 or 1.5% lately. It’s crazy how much easier it is. Ha!


Ugh I feel you on the never ending battle to get them to clean their rooms!

My answers:
-No pets (at least until my kids are older and I have more outdoor space)
-Run at an easy pace.
-I would rather run without headphones (what I usually do now!)


What is it with that game? My son wants to play it all the time and he’s MUCH older than your kids! LOL
But since it really is hard not to answer the questions here goes:
Probably no pets because I’m lazy ;) but I think a small dog would be nice
I’d rather run easy forever, for sure.
No question my favorite snack is cereal.
I can ‘run’ without music or GPS no problem -but I’m not a real runner like you :)
I LOVE running (or anything) in the cold and snow but I hate the heat.


Small dog
Easy pace (be gone injuries)
All the Carbs


I do better with proteins but carbs taste sooo good haha Long slow running for the win! As long as my lungs are healthy it’s all good ;-)


we have a dog, though no more after him! we love him, he’s great, keeps us laughing with some of his funny ways, aussies are so OCD! kind of like me! easy pace, just starting to run, so hard…Peanut Buster! oh I mean, butter! oops! lol! no headphones or garmin, and outside with a friend, treadmill when solo! have a great weekend!


Big dog!
Easy and no injuries
Cereal with a side of peanut butter (cuz, why not both)
I dont run with headphones anyway
Extreme conditions (I have run in 100+ degrees and in -4 degrees) I dont LOVE those extremes, but I LOVE to run in the rain and snow. And I always hope for weather on race days…or at least those races that I will be competitive in-throws a lot of people off their game ;)


I ran Big Sur with my dad and husband for my dad’s 60th birthday (the day before the race)! My dad ran Big Sur 25 years ago (when I was still in a stroller) so it was a memorable experience for us to run it together.
It was the most beautiful day (maybe a pinch too warm at the end) with the most scenic views. I definitely felt a little under prepared for all the rollers but totally killed it the 2 miles with 600+ elevation gain up to Hurricane Point. :) I made a point here and at St. George to not take any walking breaks up the “famous” hills. It’s an absolute must do!
It was technically my slowest marathon time to date (4:28:11) but I’m categorizing it as a Personal Best because I gave it everything I had and tried to spend a lot of the race focused on gratitude. I was extremely grateful to be running somewhere so beautiful and running the course with two of my favorite men. In the past couple years I watched my husband and two close friends lose their fathers unexpectedly so I put all my energy into being grateful to have my dad and to have this experience. It really does change how “hard” running a race feels when you change your thoughts from “OMG WILL THIS EVER BE OVER” to “OMG I AM SO GRATEFUL I HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY AND I GET TO DO THIS AND BE HERE”. :)

Sorry for a totally tangent comment :) you can see the picture of the 3 of finishing together on Instagram at sarahrunsla <3


Okay, Sarah… I LOVED reading about your experience of running Big Sur with your dad and husband! That is amazing!You’ve convinced me… I am GOING to do it. PS the picture of you three gave me goosebumps! And the sign for your dad’s bday had me laughing so so hard!!


Hi, I don’t know if that treadmill/incline conversion is from a good source.. Daniel’s has a similar chart with different results, and (no offense) his work is much more scientific in nature. Funnily enough, after reading this post, I found the following article comparing the two!


Hey thanks for the info! I’m going to read this when we get home and I took it out of the post until I find the best source:) thank you!!!


:) Sorry, science girl here– long time fan (though not as long as others!) too! Thanks for caring enough to check it out! I must say, exercise science is somewhat inexact (nothing on the level of mathematical study of e.g. electrons and so on, since everybody’s different and people are complicated!), but Jack Daniels has definitely studied the statistics to quite some degree. Looking at Jared Ward, data does seem to be useful! :p (That said, he has the added bonus of statistical analysis of *his own* data, and again, everyone’s different!) Best wishes to you! Love the blog!


THANK YOU!!! Seriously… I need all the help I can get:) Seriously, thanks and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


um, they are pretty funny. Especially since Brook has the shoes on the wrong feet.

I’d rather a dog and a cat but if I could only have one? cat (lifespan is longer and no walking bad weather).
run easy and be injury free
Peanut butter
no headphones. (although neither would overly stress me out)


Can’t wait to see your hip strengthening suggestions. I’ve been having issues for months and am just about at the end of my rope.


Oh I am SO SO sorry! Do you know what the exact issue is that you are experiencing? I’m so sorry and I hope you get feeling better asap! Good luck!


Oh my goodness! these questions are the best. Ok. lets seee…
Rig dog
Run at an easy pace forever and never be injured
Carbohydrate (cereal for life)
Never be able to have your Garmin/GPS while you run?
Treadmill (even though I live in Houston I could never manage the extreme heat running)


Cereal, every opportunity cereal.


We have a cat.
Easy run and be injury free.
Carbs (I’m allergic to peanuts).
No garmin…I can’t handle not being able to listen to something during my long runs.
Outside always (unless there’s lightening…I don’t mess around with that).


BIG dog! We’ve been talking about adopting a rescue dog for years but it just hasn’t been the right time..though we’ve finally agree that next summer we will be a puppy household! And thanks for the new song, perfect for motivating me to get out the door and run!


Small dog
Easy forever!
Can we all just have peanut butter cookies?
No headphones.
Extreme temps, although I’ve never lived where it’s actually really cold.


Cats and big dogs. We have four cats (no…that is not too many :) ), but really want a dog too.

Easy pace forever, definitely. Injuries are the worst and I would hate to not be able to run.

Hmmm, tough one. I think I have to choose peanut butter.

I would vote no headphones. I do not always feel the need to know my pace, but I must know how far I have gone. Plus, I do a lot of runs in the early morning while still dark, so I have gotten used to not running with headphones.

Extreme temps. Even if slightly uncomfortable, I would always prefer to run outside.


I would rather…

-Cats! although when I’m scooping the litter 300x a day I’m secretly thinking ‘no pets’
-Easy pace FOREVER.
-Peanut butter!!!! And Andrew has my heart…I eat it right off the spoon also. No other vehicle needed — it’s the quickest way into my belly!
-No headphones. I’m probably in the minority, but I don’t wear a Garmin/GPS OR listen to music. Some people call it naked…some call it purism..I’m sure many just call it crazy.
-Extreme temps. I cannot cannot cannot run on a treadmill.


YES do Big Sur! I ran it last year- it was my first ever marathon. It was an incredible experience. The race is extraordinarily well executed, scenery was simply stunning, and the volunteers were amazing. It’s certainly not a race to PR on, but it was probably one of the best experiences of my entire life. DO IT!


Oh Annie, that is amazing!! I bet that was such a perfect first marathon–> with those views! Thank you for sharing, WE HAVE TO DO IT!


The older I get ….only cats please…much easier.
Run and never get injured what a lovely thought.
I am currently eating cereal…cereal for the win.
No headphones….no problem….let me listen to nature and love it. (at an easy pace injury free ;-)
Treadmill with those extremes please.


Small dog
Fast w/injuries
No headphones
Carbs but not cereal. Something better like cinnamon rolls


Very good call on the cinnamon rolls… I’ll copy you:)


OOoh I love your questions! I see why your kids want to play this all day!

I would pick a big dog,
peanut butter,
Garmin not headphones,
easy running but never injured,
treadmill over extreme temps.


I did Big Sur!!! It was AMAZING!! I would do it every year if I could afford to! Best. Race. Ever!

No pets…I like to travel.
Probably fast and injured
Carbs, definitely carbs!
hmm…never be able to have headphones.
I would rather run in extreme temps. Not a treadmill fan!


Yes put Big Sur on your list of got to do and then enjoy the rest of your time in the beauty up there exploring.
1. Big dogs
2. This is hard ego vs. Logic, see below.
3. Cereal, Sounds good right now
4. I would rather give up the Garmin, which make #2 easier to answer no garmin=easy pace
5. Extreme weather. I already deal with the extreme hot in Phoenix.


Big dog (but not like a Great Dane, more like Beretta)
Easy pace forever
How about PB cereal or PB toast-then there’s no choice!
I never listen to music or wear a garmin. I wear a watch only to keep track of the time to pick up my kiddos or meet them.
Run in cold and snow beats a treadmill. Wind? that’s debatable. Forget extreme heat though.

Brooke and Knox-
Would you rather have rainbow sprinkles or chocolate sprinkles?
Hot cereal or cold cereal?
Would you rather go on a camping vacation or stay in a hotel?
Would you rather take a train trip or an airplane trip?


HAHAHA I LOVE your questions for the kids! I am asking them now!!! Thanks Kelly and I hope you are having an amazing Thursday!

B: Both
K: No sprinkles (he is currently against sprinkles)


B: Hotel!
K: CAMP!!!

B; Airplane!
K: Train!


I love Would You Rather. My friends and I would play this all the time in high school and college!

-Small dog (or medium-sized dog). Give me all the dogs!
-Easy pace and no injuries for sure!
-This one’s a hard one because I love me some carbs, especially of the bread/gluten variety, but I found out I probably have a gluten sensitivity. Soooo… let’s go with peanut butter, because I do enjoy a good spoonful of the the stuff ;)
-I run a lot without both headphones and my GPS watch, but if I had to give one up, I think it would be the headphones.
-Treadmill, 100%. I can handle cold for the most part, but I hate running in the heat!


Dos gatos.
So awful. I can’t pick. PR with less running v. running with no winning. Ow. I can’t do it.
Generally carb. However, why not PB bread or cookies?
Headphones, but I’ll sacrifice either.


I love the Up and Vanished podcast, I discovered it a few weeks ago and it’s been one of the podcasts that I listen to at work.


Hi Janae I ran Big Sur last weekend and even managed a PR in the process. It was the most awe inspiring course, the weather was perfect and my legs felt strong so it was one of those days where everything clicked. I took so many photos and yet still managed to beat my prior marathon time by 12 minutes. Please put your name into the lottery for this race-you wont be disappointed.


A PR at Big Sur this last weekend… you are AMAZING!!! Huge congrats and I need to do this race next year! Congrats Rosie!


Gotta have my cats
Easy run – no injury
Peanut butter all the way
Give up the Garmin
Treadmill (I’m a wuss when it comes to extreme temps)
Have a great day!!


You look strong and beautiful in that pic with Brooke!!!!


Thank you so much Jen! That is so nice of you:) I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Big dog
No injuries all the way
Gimme all the carbs.
No garmin
Cold. I hate running in the heat. I’m from MN, but we’re moving to Texas and I’m TERRIFIED it’s going to be so hot and humid!


I would definitely run in extreme temperatures…. I can’t do the treadmill! I’ll take the cold and hot temps, please. :)


1) Definitely big dog! I love being able to cuddle them (I have a black lab/Shepard mix).
2) Ugh this is a tough one. I guess I’d say I’d rather run at an easy pace forever and never be injured? I’d have to get my high intensity workouts from other sports like cycling and strength training.
3) I definitely like carbs as snacks, but I do loooove peanut butter. What about oatmeal with peanut butter? :)
4) I almost never run with headphones, so this one is easy for me. :)
5) Hmmm, I’d rather run in very cold weather than the treadmill, but I’d probably take the treadmill over insanely hot temperatures.


I’d definitely rather have a cat! Totally a cat lady.

As much as I’d like to be able to run faster, I’d rather tun at an easy pace forever!

This is a tough one, I love carbs, but I think I love PB a little bit more.

I’d rather go without headphones – I don’t run with music very much at all, but I always have my garmin!!!

I’d rather tough out the weather. I despise the dreadmill!


This is a hard one. But probably a calm small dog.

If you asked me last fall when I was running collegiately, it would be to run fast and hit goal times. Now that I’m running more for sanity and health, I’d rather run at an easy pace without injury.


Never have headphones

I’m in Memphis so I’m used to running is over 80 degree weather. The treadmill is just so boring to me. However, I’d take the treadmill over extremely cold temperatures!


Dog, either medium or big- currently we have a pit mix, previously we had a cocker spaniel
easy pace no injuries please
carbs over peanut butter any day
if I had to choose it would be my garmin. I was without one for a while and I missed it! Just replaced it with my bday $$
I would almost always choose outdoor running no matter the weather


Where is Brooks Find Your Happy Pace Headband from ?? So cute!!!


A reader sent it to me years ago! If I can find another one online I will let you know!


Cannot choose between big dog and/or cat.

Easy pace forever with no injuries.

Baked good are the best snacks.

I rarely use either nowadays but never Garmin would be worse than never headphones.

Extreme temperatures for long runs – I’m good outside down to high-single-digits (no ice) or up to mid-80s (that one is tough – I would get up and run at 4am to have it a bit cooler).


Big dog
Easy pace forever
Carbs always
Extremes – warm weather is pretty normal here for the majority of the year.


Would you rather have a big dog, a small dog, a cat or no pets? –> Cat (I have two currently, Cheddar and Brie)

Would you rather be able to run fast to hit your goal race times but be injured often or run at an easy pace forever and never be injured? –> This is a hard one! I would begrudgingly go for the second option.

Would you rather snack on peanut butter or a form of carbohydrate (like cereal:)?! –> Cereal 4 lyfe

Would you rather never be able to have headphones while you run or never be able to have your Garmin/GPS while you run? –> No GPS. I feel like it just stresses me out half the time anyway.

Would you rather run on a treadmill or run in EXTREME temperatures (I’m talking really cold + snowing or 80+ degrees)!? –> I have never run in the snow (California girl), but I hate running in heat, so I’m going with the treadmill


I have a small dog! A whole 20 pounds of min pin! I ran Big Sur and I loved every minute of it! The hills were tough, but the views totally make it worth the hard work! Certainly not a race to run for time! You would love it!


I would rather:
1. Big dog. Labrador Retrievers FTW!!!
2. Running your fastest feels Oh So Good. I rand a surprising Half Marathon PR last weekend (1:43:29- FIVE minutes faster than my former PR). I think I’ll go with never injured, however.
3. PB hands down.
4. EASY. I never run with headphones.
5. I would rather run in extreme temps. Michigan Girl here.

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