Tuesday Tangents!!!

I hope your Tuesday has been a good one so far.  Here are some of my tangents for the day:

1.  Normally I clasp my hands like so when I am planking but…

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Megan has been having me plank with my palms flat and I have noticed a definite difference—>  doing planks this way makes me engage my core way more! Try it out!

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2.  Two more pics from our ‘rock climbing’ adventures.  Is it too early to already be wanting to go back to St. George? 

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3.  I don’t know why I thought this was so funny (someone texted it to me) but it just made me laugh really hard.  

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4.  I do what I can.  

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5.  Hey.    

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6.  Just some hot tamales while Megan had a solo dance party up front.  

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7.  This morning’s run felt like death.  My body and mind felt great but the HUMIDITY in the gym was out of control.  I am about to clap for an hour straight for all of you that run in humidity frequently.  Humidity is painful and I’m pretty sure my entire body chaffed.  Luckily, I had Heather next to me to keep me entertained.  10 miles @ 7:54 average pace.  Seriously though, you guys that kill your training in high humidity are my heroes.

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8.  Does anybody else keep their race chip on their shoes for a few weeks after the race or am I just the only lazy one?  

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9.  Saw my little man and sissy today.  Slowly but surely my sis is getting better and better after her back surgery and this little man is getting bigger and bigger.  

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10.  It’s raining here so Brooke is hydrating.  

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11.  I’ve had a bunch of people ask what type of protein powder I use for my smoothies.  I am extremely picky about this kind of stuff (I cannot stand a protein chalky taste) and found my favorite kind about a year ago and haven’t looked back.  

I use FIT4HER and if you use the coupon code HRG you can get $5 off!!!  

Each serving has 140 calories, 16g protein and 5.5g fiber.  This stuff was made specifically for women so it also focuses on helping women to get in the stuff we need most as far as vitamins, minerals and proteins go.  Vanilla is my favorite and the chocolate comes in a close second.  I just add a bunch of frozen berries, almond butter and some sort of milk and boom…  PS my friend’s dad is actually the maker of this so that is how I found out about it in the first place:)

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12.  Jean joggers.  I don’t think there is anything in the world that could be more comfortable.  I now live in these.

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Have any tangents for me today?

Hot Tamales—>  yay or nay?

Do you use any protein powder?  Do you like protein bars?

Who lives in an area with high humidity?  HOW DO YOU SURVIVE?

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I live in Chicago and I CANNOT stand the humidity. I’m ready to move anytime now.

I do not like hot tamales but I love cinnamon bears!

I use Plant Fusion protein powder.


I don’t know how you do it Meghan… plus it gets crazy hot in Chicago too. I would be on the treadmill every day with a huge fan in front of my face if I were you.
Somehow I forgot about cinnamon bears and after reading your comment I must have them before the end of the day. Enjoy your Tuesday!


Cinnamon bears FTW!!!


I tried to do speed work in the heat & humidity today and my body was like, “yuuup nope”. If you could drown in sweat, I’d win first place and drown the quickest (actually no matter the race, I’d drown first because I’m just not a cute swimmer). Then I got sweat in my eye and it hurt so bad. Hot mess about sums it up.

Have a GREAT night!!!!


I am pretty positive I would pass out if I tried to do speed work in the heat and humidity!!!! Oh and sweat in the eyeballs is torturous.


NYC gets super humid in the summer. I hate it and so does my naturally curly hair.
Not a fan of hot tamales but I love mike and Ike’s
How you run so many treadmill miles is amazing to me. I just have to coax myself to 3 miles before I go stir crazy.


The humidity always gets me! I got pretty used to it living in the Midwest because all you can really do is adapt over time. It’s kinda humid in Seattle but it’s not suffocating and it doesn’t bother me as much as long as it’s not hot out.
St. George is so pretty with all its red rocks! I want to go to Utah so bad because it’s just so pretty.


I live in Washington state, sometimes it can be humid (at least compared to Utah) but nothing like what most people consider humid. I die when I go to Utah and its so dry!


Texas is known for its hot humid days and let’s just say…I have no CLUE how I survive. Each summer I tell myself I need to move, but then our mild winters make up for it :)

Brooke’s braids are TOO CUTE.

I keep my race chips on my shoe as long as possible, always makes me feel so accomplished!


Love premier protein powder! I’m an ambassador for them but I do have a shake with their powder every single day for breakfast.

I’m from FL and I never learned how to survive the humidity while running.


Teach me how you survive:) So cool that you are an ambassador for them Erica!


I live in VA and I crave the humidity! I am hoping it creeps in soon! I may be the only person who likes it. I lived in Phoenix for 7 years and I hated running in the dry heat. I’m will take a hot, humid day anytime!!!! Come on summer, I am waiting!!! Plus, I love the my curly summer hair!!!!


Crave!?!?!?! Okay, we are the opposite… I need the dry air! I would love some curly hair though, it is sad how jealous I am of Brooke’s curls:) Enjoy the rest of your day Katie!


Humidity kills my workouts every single time! It was humid in my gym last week and I wanted to drop dead. I would rather have 110 degree dry heat than 80s and humidity.


I could not agree more with you Megan!


I can’t imagine running in humidity!! I have done it on vacations and it is brutal.
Although, the good thing about humidity is that it keeps your skin so dewy and hydrated.
Hot Tamales…I would say nay. I am not a huge cinnamon candy gal
Will def try the plank tip!!
Your nephew is sooo cute :)


Don’t talk to me about humidity. I grew up in New Orleans – humidity capitol of the south.


Oh goodness. I don’t know how you survived. I don’t think I would ever stop sweating.


I don’t use any protein powders–I think I eat more than enough so don’t feel like I gotta add any more. That humidity is brutal. Colorado is SO dry but once I ran in a small hotel gym in Florida and I thought I was going to die! Literally everything was completely soaked when I was done and I only went 3 miles. Wow. Mad respect for those that run in that all the time!!


Ughhhh yes for the planks. Hands flat is the worst/best. i start shaking way sooner doing it that way!

Gold digger. HAH! That’s hilarious…

I used to live in humidity! I grew up in New England on an island, humidity was my life…. now I live in SoCal and it is a desert! My nose/throat don’t know what to do.


Hot tamales…big yay!
It’s super humid in TN. The struggle is real!!


I’m very grateful that I live in a dry place with next to no humidity, although winters are hard on my skin. But I’d take dry skin over a sticky summer any day.


I don’t think there’s any candy I don’t like– now I want some hot tamales!!

I have yet to find a protein powder I like (I don’t like the chalk-taste either!!) Sadly, it doesn’t look like the ship to Canada :(


LOL when I do planks like that my trainer tells me “you aren’t in church no reason to pray” sometimes he can be such a pain!


I give Hot Tamales a big ole’ fashioned YAY. I love them in hot apple cider but it’s too stinking hot for that business so I just shamelessly eat them by the fistful.



I live in New Orleans and you could say it gets a little humid sometimes :/ I don’t think I will ever get used to running in it!


Just know that I think you are AMAZING for running in the humidity.


This Florida runner girl says thanks for #7!!!! It made me smile extra big….heat is one thing and humidity a whole different ballgame! Here we are blessed with both um…99% of the time. :)


I a m literally clapping for you right now. You are my hero.


Iam pretty sure I could hear the clapping! THANKS!


No way on hot tamales. No reason really. I just don’t like them.

I really struggle with eating extra protein-ed food. I don’t like the taste of it. I usually just have some carnation instant breakfast for my protein. Does your protein drink taste super protein-y at all? Or you can’t even tell?


I live in HOTlanta with major Humidity (yep, with a capital H!). In the summer, I’m a mess whether I am running or not. It’s just so gross. I usually try to find the only standing fan in the gym and work out in front it. I’m that person. I’d still rather run outside though. Best time for me is right when the suns comes up, the humidity takes a dip just before temps rise.
I do like Hot Tamales, but right now I crave Sour Patch Kids more. Maybe it’s the flavor variety…
I enjoy Dymatize ISO 100 gourmet chocolate protein powder. I’m not really eating protein bars right now, but I do like those by Power Crunch!


Hot tamales are definitely a yay. Right up there with cinnamon bears. So good.

My favorite smoothie is made with egg protein, banana, and peanut butter. Very easy on the stomach and tastes good! I also eat protein bars (balance bars and luna bars).

I live in the high desert – aka the anti-humidity. My only problem is dry hair and skin, but it’s nothing a little lotion can’t take care of!


I don’t like cinnamon candy, but I love cinnamon anythingelse.

I’ve never used protein powder, and the stuff my hubby uses is nasty chalky. Also I’m usually just too lazy to make smoothies in general. I should get over it, because I love smoothies.

Oregon is not humid, but we have days of occasional Midwest-esque humidity (my extended fam is all in the Midwest and I basically don’t exercise when I visit them). Last week I was trying out a new running group on one of these days and when I was finished I was drenched in sweat and looking like a creep after 4 miles. But I felt worse for the guy in the group with a righteous mullet which was dripping in sweat.


Tuesday Tangent- I think I broke time records for changing out of work clothes and into comfy clothes.
I can eat pretty much any protein powder. I can’t seem to taste the chalkiness that other people complain about so I tend to go for the cheap stuff. I like protein bars too.


I like Formulx protein powder best!


Ugh, humidity. I live in NJ where we occasionally have super humid days. Those days I just stay in places with a lot of AC because its not worth it to me! PLus I have very curly hair sooo humidity is NOT my friend….. Also, I ALWAYS clasp my hands when planking, guess I should stop! I have noticed when I don’t it’s MUCH harder, but that’s why I like claping them ;]


Tuesday tangent: I have a sub for tomorrow, and I AM SO EXCITED!! :)

I’m not a huge Hot Tamale person. I prefer gummy bears. And I really like Power Bars, especially the Vanilla Crisp and Peanut Butter ones!

It can get pretty humid in Dallas in the summer, so those morning runs can be brutal at times.

By the way, thanks for the planking tip! I always clasp my hands, too, but I am going to try the palms flat thing!!


Tangent: 1) I am currently wearing the same sandals as you have on in tangent 5! 2) I made coconut brownies last night in a pan too small so they’re taller than a double layer cake. Whoops!

I’ve never used protein powder or bars.. I’m a little nervous to be honest!

I couldn’t survive a highly humid area, the humidity is 30% right now and it feels like death. Can’t imagine 70%!


big nay for hot tamales. My husband loves them though. When I read hot tamales I always think of tamales like the Mexican food..actually, funny story, when my husband and I were first dating, I told him my mom made tamales, and he thought I meant the candy.!! haha. I still like to laugh at him for it. but nope, she makes the Mexican food Tamale.

I have noo idea how people deal with high humidy. bleh. My hair would be even crazier.! I can’t control this curly hair already. lol


Well, I thought I was kinda tough running in NJ humidity…until I read some of the other posts about the runners in Texas, Florida, New Orleans.

I run early in the mornings since its cooler, but it’s usually more humid. It totally zaps my energy, but you gotta just do it! I find my body acclimates to it after about 2-3 weeks.

The dreaded forearm plank…so bad yet so good! Some other things to try that will engage the core: raising one foot a few inches off the ground and holding (then switch), rocking forward and backward, bringing one knee to your elbow (then switch), lower one hip to the floor…killer!

I can’t take Brooke’s cuteness. It’s just too much!


Oh the humidity! SE Oklahoma knows all about that. I sweat just changing songs on my iPod here during the summer. I am my own color of red by the end of a run for sure. I just keep telling myself: clear pore, clear pores, clear pores. Ugh.

Good luck!


here in south georgia it is very humid! Definitely see slower pace times with the heat! definitely have to run smarter to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances!!!


That’s good to know about planking!! I typically clasp my hands too! Going to have to change that up!


So, I’m allergic to the fake cinnamon flavour that’s in cinnamon candy. I get red splotchy hives all over my body. I’m not allergic to anything else! Weird, hey?


Come run in the south! Humidity is our middle name! I went for a short short 3 miler today during work and had to stop like twice for a little break and my face was disGUSTING when I finished!


I love running in the humidity! For me, it feels more satisfying to finish a workout covered in sweat and I just feel like the dry heat is more intense on my skin.

Also, I think your tip about planking is great, although don’t quote me on that when I get back from the gym next time I go…


Just as the weather has started warming up here in Chicago, the AC in our building breaks. The days aren’t so terrible, but the nights are no fun.

I really don’t like cinnamon flavored candy so I’ll only use it when I’m baking or being fancy with coffee drinks!


We’re headed to Houston for a week in July and I am dreading, dreading, dreading running out there in the heat and humidity. I have a feeling I may die. I’m not a big protein shake person, but I try to eat a fair amount of protein to supplement that instead.


I live in high humidity and I basically give up running outdoors from April-August :)


We have terrible humidity in Maryland! My pace slows down SO much in the summer months, but it does help me run faster in the fall! I pretty much know that any races from May to September will be super humid and to not expect any PRs.


It is SUPER humid in MI right now. It’s no joke my run was awful yesterday morning because of the humidity :( We just had a huge storm roll through my fingers are crossed tomorrows run will be better…..


I have been drinking Shakeology (chocolate) and LOVE it!! Its the only kind I can stomach!


To fight the humidity in NC, you have to run super early in the am, or at night…in the dark.

Never had a tamale, so no comment on that.

I have had Muscle Milk before for my smoothies, and it does have a chalky texture. So, I don’t use anything at the moment…


To clarify…Never had a Hot Tamale before. I don’t normally like spicy candies so I never felt the urge to eat one.


Do you ever get cramps in your feet? I drink water constantly–so I know I am hydrated, but I still keep getting constant, crippling cramps in my toes/feet.

The only protein bars I have enjoyed were Quest bars, but they are super expensive.

I have never had a hot tamale candy…


Not to step in here and give advice when you asked it of HRG, but maybe you’re drinking so much water your electrolytes are out of balance? I’d keep drinking as much water as you’d like, but maybe make sure to eat bananas and salts and such to keep everything in balance???


I would eat a banana.. but I cannot stand the taste of banana. Not at all. I despise bananas.


Hahaha! Well, then no bananas for you! Also, my advice might be better for someone who was getting cramps in their legs and other major muscles. Feet though? Have you ruled out plantar fasciitis?


At this point, I might just hold my nose and eat one because the cramps sometimes shut-down my workouts. I have to stop and cannot put weight on that foot because of the pain.

The pain isn’t in the heel. The cramp is always usually in my 2nd toe (between that one and the big toe). Usually the 2nd toe locks and starts to hyper-extend itself back toward my leg.

Thanks for all of your help!


I just googled “cramping in second toe”, and there are quite a lot of hits! And, while that means there’s a lot of information out there, it almost means there’s also a lot to sort through that won’t be relevant for you. Take a look though. During my quick search I found that it could be something medical like a neuroma or capsulitis, or it could be something that would go away – at least for awhile – by taking sodium bicarb pills??? I did see someone write that bananas did nothing for them – so maybe you’re on to something not liking bananas! Anyway, good luck!


I use magnesium for cramps in my feet which I seem to get a lot.


Thank you both for your ideas. I am finally back to workingout following horrible cramps last month.. and your feedback encourages me to look into it, instead of just giving up physical-activity for fear of the pain. THANKS


I live in Kansas. Its either cold here or its humid…


Super humid down in Georgia. Had a few runs last weekend down on the Gulf Coast that about swallowed me whole. So hard I couldn’t finish a normal effort and a normal pace. I sometimes wonder if the effects are similar to training at altitude ;)


I live in Boston and it’s hot and humid all summer long! I don’t even think I ever realized how tough it is until I went to Arizona last summer and after a 16 mile run in 90+ degree I never felt better afterwards.

My new favorite protein powder is Quest. I love the vanilla milkshake flavor and peanut butter comes in a close second


NAY to hot tamales. I can’t stand any sort of cinnamon candy! Also it bothers me that it doesn’t taste like actual cinnamon.

I just moved from SLC to NYC and the humidity is already killing me! I did 3 x 1600s today with my son in the stroller and just about died. And it was only 8:30am!


I live in the Deep South with 90-100% humidity 90-100% of the year! I know no different, but some runs are still a struggle. I sweat ALOT, but I love it.


A big no on the Hot Tamales for me. But don’t worry, if I get a box, you’ll be the first one I’ll think to share them with.

And, I live in Florida! It’s sticky, hot, and oh so humid. I don’t know how I survive. It’s probably the crazy! ;)


I notice such a big difference when I lay my hands flat while doing my planks! Thanks for the reminder!! :)


I don’t love hot tamales; I’m more of a chocolate candy lover! I use designer whey protein powder, and I really like it! I make shakes with it or put it in my oatmeal. I don’t usually eat protein bars, but some brands are good such as builder bars and quest bars. Have a great Tuesday!!


I grew up running in Virginia, and I was so used to the humidity that it didn’t bother me. Now I live in Seattle, and when I go back to visit my family, the humidity is almost suffocating! Also, pretty much all candy works for me!


I haven’t used protein powder much in the past but I think I am going to while I’m training for Chicago marathon to ensure I get enough protein for proper recovery!


The humidity is getting pretty bad here in North Carolina, but I’m just happy it’s summer! It’s not so bad once you get used to it. That protein powder sounds interesting, I might have to give it a try!


I’ve always lived in humid areas…it makes the summers extra warm and the winters feel way colder than they should be. Sometimes it’s so humid that I feel like I’m walking through a puddle if that makes any sense? And hills in humidity…don’t even get me started. I guess I just power through anyway!


Ahhh good old Florida… where even when it’s 30 degrees in the winter, it’s still 98% humidity. This morning’s speed workout was 75 degrees and 97% humidity. BLAH.


Hot Tamales – not so much, too hot for me……I live in Ohio and the humidity is torture. Last year I ran my first 1/2 marathon in 100% humidity – I looked like i just showered i was so sweaty (and btw didn’t think to take a change of clothes and had a 30 mins drive home – YUK). People say “you get used to it” — which maybe you do; however, I never perform well in it and at times i swear it feels like a barrier when i am running…..i think it adds at least one additional minute to each mile…….NOT A BIG FAN OF IT :)


I use EAS Rich Vanilla Whey for baking, but I also take Visalus for drinking. My sister’s a Vi Promoter.


Ugh humidity – it’s been so bad these last few weeks in MD/DC, and it’s not even summer yet!


I hate running in the humidity too. But I live in Florida, so I just have to deal. I try to run as early as I can so I don’t die.


OMGosh. I want those jean joggers!


I live in the suburbs of Tampa, FL so it is ridiculously humid here. We often run at 4:30am to beat as much of the heat as possible but it’s still at least 80% humidity at that time now. I think I’ve grown gills! Lol I often do my speedwork on the treadmill but no more than 5 miles because I get too bored!

I have to really want candy to eat Hot Tamales–not horrible, just not preferred…Swedish Fish are my weakness!

I use Isagenix protein powder and Quest protein bars! Yum!


We have high humidity here and I hate it EXCEPT for runs…I kinda love it. I kinda love the feeling of being completely sweaty because you’re working hard. PLUS, I live in Canada, where it’s cold 11.5 months out of the year (lol) so days of heat and humidity are precious. :))


I live in Griffin GA, and my running buddy and I run in HIGH HUMIDITY all the time! It is really draining, but we push on :) By the way, we love you blog!!


You and your running buddy are my HEROES. Seriously. You are hardcore running in high humidity. Have a fabulous day Lisa!


I will join in giving HUGE kudos to those who run in the humidity. I live in the mountains where it’s super dry and I will deal with having skin that makes me look 10 years older vs. running in humidity. They’re laugh lines, right?


I live in Houston, humidity capital…..lol. I am so used to running in it :) You need to come run the Houston Marathon :)


I cannot stand a chalky protein taste either. This is a good one though? Pinky swear? ; )


NO to Tamales, yuck.

NYC is humid in the summer. Since I don’t have much choice I try to run early morning or in the evening. I also drink a ridiculous amount of water and carry a body glide for her mini in my spibelt.

I like Shakeology and the superfoods I use and recommend to clients are in there so I don’t need to buy them all separately.


With humidity you just have to adapt. It takes about 2 weeks for my body to adjust to heat and humidity in the summer and those 2 weeks of runs suck. But then it gets a little better. A little. I also usually run in only a sports bra and shorts………….if you skip the tank there is less drenched clothing you are supporting.

I don’t like hot tamale candy (my dad does!) But I love Mike & Ike!


I love Cellucor whey protein! They have a ton of favors and it mixes really well. It’s also only 1g of sugar which is important to me!


At the moment I live in Saipan, USA, which beats every other place in the US, humidity-wise, as far as I can tell (besides Guam which has the exact same temps as we do). At the coolest time of year it is still 80F and 80% humidity. After ten minutes of running, I am pretty much soaked through, no matter what. I recently completed a half marathon here and felt like a HERO for just plain surviving.
But usually I run in the Southwestern desert, at high altitude and sometimes sub-zero temps, so that’s also pretty serious business. I can’t decide which is tougher…



I live in Killarney, Ireland, where the humidity is about 79%, but it is so cold that you really have to run to keep warm, so it cancels out the muggy factor.
On another tangent, how are your toenails so normal looking? I don’t train half as intensely as you do and my toenails are only presentable in very dim light and under several layers of dark nail polish!


I live in Florida so we have horrible humidity about 99% of the year. I guess you adapt but it is never easy of fun – you just push through it – I only run outside so I have no choice. I think it helps like the elevation helps people who live in Utah like you – makes your endurance better . . . ? Those jeans look super comfy – I am def going to check them out at the store – hopefully they go on sale pronto!


LOL you like a supermodel in your plank pose :)


That was the most humid and awful run ever! I am so glad it’s done! Thank goodness we had each other to get through it! :) it was fun to see you for 5 seconds this morning too. Love your guts friend!!!

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