Knowing when it is right?

(shoes, tank, bra, shorts ((JANAE gets you 15% off), socks, sunglasses)

My 5k on Monday= I felt terrible.

Workout yesterday= I felt amazing.

It’s crazy to me how different the two mornings felt.

We had a big workout on the schedule–> 2 x 2 mile, 1 mile, 4 x 200s. The first 2-mile interval included flat and downhill (5:46, 5:39), the second 2-mile interval was straight uphill (500 ft climbing) for a while with a bit of downhill during the last .5 (8:52, 6:32), and the last mile was our MTC downhill mile (5:16). I didn’t time my 200s, but they were probably slower than my mile pace because it takes me about 400m to speed up, ha.

14 miles total @ 7:17 average.

Some of the cool-down was on dirt which felt very good on my body.

I went straight from the workout to pick up Knox!

I am very thankful for my niece making it easy for me to get out for my training when Andrew is at work. Last year, I was so tempted to marathon train with my friends (because I truly love it), but the timing didn’t feel right.

I just knew that the marathon training season would show up again in my life and that I needed to be patient for it to come. I’m glad I didn’t try to force it last year because it feels right again this year, which makes it much more enjoyable. I feel like I can still put the most important things first in my life while doing what I love with my friends in the mornings. I’m also in a place where I am getting 8+ hours of sleep almost every night, and that wasn’t happening last year, which makes marathon training so much more doable for me.

The normal summer day

A few people had questions about our scooter, so here is more info from Andrew (I was mostly just concerned about having an orange scooter and good helmets for everyone riding). I use it for errands in our area, and anytime I need to put a smile on my face.  

Hey everyone!! I’m not super knowledgeable about this but there are a few things that sold me on this scooter.

-First, this is a fuel-injected scooter. Without getting too technical on this, it pretty much means the engine is more reliable, has better fuel efficiency, and won’t have as many problems starting up after sitting in the garage during the winter (won’t have to replace a gunked-up carburetor)

-The scooter is a 150cc, so it will have enough power with Janae and me on at the same time and we can still make it up a hill even if we are both on it.

-I loved the retro look, it reminds me of old-school Vespas and I love those.

-We actually ran into a few neighbors with scooters that they bought from the Scooter Lounge and I had briefly met the owner previously!

-The Buddy Kick was the best bang for our buck in regards to all the things we were needing/wanted out of the selection available.

My sister is also a big fan of the scooter when we need a break from all of the kids;)


You are going to go for a 5-mile easy-paced run—> what shoes do you put on?

-Hoka Clifton 8

What season of running life are you in right now?

Sleep—> on average how much sleep do you get each night?


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Oh it makes me happy to hear that you’re getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night! I think my little boy is about 6 or 7 months younger than Beck, and your words give me hope! He sleeps through the night about half the time, looking forward to some consistent full nights of sleep!
I really haven’t done much running since covid; I used to mainly do it at the gym since it isn’t super safe to run outside in my area, but I’ve been really enjoying expanding my horizons with some at home strength and spin bike workouts. I know you can relate!
PS I just received a Lululemon gift card for my birthday and am so excited! I’ve never shopped there before, so feel free to drop some recommendations. ;)
Have a great day!


Oh Courtney, I hope that you are getting 8+ hours of sleep soon! You need those full nights every night. Keep enjoying those strength and spin workouts, they truly are the best. Ummm that’s exciting. What do you need most? Tanks, bras, shorts, leggings?


Ha, definitely tanks!


My current favorites are the power pivot tank, base pace ribbed tank, train to be tank, lightweight run kit tank and swiftly tech racerback tank! Basically, you can’t go wrong ha!


Awesome! Thank you so much!


My running season is running for enjoyment, me time, mental clarity. I find my summers with Hope are more physically demanding than the school year, and I have not found the balance of lots of miles without wanting my couch later in the day.


I love all three of those things. You give Hope the best summers, I can see why they take more from you physically! I hope you have a beautiful day and I wish we could meet up with all of our kids at the park. Have a great day, Erica!


Current season of running is 4 weeks off . . . I got a hip injury that should be good to go if I rest it. I was super bummed (the doctor thought it might be something much worse), so I’m relieved it’s a shorter amount of time now! Plus, it is so hot out, so there are a few silver linings! My go-to’s right now are an ON running shoe. A little different from my usual, but I love them!

I am definitely an 8 hours of sleep person. Sometimes I need more to feel human, sometimes I can get by on 7 and feel great–but that’s rare and I wish it happened more often!


Kristin, I am SO happy that your injury isn’t as bad as but I hope these next four weeks go by quickly for you. One of my running partners loves her ON shoes too, I must try them. I hope you get 9 hours of sleep tonight. Have a great day, Kristin!


Ooh I am wearing sauccony speed shift.
Ì get 8 plus hours or I get cranky lol.

Oh it is training season lol. I did 2 runs Tuesday and then my gf took me to a strength yesterday. Legs are done lol. Today is a rest day.
Also love the scooter! Happy Thursday Janae!


I am with you, so cranky if I don’t get 8+ hours. Ummm I can see why your legs are toast. Thanks Kristine, hope your day is a great one!


If there is any moisture on the ground, Brooks GTS. If it’s dry out, Saucony Guides. Those shoes are sponges!

During the Tour de France I get about 6 hours of sleep. It was so rough training in July of last year during the Tour. I was a zombie.


That is interesting about the Saucony Guides! No more training in July! The tour has you up late watching. Hope your day is off to a great start, Molly!


I’m in the season of triathlon training! So- running is not my focus since it’s something I know I can do and make it through in the race. I’m much more focused on swimming because I’m still new to it and I don’t want to drown! It’s also so hot here (this week it’s been close to 100 in the evenings) so I don’t mind taking it easy with running :)


Oh and forgot to answer the sleep question- I’m at my best when I get 6 hours! I always feel too tired when I get 8 hours for some reason, so 6 is perfect!


TRIATHLON TRAINING! THAT IS SO EXCITING! Keep me updated with it all and teach me how to swim:) You and Andrew are very similar, he is more tired when he sleeps more. Have a great day, Gretchen!


Good morning, Janae! Love the orange scooter (my car is orange)!! Plus, Beck color coordinates with it in these picks, so there’s another win :o)
My go to shoes are Brooks Glycerins. Ahhhh, which season of running life? Struggling to hold onto anything resembling a regular running schedule. Actual training is laughable now, but one day…one day…I’d like to think I’ll get back to it.
Sadly, too little sleep going on these days. I would love 7-8, but lucky if I get 6 and even that isn’t consistent. I’m trying all the things though to try to get not only more sleep. but better sleep. Fingers crossed! Happy Friday Eve, Janae!!


An orange car… Oh I am jealous. Haha so much orange in today’s post. Oh I love the Glycerins, such a great shoe. And that one day will come at the perfect timing. SIX HOURS OF SLEEP, how do you handle it?! That is how Andrew is too but he loves it. Hope your day is off to a great start and happy Friday EVE TO YOU TOO!


That scooter looks so fun!!!

Haha, I agree, it would take me forever to get my speed up for a 200. My kids smoke me on 100’s every time we go to the track–but the younger 2 don’t stand chance on a 400;-).

I would say that I am in a very relaxed state for running these days and I am trying to lean into it vs resist it. I am running way less miles (50% less) compared to the last 2 years, but with more intention. After my DNF for the marathon, for the first time, I didn’t feel like running. So I switched up my focus especially since my body does not like summer running. The heat and humidity get to me. I moved to shorter, faster runs and track workouts (for the first time in my life!). Additionally, I go out with my kids running and biking. It might be slower pace and stopping to pick flowers or give them a pep talk to keep up with an older sibling, but right now, it feels good.
During the summer months, I probably average 6 1/2-7 hours of sleep. I aim for 8 hours, but maybe hit that 2x/month. I try to sneak in a nap when I can. I got more sleep when my kids were a little younger and had an earlier bed time;-).

Have a fabulous Thursday Janae!


Hahaha no more racing anything less than a 400;). You need to keep them humble. I completely understand why your body would not love running in that heat and humidity, it sucks the fun out of my running! I love what you are doing now and how you are also getting in that amazing time with your kids too. I love it and keep doing what feels good. I hope you get in a nap and I am very worried about the days that the kids are wanting to be up later… You will have to mentor me. Hope your day is a great one too, thanks Becky!


I truly love the concept of running seasons. There is so much to enjoy about this sport when you think long term. I used to think about running only in terms of mile pace and PRs. Now I value it so much for my mental health, my fresh air, my me time, my way to feel good moving in my body. This running season is about easy volume for me – slower miles, but more of them (with a smile on my face).

Next week I’m going to Eugene for the Worlds championships with my brother and my dad. We’re all big track fans, and have traveled to Eugene twice before for Olympic Trials meets. I’m so excited. Also – if any of your readers are in the area, both the women’s and men’s marathons are free (no ticket required), and open to the public! I can’t wait to watch our US runners out there fighting for the podium. If you like, I’ll be posting updates and photos on my twitter, which is @egtedrowe.

Thanks for your awesome blog, Janae. Been following you for years, and it’s such a treat.


I had goosebumps reading your first paragraph and what you enjoy about running. Running gives us so much. I AM SO excited about Eugene for you and your brother and dad. What an amazing experience that will be. I just found you on IG, will you be posting there too? I cannot wait and I so wish I could come too. Thank you Emily, that means a lot. Keep in touch!


We recently got a scooter for our son to take to college. It needs a little bit of work, but I can’t wait to test it out. I think he’s going to love it.
My current season of running is for enjoyment, staying for, and having fun. My running friends just signed up for the LA marathon in March, so I am seriously thinking about that. I haven’t run a marathon since 2019. It would be fun to get into a marathon training cycle again. But I would really love to find someone who’s a little faster than me to help me push my pace…
I love Beck with the sunglasses! So cute!
Have a great day.


I love that you got a scooter for your son! He will love it! Oh you will have to let me know if you sign up for LA, that is exciting and so fun to do it with your friends. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Awesome scooter! Looks like you had a fun 4th of July!
A 5 miler right now is almost my long run (because it’s 100000% humidity no matter the time of day, and currently in the high 90s) but I would say my Brooks Ghosts. I have 2 pair in rotation right now, but am also loving my Saucony Guide for longer runs.

My next race is a half in November (In Texas!!!!) so currently I am just doing runs from 2-6 miles each day. I will pump that up in September and more in October.

I don’t get enough sleep, probably because as much as I love sleep, I am a night owl, ha!


love watching your speed work. I’ve found just running with quicker stronger runners (younger?) force me to run tempo paces for me…and am learning how important rest days that are rest days are….
as for sleep…as long as I keep the mantra of if I eat well I train well and then I sleep well….as long as I keep that cycle, my sleep is all good


Season of running…I was thinking about how this year is going to be a “be kind and let my body heal and do it’s thing” year of running.
Late last year I started struggling with what I thought was a hamstring strain/issue. I saw the chiro a few times and he did a few things that would help temporarily but the pain was always back within a week. I had double foot surgery planned for mid-January so we agreed to keep working on it but that some rest would be good for whatever was going on. I had my surgery and was non-weight bearing for 6 weeks, then 6 more in a boot, then 2 more transitioning to 100% regular shoes – so 14 weeks off from running. I slowly started running again and my feet felt fine, but the hamstring issue was back within 2 weeks – so much for rest… My chiro discovered it is a piriformis issue, so we have been working on that for the last 4-6 weeks and now my foot is acting up, I am praying it isn’t a stress fracture or something from my surgery.
This morning I ran 3 miles, I stopped at 1.5 to stretch a bit and while taking in the sunrise and the view of Timp, I decided that I will just be grateful for any miles I am able to run while I get this old body figured out. As you have said many times, running will always be there for me when my body is ready for it.


Hi Janae, not sure if you’ve linked before, but where is that green romper from? Looks cute and comfortable!


Your scooter looks like so much fun!
Brooks Ghosts for pretty much all my miles lately!
Currently marathon training for an October marathon! I haven’t run a full in over 10 years so this kind of feels like my first :-) What you said about waiting for the right time speaks to my SOUL because I have waited 11 years!
At least 8 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is so important in my life.


Thank you, Janae and Andrew! Your scooter is awesome and I’m so excited for you all! Love hearing about it! I’m inspired to pursue my scooter dreams now (and my daughter, 11, is begging me to as well!). I’m going to look up some motorcycle lessons so I can take a test since I’d need that in CA (the most intimidating part for me!).

Running: I’m in a very casual place with running right now. No goals, but love getting out there with my friends.

Sleep: I seem to be forever stuck at getting 7 hours at most. I wish I could get more! I also have some insomnia, so if I’m solid for 7, I’m feeling pretty good.


My season of running is swimming right now. I have tennis elbow and a bum knee, so I’m thoroughly enjoying swimming laps in our pool right now. Plus running in the heat/humidity gives me headaches.
Average night’s sleep – 6 hours
We just got a used Scooter ! Needs to have a part replaced before we can ride it but I’m so excited. We’ve never had one before.


Hihi! For your readers, it’s notable that this scooter is classified that way when it has 150 cc’s of power. In MANY states, anything over 50 cc is considered a motorcycle (or limited-use motorcycle) and has different requirements/licenses/etc. Definitely worth looking up the laws in your state prior to investing because this would be a motorcycle where I live (even though it’s so cute and looks like a moped!).

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