The Ultimate Cheap Running Fuel

You know how you guys brush your teeth everyday because it is something you NEED to do?  Well, that is what has happened to me now with naps.  I go into each day knowing that I will NEED a nap at some point.  Billy has learned that in order to have a happy night without any screaming/crying/kicking/tantruming he should be very quiet and statue like during this nap time so I don’t wake up before I am ready to.

After nap time Billy and I scrubbed our house top to bottom.  We have house guests this weekend so we decided to find the mop and see if we still had carpet underneath all of our clothes on the ground before they got here.

Since our kitchen was clean we didn’t want to mess it up and so Costco came to the rescue.   Let’s be honest though, we really just love to eat out but will use any excuse we can to go out.

I felt like the chicken caesar salad

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and Billy had a hot dog and a piece of pepperoni pizza.  He can never choose between the two and so I make him get both.

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I know I complained for an entire post this last week about how mad I was about the lame watermelon we got at Costco but we couldn’t resist going for another.  Billy chose it out this time so if it is good one I will devote an entire post to how much I love him but if it is bad he will be on the couch.

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I have officially found the way to bribe you all to come hang out with me this summer in Utah.  Our Costco gives you THREE scoops of gelato in a waffle cone for $1.50!!!!  I have actually started recording data and researching the topic of ‘eating ice cream the night before a long run and how it will make you a faster runner’ and will post my study later on this year.

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Billy has really perfected the ‘sad face’  since we have been married and it came out last night when when his ice cream bar fell off of his stick.

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We started watching the show ‘White Collar’  and so far I am loving it but I am the most easily entertained person in the world so don’t tae my opinions seriously!


What is one of your lucky foods to eat the night before a race or a long run?

Any new to you shows that you have started watching?  Did you see Modern Family this week?

Have you ever had one of those hand dipped (Balboa Bars) ice cream bars?  What toppings would you get on it?

What are your 3 day weekend plans?

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MMMMM that gelato looks awesome. I have never had gelato before. Does it taste like ice cream? haha on Billy’s sad face–you have taught him well;-)

We are going to see my sister and taking the little one to the zoo for the first time! But only 40 degrees out–not exactly a warm kick off to summer!


And oh my gosh on Modern Family–I did not see that coming at the end!


HAHA love the sad face! My best food pre long run is a plain bagel with cream cheese. Basically, it’s the ONLY thing I trust my silly belly to handle!
My weekend plans are to work (ugh) and to run a 25K trail race which should be quite an adventure.
Hope you have a great weekend filled with fun and LOTS of gelato!


YES Modern Family was so good!! I always eat a sweet potato before long runs because they are my favorite food, but usually I eat them every night so it just works out that way! I am doing a five mile race tomorrow!


-either pasta or a big bowl of protein oats are my favorites to eat for dinner the night before a race
-I did see Modern Family Wednesday night….I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone buuut whoa!


Popcorn is my lucky food – carbs and salt. I die watching MoFa – Cam and Phil are 2 of my favorite characters on teevee.

I am kicking my weekend off with my first run since the half, and some combo of beach, rafting, food, etc. :)

Happy Memorial Day!!!!!


Hahahah you make me laugh SO much- I wanna come hang out with you and the Billster! Have you seen Homeland? I keep hearing how great a show it is so I think my weekend will involve me starting that series! Here’s hoping it’s worth my while!


Wow that is an AWESOME price for gelato! You’ve convinced me to spend $500 on a plane ticket to come see you! ;)


My sister has been telling me about White Collar, and since I usually love everything you love (with the exception of Billy – I just “blog appreciate him”), I will definitely have to give it a try.


I don’t have a lucky food for the night before but the morning of PB toast with a sliced banana!
Modern Family was awesome, no new shows recently but I need to find some since all mine are over now :(
I love Costco gelato! But here we do not have it, I only forgive them since the swirl ice cream is to die for too.
No long weekend here, we had it last weekend! But I am planting my flower this weekend and having friends over for a BBQ tonight.


I don’t have a particular food pre long run, but I always eat some form of red meat before a long race. My new to me this season show is probably going to be the bachelorette – it’s been a long time since I’ve watched any of those shows!
I have my sister’s baby shower this weekend, and no other plans! I’m kind of out of running commission for the next couple days, so hopefully some stairmaster cross training. Have a great long run and a great weekend!!!


Sushi has been my latest pre-long run meal! It’s a great mix of protein and carbs and doesn’t weigh you down.

My latest tradition before my last couple of races has been a glass of wine the night before. It has seemed to work well for my last two marathons and half, so I think I’ll stick with it (plus, lots of water the day before, of course).


I thought that I was going to be the only one to say SUSHI as a pre-long run meal! There’s a local place that now knows me by name – my favorite is their avocado peanut roll.


YES! Love that that there are other sushi pre-long run lovers out there. That roll sounds great. I love anything and everything with avocado!


I don’t have a lucky food, but I will definitely be taking notes on th e future comments so I can find one. :). Yay superstition!

I’m spending a ton of time with family and friends this weekend, and that makes me very very happy! Hope you have a great weekend!


I am ashamed to admit this, but I’ve never been to Costco! After seeing you post about all of their awesomeness and especially their large portions of ice cream, I’m thinking a trip is in my near future. I just need to see what this place is all about. :)


I LOVE white collar! That and psych are my favorite shows! Hope you have a great long run!


I usually just eat whatever before a long run, but ice cream sounds good. And how can it not be the perfect fuel – it’s ice cream! I also just started White Collar and love it!


That IS cheap running fuel! Let me know how that study turns out….k?! :) You guys are adorable. I love Costco runs as a date too!


I have ZERO plans for memorial day and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I plan on a long run today and hitting up the gym all weekend while it’s empty! Then I’m spending the rest of the weekend playing video games :)


I am so with you on eating ice cream the night before! I seriously think it helps!

We recently sold our TV because we are moving and wanted to get a new one so I have been without tv!! Whoa, so far it hasn’t been too bad but I still have a whole week ahead of me…….

Not much here just packing and enjoying the sunshine today!!

Happy Weekend!


I love you & Billy! Could you please move to FL instead of CA? I promise the weather is very similar & there are som really good law schools here too! I mean out little girls are going to be bffs, so it’s kind of required that we move closer to each other :D Love ya! Xo


Lucky food is any sort of doughy goodness. Doughnut, muffin, bagel, just think bakery item eaten at 10pm. (One of my favorite rituals that goes along with the long run)
I think the daily nap bribed me to Utah more than the ice cream…….but we certainly can do both!


We love Duck Dynasty (it’s hilarious) and The Devil’s Ride. I didn’t think I would get in to The Devil’s Ride, but now I think I like it more than Daniel haha.

We are going to a wedding tonight, church tomorrow, and hopefully the rest of the weekend will be filled with lots of food, family, and FUN!

PS – I did my first “long” run this morning. Be proud, Janae!


My cousin and I tried to find any evidence that ice cream/ fro yo is good pre race fuel so I hope to hear more about this research! Haha


My husband and I have been eating the same pre-race dinner for 6+ races: GF pasta, sauteed onion and garlic, chick peas, chopped spinach, in a reduced beef (or veggie) broth sauce, with a little grated parmesan on top. YUM!

We’ve been catching up on Psych on Netflix–so funny! I want to start watching Mad Men and Downton Abbey, as I’ve read so much about them on blogs and websites. I’m intruiged!


I’ve found that if you choose a watermelon with a big yellow spot on it, it’s a winner!

Your hair is so cute curly!

Before a long race or run, I usually eat a banana with some PB–it does the trick.

We are just wrapping up the LOST series, and are now in search of a new show to watch.

This weekend will include church, ice cream, tennis, and Netflix!

Have a great holiday weekend!


1. night before a race – no lucky food really. potatoes, pasta, and pizza are all good. HOWEVER!! the morning before, I always have toast with pb a few hours before, then a banana 45 or 30 minutes before. works every time!
2. DON’T TRUST THE B IN APT 23. seriously, please watch it. please please please!! and i have not seen the finale yet, i cannot wait to do so
3. no, i would get heath bar crumbles
4. i am in lake geneva with my crazy family. every 3 seconds my grandmother asks me if i have a boyfriend (i am single) because she has no short term memory, it’s nice, very nice


I love Costco’s frozen yogurt! They give you so much for under $2!


I just started watching White Collar too!!! I am obsessed!! It’s so good!!!


can you pick me up about 10 of those watermelons? Drooling…. I seriously want to visit Costco solely from all of your posts. I want a 3 lb bag of broccoli, grapes by the pound, watermelon, ice cream… seriously I have planned a trip, now I just need to find one.


I got really excited when I saw the words white and collar on your blog. I LOVE that show! I have tried to not add any new shows to my life because I watch way too much tv as it is. I run, work, and watch tv. The end.


Ran the Savannah Mile this morning! Got my fastest mile EVER at 8:43, now off for wedding cake deliveries and then spending the rest of Memorial Day weekend stuffing my face and lounging around.


I ate BBQ chicken pizza the night before my best long run ever so of course it is now considered a magic food and I usually have it before races. Although I had sushi the night before my last marathon and that worked too!

I will definitely come hang out with you guys for that ice cream! In fact, I may even save up THREE dollars so we can go twice..


I like eating this Korean ricecake stuff (it’s basically rice that’s packed and squished down into a square that’s packed with raisins, nuts, beans, pumpkin). It’s like all carbs and extremely dense. I love it :)


ummmm there is no gelato at my costco?!?!?!?


With my second pregnancy I had to nap every single day, too. I would come home from work and crash. The best part was waking up to dinner waiting for me!


I will totally come and visit for $1.5o ice cream.

We don’t have any big plans. We’re just going to hang out and maybe break in our fire pit if it doesn’t rain all weekend.


Ahh I love White Collar !! :) Wait until you get to the last season !! It gets soo good and suspenseful !! I just think Mozzie makes the show ! Haha

Have a good weekend !! :)


Your gelato cone looks amaaaaaazing! I’ve been craving ice cream for lately. I think I’ll get a scoop of Jamoca Almond Fudge and Cookies and Cream.
I always think I must have egg whites before a race. I feel egg whites give you a boost of energy.
I just plan to make vegan BBQ ribs for Memorial Day and some yummy fixins to go along with them. I’m still thinking about the dessert to prepare.
Rest, Sleep and watch Netflix will be the order of the day this 3 day weekend.
I will be running on Sunday, a slow come back since I’ve been off with my shoulder tendonitis.


my Costco doesn’t have gelato!


That costco store looks like an ikea for food. Are they all this big?


I’ve already been compiling data for the ‘eating ice cream the night before a long run and how it will make you a faster runner’ study for 2 years. Preliminary analysis shows it to be 100% effective 100% of the time!


Um, after reading this I yelled to my hubby”does Costco sell gelato by us? Because in Utah they do!” do you think he’ll move with me now? :-)
I love Modern Family so much.
I had 5 pancakes at IHOP last night to prepare for my 10 mile race today- in which I PR’d b more than 7 minutes- woo hoo! And I ran for the American Cancer Society, so it was even better!
Have a great weekend!


My husband and I LOVE White Collar…we watched it on netflix so we could watch like 3 episodes a night.

I am seriously loving watermelon. I pretty much singlehandedly ate an entire watermelon in 2-1/2 days and that’s because I made myself quit eating it so it would last longer.

Ice cream has to be a great pre-race fuel.


I LOVE WHITE COLLAR. And ice cream. The end.


What!? Our Costco stores definitely don’t have gelato. I may have to start a campaign to bring it here. It looks amazing!


I love a hot fudge sundae the night before a race…maybe it is in my head, but I feel like it makes me run faster!


Wahh! They don’t have gelato at the Costcos in Southern Cali :/ At least not that I’ve seen. Jealous! x3


I haven’t seen the gelato at my Costcos (SoCal). I can’t believe you went on a Saturday! Brave girl.

We’re having our 20th annual swim party. Bring your own drinks and some food to share. Come anytime after noon. Don’t forget your towel and sunscreen. You and Billy will fit right in.

Started watching White Collar its first season but haven’t started up again. I’m into Criminal Minds right now.


Billy’s sad face cracked me up! At least it feel somewhere that he can still eat it.

I started watching The B In Apt 23. It’s kinda funny. I really loves James VanDerbeak – he plays himself and it’s hilarious!

I did see it! OMG! I can’t believe she’s having a baby!!!


Omigosh! Keep watching White Collar! It is so so so good! The season finale earlier this year was a super cliffhanger! It comes back in July, I cannot wait. And Matt Bomer is not too hard to stare at either!! :)


YUM that gelato looks awesome!

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