Shin splints (with a movie) and notable things from today!

6 things from our Wednesday thus far.  After reading these 6 things you will notice how exciting my life is;)

1.  8 recovery miles.  Speedwork + yoga (it had been awhile) yesterday = I was a tad bit sore this morning and nice and easy miles were just what I needed.

2.  Brooke and I went to the mall during lunch time so that she could play on the slide.  We ran into my dad there and walked a bit with them.  My dad and his best friend walk three miles together every day (sometimes in the morning and sometimes at lunch).  In the winter they hit up the mall for their exercise.  It made me happy.  

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3.  We walked by Pretzel Time and the two of us couldn’t resist sharing a cup of their pretzel bites.  Salt and butter and carbs is what heaven is made up of.  

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4.  Jen, you nailed it on instagram today!

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5.  Brooke is REALLY into soccer lately.  We have been dribbling the ball around our kitchen like it is our job.  

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6.   I just bought one of these Thread Wallets and I am in love.  I hate carrying a purse (during the day… at night I don’t mind for some reason) and now I don’t need to.  They hold your credit cards (do people carry cash anymore?) securely and it hooks right on to your keychain.  It’s the little things.

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Let’s talk about shin splints for a minute.  

First, it is hard to always differentiate between shin splints and a stress fracture in your lower leg so be especially careful if you try to run through this injury.

From THE Wikipedia;)—>  Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, is defined by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons as ‘pain along the inner edge of the shinbone (tibia).’  Shin splints are usually caused by repeated trauma to the connective muscle tissue surrounding the tibia.  They are a common injury affecting athletes who engage in running sports or other forms of physical activity, including RUNNING and jumping…. shin splints accounts for 13-17% of all running-related injuries

Causes for shin splints include—>  Over-pronation (ankle rolls inward when your foot hits the ground), doing too much too fast (aka increasing your mileage or speed too quickly!), muscle weaknesses and muscle imbalances.  Another factor could be tightness of other leg muscles which cause us to overcompensate resulting in injury or in this case shin splints.  

I have had pretty killer shin splints two times.  Both times I took time off until they felt better.  Some people believe that running through shin splints can be okay.  Personally,  if something is hurting badly, it takes out the fun of running and I would rather take time off in order to avoid the pain and recover faster.  

 So, what do you if you have shin splints?  Also, remember that there are varying levels of shin splints so judge accordingly!

1-  Take some time off from running and any exercises that flare them up.  Try pool running, I promise it is a great workout!

2-  Run on softer surfaces.  Running on the grass and dirt will help to decrease some of the shock compared to running onasphalt.

3-  Ice.  I like to freeze those little Dixie cups full of water and roll them up and down my shins to help.  Getting an ice sleeve is a great idea too!

4-  Get new shoes.  Whenever I am in an old pair of shoes that has too many miles on it, my body starts to break down.  Make sure you are wearing the right type of shoes for YOU—>  neutral, motion- control, stability shoes etc.   

5-  Stretch.  

Gently stretch your Achilles if you have medial shin splints, and your calves if you have anterior shin splints. Also, try this stretch for your shins: Kneel on a carpeted floor, legs and feet together and toes pointed directly back. Then slowly sit back onto your calves and heels, pushing your ankles into the floor until you feel tension in the muscles of your shin. Hold for 10 to 12 seconds, relax and repeat.  (source)

6-  STRENGTHEN the lower leg (and your core too… a strong core helps to prevent all sorts of injuries)!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Calf-raises with toes pointed forward, out and in.  I never count how many I do, I just do it until it burns real good.

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I like to walk on my heels for 30 seconds and then walk normal for 30 seconds and repeat that a few times.  Try doing this a few times a day to strengthen those muscles.  

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And finally, I trace the alphabet like so:


When coming back from shin splints make sure that you slowly increase your mileage and speed.  Don’t just jump right back into running.  Take the time to let your body adapt to the workload again!  Make sure you run on flat surfaces (not on the side of the road where there is a slant) and softer surfaces!  Stretch and strengthen!

Take care of yourselves mmmkay!!!!


Ever had shin splints?  How long did it last?  What did you do to treat them?

What types of exercise do your parents do?

Last running injury that you had?

Do you carry cash with you or mainly just credit/debit cards?

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I had drop foot back in November. It was weird and not really sure what caused it or how it got better other than just waiting. I’ve never had shin splints before, I guess I’m lucky?

I carry cash because if I don’t have it, then I’ll end up needing it. I don’t use it often, but I feel better knowing its a backup!


I’ve been very fortunate and I’ve only been injured once. I had weak ankle and calf muscles and was rolling my foot and ankle outward while running. That combined with running after I had rolled my ankle from slipping on ice landed me in PT for a couple of months! That was four and a half years ago, so I’m really lucky to be injury-free for so long (knock on wood).
My sister is an equestrian and owns two horses, so my mom helps clean stalls and care for the horses as exercise. She can lift way more than I can because she hauls around heavy buckets of water and 40-lb saddles all the time!


It seems like I always get a case of shin splints right after a big race. I usually just take it as my body telling me I’m coming back too quickly and I need time off :)

My mom’s only exercise is a mad dash to and from the cookie jar ;)

I always carry my purse. If I try to only carry a wallet or keys, I always end up wishing I had my purse!


My mom does “gentle Zumba” for senior citizens. She is so cute.
I have runners knee right now. Just started ART hoping to get back to running soon.
I hate carrying cash. That wallet looks awesome.


It’s kinda and kinda not a running injury. I have FAI which also lead to a labrum tear and had surgery feb 2nd. It’s a congenital issue. I Haven’t been able to run in 7 months now. I’m about ready to die!!!! Its a very long rehab. The other good thing (not) is the other hip will need done as well!!!!! Yay me!!


SEVEN MONTHS!?! Oh Lisa… I am seriously so sorry! Keep me updated with how you are doing and how your recovery is going!


I’ve had a few rounds of shin splints. Way back when I was first getting into running and training for my first half I had worn out shoes and didn’t understand the importance of good shoes! I got new shoes, and was back on the road after a few days rest. Compression socks helped me too. I’m still battling some issues with my left foot and Achilles right now, it’s been going on a few months :(

My dad is maybe more obsessed with his daily walks than I am with running! He will walk outside even when it’s snowing or blow zero. My parents live in a really small town, 700 people, so many times someone will stop and offer him a ride because they think he needs one. Nope, he’s out there because he wants to be :) They live 30 minutes away from a mall, otherwise that would be a better option for him when it’s winter!


I used to get shin splints in high school from playing soccer on hard dirt but I haven’t had them in over 10 years! I pay a lot of attention to my shoes now.

My parents are both retired now and bike 10 miles together most mornings!

I haven’t really had a running injury lasting more than a week since I started training for longer distances in 2012. IT Band and hamstrings are always a niggling issue, but never painful.

When I waited tables for 5 years I always had cash, but now I’m just a desk junkie with a debit card!


Shin splints are the worst. You don’t have them do you :(
I overpronate so I think for me personally that is what causes it. I switched to pureflows last year and somehow they magically healed after that?
No injury here, but still not running. On week 8 of bed rest here due to hyperemesis gravidarum and wondering if I will ever run again.


NO I don’t have them now but I have had them twice in the past! SOOOO happy to hear that the pureflows healed those. Best shoes in the universe! I am so sorry about what you are going through right now… it will all be worth it in the end! You’ll be in my thoughts!


I remember having shin splints when I ran track in high school (aka about 10 years ago) and I am pretty sure its from weak leg strength and some muscle imbalances. I did zero strength training back then, and other than some plyometric drills, running was all there was to my track practice! I run much longer distances, and about the same pace as I did back then, and have had no shin splints since, and I believe it’s from strengthening my legs!

I try to have a couple dollars on me at all times. Don’t rob me.


I might have to.

I’ll use it to buy an ice cream cone.



Haha that’s putting it to good, sensible use. I won’t press charges.


I had shin splints a couple months ago. I now really focus on stretching my gastrocs and soleus muscles and use the foam roller.


awe you should totally put Brooke in soccer. Pee wee soccer is the cutest thing ever.!! plus a lot of great runners were once soccer players. just saying :)

and I have never gotten shin splints.. so idk what they really feel like. I’m glad I haven’t though.! My last injury was less about 2 months ago.. a horrible groin pull. ouchy it hurt.

and I like using cash better.! I feel like if you can actually see how much you should spend, than you don’t over spend.! helps for me anyways.


Doesn’t really have to do with shin splints, but I have been trying to find the answer to maximum shoe mileage!! What is the maximum mileage you get out of your pure flows? What about other pure project shoes that you have tried? What shoes will you be racing in at Boston?


Hey Roseann! I usually get in about 400 on my PureFlows. I will be racing in the PureFlows at Boston too! I honestly haven’t kept track of my mileage in my other PureProject shoes because I don’t wear them that often! I usually just switch out my shoes once I notice they are really starting to break down and my joints start feeling a little achy and more sore than usual. I hope this helps a little bit! Have an awesome day!


that is helpful – i was thinking about 400 miles… thanks so much!


I had shin splints when I first started running and ran alot of hills.

I hardly ever use my debit card to buy stuff at stores or restaurants. I am cash girl. I pay all my bills online and occasionally online shop and use cash IRL as a way to keep myself on budget. I like seeing exactly how much money I can spend.


I have had shin splints off and on for years. Long time ago this guy I used to see running all the time suggested that I take calcium magnesium and zinc (one pill available almost anywhere). It’s like magic. They went away pretty quickly. Make sure to take with food. It really works.
Always have cash! Feel naked without:)


Okay, that is awesome!!! Thank you so much for sharing what helped you! So glad that you are struggling with shin splints anymore!


I do all those exercises. I’ve never had shin splints, but I’ve had plenty of other issues like tendinitis and a few stress fractures. Thanks for the tip about walking on your toes and heels. I’m going to use that! My Mom goes to the gym every day – walks the treadmill, does elliptical and lifts weights. This week she texted me that she went to her first yoga class. I’m so impressed with her!


I don’t think I have had shin splints, but I do get knee pain sometimes.

My parents do not exercise at all, but they have labor-oriented jobs.. so it definitely makes me realize that ‘going to the gym’ or prioritizing working-out is such a luxury.

I have a wallet that hangs on my keys. I only can find those on college campuses, but it is my favorite because I don’t like carrying a purse everywhere while wearing a puffy coat, and gloves, and a hat, and a scarf.


Thank you, I needed this. I’ve had shin splints before from standing 40 hours a week on concrete floors (no, I’m not kidding), but recently have felt the same pain when I try to go for a light run during my walks. I have also been having some knee pain. This week it’s all walking for me, no running, but I am going to give your stretches a try. They sound like they would feel really good. I suspect I also have tight calves, so I should probably address that as well.


I am not sure if they are shin splints but if I take too much time off from running those first few runs make my shins SO sore and like you, I just can’t run like that so I end up spacing my runs a few days apart until my legs get used to it.

My mom was into everything fitness before she passed away. I vividly remember her getting into fitness big time when I was about 5 and it all started w/ Jane Fonda.
Even after she had her transplant, she had them put an exercise bike in her room during her recovery. She was AMAZING.

My dad is an avid cyclist! Used to commute to/from work each day (30 miles round trip) and now that he is retired, he still tries to get about 15 miles any day the Colorado weather cooperates!

Such awesome role models for me.


I’ve been wanting one of those thread wallets but when i went to the website you linked I couldn’t find a place to purchase them from? Where did you buy yours?


Oh bummer!! I went to this store:

Call them! I bet they will ship one to you!!!


I had shin splints a few years ago from improper shoes, but I decided to keep running anyway bc when I would actually run the pain would go away. Smart me decided to run 2 12 mile days back to back and the morning after the second day I couldn’t put weight on one of my legs. Now whenever I start to have pains, I stop and figure out what is causing it. I was out of commission for 2 weeks when that happened!

I have never had trouble carrying a purse until recently. Now I walk to work and live in the city, so since it is winter I have just been able to put all of my cards in my pockets (no one rob me!). I need a solution for when summer rolls around and I cant shove everything in the world in my coat!


Be careful with wallets that attach to key chain — if your id is on there with your address (or if you have an address listed in phone book or online) and you lose your keys, whoever finds them has access to your house/car and knows where you live.


VERY TRUE!! Thank you so much for this reminder!


I never carry cash on me. I don’t even have change on me anymore… debit/credit cards all the way :)


Thanks so much for the Instagram love!!!
I’ve been fortunate enough to not have shin splints…yet.
Last injury: Achilles tendonitis
I typically use my debit card, but always carry a little emergency cash.


Nothing makes me more rage-y than a place that is cash only. THIS IS 2015 PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stores have to pay a fee for each credit/debit card use. It can really impact small businesses. Save cash at least for those places to help support them.


I once had bad shin splints in college.
Treatment = time off, ice and I got fitted for orthotics.
Last injury = now. Stress fracture in knee (osteochondral defect)
My Dad walks outside and on his treadmill + weights
My Mom runs and does yoga

A little cash on me at all times! :)


How do you know if you have medial shin splints vs anterior? Sorry if that is a silly question!
I sprained my ankle running last year and a few days ago I gave it another tiny little sprain when I tripped on some driftwood on the beach :( It is not nearly as bad as last time though so I am trying not to freak out, and definitely taking some time off running!


I haven’t had a running related injury in years. I feel like I’m going to jinx myself by saying that. Debit card girl mostly but do carry cash for smaller purchases so there isn’t 20,000 lines on my bank statement. It seems if I do have cash it ends up going to my teens. Nope on the shin splints


a tip, for those interested: one way i always try to fit in some calf raises is by seeing how many i can do while i pump my gas. i set a number (like 100) and see if i can get there, then see how many MORE than my goal i can get if i keep going. burns so good =]

my dad and i run together, and i’m teaching both my parents yoga! // last running injury– IT band; trying so hard to avoid that one again!// when i waitressed, i ALWAYS had cash on me. now i never do. womp.


I almost always have cash, but I shouldn’t because I love to spend it!


Where do you put your lipgloss??
I don’t mind a purse. I need all my stuff all the time. Wallet, lip gloss and toothpicks. Gum if I’m dating someone ;)


Shin splints are the bane of my existence. Seriously. I’ve been dealing with them my entire running career. I pretty much know the cause (semi-flat feet) and have tried so many different shoes and orthotics/insoles but nothing seems to help. Foam rolling has been the best solution, and recently I started walking on my heels for 150 steps and then walking on my toes for 150 steps after every run. It helps! Icing too.


My grandparents walk in the mall for exercise. And my mom actually led a prenatal exercise group at the mall! How fun, am I right?

I’ve never had shin splits, but I’m starting to feel some real pain in my knees :(


I actually get shin splints from running on the treadmill a lot? Not sure why, but that always seems to account for my shin pain!

To get rid of them, I give my calves a good foam roll (my shin splints are always anterior) and then foam roll my shins lightly. Then I ice. It–knock on wood–has always worked like a charm for me!


I had shin splits for the LONGEST time. It wasn’t until I got ITBS and stopped running for 2 months. Slowly adding back in the mileage helped a ton! and I haven’t gotten them back since! I have used the dixie cup ice before and that is a killer but amazing!

I use cash for EVERYTHING. I go over budget if I use my card.


I’ve had shin splints once and it was so painful. It was primarily due to being in the wrong type of shoe and running on concrete… no bueno for the body!

My mom has always been into health and fitness. She exercises every day… walks, bike rides, spin classes… she looks half her age.

I use a credit card for EVERYTHING and pay it off in full each month. Gotta love air miles!!!


LOVE the Instagram picture – that is me at nearly every race I’ve ever done. All those Garmin’s trying to one up each other to find their location first is exhausting :)

I only have cash on me if I know of a specific situation where I will need it – otherwise is CC all the way.

Love to see little Brooke working on her soccer skills – bet she’s going to be fast too!


I’ve actually been dealing with plantar fasciitis for awhile now. It sucks. What makes matters worse is that this isn’t even a running injury! It is from being on my feet all day at work. It actually feels fine when I run. Thanks for the shin splint tips. I have some from my race on Wednesday. It’s gotten better so hoping it’s not a stress fracture.


Okay….let’s get serious. I have a card ninja. Ever seen one? It’s this:

Because when are you ever without your phone? Never. That’s right. Some people who don’t have children may do the whole “oh I’m going to be WIRELESS for the weekend!”. Then they have children. Won’t happen. They know that of all the people in the world they can always count on reaching any time of the day or night…it’s me. Perfect place to attach the cards to.

All those stretches are super awesome for Achilles issues, too! Do it. Keeps you healthy.


That card ninja looks awesome- thanks for the link! I may have to invest in one of those things.


I love it so much. I was in line somewhere and saw some guy with it and immediately thought…I am forever done with purses. I asked him where he got it and he said, “it’s a card ninja”.

That’s all it took. I googled it and ordered one. You can restick it a few times too. It’s awesome.


I’ve never had shin splints and I think it’s because growing up I rode horses all through my childhood and developed very strong, large calves.

My parents have always been super active with walking, running, yoga, tennis and skiing! Both turn 80 this year and are fit and mentally sharp as a tack! Good on your dad and his friend for keeping so fit and healthy!


how do you stay sane without running? I’m almost into my rest week and it’s already eating me alive that I might be losing fitness and that actually scares me a little bit!


I NEED that wallet!!! How did you get it? Their site doesn’t show any available.


me too


Rocker squats can really help in shin splint prevention!!


Hi Janea —- I suffered from shin splints when I first started running – I finally found the compression sleeves from Zensah — they saved me !! I wear them for every run now (yes when it’s 90 degrees with 100% humidity I die !!). My last injury was a strained hamstring in December. I rested it for about 4 weeks with no running and focused on strengthening it —- it seems ok now. I prefer to not carry cash just my debit/credit card — people at my work think I am crazy that I never have any cash (PS and BTW I work at a bank).


I love hearing you on video, you’re so happy and upbeat! Also that is SO cute that your dad and his friend walk 3 miles together every day! Good idea to go to a mall to do it during the winter!


I had shin splints a lot in high school and walking on my heels to strengthen the anterior tib helped a ton!!


You and Brooke need to go to a Real Salt Lake game this season. They are perennially a great team, and Rio Tinto is supposed to have a great atmosphere! My team, Columbus Crew SC, will be there on June 27th. Soccer games are great for kids because it’s fast paced with a running clock.


I rarely get injuries, but every so often my shins flare up. I’m currently training for a 10K and for the first few weeks I was battling shin splints. I knew it wasn’t the mileage because I was following a plan I’ve done before without any issues. I had enough one tie and stopped after 2 miles, running one of those with horrible shin pain. After a couple of days of rest, I just got on the bike instead, I went back to my old running shoes and it was night and day. I was able to run my 45 minutes without any shin problems a lot. The right shoes can really make a difference!


It drives me bonkers when someone says they have shin splints and everyone suggests new shoes, problem solved. In my case the issue was weak outer hips/glutes and weak arches in my feet. The exercises you posted a while back for hips are pretty much what I do, and some exercises for my arches, and it cleared my shin splints right up!


I always run through my shins splints ;) they’ve never been bad enough and have never last long enough so lucky me I guess! I can’t remember ever having an injury from running that side-lined me… back in high school I tore my ACL playing soccer so I could not run for a few months after that.


I get shin splints on occasion, but I honestly don’t remember the last time I had them. These tips are awesome though, and I know where to look if they do come up again. That is so cool that your dad walks the mall! I remember my mom walking every on her treadmill every morning growing up. She actually inspired me to exercise :) I carry cash very very rarely, so I think that little sleeve is awesome!


I had shin splints in high school when I ran cross country. It was a while ago, so I don’t remember how long they stuck around for.

My last running injury was a crazy stupid knot in my calf that caused really unpleasant pain in my ankle. It was dumb.

My mom loves walking all over the place. Hours, and hours of walking – she loves it!

I’ve been babysitting a bit lately, so I actually have cash right now, normally just cards, which becomes a problem when I have no change for parking meters.


Have you ever tried KT Tape? You can buy it at most drug stores and a video online will show you how to tape your calves and or shins. I had shin splints right before the NYC Marathon last year and this tape was very effective! You will feel relief immediately!

Good Luck!


Enjoyed your site. I tried looking on the thread wallet website but couldn’t figure out how to buy one. I tried the called to surf website you said you purchased yours from, but only saw clothes. Are they available?



Thank you as always for the great tips!


Thanks for the tips, Janae and fellow readers! I’m going to put these to good use, and hopefully soon report back on improvements. :)
Thank you for doing my requested post SUPERfast!


I’ve had shin splits a few times before but they’ve only been really bad once. I did the Dixie cup trick that time and it helped a lot!

I am currently dealing with a “warn meniscus” as my doctor calls it, so I have to be careful with the amount of mileage and the speed I’m doing now and get back into things slowly. I was also told I need to stretch and ice my knee. Do you have any other suggestions?


I have had shin splints for over a year now. It all started when i ramped up my intensity when I started high school. After about three weeks of training I had to stop. I would do exercises and stretch and ice every day and bike instead of run. After about 2 weeks I would try to run again but they always came back. Eventually, after having to drop out of a meet, I just decided that running that season wouldnt be worth it. I joined swim team and did that over the winter. But my shins just continued to get worse and worse. Then I got diagnosed with comparment syndrome in my anterior muscles. I had the surgery and was cleared by my physical therapist to run again. I was doing my progression until my shin splints flared up extremely bad again. Now it hurts to walk too much and I’m on crutches. Please let me know if you have any ideas of anything else I can do.

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