Silentish Saturday and that workout was REALLY HARD.

Met a friend at the gym to run next to… there was now way I was going to be able to talk during the fast parts but just having someone there always helps.

I don’t know if it is because my body wants to do nothing on Fridays or if this workout was just really hard for me because a 3-4 minute recovery sounded a whole lot better than a 60 seconds recovery.  I finished the workout and my mile repeats averaged at 6:34 0% incline.  Getting more and more excited for this half marathon next month.

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These shoes just make me want to run fast.

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Wearing Andrew’s Ironman medal around the house with pride.

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Visited grandpa.

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Painting and talking to people is pretty much all my dad can do at this point in his recovery.  Still improving but still missing some connections.   So beyond grateful for how well he is doing.

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Had a little time with Knox before he left with his mom.

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He helps me find my grey hairs.

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Pumpkin bread munching.

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Followed by hanging out with Mer in the afternoon…  Matching socks aren’t in our genes.

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Fell asleep in Costco.

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She was sad that she missed out on her normal Costco sampling:

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Worked together on these books.

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And we snuggled for quite some time.

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Met some friends for Rockwell goodness.  I had the snickerdoodle ice cream with graham cracker sauce on top, Andrew had biscoff and Brooke had strawberry.

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Brooke leaves this morning to be with her dad until Sunday and we get Knox this afternoon so we will be kidless for a few hours?!?!?

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Time for a long and easy run (part with Andrew before he goes up to the hospital)!


Three things you have going on today?!

Long runs usually on Saturday or Sunday or other?

What was the last ice cream flavor that you had?

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The very first time I met Sophia, my husband’s daughter, she was “five and three quarters” years old. She brought along her BOB books to read to me, and I thought that was the most awesome thing ever.:)

THREE THINGS TODAY —–> My students’ basketball tournament! I GET TO MEET A PUPPY! Trader Joe’s! (I still get excited to go to TJ’s)

I had GELATO the other night, does that count? It was mint choc chip. So yummy.


Five and three quarters… I LOVE that:) So cool she brought those along to read to you! I hope your day at the tournament, tj’s and meeting the puppy was perfect!


Beyond grateful that your Dad is doing so well….continued recovery prayers for him. (Dads and Moms are irreplaceable) Wow! Those are some super cool shoes……I think even I could run fast in those!! Enjoy


Thank you so much Tess for the prayers and well wishes, it means the world to me. I hope your weekend has been fabulous so far!


I was supposed to fly into Cali yesterday but the plane had two flat tires, so I spent the night in a Denver instead. Friday the 13, amiright?! So three things for today: fly to CA, visit Joshua Tree, help friend pack.


I think it’s called Mackinaw Fudge? ice cream. It’s Mackinaw something. Ribbons of caramel, few salty nuts in there, and just some holy-oh-my-god-goodness in there. I told our ice cream shop I will go on strike if they ever get rid of it.
Today: 1) haircut for my daughter and a Subway lunch date, 2) make a practice round of cupcakes for her class treat for her upcoming birthday (they are new to us, so I want a trial run at it) and 3) take pic’s, download others and get caught up on about 12 blog posts that have fallen behind due to extra regular job work and a sick child. These things happen, but need caught up.


I’m about to head out the door to run my first race of 2017. A local race with a 10am start is just dreamy!
Two other things for today will be going to the movies tonight with the boyfriend and taking the dogs to the park for a good long walk.
I haven’t had ice cream since last year! It was most likely chocolate chip. I’m trying to get through the month of January with little to no sweets. It’s rough. Last night I had a banana but put two tablespoons of whipped cream and one tablespoon of chocolate chips on it. Just to feel like I was having ice cream!
Continued well wishes for your dad.


Sending prayers for your dad as he recovers. Keep reminding him to take it easy as his brain heals.

What is Andrew doing at the hospital in terms of student nursing? Fellow nurse here and I love hearing about his progress through his nursing classes!


Thank you so much Melissa, I really appreciate you!

So Andrew is currently learning the basic nursing skills at the University of Utah and working on care plans! Today he was tested on vital signs and patient care. He is loving it so far!


3 things today – long run done!!, my son’s hockey game and out for dinner. have a great weekend!


I tasted a spoonful of my dad’s favorite bourbon eggnog ice cream just before Christmas. There’s a little place downtown that makes the most amazing ice cream, and they’ve had the bourbon eggnog flavor the last few years around Christmas time. It’s my dad’s favorite and he talks about it year round, that he can’t wait for Christmas to get a pint of it again.


Today is my rommate’s birthday so we’re having the celebration coming up.

I usually do my long runs on saturdays but I’m still not fully recovered from muscle fatigue on my right calf, so I might do my long run tomorrow.

Last ice cream flavor I had was Caramel Cone from Häagen-Dazs. It is actually my favorite one from them. Caramel sauce and chocolate-covered pieces of cone = perfection!


Is it okay to share that I just had ice cream… for breakfast? Party cake flavor :)
Today we’re going to see my grandma and spend the afternoon with my extended family!


You started out Saturday perfectly Meagan! My kind of girl:) I hope you had an awesome day with your grandma and extended family!


You should do a post about the Hyperion shoe versus pure flow and pure connect. We’ve never had much success with those at work because they are so similar.

We just ran a 5k in Birmingham which was interesting. I had a good race so I can’t complain.


I haven’t had ice cream in forever except for the other day when I made my smoothie too thick and it basically turned into ice cream! :D oops!

Hope you have a fun Saturday! Adam and I are moving all the final stuff out of our old apartment this weekend and handing the keys in!


First thing today: 90 minutes on the bike trainer. Hoping to survive!

I did my long run yesterday and I’m so glad because we have a high wind warning today. Currently blowing about 12 mph with gusts over 25. Ran my first double digit run since October! It wasn’t fast but it felt good to start building endurance again.

January is no desserts for me so I haven’t had ice cream this year! I think the last flavor I had was vanilla (over apple pie.)

Glad your dad is continuing to improve!


Wow Andrew has done an ironman?! That’s beyond impressive! Would love to hear more about his experience on that as I’m thinking of tackling one!

I’m loyal to my long runs on Saturday :) I love having Sundays be a full rest day from work/run/studying.


graham cracker sauce??? please tell me more! or give me a picture! Sounds so, so good.

Last ice cream I had was an almond milk mint chocolate chip ice cream..It was ok. Tonight is cheesecake factory cheesecake for dessert so that will make up for it!!! Two other things today: washing my hair (its been a week!) traveling to Providence RI to stay in a bed and breakfast with my boyfriend


Today I am taking my youngest to work on the way to the gym. We had freezing rain last night. Getting out of my driveway should be fun, but I hear the streets are okay until the next round of freezing rain hits tonight. Also working on laundry all day just in case we lose power tomorrow it will be done for the week. I did my usual Sunday grocery shopping on Thursday so we are good on the food front.

The last ice cream flavor I had?… I can’t remember. It’s been awhile. I generally don’t buy ice cream to keep in the freezer at home. It was probably a combo of yummy flavors at Yogurtini.


Question – when your plan calls for rest after speedwork pace, do you jog or just stand still or walk? Thanks!


Hey Jessie!! So usually they will state what to do whether it is a recovery jog or not and for this one I took the ‘rest’ that it called for to just stand there for the 60 seconds. It was so short that I just stopped and stood there. Usually I do a recovery jog if it is longer. I hope that answers your question! Have a great evening!


What department is Andrew doing his clinical in this term? I hope he is enjoying it!

Three things: Cross Country ski (I skied on our High School Cross country race course!), bake banana muffins (5 ingredients only!), take kiddo to birthday party.

Usually long run is on Friday or Saturday depending on weather and kids schedule. I’m so random that I just run what I can when I can which means some weeks are high mileage and others not as much.

Last ice cream flavor I had was last night! Amy’s coconut milk vanilla. Of course I put reeses pieces mini’s and mini choc chips on top.


Hey Kelly!! He isn’t into specific clinicals yet… just focusing on patient care and basic nursing skills right now. Once he does start going into specific departments I will post about it! CROSS COUNTRY SKI… that is awesome! Those muffins sound awesome!
That sounds like the perfect ice cream combo. I hope you have a great day with your kiddos tomorrow!


Girls weekend, so beyond my run a whole lot of nothing!

Long runs on Sunday.

Last ice cream flavor? Probably cookie dough. It’s been awhile!


Girls weekends are the best! Enjoy your long run tomorrow, I hope it is an awesome one!


Currently eating ice cream…and it’s my favorite flavor– Cookies and Cream :)


That makes me happy:) And the perfect flavor to be eating. I hope your weekend is an awesome one Theresa (and it probably is due to the ice cream part haha)


I never leave comments, I’m a horrible reader but I love your blog so much! :) I’m so happy to hear that your father is doing better, continual thoughts that he keeps doing well!!

3 things- being lazy, scrapbooking and I did make it to the gym!

As for Ice cream, lately I’ve been eating Peppermint ( from this local Iowa creamery) which is amazing but I think it would be even better with cookie dough in it… maybe I’m weird! :)


You are NOT a horrible reader… thank you for reading and your sweet comment today! I really appreciate it. Sounds like the perfect Saturday and I hope your Sunday is amazing as well! Cookie dough and peppermint sounds good to me… if you ever find some let me know! Thanks Renee!


hey Janae, you’ve probably already seen this… a quiz to figure out what donut you are.

Happy weekend!


AHHH I haven’t yet… I’ll be taking this now! THANK YOU and I hope your weekend is a great one so far!


Three things I have going on today are my daughter’s first soccer game, laundry, and laundry! And if I have time, more laundry, and maybe cleaning up some toys and dishes lol. My kids are amazing but some days they make it hard to keep a clean house. :P


Graham cracker sauce??! What!!!

Three things I have going on today:
-Flying home from LONDON! On the plane now :) (Last ice cream flavor I had was literally 20 minutes ago on the plane … Honey ice cream with ginger pieces … Interesting …)
-Going to bed at 7pm because I haven’t been able to sleep the last 3 nights!


We have been loving Halo Top ice cream around here lately!

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