3 things that helped me to get faster and I don’t think it is ever going to stop snowing!

What do you do when it has been snowing all day long?

You go vacuum your car out.

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And then swim at an indoor pool with Brookers.  Once I finished work yesterday afternoon, Andrew had a ton of school stuff to do so Brooke and I went out to make sure he had plenty of peace and quiet to get all of his studying done.  We had a great time pretending it was summer:)


And pretending to be dogs.  Brooke’s dog impersonation gets better and better by the day.


She insisted on her Rudolph socks being on the outside of her leggings so that they could be seen.  Style points.


This might be really strange to tell you but anytime I see slushy snow like below I think about the movie Lady & the Tramp.  There is a scene in the end with this type of snow.  I haven’t seen the movie for 20+ years but it clearly made a big impact on me because I still think about it when I see slushy snow.

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It’s always fun when you have to go out a few times during the day to shovel the snow because it just won’t stop.


We had our favorite winter meal for dinner.  Grilled cheese with turkey sandwiches and tomato soup.  Plus one of the best pineapples I’ve ever had.  Costco did it again.


Andrew went back to doing more school…

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And so we painted.


A few Rolos for dessert and I wonder if we will take our Christmas decorations down before February.


Beretta is sure happy about all of the snow.


Brooke went down to bed, I worked for a bit and then Andrew was done with school.  That’s a good feeling.

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I’ll be the first to say that I am nowhere near in the running shape that I used to be in and that is the season of life I am in right now and that is a-okay.  I am going to be adding in some good workouts very soon to work on my speed and build strength for an upcoming 1/2 marathon that I am excited about.  A few days ago on my run I was thinking about what things made me a faster runner in previous years and what helped me to hit my fastest times.  Different things work with different people but I thought I would share what has worked with me just in case anyone is looking to speed up in 2017!

Picture from the first time I broke a 1:30 1/2 marathon (I finished in 1:25 and 1st woman).  I was pretty angry that day so I think that helped me too ha… I am a good angry runner.


Three things that came to my mind first that helped me get faster:

1.  I started running with faster people.  When I first moved back to Utah I was invited to run with a group of girls and I was terrified.  I hadn’t really run with people before that other than my sister and I knew that this group of girls were fast.  I was worried I would force them to slow down or be left in the dust. Through them I learned a lot of things including to go EASY on the easy days and fast on the fast days.  And on those days that they were ahead of me, I just had to work extra hard to keep up with them.  They motivated me to push it on the hard/workout days and then we all just took it nice and easy on the easy days.  Running with them definitely got me out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to new levels.  I think they helped me believe in myself a whole lot more too.

2.  Having a running coach helped me a ton.  Dave helped me a lot.  It is amazing to have a perspective (other than yourself) on your training and have a personalized plan provided for you on exactly what you can do to improve.  Working with somebody that is certified and has experience telling you what to do can help you to make huge jumps in your speed.  My coach was amazing and helped me a lot with my mental and physical gains for running.  I noticed my biggest increase in speed due to this factor of having a coach.  Why do I not work with a coach right now?  I’m not looking for PRs at the moment, I do want to gain speed but the second I am really hungry for that sub 3 again (I’m guessing another baby will come first but who knows..) I will be using a coach again because I think they are so beneficial to hitting our big goals.

3.  Now my form is nowhere NEAR perfect and I don’t think our form has to be perfect but by making some tweaks in our form, it can improve our speed.  Not only can having better running form help you to be a more efficient/faster runner but it will help you to be injured less which means you can keep training and improving rather than being sidelined due to injuries caused by bad running form.   When I have a slight lean forward from my ankles up my pace increases.  When my stride is powerful, I’m light on my feet and I am not over-striding my race times are better.  My coach was definitely the person that helped me out with my form.  It’s hard and strange at first to change things (take baby steps with this one) up but the benefits are worth it.

Still my favorite quick resource for running form:


Bonus:  Do the things that make you uncomfortable.  I get really afraid to do that.  I want to just stay comfortably in my most comfortable place:)  I want my heart rate to feel comfortable and to run the routes I know I can do because I’ve done them before.  BUT that type of thinking will most definitely maintain my fitness but it does not help me to gain running fitness.  Try making uncomfortable your new comfortable.  (PS if it sounds like I am talking to myself about doing this, I am;)  My biggest gains mentally and physically as a runner came from the uncomfortable training and it proved to me my strength!


What are some things that you have done in the past that have helped you increase your speed?

Is it snowing where you are at?  A lot?  A little? 

Ever worked with a running coach?  How did it work for you?

People that run with others… how did you meet your running buddies?

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It’s raining for the second day straight here. Temps in high 30s so no snow :(
I worked with a girl who ran marathons and had a running group she trained with on weekends and that’s how I got into running. She pulled me into her world and I never left :) that was 11 years ago


I completely agree with you that you have to make yourself uncomfortable in order to get faster. It’s those paces that hurt during training that help us endure those same paces (and faster ones) during races without bonking. I’ve worked with a coach before, and I will say it helped me tremendously at the time. It really helps to have that accountability and someone else to challenge you to hit goals you might not have even set for yourself.

I can’t believe how much snow you all are getting! It was almost 70 degrees here yesterday! (Thank you, Texas.) It is supposed to get a bit colder in the next few days, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing snow anytime soon–and I am definitely ok with that!


Thanks for the tips :) This year I’m focusing on getting faster so that I can try to BQ before I turn 30 (in 2.5 years!!). Getting a running coach is definitely at the top of my list.


You’ve got this Gretchen! Keep me updated with how you are doing, so excited for you and your BQ coming soon:)


I worked with a running coach as part of cross country team but it wasn’t ever an official thing–just a high school club! I’d love to run with you but I’m all the way in Canada!


it’s not snowing here in new York and I would like to keep it this way! I worked with Laura from this runner’s recipes last year to train for a half marathon and loved it! and got myself a new pr :)


Thanks for sharing! Running Hills at the beginning of a new running cycle helps me with my form and strength. Ultimately it makes me a faster runner. Lots of freezing rain in the forecast for the next few days…my least favourite weather for sure!


I completely agree with you about hills… they are miracle workers for our running and form:) Stay warm and dry Mel!!!


Running with faster people and speed work were the two biggest things for me! Working with a coach has also been super beneficial, mainly just to have someone providing the overall guidance of what, when and why to do certain workouts. My training was very aimless and haphazard before working I started working with a coach. No snow here, BUT it is supposed to get into the 30s this weekend, which is AWESOME because I have a half marathon and I’d love for it to be really cool for that!


GOOD LUCK at your half marathon this weekend… you are going to rock it! I hope the temperatures are perfect for you Sam!


You have so much snow, that is crazy!! I don’t mind that much snow if I don’t have anywhere to go, but the thought of having to drive in that would terrify me!
I worked with a running coach when I was training for my marathon last year and it was amazing because I didn’t have to think about coming up with my own workouts. Having a set schedule and someone who told me what to do took a lot of stress out of the training and it helped me feel like I would be prepared for the race. It was also nice to have the accountability!


It really is so nice to never have to think about your workouts… you just look at the schedule and GO! I am so glad that having a coach helped you so much for your marathon last year. I hope you are having a wonderful day Katherine!


Planks and Interval runs at the track are my tools to get faster.

Right now is not snowing at all here in South FL, and I don’t it will ever will lol. It actually feels like summer and I’m kind of craving some cold over here.

My Dad is the only coach I’ve ever worked with. He speaks from his 20-something years of experience in running and I go to him every single time I have questions (which is almost every day). So, to me it works perfectly:)


I definitely had my best year when I was working with a coach. I am interested in trying that out again at some point in the future, but I am also interested in writing my own plans and learning how to help myself. When I train for another marathon (hopefully the london marathon 2018) i will probably work with a coach again!


Oh I want to run the London Marathon so bad… maybe I will come with you:) I love what you said about learning how to help yourself.. that is so important! You know your body best and learning what works for you best is awesome!


I’m jealous of all your snow. It’s just cold and dreary here. In my opinion, if it is going to be cold, there may as well be snow. Right?
I’ve noticed too that speed training as well as form is so huge in improving my speed! I’ve also noticed when I up my nutrition game/water intake and focus on strengthening my core, my speed increases too.
Hope you have a great Tuesday, Janae!


We have about 14-15 inches of snow since yesterday morning and it is still snowing! Should be an interesting workout day!


14-15 INCHES OF SNOW… oh my goodness! What did you do for your workout?


I couldnt convince my 3.5 year old to go out in the jogger today, so I cheated an rode the bike inside for an hour ;)


HAHAH!! Well, great job getting in the bike today! That is a ton of snow!


I always LOVE and APPRECIATE your running posts, missy. I think that running with a faster group is definitely a fantastic way to socialize, get your booty handed to you, and get faster and more confident, all at the same time.


Oh thank you so much Tiffany for your sweet comment! I hope your day is amazing:) “get your booty handed to you” hahah YEP!


Lol at Andrew shoveling snow in his shorts!

I used to run with a friend, but then she changed jobs. TBH, I’m scared of running with anyone else! I feel like I’m too slow, or don’t go far enough. But I’m starting to train for a 10 mile race, so I would really like to find someone to do longer runs with.


I think we all go through various stages of running with her lives. It’s impossible to be in the “best” shape ever for your entire life. We can’t expect to PR all of the time. I always appreciate your honesty and openness about what stage you are in. You’re an incredible runner and I know you still have plenty of PRs down the road.

I would take snow over pouring rain and 35 which is what the East Coast has been like lately.


Hill workouts and speed workouts were the two biggest things that helped me get faster. Just by doing a speed workout once a week, I took 25 minutes off my marathon time and went from a 3:55 marathoner to a 3:32 and got my first BQ! And that was in just 7 months. I also increased my mileage a ton, going from 20-30 miles a week to 40-50. I really still can’t believe the results. Running is a crazy sport :)

It isn’t snowing here YET. I saw a few flurries on my run this morning, but tomorrow and Thursday we’re supposed to get a lot of snow here in Denver! I’m excited for it.

I’ve never worked with a running coach TECHNICALLY, but my boyfriend is a coach so I get my running advice for free :)

And two more things: 1. Really can’t believe Andrew is shoveling snow in shorts. and 2. When I was a kid my mom called slushy snow “angel snot” and I always always always think of that now and it makes me smile every time.


25 minutes off… HOLY COW ANNIE!! That is incredible:) You are amazing! Free running advice is the best.
Angel snot haha… I’ll have to tell the kids that!


I would LOVE to work with a coach but can’t seem to find one. The biggest thing I did to get faster is be consistent AND make sure I get in plyos/strength twice a week. I also love a good group run. I’m on the prowl for a good and close club to join so I can find my people here. I’m really excited to read about a baby and/or a sub 3 marathon! Exciting things coming your way.


You are so right about consistency AND strength. Thank you so much Elizabeth! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I get such a kick from seeing your dog in snow! I definitely need to find faster runners so I can improve my speed!


Looks like Brooke had fun a the pool. I was always excited as a kid whenever we went swimming.

We got a bunch of snow this weekend. Driving home on New Year’s was pretty stressful. On the bright side though the trees are so pretty with the snow on them.


Interval training helps me massively! But most of all just consistency, so many times I’ve got faster, stopped running and found myself back to square one! When I first started running I was averaging a 12:30 minute mile, at the moment I’m around a 10 minute mile with the aim to get it down to 9 minutes :)

Thank you for another brilliant post – as someone who is quite inexperienced when it comes with running, all your advice and guidance really helps :)


You are so welcome Lauren, I’m glad I could help a little bit. HUGE CONGRATS on your incredible improvements with your running. Keep me updated with how you are doing, you are rocking it! Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!


Hi Janae
I’ve been reading your blog for the last 18 months and just wanted to say that today’s post was really useful. I love your running journey and am fascinated by your speed and ability to get out there and RUN even when life isn’t going fantastically. I ran my second marathon last October (Dublin 2016) and your mantras ‘I am comfortable’ and ‘My elbows/ears/nose doesn’t hurt’ really helped me during the toughest bits. Good luck with it all and thank you for the inspiration!


THANK YOU Djinn for your sweet comment! Congrats on your second marathon this last October, that is AWESOME and I am so glad that the mantras helped you some! Keep me updated with how you are doing and how your running is going. I hope you are having a great day!


I love how you are embracing this time in your life. I used to be so hyper focused on exercise, but right now, my priorities are shifting immensely. I’m okay with that, but I wasn’t at first. i helps to hear other people going through that too.


I was worried we wouldn’t have snow for Christmas, we FINALLY got snow and it just kept coming!

*Love that Andrew us shoveling in shorts! My husband does the same thing :O).


I don’t know how they do it… I would freeze to death! So glad you got snow for Christmas!


I totally agree about running with faster runners. It’s made a huge difference in my ability to believe that I CAN run fast and that I can push myself out of my comfort zone. I think every runner has that thought when meeting up with someone new. So if you are thinking it, I’m 99% sure the other runners are thinking the same thing!


For the past three years I have lived in areas with lots of hills so every run was a hill workout and then I would go race a 5k and be so much faster than I thought I was. Now I am slow again because I had another baby 11 weeks ago and when I do go run I push the stroller. OMG is that tough. But hopefully it will also make me stronger so that when I don’t have baby with me I’ll be faster, haha.


Congrats on your baby Sarah!! Stroller running is SO SO hard but you are right, when you are racing without that baby jogger you will FLY!


It’s Snowmageddon here right now. It’s a blessing because CA can really use the snowpack. And between the shoveling and skiing, it’s certainly one way to get in shape after the holidays!

I feel like strength training is one that thing that has helped me be a faster runner. It’s funny that less running = faster running, but I’m faster now in my forties that I ever was.

My spin instructor always says “it’s OK to feel uncomfortable, it won’t last forever” and that’s a really helpful mindset for me.


I love what your spin instructor says… that is so true! YAY for snow and you are so right, it is an amazing workout. You are rocking the running and inspiring me to continue with the strength training for some speed!


Tempo runs!! I totally think they help, especially for half marathon training.

Not too much snow here…yet lol

I just started working with a coach 2 months ago to help me get speedy(:

I really think the key to improving is pushing outside the comfort zone, which is wicked hard but will pay off in the end!

I like doing races with a local running club, it’s friendly competition that motivates me (:


Okay, that is AWESOME Jodi! Are you using a coach online or someone in your area! So excited for you and you are so right about tempo runs and getting out of that comfort zone!!!


Using an online one since there aren’t too many in my area. Thanks girl (:


Tempo runs have been key for me to increase speed because they also increase endurance. I’m still petrified to do tempo runs because they are so dang hard but after getting a 6 minute PR in the half since adding them into my weekly runs, I’m sold! So I do 1 tempo run/week, 1 interval/fartlek/repeat run/week and then at least 2 easy runs and that seems to be working for me.
I used an online coach to get me through a month or so of training and didn’t like it. I never felt a connection and felt the coach was impersonal. Could have been her, or the fact I only needed her for a month … I don’t know!
No real snow for me; snow is super spotty in western WA and my hood has seen snow but nothing that’s accumulated above an inch or 2.
I met my running peoples after joining Oiselle Volee! Most of my runs are solo as I’m a 5am runner but my weekend runs are with the girls and it has been amazing!


CONGRATS on your 6 minute PR Jenny! That is awesome! I totally agree with you on tempos… they do so much for our speed and endurance! That is awesome that you met your running group through Oiselle Volee! Keep enjoying those weekend runs together!


I know the EXACT scene you are talking about from Lady and the Tramp. I also haven’t seen it in 20+ years but I saw the movie about 30 times by age 10.

Random comment – I had never watched Gilmore Girls and am now binge watching on Netflix. I now understand your love!

Happy New Year, Janae! I look forward to continue following along your journey.


Okay, thank you for knowing the scene haha! Oh I am SO happy that you are into Gilmore Girls now. It is the best ever. Thank you Amanda, I always love your comments!


It is not snowing in Dallas, but it sure is getting cold!!!


you are funny there Miss 45-50miles/week (at least a few weeks ago). I think sometimes letting life “get in the way” of our mindset of running ideals is helpful to regain perspective. I used to get really upset/frustrated when I planned to run and something tipped the apple cart. Now I consider it practice so for the next time, I am a bit less fidgeting or dramatic about missing a run or cutting it short.

It snowed a wee bit yesterday and it’s *supposed* to overnight.

How is your friend who is in the background of your PR photo above? Rachelle?

To get faster-well, training with my XC runners helps-usually the start of the season I am faster then midway through there’s a sudden shift and Coach Kelly is hanging onto their heels.


HEY KELLY!!! Haha you are right! It is interesting how big of a different changing our perspective about our running makes. Love what you said about it being ‘practice so for the next time, I am a bit less dramatic’… nailed it! Oh Rachelle is doing awesome! She got married last year and she is so incredibly happy!
I love that you coach XC runners, I miss doing that big time. I guess it is a good sign that they improve so much during the season that you are then chasing after them:)


this blog is dyingggggg


Andrew is fierce shoveling the snow in shorts.

It’s pouring and it’s the second day of rain. I’m not really complaining about not having to shovel snow.

I met my running buddies through Team in Training. Even when I don’t run for them I have people to run with.

Running hills and running with faster runners got me faster. Both were definitely out of my comfort zone and pushed me to go a bit harder.


Noticed you are wearin a Lululemon jacket! What jacket is it? Do you like it?

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