(Leggings, top, bra, shoes)

I think I will also start wearing the Adizero for most of my recovery runs.  When my mileage gets high (4 weeks now of 70-75 miles per week), I find that super shoes help take away some of the pounding, so it’s worth it to wear them when my legs need a little help and faster recovery.

An 8 am run was exactly what everyone needed for New Year’s Day.  I could get used to running in the light again.

Hoka and Runner’s Corner teamed up and donated $1 per mile to local youth teams!  Twelve miles @ 8:09 pace for me.

It reminded me of the episode where Michael thinks he is donating $25 to a cause when he is donating $25 a mile, haha.  I never tire of The Office.

We finished at the store, drank hot chocolate, and used their recovery tools.  I tried out the Chirp RPM and fell in love.  I thought there was no way I could put out that kind of cash after the holidays, but then I discovered you can use your HSA on Chirp tools!

I’m going to use it for a bit and then write a full review, but you can see here how it works:

I can’t believe we are getting park days in January.

I’m here for it.

Right into tangents for today:

*What winter restroom stops look like for runners:

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*This diamond.  Ready for a long story?  My grandma on my dad’s side had three granddaughters, and she gave each of us one of her diamonds.  She passed when I was very young, but my parents gave it to me when I was in college.  I then moved to California, and when I moved back to Utah during my divorce, I couldn’t find it anywhere.  I thought it was gone forever.  Fast forward eight years, and my ex was going through some old boxes and found it! I was so relieved.  Fast forward a bit more, and I thought I lost it again in the remodel (clearly, I shouldn’t have nice things) when workers were moving things.  Andrew spent an entire day going through everything we own and found it and then surprised me on Christmas with it put into a necklace.  My favorite Christmas gift ever.

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*Maddie and her sister did the full Taylor Swift workout for 2 hours and 47 minutes.  They were very detailed with this endeavor (they even laminated their chart) and completed over 16 miles while singing the whole way outside.  I am so impressed by them.  They are now questioning Taylor, saying she did this each day… They said it was incredibly hard.

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*My roll recovery stays in the car now.  The track makes my IT band a bit cranky, but it rolls it out nicely before every run.  You know I’m in marathon training when half my posts are about recovery tools…

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*I loved this portion from the Fast Women Newsletter…   Seeing their debut marathon and then their PR is so inspiring.

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Have any tangents today?

Favorite Office episode?

-Forever and always the Injury or the Fun Run.  Any episode where Michael is in it for the majority of the episode.  Once he left, I lost interest.  

Any shows that you never tire of?

Lost and found anything important to you?

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Taylor never talks about paces or what it means to run. (unless i missed that) when she says she ran faster during fast songs? Still that’s vague. On a treadmill for 6 months every day? i’m sure it happened but i’m also sure it’s not what runners imagine.


That is such a good point, I want to know what her MPH was for each song haha. She was in incredible shape for that concert, and I kept wondering if she was taking caffeine gels in between albums ha. Hope your day is a gorgeous one, Therese!


We are heading back to the states next week, so I’m going to checkout those recovery tools. I don’t do enough daily when it comes to recovery.

Lost and found? My grandparents gave me a cross for my confirmation. I lost it when I was in HS and could t find it. One night I had a dream about it and I saw it laying on a dark surface. The next morning I found it on the floor of the garage. I recently found it in a random drawer that it must have fallen in to!!

What Andrew gave you is so thoughtful! That is the kind of man I want to find 🤣


I hope you are having the most amazing trip with so much hiking and beach time. Next time we are coming. NO. WAY. That is absolutely amazing, Kristi! Don’t stop looking until you find one, you deserve the best of the best! Safe travels home next week.


First day back in the office after 2 weeks off- I miss my really chill vacation schedule but remembering to be grateful for a good job that lets me take long breaks!

I never tire of Friends, could always watch reruns.


Two weeks off… I bet that hurt so bad going back ha. I’m so glad you got that time with your boyfriend, your family and his family. Amen to friends. I will never tire of it. Hope your day is a wonderful one back at work. Thanks Mariah!


I have yet to find my important lost item. This gives me hope! Also, so nice of Andrew to basically put a lease on your diamond. ha
Favorite episode is probably the dinner party! I can never get enough of the Michael seasons! Perfect balance of cringe and humor.
Your hair is super cute in the pig tails and hat!


Hahaha he told me he didn’t put it in a ring because I would lose it again that way so the leash is perfect;). Good luck finding those items again someday;). THE DINNER PARTY! I think that was the first episode my mom saw and she was like how in the world is this your favorite show?! She needed to get to know Michael more first haha. So much cringe! Oh thank you, love a beanie day. Happy Tuesday, Molly!


My IT band has been screaming at me lately! Foam rolling helps, but I definitely need to pull out my massage gun, ugh. Favorite episode of the office forever will be the dinner party – it’s the perfect amount of cringe, but I also love it because I know that the cast was breaking up in laughter the entire time so it makes it even funnier for me to watch! Love that you found the diamond (or maybe it found you?). I have a necklace from my grandmother that I lost years ago and I’m hoping someday it’ll turn up!


Dang, IT bands, why are they so temperamental? Good luck with the massage guns. You and Molly have the same favorite. Can you even imagine being in that circumstance haha. Especially as runners… we wouldn’t be able to wait hours for the food haha. True true! Oh, I hope you find it Tess. Crossing all of my fingers and toes. Have the most beautiful day!


Okay, that’s the sweetest story about the diamond and it’s so beautiful as a necklace! I lost my Garmin for about 9 months. I put my ski boots on for the first time at the beginning of winter and found the watch inside the boot. I guess that was my laid back summer, running without my Garmin, hah!

My tangent is that I had my 1st walk/run back yesterday after tearing my hip flexor during my marathon in November. I was super committed to rehab so hoping this comeback is solid. Of course we’ve had all this mild weather with clear roads/trails, and now the storm door is opening right as I can run again, so maybe xc skiing will have to be part of my comeback.

I’m guessing you guys are going to get some of the same storms, so I hope it doesn’t mess with your training. You’ve put a ton of the big work in already though, and thank goodness the treadmill is an option!

Now I feel like I need to watch the Office again!


YAY for finding your Garmin and the fact that you are back running! I have a very good feeling about your comeback. I don’t know about this storm but I guess I can handle some winter after having so many great weeks of ice free workouts. XC skiing is a blast, I want to join you! Have the best day and happy Office watching, Michelle!


A while back I remember you talking about your compression boots. Which ones do you have and do you love them? I tried searching, but couldn’t find them.


YES YES YES! I have these ones and adore them:


I hope you love them too!

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