Weight Training #4: Triceps!!!

Time to get those triceps worked and burning.  You can read about our different weight lifting routines here, here, and here.

One more reason I am sort of kind of a little thankful for the stress fractures was because I realized I really do enjoy strength training.  I am also learning that it is NECESSARY for me to do in order to strengthen my bones and make me a faster runner.

Let’s get started.  This first move targets the tricep and pretty much every other muscle in your body.  The sister is getting ripped!

Start like this….

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and then push the ball out while keeping your body straight.  Push back up to the starting position.

Try 3 sets of 12.

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This next picture looks like I am in a lot of pain and that is because I am.

This is your basic skull crusher.  Put your hands shoulder width apart and SLOWLY lower the bar to your forehead while bending at the elbow and slowly lift it back up to your starting position.  USE YOUR MUSCLES NOT MOMENTUM!!!

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Same thing here…. 3 sets of 12 reps.  Don’t go too heavy with these at first, maybe that is why I am a little off my rocker and used to do 28 milers for fun…hit my head a few too many times with the bar.

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Here is “I don’t remember what the name is and don’t have internet to look it up.” We stick to about 50 lbs for this one and it burns.  Bad.

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Use those mirrors to make sure you have good form!

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I am that person at the gym that grunts and makes really awkward faces as they are lifting their 5 lb dumbbells.  Seriously, this move BURNS.  I do it at the end of my lifting session and it works the back of the shoulder and tricep so so good.

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I know that it looks super easy because it is just a ball but it feels like it is 10 trillion lbs and it WILL fatigue your arms FAST.  Simply lift and lower the ball behind you and you can try different angles of bending at the hips to target different muscles.

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Where do you get different workout ideas from?

-Blogs, pump and magazines. I want the woman’s health lifting book that I have seen all over different blogs….have you used it?  Is it good? Any other good book recommendations for lifting?

What is your FAVORITE muscle group to work? Any moves to add to our triceps workout?

-I LOVE working my shoulders

What are your FRIDAY NIGHT PLANS!!!

-Sleep over party so that a bunch of us can get up early to cheer on the UV half and full marathon….and RUN 3 miles of it (it is going to be bittersweet because I ran the whole thing last year!)

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Janae, you and your sister are getting ripped! I can’t wait to try these moves when I finally make it back to the gym after I’m recovered from the marathon and my first triathlon this weekend!

Don’t forget to keep a slight bend in your knees so they aren’t locked out!


I like working my shoulders too! Definitely the hardest part for me though. And tonight I’m going to eat Indian food and see Midnight in Paris!!


Wheeee HungryRunnerGirl and HungryRunnerSista are looking BUFF!! You guys have serious muscles now!! Love it!! :D

I’ve ordered New Rules of Lifting for Women cos everyone raves about it so much!! I LOVE working my shoulders too!! And ENJOY your run tomorrow! I know it might be tough, but you’re awesome so don’t let it get you down, k? :)


I was gonna say… so jel of you guy’s BODIES! Hawt sisters ftw! x


I love the Women’s Health workout guide that comes out every year….not sure it changes from year to year, but I keep buying it! I love working my shoulders too cause it is the only thing that actually makes my arms look quasi-toned!

Btw, your sister has beautiful hair!!!


You guys are ripped!! I want to get that ripped!! I absolutely love working my shoulders, and biceps. Push Ups really work for my triceps, which are the only thing I do for them since I HATE working my triceps. but maybe i’ll try these moves next week :D Don’t worry, I think the ball move you did looks hard ;) haha. I, also, usually get my workout ideas from blogs.

Good luck on the 3 miles tomorrow! You’ll do great :D


Love these posts. You and your sis are looking great! I can’t believe she has babies. Where did they come from? I need to catch up in the “ripped” dept. Good luck tomorrow!


Your sister has 3 kids??? dang! I hope I look a fraction that good after I have a couple more :)


I love tricep dips because you can do them anywhere! My plans tonight consist of dinner, fro yo and a movie. A perfect Friday night!


LOVE all the weight-lifting! Triceps are my favorite! I love the skullcrushers and the overhead triceps extensions. And triceps dips! The exercise you did with the stability ball looks awesome… I can totally see how that would burn. I’ll try it in my next weight session. :)


Arms are pretty fun to work :) I get my ideas from my friends, sports, blogs, and occasionally magazines.


Please tell me your sister does not seriously look that gorgeous while working out. Wow how does she do it? Love all of the lifts and I appreciate you bringing this back. I am always looking for tips as I do the same 3 lifts 3 days a week. ha!

Love you girl and can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Man I hope I have a good day, but regardless I know that seeing you will help! :)


Gonna have to try some of these moves! I really wanna read that book – the new rules of lifting for women – because it sounds great from other bloggers. Shoulders & abs are my favorite to work.
Friday night plans: Just saw Bridesmaids (HILARIOUS!) with my sister, then went to get ice cream.


Wow! I’m impressed. I just started weight training and I’m sooo sore! Love the ideas of some new-to-me moves to add in!


Janae…can you be my personal trainer this summer and teach me how to do weights????


I love the TRX. I started using it recently. It is an amazing weight training tool. I love all the different exercises that you can do with it and you can take it with you so you can workout anywhere. I don’t really like lifting at the gym so I take my TRX to the park and hook it up and do my lifting in the park!


I had no idea how to approach this bfoere-now I’m locked and loaded.


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I get my workout ideas from your blog, Muncher Cruncher, and my group x classes.
I love working my arms and chest and am learning to love working my shoulders.
I had a girl’s night with some of my besties. Good food and better conversation.
I’m so excited for my 1st long run training session with my coach tomorrow!


Holy cow you and sis are RIPPPPPED! Love it! I’ve been doing the Pure Barre classes the past few weeks which combine strength training, pilates, yoga, ballet and tons of ab work! One hour class that kicks butt! Leaves you sweating and shaking! I am loving it. Not sure if they have a location in Utah yet…I’ve been going to the Redondo Beach location in So Cal. Check it out if you have a chance! I’m so happy you are able to run the 3 miles tomorrow! Will be cheering you and your friends on girl! You are amazing! Tonight I am celebrating my birthday with my honey…he bought me a Garmin! FINALLY! I have 3 half marathons come fall and I am ready to start hard core training. Aiming for a sub 2 at the Disneyland 1/2 in September! Wish me luck! YOU ROCK as always! LOVE YOUR BLOG!!


They do have an xtend bar in salt lake- just opened at is awesome!!!!


Same with Pure Barre! I’ve done 10 classes in a row now! I’m seeing changes I’ve never seen before and my love handles are disappearing! Whoo hoo for the barre!


Good luck on the run! I will see you there!!!


Agreed… You two are so buff and so darling! Love it!

Favorite muscle groups to work are my abs and triceps!! Love the burn!

Tonight we went to dinner with my hubby, daughter, sister and her two kiddos, my mom and dad! So fun! Then got some gelato and ended the night playing at the park! It was fabulous!

Have fun tomorrow!


I like your first and last tricep moves, I have never seen those… time to add new things to my mental exercise book!

I like working any muscles in the upper body, and basically despise lifting anything for the lower body.


HIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Oh my gosh I miss you. :( I haven’t seen you in FOREVER and I hate that! I’m so sorry I have been MIA for ever. This week has been INSANE. Can we plan a date please? Pretty please? You and your sis look gorgeous and ripped. Love you! xoxoxo


Wow, great workout moves, you guys look ripped!!

Have fun with the three miles of the marathon today, you’ll be back at it before you know it :)


You and your sis are so gorgeous! I love her hair!! :)

Have fun tomorrow running your 3 miles! I’m sure you’ll have a smile on your face the whole time!! “Good luck to Ash, and everyone else running tomorrow!!” :) :)


Your sister is ridiculous, how does she look so gorgeous at the gym?! I love her hair, beautiful!
Btw love all the training tips, thanks girl!


You two need some band-aids cuz you are all cut up! Dang! Great exercises that I haven’t been doing b4.

I like learning from blogs (case in point here), magazines and shows like BL. I love working my biceps…probably cuz I could see them! Have a fabulous weekend J!


Love love love these workout posts! Please keep them coming! I just posted an ab circuit online and was too scared/shy/self-conscious to take pictures of myself doing each one…maybe next time I’ll add some! Enjoy your Sunday, your blog is hilarious


I did that exercise with the medicine ball and it was NO JOKE!! I got some odd looks as I was grimacing through the reps :)


I am so so glad you liked it!!! It kicks my trash!!!! I get so many stares at the gym for re weird stuff I am doing!!!


BION I’m imspreesd! Cool post!


Kick backs! W/the top half pulse, just like in Body Pump :) And dips! Ouchy!


So excited I found this article as it made things much qcuiker!

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