Tuesday Tangents + Winners!

Another day that I’m taking running off.  Usually, I try to get on the peloton or out for some short runs by now after a marathon, but I’m trying to shake things up and give my body more time to rest before I get moving again.  If you struggle to take a break after marathons, I recommend jet lag because I’m not even tempted to do anything other than what I have to at this point in my life, besides some gentle movement with yoga or pilates.

Without further ado, let’s get going with tangents:

*My kids saw this phone on the wall in our Airbnb, and they didn’t know what it was!  I swear we need to go back to these and get rid of cell phones:

*I love it when Brooke grabs my arm like this.

*Before I had Beck, I worked up to a few pull-ups, and now I can’t do one even jumping into it.  I’m adding a pull-up to my 2024 list along with a handstand.

*I should have included this in my traveling through Europe tips with kids post, but the amount of caffeine needed daily was unhealthy.  I am not an energy drink person until I travel with kids.  Back to green smoothies now.

*I need to find a race to put on my watch… I don’t like the look of this.

*For Beck’s fourth birthday party, I am taking him somewhere with moving walkways.  They were his favorite part.

*I saw this couple at the beach, and they made me so happy.  They seemed to have decades of experiences together as they were snuggled on the wall.   

*Food in Europe > food at home.  Carb loading in Spain was a dream.  

*One really fun part about doing International marathons is that when you need a distraction from the pain, try to read the street and crowd signs along the way.  I’m pretty sure I increased my Spanish vocabulary by 20% over the 26.2 miles.  

*The other day, Melissa asked if fewer women than men were at the race.  I only saw a few women the entire way, so I looked it up, and it looks like 1,611 women completed the marathon and 7,778 men!  I was shocked to see the difference because I am sure the marathons I have done here are usually half and half.  

*Back to a bun for marathons.  I slicked my hair back as tightly as possible because I knew I would be dumping water on myself as much as possible.  I’ll be slicking every hair back from here on out again.   With short hair, I was pretty happy with how much stayed in the bun at the end of the race. 

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*Does anyone else get stressed out by how many shoes there are to try and how little time there is to try them before I see another shoe that I am positive will shave 4 minutes off my marathon time?

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*Speaking of shoes, does anyone else carry their fanciest shoes and wait to put them on until the moment they start running?  I can’t waste a step in these unless I am trying to run fast.

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I have the winners from my birthday giveaway!  Email me asap:

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Do you have any tangents for me today?

Tell me a shoe on your dream list that you want to try!

What is your next race?

Caffeine lover or not so much?

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Its so interesting that you noticed the gender difference in the race. When I started running races while still living in SLC having that almost 50:50 gender balance became the norm. And then coming back to Europe it kinda shocked me how male dominated the sport still is over here. In most races female participations is around 20-35% here big max. I found it very noticeable as well.


I wasn’t sure if it was just because of the time I was shooting for or not but once I looked up the numbers, I realized how few women were there running. I wonder when those numbers will change! Any chance you will come back to SLC? Would love to go for a run!


I’m on the green smoothies train with you now! I just started them and have been pretty consistent so I’m hoping I see some changes. So far it does seem like I eat healthier on the days I have them so I’ll take it as a win


You have to let me know of any changes you feel with time. I’m so happy to be back on them… next time I will bring a blender with me. Hope your day is off to a great start, Maureen!


I’m sure you have but have you seen the clip of Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl telling her boyfriend that “jetlag is a choice”? Let me try major travel on a personal jet to see if there IS a difference.
Love that first photo of you and Andrew!
Tangent: we bought our flight tickets for our Northern Arizona/Southern Utah family vacay! It looks like the area where we are staying has amazing trails to run. I hope to squeeze at least one scenic run in!


Bahaha I hadn’t seen that until you mentioned it and I looked up the clip. I’m sure I would feel much better if I had my own bed on the plane and shower;). She leads a bit different life than most ha. Oh my goodness, I am so happy for you guys. I want to see all of the pictures while you are there. Happy Tuesday, Molly!


What will you do to get back into pull ups I am trying g as well!! I use the assisted machine but what else


Heather! Let’s do this together. When I used to be able to do them, I started with just hanging. I then would start at the top (with my chin over the bar) and slowly lower. After a few weeks of doing those two things, I was able to do them! My plan is to go that route again. So far, I’m just hanging ha… might be doing that for some time. Good luck, keep me updated.


I have really enjoyed all your vacation and post vacation posts. It sure looked like you all had such a wonderful time.
I was busy yesterday, so didn’t comment, but was wondering if you could share some of your travel outfits? I loved the flare yoga pants you had.
I still don’t have a race on the calendar, but really thinking about doing the OC half marathon the 1st weekend of May….
Have a good day Janae!


Wendy! You read my mind! I linked every thing in my Friday Favorites post but I can send them to you now if you need sooner! Here are the flare yoga pants, I love them:
I love the idea of the OC half for you! I want to come do it with you!


Your vacation/trip (kids were involved) looks absolutely dreamy! I LOVE seeing other peoples vacation photos, so never stop posting them. I need Andrew to plan our Newfoundland vacation that we are going on in June. It is so intimidating!!

Tangent – I have had shin splints for over 2 months, I just want to run without pain!!

No race on the docket – I used to always want to have one on the radar, but over the last few years I have really enjoyed running just to run. I try to do a half or two each summer (usually Heber and Halloween Half).

Caffeine lover, but it’s not so much the caffeine, it’s the bubbles. I love the carbonation. Caffeine has not affect on me. I can drink a can of soda and go to bed and sleep like the dead. I also can go all day or more without a soda and don’t have caffeine headaches. I think I am immune to it.


Haha you get it! But surprisingly, it did feel very vacationlike at parts too. Newfoundland, I am thrilled for you guys! He will plan it for you but that just means we have to come with you too. Shin splints. NOOOOO. Is there anything that is helping them? Those two are some of the best races out there so I support that and running for the fun of it is so needed. The bubbles. Isn’t it just dreamy?! Andrew is just like you, he could drink an energy drink 5 minutes before falling asleep so we get you. Have the most wonderful day, Mindy!


This is not a happy tangent, but its what I am living right now.
I lost two uncles and an aunt within 7 days of each other last week.


Oh my goodness, Erica. I am so incredibly sorry. I wish I could hug you right now. This is absolutely tragic. I’m sending you so much love right now to your entire family.


I’m reading un-f*&( your mind right now and it has totally sucked me in.

Since I am having to switch to stability shoes, it’s making rethink all of my running shoes… The Saucony Pro 3’s are currently on my list but I’m hoping they’ll be cheaper when the 4’s are released.

Next race is Mt. Charleston in Vegas in 5 weeks!


Fun fact! That phone on the wall isn’t a telephone! It’s the buzzer to let people into the building! :) I’m still loving reading about your experience with my most favorite marathon!



Can you share the link for that cute jacket you’re wearing in the pic of you and Brooke linking arms?

Also, that pic of you and Andrew at the top of the post — you look so much like your mom in that one! So cute!

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