Silentish Saturday + a video from us.

My run didn’t happen until much later in the afternoon (that has been the theme of my week of running) but it felt good to get outside!

Best place to stand in the winter.

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Playing Santa and Rudolph.

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Waffles day #3 for both Brooke and me.


My sister called to invite us to hang out at BYU.


Knox shot some hoops.


They bonded.

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I tried to impress Andrew with my gymnastic skills.

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How one legged squat down was the most impressive.

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He pretended to take a selfie and then threw us into the foam pit (THOSE THINGS ARE SO HARD TO GET OUT OF).

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He’s a big deal.

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King of the mountain:


A video from the craziness… my brother-in-law goes through the basketball hoop, shoots a three point shot sitting down, Andrew’s double front flip and other gymnastics things:

The best thing that we ate today:  burrito bowl with rice, beans, corn, cilantro, chicken, cabbage, cilantro/avocado sauce and salsa.


Apple sauce lovers.

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And to end the night off my mom came and used the treadmill to get in a walk while we just hung out and talked to her.

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What does your Saturday look like?

What is your LAST RUN of 2016 going to be?

Ever take any gymnastics lessons growing up?

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I’m about to head out for my run right now. I guess it has to be a really nice run:)


I took gymnastics as a kid and loved it! We didn’t do any competing, but it was fun. I like to think I looked like Shawn Johnson on the beams…hahah, #wishfulthinking


omg playing around in the gymnastics gym looks SO FUN! I have not done that since I was a little kid!


I took gymnastics as a kid, just for fun, no competing. I loved it! I can still do a cartwheel, although I doubt I could do anything else.


Later runs have typically been my thing as well this week because it’s been so cold. I enjoy just being warm and waiting until the weather heats up. I did take gymnastics as a kid and enjoyed it…although I wasn’t great at it LOL.


We are driving to Universal Studios today so I got up at 3:55 to get in a quick mile and some weights in before getting the kidlets up and heading out! I’m glad I was able to finish out the year with a run, even if it was only a mile!


OH YAY!! I hope you had the best day at Universal and WAY to go on finishing the year with a run (no matter what length) and some weights!!


Hi Janae, I’m wondering what you do when the inversion gets bad in Utah valley? Do you run outside anyway? It is really really bad in salt lake county this weekend and I can’t bring myself to go outside and run in the fog of pollution. :/


YES YES YES Laura, it gets SO bad. I don’t know if it is as bad as SLC but when it is this bad I don’t go out often and I spend a lot of time on the treadmill. Even this morning I was worried but it wasn’t too bad. I just try not to run in it often at all! Good luck Laura and come down south and run with me!


My Saturday is one of relaxation for the most part. Still recovering from the flu. I do need to blow the leaves out of the driveway, flower beds, and patio for my yard crew can run them over with the mulching mower this weekend. And my youngest daughter comes home today! She’s been at her dad’s since Christmas Day afternoon.

No running for me. Foot healing. I do get to start walking/hiking next weekend. Then I can ease into running two weeks after that, if all goes well.

No gymnastics lessons for me, but we would have gymnastic competitions in my front yard with other kids in the neighborhood.


We are hoping to go to downtown Ottawa to catch the fireworks tonight and some special activities since 2017 is Canada’s 150th birthday

I ran a few miles on the treadmill last night – my street is filled with layers of snow and ice :-(


My Saturday includes a spin class with a few friends at a studio we’ve never been to before, a walk in the snow to get there and back, and some NYE celebrations! Happy New Years Janae :)


Looks like such a fun day! Your BIL is amazing!

Plan on running 9.5 miles today, my longest run ever! I’m just waiting for it to warm up a bit, so I can go outside :-) Happy New Year!!


That video…………..yikes………that looked painful going thru the bball hoop! And wow, Andrew has some skills! I can’t even cartwheel:)

I am going for a 4 miler at lunch, and supposedly there are snow flurries outside??!! What? It was 75 on Sunday and Monday this past week.


Just found your blog today. I am walking out the door right now. My run will celebrate the fact that I finished 2016 logging more miles than 2015. Not many but more is better.


HEY LAURA!!! YAY!!! Welcome:) Congrats on more miles this last year, that is awesome!!! Keep me updated on how you are doing!


Thanks!! Austin was rainy today but I still did it. No snow done here.


*down here. Ah, autocorrect. :)


I finished off the year with 9 miles with my girlfriends. Today’s run took me over 1000 miles for the year!


That is AWESOME Debbie! Way to go… and the best part is you got to go for your last run of the year with your girlfriends. The best!


That video looked like a lot of fun. I’m so happy for you, you have a beautiful family. I took gymnastics while growing up because my sister loved it but I wasn’t any good.? I would much rather run outside. I also loved ballet because it made feel like a princess. ??
Have a great new year’s eve! Feliz ano novo (that’s happy New year in Portuguese).


Happy New Year’s Eve! I decided to run streak and started on Monday so I’ll be continuing that today but probably with just a 30 minute run. I woke up with a sinus infection that has been going around in my family. The most annoying gift they gave me this season haha!


We are moving slow this morning. Made brunch and plan to run 3 miles and then take the kids to the movies. We have been promising to take the kids to see Sing. Have a fun New Year’s Eve!


Was your BIL a gymnast? He’s super flexible and his last little tumbling pass looks like he was. My son is a gymnast. Pretty cool what he can do at 10 years old! We are just hanging out today. Kids had sleepovers last night so we are in recovery mode now.


He never took gymnastics but practiced on his own (and I think he is naturally talented with it) and can still do all sorts of crazy things! That is AWESOME about your son, and only 10 years old! I hope you guys recovered well today!


Last run of 2016 was a 12-miler!! I had a 5K race to do so ran to and from the start line for some extra mileage :) It was 40 and sunny in Chicago this morning!

Happy New Year!


My kids do the exact same thing with the laundry basket, play Rudolph and Santa! So hilarious! They even load the “sleigh” up with toys and deposit them all over the house. That part I’m not a huge fan of! Lol!


My final run of 2016 is going to be 11 miles…once I get out the door. :) The rest of my Saturday is going to be cleaning, reflecting, and enjoying family. Happy new year!


What a fun day at BYU! And I love that your Mom came over for a walk and chat, another reason the treadmill wins! Happy New Year!!


I did six easy miles on the treadmill while watching part of Reservoir Dogs and the did some Kettle bells.

Took the kids shopping but all they did was fight. They were up too late at their sleepover last night and are cranky. The will be ringing in the new year by going to bed early. They are off to another sleepover tomorrow. I’ll be doing my shopping then!

Happy New Year!


Got together with some of my mom’s running group. We did 4 mile loops, with myself and 3 others running 16 to finish out 2016! The test of the day has been filled with hockey practice, battleship, and general laziness ?


I ran on the boardwalk this morning. It was cold and windy but the sun was strong. It felt tough but when I checked my Garmin I realized it was the fastest I had run in quite a while. Great way to end the year. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy new year!


My last run was my first run here at my new place and it was AMAZING! I found an awesome trail that is even better because it leads to more trails!!


Your kiddos are the cutest. And that burrito bowl looks delish.

No run for me today or tomorrow (or for a few tomorrows after that) as I’m on the injury-list. Can’t wait to get back out there!

Happy 2017!


Is your mom wearing Hokas?! Those are the best!


I felt my hamstring rip watching your BIL go through that basket. That was insane!

Don’t mind me catching up on your blog and commenting days later like a creeper.


Your whole family’s got skills! I can’t believe your brother-in-law was able to go through the hoop like that – and how do you find out you can do that?!? That’s a bold move!

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