A Runner’s Pet Peeve

And the award goes to the thing happening in the below picture for being one of my biggest running pet peeves. Such a hard life.

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For close to 15 minutes my Garmin was trying to locate satellites and it kept getting to the point that it looked like it was just about to find them and then it would go back to just a half of a bar. I waited waited waited and then just finally started running and after a while it found those darn satellites up there in outer space. I am sure the fact that it was incredibly cloudy this morning had nothing to do with it.

I met up with Bangs Friend for our run together and like usual we had a good time together talking the whole time.

The best part was when we saw a raccoon, cat and seagull on the side of the trail just hanging out together. I know I don’t have a picture to prove it but Bangs Friend was also a witness to this awesome animal gang.


I feel extremely loved by the tweets/emails/texts/comments that you guys left me concerning National Donut Day. It makes me so happy that on such a special holiday you would think of me.

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Brooke and I hit up Krispy Kreme first thing this morning to celebrate.

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Another one of the huge benefits of having a child is that Krispy Kreme will give you a donut for free for them too but Brooke can’t possibly eat a whole one on her own so I will have to help her out:)


We are going CAMPING this weekend. Not just ordinary camping but beach camping. I have been waiting for this day for months. Today we went and got some of the necessary supplies.

I was a little better at sharing this sample with Brooke.

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My lunch consisted of a ginormous salad. You’ve seen my mixing bowl salads before so I will spare you another picture.

And now we are packing up the car and getting ready to go camp!!

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Tell me about one of your running pet peeves?

Who celebrated National Donut Day!!?!?!?

Why are you excited for this weekend? Tell me 2 fun things you are going to be doing!!

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SERIOUSLY!! Why does it always take sooooo long??


It’s even worse in SF with all the buildings! I have to stand in the middle of the street waving my arm in the air like a lunatic. I’m going to Soul Cycle for the first time this weekend and also celebrating National Donut Day one day late with GF Dynamo Donuts tomorrow morning post-long run! Enjoy camping!


Beach camping! AWESOME! Can’t wait to see the pics! I stopped by Krispy Kreme for my donut this morning. Hmmm, maybe I should have gone before I dropped my girls off to reach maximum donut potential!


I hate that my watch takes SO long to start. It drives me insane! Have fun camping!


Do I see teeth coming in on Brooke’s bottom gum? She is adorable!!!! Have fun camping this weekend, can’t wait to see all the pics!

I had that exact garmin for 5yrs and I hated when it was almost there and would drop to half a bar again. I also hated when it would freak out when I ran 100 miles or more away from the last place I ran.


I thought the same thing about the teeth!


I use Nike+ and the GPS signal is always weak here (Victoria, BC) for some reason! Huge pet peeve when it maps my run route and has big pieces skipped over.

Heading out to get some donuts soon… partly for National Donut Day and partly for thing #1 listed below :)

Two things I’m excited for this weekend:

1. It’s my boyfriends birthday today and I’m making a super secret surprise birthday cake tonight! So excited :)

2. Just having some time off to recoup… I’ve had a tough week and can’t wait for some relaxing sunshine and time with friends and families. Necessary support networks! :)


How do you get your Garmin to show you mile splits? Mine did, but only on the Garmin Connect site, then it stopped and now I only get my total time :( I have this same 305 you do.


Two things: running the Oakley Mini 10K and baking muffins!
Have fun camping!


Beach camping… Never heard of that but it sounds fun! I HATE when my garmin takes forever to find satellites which is why I just don’t use it. Really frustrating. Also, need a donut. Might be a late night snack.


Yayyy camping!! have a blast!!


I woke up this morning and saw it was National Donut day, I informed the husband right away. He loves donuts. But he is waiting till tomorrow to celebrate, the farmers market in our town has fresh homemade donuts and he is dying to try them.
This weekend will be busy, headed to KC to watch one of my athletes break 4:20 in the mile then on Sunday having a girl day with a friend. Starting the day off with a run followed by shopping!!

PS. Brooke is adorable!!


I’m having a hard time choosing a Garmin to buy because every model has love/hate reviews! What to do, what to do!

We’re celebrating three birthdays this weekend, which means I will be eating a lot of cake. Happiness is. . . :)


I totally recommend the Garmin 10! I love it! Its so light and cute! Only thing is its battery power is only 5 hours so its not great for ultras! But its great for everyone from 5kers to marathoners.


I love the Garmin 610 but its kind of bulky so I wear a wrist band with it. But it is great for training and racing. I love that I can set a pace and it vibrates if I am too fast or too slow. Totally love and recommend it!


Same pet peeve! Waiting for the garmin to get going! But either way I love the watch too much to get too mad


Ugh.. satellites.. I also hate **low battery**!!
I have been doing runs without my garmin lately, its been nice.
i took it to the grand canyon and it never even found the satellite! haha!


I can’t STAND it when my watch takes forever to locate the satellite – worse is when it fails to locate and I have to run without it . . . this has happened a couple of times :(


Running pet peeve: pants that won’t stay up!! Have a great time camping!


Cross-eyed smiley face spoon-mouth yogurt sample is awesome…


It looks like Brooke is getting some bottom baby teeth in that last photo! Too cute


Cheers for camping! We have a southern Utah camping trip planned for July. My mother-in-law recommended that we stop at Dead Horse State Park. It looks amazing. Has anyone reading this been there?

I’m looking forward to house hunting and making baby clothes this weekend! Afterall Christmas will before we know it ;-)


Trick for the garmin….when you finish a run, right after you click stop, before the watch turns off itself, restart the watch. (hold in lap/reset until it turns to 00:00, and then click menu so you are back to the screen with the time of day clock). the next time you go to load the satellites they will load quicker. Try it!!!


The losing of a GPS signal during a run just erks me! I looked down at my watch the other day during my run and may have let a choice word slip.
I opted out of doughnut day since I was baking and enough of those goodies ended up in my mouth.
Two fun things…….10k race and school carnival.


One of my running pet peeves is when people one step you the whole way on an easy run! Drives me nuts! Have a blast camping!!! You were the first one I thought of when I heard what day it was….


I hate that about Garmins too, so I’ve started setting mine outside on the porch while I’m still putting on shoes and such and it helps it load faster. It’s even under a dense canopy and it loads faster than on my wrist out in the open!

Have fun camping this weekend! I wish I were camping! Working near campgrounds always makes me miss it!


My Garmin does that all the time, it’s so frustrating. Before my long runs I just set it outside while I’m getting ready so I don’t have to deal with it.


Have a fantastic time!


The Non-Waver is one pet peeve. The other is the “drive-by-screamer”. You may know them. They drive by and Yell loudly in your ear, knowing that it shatters your whole peace of mind and scares the hell out of you. It feels like that falling dream you have, but in this case, you land and shatter. Ahhhh… I’m getting peeved writing about it.


Yes total pet peeve, no waver or even a smile hurts my feelings… I mean is it so hard just to smile or raise your hand just a little???


Your sample of (yogurt?) looks like a happy face :) And speaking of which, I love how happy Brooke always looks; but then again, who wouldn’t be happy with a life filled with donuts and camping. I didn’t get a chance to celebrate National Donut Day because Canada doesn’t think donuts are cool enough to celebrate :\ But good choice on going with the sprinkles ;)


Ha-I just said the same thing and then looked to see if anyone else noticed it (about the smiley face :)


That happened to me last week… I forgot to start up my Garmin early at my half, and lost credit for 1.1mi of that race!

I tried to celebrate donut day, but by the time I got there they were out of donuts. Poor planning!


I HATEEEEE it when my watch doesnt find satellites. I have a nike + so it also has a shoe sensor, and most times im just like “oh screw it i’m just going to go” and then it never finds a satellite! horrible.


When my Garmin does that I just hit the little mode button and it usually pops right up. I have the same one as you. Hope that helps!


Your yogurt (the one on the bottom with the 2 symmetrical blueberries) looks like a smiley face! Just like you and Brooke!


My Garmin does this too especially when its cloudy/rainy. Usually I hit run before I do my dynamic warm-up so that while I’m warming up it does its thing. Ever since you did that post about dynamic warm-ups I always follow that now. Another thing I hate is when I forget to press start on my Garmin! So irritating and its all my fault! Not too much going on this weekend although we are going camping soon. I’ve got a long run of 6 miles lined up Saturday in my training for a half!!!!!!


My biggest running pet peeve would have to be either when I forget to restart my Garmin and I have gone a mile or so before I realized that I didn’t restart it.

I am not a donut fan so I didn’t celebrate lol

This weekend nothing. Other than being cooped up in a hospital because I feel like crap, my white blood count was 24. Also having heavy vaginal bleeding when it is not that time of the month and i am on birth control. So not having a ton of fun, considering I was in the hospital for almost 4 weeks after the birth of my son, 10 weeks early. They didnt know what was wrong then and they don’t know what is wrong now. Fever/ infection of unknown origin :(


My BIGGEST running pet peeve is smokers on running/walking paths. The last thing I want while huffing and puffing during a run is to inhale nasty second hand smoke. Gross.
I’m not a donut fan but I am celebrating with my new favorite ice cream: brown sugar ice cream with candied pralines and caramel. It is taking all of my self control to not eat the entire container right now.


Brooke looks SO excited! HAHA!

Enjoy your weekend, little lady!!


I celebrated National Donut Day! I had half of an apple fritter and half of a cake donut with chocolate frosting. They were washed down with iced coffee’ and I was one happy camper :)


My husband brought the boys and me doughnuts home tonight :) He’s a keeper.

As far as fun things this weekend…
Tomorrow I am running with my friend in her first 5k!!! And on Sunday we have a couple’s shower for one of my husband’s best friends.

Have fun camping!!


Beach camping?! Take warm clothes no matter how sunny it may seem… last summer I went camping near the beach in Big Sur and we nearly froze. I don’t think my husband likes camping anymore because of that.


I hate when my socks slide down into my shoes! (This only happens on a few emergency pairs that I keep when I need to do laundry. I should just get rid of them but then I would have no emergency socks!)

I will be teaching Spinning and volunteering! Also hope to get a little running in.

I have not celebrated National Donut Day (yet – I forgot). I am thinking that there might be time to still go get one! :)


Sometimes when my Garmin (exact same one) does that, it’s stuck. I turn it off and then back on and it finds the satellite! Have fun camping!

Did you mean to make a smiley face out of your sample?? ;)


beach camping, how fun! don’t forget to get that free donut @ DD as well ;) i’m excited to visit a costco business center this weekend, apparently it’s x1.5 times as large as a normal costco :’)


yes! such a pet peeve- I think my neighbors think I’m crazy for just staring at a ‘watch’ haha
I like the happy face your yogurt and blueberry sample made:)


I think your garmin is pretty old, the new 6-series ones seem to find satellites so much faster! Maybe it’s time for an upgrade. It seems their satellite reception is tied to price — so much faster on the pricier ones, but new ones like the 10 are cheap and no better than some of the old ones.


I hate the satellite find! Usually my 305 does a good job but I try to remember to turn it on and put it in the window sill while I get ready to go.

I am working all weekend but I LOVE my job so I’m looking forward to it!


I’m part of the kickstarter campaign for the new BIA GPS. It’s made by women for women (including a panic mode button that will send help to your location) and will *hopefully* have none of the issues that I have with my Garmin. Keeping my fingers crossed.

This weekend will be all about my newly minted 11 year old. Birthday party with friends on Saturday (seeing the movie, Epic) and then a family lunch on Sunday. (Okay, not ALL about her as our 15yo son has a weekend full of baseball too).

Hope everyone has a great one!


A panic mode on a a running watch would be SOOOOO great. I have more then once wished there was something like that on my watch. What piece of mind this would bring. I hope this comes to fruition. I would for sure buy one.


Enjoy your beach camping trip! How fun!

Two fun things for this weekend: I’ll be planning out the final two chapters of the book I’m writing and also meeting General Hospital’s Ingo Rademacher! :)


Waiting for satellites is the worst! You get your mind all ready to go run and then just stand around awkwardly for minutes waiting

Have fun camping!! Tonight in grilling out with the boy and then working the rest of the weekend :(


Yay, I’m glad that you were able to go to Krispy Kreme!!


Running pet peeve = when cars veer towards you because they are watching you. Scary! This weekend I’m supposed to do a 5k and celebrate my nephews graduation. Should be fun!


Totally a huge pet peeve… but bigger pet peeve… planning a run where you have to change away from your house (ie: pack a bag) and realize you’ve forgotten: a)hair ties, b)sports bra and c) garmin… I mean, of course all THREE would NEVER happen on the same run (errr… I mean.)!


No National Donut Day up in Canada…which makes me sad. I totally would have gone for one.
And the garmin thing is pretty much the must annoying thing in existence, especially when it’s a cold morning and I just want it to hurry the eff up so I can start running and warm up a little.


How close are you standing to a building/buildings? Your Garmin will have an easier time picking up the satellites if you back away from the building.


I HATE WHEN MY GARMIN DOESN’T LOAD. I’m just chilling in the middle of the street waving my arms like a crazy person. Yikes


Hair whispes are my pet peeve.

Happy camping!


Happy National Donut Day! Sadly, I didn’t celebrate…

I soooo wish you’d gotten a picture of the cat, racoon, and seagull chillin’ together.

My friend Miles’ running group is joining my running group for a BIG group run tomorrow and then a brunch afterward at our house! The other fun thing going on this weekend is that we are celebrating Father’s Day a week early!


My biggest running pet peeve is bloggers (I’m seriously not directing this at you, just to preface the rest of my statement) who post pretty fast times but then complain about how slow they are. Ummmm some of us are really happy with 10 minutes miles let alone 8!


I hate it when I feel like I’m going really fast and I check my pace and am like, what the heck? I was going downhill and almost sprinting, and my Nike+ app told me that I was running a 10’46” pace. Whe I checked it online, I never went below an 8’50 … weird.

Me! Dunkin Donuts Caramel hot coffee and a free jelly donut

I am going for a 4 miler in new running gear tomorrow, then chilling at my friend’s house and watching Titanic :D


Pet peeve…when things hurt and I can’t run…my butt. at the moment!


Please tell me everything about how you discovered this camping place, gear, planning, blah blah- everything. I want to start camping and have no clue how to start. Hahaha.


Pet peeve…bathroom needs in the middle of runs…and I’m not talking number 1.
Sorry, it had to be said!


Love camping by the beach. Be prepared for strong winds! The first time we went beach camping our tent kept collapsing from the wind.


I was so mad because I wasn’t able to join the national doughnut day fun because I wasn’t anywhere near a doughnut shop!! My family rodeos so we will be at jr rodeos for my little brothers all weekend long but it is so much fun. Have you ever been to a rodeo?

Root to Tip Ready


My running pet peeve is when my iPod/iphone is dead (or dies while on the run, even worse!) which means NO MUSIC and no run keeper or nike plus! Those donuts look so delicious!!! I will have to live vicariously through you since I am allergic to everything that looks or tastes good haha (ie: gluten). :-) Have a fabulous camping trip!


Hope you’ll have a grat time camping!!! That sounds like so much fun!!! I’m excited because my 10K starts in 2hrs- came on here for the extra inspiration I need to go out there and do my best to PR!!!


Beach camping sounds like so much fun! I hope you have a blast! I have to agree with you on the pet peeve, drives me nuts when I have to find a satellite! This weekend I am running a 5k and then going home to visit my family, which I am super pumped for!


You can see her two bottom teeth are about to come in. Have fun camping!


Have fun!! We’re going to a farmers’ market this morning, after Addie’s 9:00 feeding. I’m looking forward to having a family outing. Hopefully it goes well! ;) She doesn’t always do well when we try to go out and about!


probably my number 1 pet peeve is having to use the bathroom on a run…and not having one available! It’s the absolute worst! Ruins the whole run for me.
I’ve got a 12 miler today, then lots of errands and things that I haven’t done because I’ve been so busy this week.
Have fun camping!


Brooke is the cutest! Oh my goodness. She’s starting to change from a baby into a little girl.

My running pet peeve is when my nose starts to run about a mile from home and I have no kleenex with me. My nose always runs and it drives me crazy.


We’re about to head out the door for a bike ride! Excite! Have fun at the beach :)


Ha! I love that picture of your Garmin. I wonder how many hours of my life have been spent waiting for my Garmin that could have been spent running!!

Have fun camping!


Doughnuts, Doughnuts, Doughnuts!
Zero self control.


I DID NOT get a doughnut yesterday and I am terribly upset about that. I hate the idea of camping although every one I know seems to love it


Rock in the shoe, definitely my running pet peeve!

Where are you guys camping! We live in the Bay Area and have been trying to scope out cool beach camping sites…


I hate the satellite thing too!! Such a fake out!!


Running pet peeve……on coming traffic not moving over when there is not another vehicle in sight!


Brooke’s a cutie no doubt, but as her features develop, you can tell that she going to be beautiful.

I know I’m a bit late in responding but my biggest running pet peeve is drivers who honk at me while running!

This weekend I went to my alma mater, KNOX COLLEGE, for their commencement activities as I’m on the Alumni Council. It was so fun seeing all my favorite professors again!


It never ceases to amaze me how long it takes for my satellites to load. Especially since I end my run the same place I start it the next day! Grrrr. I also live in New York City, so navigating around hoards of people with no self/spatial awareness drives me bonkers.


Does that not drive you nuts trying to locate satellites and as if holding your arm up closer to all those satellites will make it work sooner!! Come on laugh, you know you have done that as well!!! :0) Brooke is jusch a cutey!!!!


We hit up Chicago this weekend – what a beautiful city!


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