Silentish Saturday!

(top, shorts, shoes, socks)

4 chilly miles @ 9:18 average + a 5-minute core workout.

Andrew joined me for my current favorite veggies/eggs/bacon/hash brown tacos.

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Gray—> white

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It was interesting trying to keep Beck away from the painting ordeal.

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Soccer season has started.

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He loves to take his shirt off and roam around the house.

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Pizza night!

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Trader Joe’s has perfected the cake to frosting ratio…

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16 miles!

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Only two more double-digit runs after today and before the marathon!

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Tell me three things you have going on today!

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I may or may not be running 16 miles today. It’s snowing so hard here in northern Illinois.
Hoping to get in some reading between doing housework.

Any strategy in choosing white over gray walls?


Oh I hope the snow stopped and you were able to get in your 16! I think he just wanted the room to be brighter!?! I’m too lazy about house things to paint! I hope you are having a beautiful weekend!


Today I will be organizing by my potting bench and straightening my house up, getting my acrylic nails off and getting manicure and having my nephew and his wife over for dinner.


Sounds like a perfect day! Thanks for motivating me to get my house straightened up ha. Enjoy dinner!


Oh painting with littles… So entertaining!
Is Boston the day after Easter? Or is it the weekend before? I guess I could Google it, ha.
We went out last night to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday at an 80’s bar and grill. We danced so much! And I wore heals! My legs are sore! Ha ha. It was so much fun.
Tonight is my son’s senior prom! So we’ll be doing all the prom stuff this afternoon. I’m excited for him.
Have a really great weekend Janae ?


It is the day after Easter so we will be celebrating Easter with our kids a few days early (luckily, we have become pros at juggling holidays around ha). Ummm your Friday night sounds like it was a blast! I hope you all have the best day, so excited for your son!


That vanilla Trader Joe’s cake is dangerously good!


I legit could eat the entire thing myself. I hope you get one soon! Have a beautiful day, Allison!


Hi Janae! Looks like your plan is really falling into place! So cool!
Today if the weather is good we will be clearing our backyard! And then I want to return some postcards to friends and also get some studying done. And then tomorrow my friend’s husband is out of town so we are all going over to keep her company.
Happy weekend!


Thanks Amy! I’m so excited! I hope the weather was great so you could get out in the yard today. Good luck with everything you have going on and enjoy time with your friend tomorrow. Thank you Amy, you too!


The pizza link is broken ?


NOOOO! Sorry about that! It’s on my highlight bubble on my Instagram so that I can show the whole process. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


I’ll find it there! Thank you!


taco looks great…something else my kids will never eat…maybe, but an idea…I’ve been digging through a book called Outlandish by Morgan Sjogren about cooking what you can on the engine in your jeep…my goals for the weekend?….coffee, my run group tomorrow….and watching to and listening to that Bam Bam Camila Cabello song..over and over again…2 days so far, and still haven’t tired of it (my wife and kids maybe)…..


Wow… cooking on the engine in your jeep?! That sounds super interesting. Have the best time with your run group tomorrow! Happy weekend, warren!


Today 1) I went to the library with Leila to get some new books; 2) We visited the cheese monger (Wasik’s Cheese in downtown Wellesley at mile 11ish in the marathon) to get Brie and fresh bread and fig jam; and 3) We picked up some lobsters at Captain Marden’s a street over from the cheese shop for a yummy special dinner at home. We are having a little dinner party and it was so much fun to pick up good food:) I can barely keep my hands off the cheese and fresh baguette !


Okay, your day with Leila today sounds DREAMY! Enjoy the dinner party, wish I could join you for that CHEESE! Happy weekend, Nadya:)


I went on my first run in more than two years. It was only three miles and I almost died. :-) Except that I didn’t. And it was a beautiful day, and I forgot how much I love the little ways in which other runners greet each other on the trail and the sense of satisfaction when I finish my planned run–no matter how short or long. The weird thing is my rib cage is sore this morning. I’m not sure if it was my posture or something else. Enjoy your shiny new walls! And good luck with the marathon!


CHRISTIE!! THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY! You did it! Boo about your rib cage and I hope that doesn’t happen for the next one. Keep me updated and keep enjoying that sense of satisfaction!

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