Toilet Shot and Planks

I bet you never thought I would post a picture of me in the bathroom…..I admit it, I took this one too far.

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I am just using the ice massaging trick on my calves.  They are feeling great but I want to keep them feeling great even if that means I have to shiver in the bathroom.  At least I get to catch up on blogs at the same time!


I thought I would show you the latest pump move that has made me want to curl up in a hole and disappear.

At the end of pump we do a few minutes of abs and then we turn around to meet our death.

We hold plank position for about a minute. (PS, don’t ask me why I chose to show you this on the tile floor).

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Followed by toe tappers………… alternate tapping your toe out to the side and back. Try not to round your back out like me….I was too tired to keep form;)

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Then alternating tapping our hands to the side and back……….

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To finish off the feeling of my abs wanting to fall off, they make us alternate tapping our toes and then our arms for what feels like 28 minutes.  Feel free to use this as a torture move for anyone you are extremely mad at (ie if they steal your skittles or tell you that running sucks).


What was your WORKOUT?

-Pump followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical reading UNBROKEN….I am HOOKED!

Are you a fan of doing ab work?  Do you do planks?  Any cool variations?

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Love the photos! You are too funny. :)


HUGE fan of ab work – I ran 3.5 miles – did 70 pushups and a bunch of ab & leg work….Great workout day today! I do 3 sets of one and a half minute planks daily! Love planks! I also switch it up by lifting one leg for 30 sec, the other leg for 30 – then the same with each arm on at a time…it’s a killer!


No workout today :-( 2nd day this week – ARGH! There is not enough time in the day!

I love ab work! My fave is the P90X Core DVD, Its harder than hard, and makes me sore, but I know it’s working!


girl i am TOTALLY doing this ab workouttttttt! thanks!!!!!
2 mi run TM NO PAIN!!!! then 45 min spin class and 1 mi run after!


I love/hate planks! I do plank jacks, side plank with twists, and “up, up, down, downs” where you start in low plank than go to high plank and back to low… so and so forth… it’s a good one!

I am car-less so I am running downtown (about 2.5 miles) doing my errands and then running home for some vinyasa flooowww!


Love planks and ab workouts! I am going to run 8km after work, maybe some abs after too!


Lovin’ the ice massage. I am doing the same thing for my right calf too.

Rest day for me today. 5 tomorrow.

Lookie what I found on You Tube. We both need to try this out and let each other know how it works. I’ve already done it once and plan on doing it another 2 times before bed tonight:

If you need more of a background info. on it, check out his Part I.

I need to do more planks.


HA! I do those all the time…I got certified to teach CX30 classes (Les Mills) and track 2 made me want to die because it had those for a 6 minute track! I wanted to puke afterward. Total core annhilation. Seriously. It also strengthens your lower back. :)


Oh, and to train for the CX30 classes, they made us all hold a plank for FIVE MINUTES! Yes, I did that. I don’t ever want to do it again, though.


Oh my gosh I love you. You are like a baby deer, lots of long legs.


Tried to post and not sure if it went through.

Anyway, this will be short just in case it did. I found this and just started doing it for my R calf/shin. Thought you might be interested.


Ooops! Sorry for the duplicate. Looks like it went through the first time.


All of these artilecs have saved me a lot of headaches.


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My instructor has us in plank bringing our knees to our elbows like we’re climbing on the floor. I hate/love her.


I LOVE ab work! lol… seriously its my fave! :) and that tile floor looks painful :-/


I did basically the same thing today during my boot camp class, plank jacks…the worst move in the entire world!!!


I love planks! my workout is an easy 5. I have an 18 miler this weekend, yipee! :)

I actually woke up to run this morning but decided to pour a cup of coffee and climb back into bed to watch a french movie. I know, who does that!?


I loveeee the planks at the end of Pump!!!


I hate doing abs and rarely do them but need to get back into it since I’ve been neglecting them for so long!

Workout today was legs + chest strength training, 30 min on elliptical while reading mags, then a 30 min swim!


Great photos! Soooo funny :D I love planks because quite frankly they suck! which means they work, hence the love/hate relationship. I like the plank move where you start plank and then lift up one arm at a time into a pushup position and then go back to start one arm at a time. Did that make sense? I hope so! I ran 40 mins and did Week 2 Day 3 of my 100 pushups plan


light bike ride… some water treading/kickboarding/light swim tonight and maaaybe some elliptical.. I’ve got a tri in the morning! :)


Hey, good to find someone who argees with me. GMTA.


Planks are one of my FAVORITE core moves! I do the ones you showed, and I do them with “hip dips” – dipping your hip down to one side, back to plank, then down to the other side for 60 seconds. I also do the Insanity plank with pulses – extended plank with 8 hip pulses (kind of like crunches) then low plank with 8 pulses – that equals one set. Do four sets total. Killer. :)

I trained this morning and my workout is posted on my blog! Check it out!


ahhh! I hate doing planks!

I’m thinking today might be a rest/jog with the dog day.


I have a love/hate with abs & planks. I love the results, but hate doing them. well, maybe I don’t hate them that much since I make time for them 3-4 times a week!
ok, so make that a love/love relationship!


Ah I have a love/hate relationship with that move!!! It’s so good and so BAD at the same time! I like ab work but I rarely do it! I feel like I need someone to push me, like in a class or something. My gym doesn’t have good classes like that :(

Today’s workout was a 5-mile run and 30 minutes on the elliptical :D


These are such great moves and photos! You are hilarious, lol! :-P I lurve doing abs – kind of a love hate relationship ;-) I probably do them 2 times a week at the gym. Umm, planks are amazing – we do them loads in yoga, heaps of plank variations and side planks…killer but awesome! :-) So I guess with yoga and gymming I workout my abs 4 times a week +. My workout today was a deliciuos 90 minute yoga class…I’m feeling sore already, achy muscles, but it made me feel soooo centred and peaceful and strong and pleasantly tired :-) <3 xyx


Oh planks can be the death of me! Unfortunately, they work really well so I still do them haha.


No workout today……I was waaaay to tired from yesterday’s! :D
That move really looks killer….thanks for sharing it!


We do planks in my boxing class! I hate them mostly because they hurt my elbows and we do them on the wood floor of the boxing gym and my sweaty arms are always sliding crazy all over the place. When my instructor is feeling especially devilish he has us do from plank up to push up position and back again over and over. Ugh!

Love ab work. Work those crunches!


A good many valaubels you’ve given me.


Just reading this is making my abs hurt. Eeeek! I’ll skip the workout and just bring up these pictures to refresh my memory whenever I feel like I need to work the midsection. :)


Planks alwaysss kill me, especially those toe tapper ones! Today my workout is Insanity..not giving up!


psh you have pretty good form! I love love LOVE ab work – its my favorite – and planks are totally my favorite move!

My injured self did 60 minutes on the elliptical and 45 minutes of abs for my workout today :) – definitely not as intense of a strength training session as a bodypump class though!


I am SO sorry you are injured…I totally understand what you are going through! 45 MINUTES OF ABS…you are my hero!


When you said to torture someone else with this it reminds me of a game I sometimes play with my 5th graders called fitness tag. Everyone runs around and try to tag each other/get away from each other and if they get to tag someone they get to be their personal trainer and give them some exercise to do (but they aren’t allowed to make them do more than 10 or tag the same person twice in a row). They get bored after about 10 minutes, but they get pretty worn out during those 1o minutes LOL!


I am TOTALLY copying this game for my high school kids! THANKS TIFFANY!


omg i HATE that PUMP move! I wanted to die the first time I did it, it seriously is a form of torture!!!


Those are a killer combo, I go plank taps often. I’d much rather do those than things like pikes or ball passes, those kill me every time.


My workout was 50 minutes of cardio this afternoon and an evening river walk with my boys this evening :)


Ugh- I did my first pump class this past week and she had us do that plank/toe tapping/hands out move. I thought I was going to die. I may or may not have done half of it on my knees like a GIRL ;). Usually I love planks, but man- at the end of a hard pump class, this variation kicked my butt.

Today I did 12 whole minutes on the elliptical and then an hour long spin class… followed by taking 5 kids to the waterpark. Time for a nap :)


Planks are sooooooo hard! I always try to hold for a minute, but what I think is a minute is actually like 15 seconds.


Love those variations! I hadn’t seen the single toe taps or the arms taps; I’ve done a great variation where you hold the plank and jump your toes (both at the same time) out and in, out and in. I try to do as many as I can since I saw it in a Runner’s World core workout article…tough stuff! I also love “plank ups,” where you start on your elbows and walk up, one hand at a time, to your hands then walk back down, one elbow at a time, to your elbows. Burns! Thanks for the new tip! :D


that move looks brutal/awesome. I want to do it…but I think i need some instructor to motivate me or i would quit after 2. (well thats not true, I may try them tomorrow)


I LOVE working abs, its probably my favorite body part to work in addition to arms. But, then I hate doing purely core work because my stomach puffs out like a giant balloon! lol.


I love planks. Jillian Michaels taugh me a lot of fun torture with them in the Ripped in 30 dvds.


Yes! I have a plank variation I love- In a forearm plank, rock your body forward and back. I think its called body saw plank or something but I use it all the time in bootcamp and my campers LOVE IT!


From the title I thought you were gonna show us a picture of you “planking” that silly craze that’s been going around!

Today was my rest day!! Yay for resting! Even bigger yay for ab work outs!!! I love to work out my core!


i have the same sports bra!
love me some planks, oddly enough. but add in the toe and hand taps, and you can tap me out. killa!


I love plank now!! it’s a total body workout – building up to holding it for a minute straight wasn’t an easy task though. Now I also do side planks to work the obliques :) Also, I enjoy doing repetitions from Downward Dog into Upward Dog (never let your knees touch the ground and as you go from Upward back into Downward you should feel it in your glutes and hamstrings) – try doing 30+ in a row! :)


Those plank moves are killer. In my bootcamp class we’d be in a plank pose starting on our forearms then one side at a time straightened our arms, then lowered ourselves again. So: L straight, R straight, L bend, R bend. Repeat lots of times.

Like the toe-tappers you talked about, we did a similar thing with our legs. L leg out, R leg out, L leg in, R leg in. I can’t think of others off the top of my head, it’s been 4 months since I’ve been to the gym!

I have come to like ab work once I realized it really helped my breathing during running. I do planks for 1 minute at a time. I usually do 1-3 of them mixed in with crunches.


Way to use the innteert to help people solve problems!


Wowza, prboelm solved like it never happened.

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