I’m still riding that inspired feeling after watching the trials on Saturday… I think I will always plan to race a marathon shortly after the trials every four years because of how I feel right now.

And now we will dive straight into the tangents floating through my head:

*Free hot chocolate on rainy days for kids at In-n-Out always motivates us to get some burgers.

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There is a lot going on with Taylor Swift’s situation with football.  I understand she has brought a lot of new fans and money to the NFL and the Chiefs, BUT as I was watching the trials on Saturday… I thought about how annoying it would be if they kept switching off what was happening during the race with whom one of the athletes was dating.  It would drive me up the wall, so I guess I can see both sides of the argument.  I’m not a huge football fan and love a good love story, but I would be very bugged if it took up all of the attention while watching an event I am passionate about. *Edited to add–> I have not seen the games or how little they actually show her! I was under the assumption (from all of the complaints) that they were taking time from the game and fans were missing actual plays. I will research better next time! I was just thinking it must be a lot by how angry it was making people.

*The Comfort Crisis said, “Brazilian Researchers found that people who are able to detach from their emotions during exercise, for example, not thinking about or putting a negative feeling on their burning legs, almost always perform better.” <– It reminds me of my friend who told me he tries not to feel when I asked him how his workout went.  I’ll be doing this on 2/18.

*Connor’s Strava made me happen. It did look like they were just out for a morning run.

*Valentine’s Day nails are ready.

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*My nephew decided to go down to St George a week ago and run a half marathon. He finished under 1:40… Now, to see what he can do with some proper training!

*I was invited to a celebration party for the Utahn Olympic Trials (i.e., CLAYTON AND CONNOR), but we will already be in Spain.  Do I push our plane tickets back a few days;)

*My favorite picture from the trials:

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*I’m done with electronics. Over the weekend, an AirPod got flushed down the toilet, and the remote control went through the washing machine.

*Brooke and I cannot stop eating these. I love pickle flavoring more than I love pickles. 

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They will still match, and I’m holding onto that for as long as I can.

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I need to know your answer to this (mine would be The Office, but only if it was like the first six seasons and not like the last 3):

Do you have any tangents for me today?

What are your thoughts on the Taylor Swift football argument?!

Please help me feel better about any mistakes youve made with electronics recently.

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I would love another season of Star Trek: the Next Generation or Star Trek: Picard. I loooooove Patrick Stewart. And Picard is the best!
The NFL should dial it back a bit with Taylor Swift. They shouldn’t be showing non-football people/things during the games. People pay a lot of money for NFL Sunday ticket and cable in general to watch the games. That being said, it’s the NFL’s doing and not hers so people should stop bashing her for it. She should be there like any of the other players’ family and friends.
I’m terrible with electronics. I don’t buy phones brand new or pay full price for anything because I’m incompetent and scared I’ll break them. I won’t use ipod type devices because they are too small and too easy to lose track of.
Have a great Tuesday!!!!


I wish I could grant you that season! Such a great point, they pay A LOT for those tickets. It really is interesting, she isn’t choosing this, and she shouldn’t miss the games. I am going to copy you with electronics… I break everything. Thanks Lee, you too!


A few places have analyzed how much Taylor is actually shown and talked about and it averages between 25-44 seconds total over a three plus hour broadcast (not even 1% of the total time). Scantily clad cheerleaders are given more airtime and I don’t hear anyone claiming they are a distraction. This argument feels extremely misogynistic – as Taylor would say, “the haters gonna hate, hate, hate.”


100% THIS. It’s literally seconds.


NO WAY! Okay, that is nothing! I definitely had no idea it was so little, I should have researched beforehand. According to the complaints, it felt like it was most of the game. Have a wonderful day, C!


Was just coming to say the same thing. I saw the average time per game in the games she’s attended is 25 seconds. This is the best lol https://www.tiktok.com/@adiagracee/video/7330753474562460971


No way! That is next to nothing!


Yes! Misogyny at its best.


My two cents on Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce. I am a huge football fan and even bigger Chiefs fan. I like Taylor, but have not really been obsessed with her music. They only show Taylor after a big play, not during a play, therefore, nothing is being taken away from watching the game. People who are mad over the TV time she is taking away from the game need to grow up and quit telling our young girls, by being so outrageously mad about her TV time, they mean nothing and should shrink into a corner. It probably adds up to less than 2 minutes of her being seen throughout the game! She has done so much good for small businesses in Kansas City who sell Chiefs jewelry by being seen with their designs…these small businesses are being placed on the map and I am all here for buying local!


That is great! Thank you so much for these points… I haven’t seen the games, just the complaints ha. I love to hear what she has done for the small businesses and bringing fathers and daughters together to watch the games. I’m here for it! Have a beautiful day, Tiffany.


I would want another season of friends :)

I love football and Taylor Swift is fun to watch too so for me it’s a win win!!

Electronics are the worst – I don’t have anything of value to those I.e oldest phone in family, no new watch, nothing nice because I too have washed and lost !!

The trials are so fresh in my mind as well and I am just trying to hold onto that inspiration everyday ❤️


I’m so with you on Friends. That is a win win and Mindy mentioned that it has brought a lot of dads and daughters together with these games so I am 100% sold. Keep showing it all! Thank you for helping me feel less alone and keep holding onto the inspiration. Thanks Heather!


I would definitely be annoyed if they cut away during the Olympic trials. But then I thought how much I loved seeing Ryan Linden awaiting Des at the Boston finish line. And how football plays last for 3 seconds and then we wait for like 2 minutes between each play. And how football is on weekly vs us getting a few televised marathons annually. Solution: split screen. I always want a shot of the race on the screen during interviews, broadcast box shots, etc.
Speaking of Des, all of the stories runners are sharing about her encouraging them during the marathon. She is such a queen.
I can’t wait to listen to all the post trials podcasts. Those should keep the hype going a little longer for our running performance.
Love your nails!
Did you go to Clayton’s homecoming parade?? And I hate that you’ll be gone for the party but hey, you’ll be in SPAIN!
RIP airpods!


Okay. Wasn’t that the absolute sweetest! Such a good point. I love your solution… win win win (Angela’s baby tshirt for Oscar to wear;). Reading that sentence about Des gave me the goosebumps. Class act. I saw that on IG but was not invited. I’m upset. Hahaha thanks Molly, happy Tuesday!


I actually saw a new york times article on how much time T Swift has been on the TV… it’s actually super small amounts of time (usually less than a minute). So it’s kind of a misconception that she is on a bunch. I think worth noting football has a lot more breaks than a marathon.


VALID POINTS! I had no idea how little it was, the complaints online made it seem like it’s a quarter of the game haha. Hope you have a beautiful day, Ellie.


On average, Taylor Swift has been on screen for ~25 seconds per (3+ hr) game, so I’d hardly say she’s taking away from the action of the game. Also, its not as if they are taking the camera off the field during actual plays. Frankly, I think the people complaining about her are just misogynists.


Oh totally! I really have no idea how much they even show her but from the complaints I see, it’s like it is for a majority of the game. Mindy brought up that it is bringing fathers and daughters together and that sold me… Put her on more! Have a great day and thanks for this point, Erin!


Do you have any tangents for me today?
Random tangent-I know you don’t drink coffee but I have been putting protein powder and collagen in my morning coffee (cold) for the past year and am LOVING it! Gets me started with 35 grams of protein and satiates me for hours. Seeing the difference additional protein makes for me is exciting and I feel so good. Random but a good tip for those who drink coffee :-)

What are your thoughts on the Taylor Swift football argument?! I think it is all bizarre. I have never nor will I ever swoon over any celebrity. Now, give me an author I adore or a billion dollar trader and I am struck speechless.

Please help me feel better about any mistakes you’ve made with electronics recently.
Ooph, sorry to see that, I hate when I do that. Delta headphones have made it through my machine twice now in 2024….

Yay for matching little girls! May they love it forever.


forgot to add to my comment…I would love more Greys Anatomy before they hopped on the jab/political garbage the past 4 years…I do not need a tv show to offer that up, we have plenty with our garbage government officials and corrupt health care professionals.


We stopped watching Greys for that very reason! Either way, I don’t want politics mixed into entertainment. Your morning coffee sounds perfect and I love that you are feeling so good. Hahah I guess I am with you on the Taylor part too… maybe if it was Connor/Clayton/Des/Keira/Sara/Dakota haha I’d be a bit more understanding;). I hope they love it too and that’s pretty amazing about the headphones. Hope you have a great day!


I don’t want this to turn into an argument, I just wanted to point out that by having “politics” represented on the show, Grey’s Anatomy has brought light to a lot of things people didn’t know about or understand and I think that’s very important. They had an episode that showed the entire process of doing a rape kit. So many women are criticized for not reporting a rape. I personally had no idea though how intrusive and horrible the process of doing a rape kit is. That isn’t really politics. It’s stories that hit home for a lot of people that instead of judging or choosing to ignore, we should learn about. It’s easy to turn something off when it’s not an issue that impacts your life. Just something to think about.


That is such a great point! Thank you, Amanda!


Hey Amanda from another Amanda! I personally love a good dialogue on topics where it can be a healthy discussion. One of the worst parts of social media is how this simple social interaction has been turned into ridiculous petty conversations. It’s sad, really as I value conversation more so than ever these days. While I remember and agree regarding the rape kit episode, I will never forget how belittled and ostracized those of us who opted to not take any shots were treated and how Grey’s fell into that as well. I had businesses that eagerly took my money turn me away because I refused to play the mask and jab game. I realize most MSM streams are not showing it but the trash Fauci (I cannot call him a physician with as much blood as he has on his hands) has been admitting that so much of what they mandated had no scientific basis. It is truly horrifying to watch it all unfold. As someone who had a friend commit suicide after not being able to be with their parent while they passed due to hospital insanity I can only say may God have no mercy on their souls and the crimes against humanity that we all endured (Fauci, Schwab, Gates, CDC leaders, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J…all of the WEF). Globally, people should be awake and angry right now, ready to fight for their lives when (not if) the next plandemic is rolled out to continue the world on the their crazy Agenda 2030 path.


There was a great article in the Wall Street Journal today about Connor and Clayton. Here is a gift link so you can check it out! https://www.wsj.com/sports/olympics/us-marathon-trials-conner-mantz-clayton-young-374a5755?st=mr2mhsqjerpdv99&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink


Thank you for the link, Beth!


You are the best. THANK YOU! Okay, the part about his first 400 being 75 and now his marathon pace is 73 for a 400… absolutely unreal. And the part about identity. So so good. Thanks Beth, have a beautiful day!


Aaawww, the girls are adorable.
We’ve been talking about the free hot chocolate at In Out lately. We’re on day 3 (2 in a row) of pouring rain, so it’s been reminding us of when the boys were young and we would get free hot chocolate.
I am a football fan, and the Taylor Swift thing is annoying. Just let her be there to support her boyfriend. She’s just like any of the other players wives or girlfriends, just let them be and show the game. Although, it is cool how her custom made jacket, made by the wife of a San Francisco player, went so viral that the NFL shop offered the wife who made it a contract to make other items for them.
Your trip is so close! I’m excited for you guys.
Have a great day Janae


Oh that is so sweet! Your weekend of celebrating and Top Golf looked SO so fun! Oh that jacket was incredible. I didn’t know that she was offered a contract, WOW! Thanks friend, you too!


Tangent: my watch is a jerk. It has labeled my last 3 runs and a strength workout as Unproductive.

I like your analogy to the trials coverage. I kept getting annoyed when they would go back to the broadcasters to show them talking instead of showing the race. I love Kara, but I don’t need to SEE her telling me about the race or the runners, I want to watch the runners, not the broadcasters. That said, I have so many feelings on the Taylor thing. I hate the hatred being thrown at Taylor for something she has not control over. She is going to the games to watch her boyfriend do his job, she isn’t asking to be shown on TV or the big screen. The NFL/broadcasters are doing that to line their own pockets. She has controlled the one thing she can; not allowing them to play her songs at games or on the broadcasts. Everything else is marketers doing what they get paid to do. The message the hate is sending to women and girls is to remain in the background, be small and don’t interrupt the “men’s work”.
The positive side is the number of girls her presence at games has brought to the audience is pretty amazing. My two nieces now watch football every weekend with their dad because Taylor is flashed on the screen for less than 5 minutes in a 3-4 hour game. It is building relationships, which is more far important in the end than mediocre people being threatened or annoyed by a very successful, upstanding woman being shown a few times during breaks in the action.


Bahahaha I totally agree with you! I’m glad that Peacock didn’t do that because it would have driven me crazy. I’m sorry about that! I totally agree, what is Taylor supposed to do? Not go to his games? But when Travis is shown at her concerts, it’s the cutest thing ever! I didn’t know that about her songs… interesting. Such a good point and I do not like that at all. Okay, that is so great and now you just changed my whole mind–> BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS! That is what life is all about. Thank you, Mindy. Loving this discussion!


I’ll take another season of Gilmore Girls, please!

An appliance, not an electronic device, but I put tall birthday candles in my dishwasher. Like WHAT was I thinking? I was just cleaning up birthday party stuff and they were these tall silver pillar candles and I popped them right in with everything else. That took a LONG time to clean. Palm, meet face. HA.


I feel horrible for laughing but it’s just because that is something I would totally do. I am so sorry but thanks for helping me feel less alone haha. Oh Gilmore Girls. What did you think of the extra season they did… Rory’s choices KILLED ME!


They literally show her for a few seconds cheering after a big play. It’s not like they are cutting to her during a play. They also show cheerleaders, other fans in the crowd like shirtless dudes and cute kids, other people’s families, and other celebrities. Weirdos are just obsessed with Taylor and being haters. They used to flash to Gisele occasionally when Tom Brady played. It’s not a big deal. At the trials we get crowd shots sometimes, and we see families celebrating and waiting at the finish line. That’s the equivalent to what we see with Taylor. My So Called Life from way back in the day…we only got one season of that.


SO so so true. I really have no idea how long they show her! Seconds sounds fine but the complaints I see make it seem like they are showing her for a quarter of the game haha. So many great points! Thank you and off to find that season. Thanks Heather!


Schitt’s Creek!!! That show makes me laugh so so much.

I hate buying anything expensive brand new bc I am afraid I will ruin or lose it. Phones, watch, airpods, jewlery… I need a new vehicle but I love my 13 year old one with door dings already on it hahaha!

After watching the trails I am frantically searching for a marathon to train and run. Think I am going to make my 17 year old do one with me. He is in xc and with a week notice ran a half in like 90 min. Teenage energy is insane.


SCHITT’S CREEK IS HILARIOUS! Keep the door dings… the stress I feel to keep mine free of door dings is not worth it. You are smart. I love that plan, Amy! Can you imagine that finish line?!? Okay, that’s annoying haha. It took me years to get there. Oh to have that kind of energy again. I hope you have the best day!


Just echoing what a lot other commenters have said about Taylor Swift because I think it’s a really important conversation for this next generation of girls growing up. How everyone is reacting to Taylor Swift’s existence is really sad. As the mom of a “loud” girl, I’m so incredibly proud of her for taking up space and making noise. I hope she never, ever listens to the misogynists and patriarchy enthusiasts who tell her to be quiet.

Also, fwiw, Taylor is not showing herself on TV. The NFL is making that choice for her. She’s literally told the cameras to go away.

PS: This comment is no shade at you, Janae! It’s obviously a conversation that’s been popping up everywhere.


I appreciate your comment so much! I definitely had no idea how little she was actually showed, in my brain they were constantly going off of the game to show her (didn’t watch games, have just seen all of the complaints). You have so many great points and you have raised an incredible daughter. Thank you for giving her the space to be her. So many great points and I hope you have a beautiful day, Susan!


So I agree with this. I do watch and am a fan of football. It does not irritate me that they show her, they show other significant others in other games….Simone Biles comes to mind. I am not a Swifty, but she is not doing anything other than showing up for a loved one and living her life. Unlike her song, she is not the problem. I am irritated by the over-saturation of the NFL media reporting on it at every opportunity, to the point early on they stopped reporting on the games and players. That is not something Taylor Swift can control, that is something the NFL media is in full control of and who people should be annoyed with.


Very interesting! People forget that she has no say in this but somehow the people that do aren’t blamed!


Completely off topic…
During the Olympic marathon trials I saw Fiona O’Keeffe leading the women’s race with her sunglasses & beautiful brunette hair and thought, “IT LOOKS LIKE HUNGRY RUNNER GIRL IS LEADING THE RACE!!!!!!”. It was so fun, even though I knew it wasn’t really you. 😉


I’m blushing!!!!!!!!! Have a great day, Mel!


Glad to see the support for Taylor in the comments! She hasn’t asked for the broadcasters to show her, and as others have pointed out, it’s actually very little time. More time is spent by the media covering it to make it seem like a bigger deal than it is. I guarantee if she wasn’t at the games the focus would be on her not being a good girlfriend and not supporting him. I just want her and Travis to be happy. They’ve said they are tuning it all out! She can date an NFL player, go to the games to show her support, and continue on a world tour plus announce another album!! She’s incredible!

Tangents – Kim of IG trackclubbabe is also going to Sevilla, did you see that? I feel like you know each other, but I could have made that up. I’m jealous and want to join you both!!


SUCH a great point about her if she wasn’t there and that it isn’t her choice. I was just stressed during the trials thinking about if they kept going over to someone else I would be so sad. She really is incredible. I am so amazed! PLEASE PLEASE COME! Yes, Kim’s husband won what I won for budapest, it’s going to be a party! Have a beautiful day, Rachel!


Schitt’s Creek


Best show.


I’m sorry, but Taylor Swift is annoying, period. Some of her songs are good, but I really don’t understand her massive appeal. She’s always playing the victim. There was an article today about her suing the guy who exposes her private jet usage-she doesn’t like her climate change hypocrisy being public. The Kelce relationship is fake, both are financially benefiting from it. Even her friends are benefiting from it, she brought Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively to one of the games so they could plug their mixers on air. It’s all about money. I’m sure everyone will be devastated when they ‘break up’ right after the Super Bowl.

People who idolize celebrities are extremely naive, and Covid demonstrated how the majority of people have no common sense or capacity for critical thinking. Celebrities and politicians are well aware of this and take advantage of it all the time.




I dropped my car’s key fob into our (unused) toilet over the weekend when I spun around too quickly and it flew out of my unzipped cross body bag. I quickly snatched it out, let it dry and it thankfully still works. Sometimes all you can do is laugh about it! (And wash your hands… a lot)

I’m more of a football fan than Taylor fan but think it’s great to see a new audience watching and enjoying the sport. Beats simply using the color pink to try and attract female fans ;) I would agree, though, that all the media surrounding the Taylor/Travis and Taylor/Tokyo stories is overshadowing the actual players and coaches that worked hard to get there.

Enjoy your week!


American Dreams. I wept when that got cancelled. So many unanswered questions!


The girls are so cute twinning!
Beck looks like he’s feeling a little better (hot chocolate helps).
Kudos to your nephew, another running convert in the family :)
Excited to see how your niece’s training for a full goes!
LOVE your nails.
Schitts Creek!
And I’m so terrible with electronics, I have never figured out how to operate our TV. My husband is out of town and I had to write incredibly detailed instructions on how to connect to Peacock to watch the trials. I was almost as THRILLED with myself for getting tuned in in time, as watching the trials themselves (just kidding).


Ted Lasso!!!!!!
Our very favorite tv show. Next would be Big Bang Theory.
But I just loved watching Ted after a stressful day. Always made me laugh!

Eh, the whole Taylor Swift/Kelce thing is getting out of control. Just let them be, and stop focusing on them. Soon, she’ll probably write another song about breaking up with Kelce (or not. Who knows?). I just don’t think it’s right for the media to be showing so much attention on them. Makes them look like it’s all part of media and PR more than anything. I don’t agree with a lot of the Chiefs games because of how rigged the refs are calling (or typically, NOT calling) the plays to make it more favorable for the Chiefs.

I almost cried when I saw Connor and Clayton finish together- towards the end, they were high fiving each other, giving each other words of encouragement and that finish line!!! oh my gosh, it still gives me the goosebumps. I just LOVED how both of them are on team USA. I was so worried that someone would come sweep into 2nd or 3rd making either Connor or Clayton drop to 4th! That would have been so devastating.


I really liked your parallel to the trials running and panning to a boyfriend. I must say though, I was totally looking for the exchange between Sara and Ryan Hall afterwards.
One article that I read and have been thinking about talked about that our children watch football with us. When they show TS, and someone says “uggggggg, why do they keep showing her, etc” Our kids do not have the words to translate it in their mind, so they are blaming the person, TS, not the film crew, tv station. In other words it gives our kids the wrong narrative about an individual because we do not properly communicate.


Um just binge watched 6 seasons of Seal team a military drama y about an elite group of navy seals and it highlights their personal struggles and relationships on the home front ..amd really the toll of war and all the mental health struggles. I definitely cried through entire episodes. Waiting fir season 7 to be released..

Oh i have dropped my cell phone down the toilet. My last phone i dropped up a mountain lol so that one is a goner.


mad about you…..another episode maybe….
at the end of the run, put my Polar watch on top of my car..
drove away, and heard the watch bounce off the top of my car….
I’m not even going get into the Taylor Swift thing….I admire how she’s done what she’s done on her terms….but, um, come on, a member of the Chiefs?


Mad About You did come back for a season a few years ago.


I think when considering the Taylor Swift issue, it is not fair to compare it to the Marathon Trials. The trials are a 3 hour television spot every four years and are quite niche. It also has both female and male athletes for viewers to support.

American football is on in most restaurants for months during the season and in a large percentage of households. It represents only male athletes. Many women and girls may not like watching football or connect with it, so if showing TS for 45 seconds gives them joy, it should be welcomed. Men who see this as something that is taking away from their experience need to seriously reevaluate the football culture and how it so heavily leans towards their interests. Everything from the all male athletes, the cheerleaders in next to nothing, the culture, the food and beverage, the violence in the sport itself, is very male centric. We should really be showing more female role models during football for all the little girls who have to watch by default!

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