11th Blogging Anniversary (+ SHOE GIVEAWAY)!


I don’t know what it is about blogging, but it captured my heart after my first post on this blog.  I remember the day I started blogging here—> I was sitting down on my couch with my laptop on the coffee table and some Skittles next to me while trying to come up with some random way to start a new blog.  I had been reading blogs for a few months and decided it was something I wanted to do in my free time.  I had a personal blog before that and wrote once a month but wanted one where I shared more about my running… 5,510 posts later, and I still love it.  When people ask me if I ever run out of things to write about, I can only think of a time or two because it feels like I am just hanging out and chatting with my friends every day.

You being my friend over the years has meant the world to me.  I can’t tell you how many comments or emails I have screenshot over the years that have helped me when I needed it the most.  I have met/gotten to know the greatest people from blogging.  I hope I’ve helped someone that was going through disordered eating, loneliness or a divorce.  I hope that we’ve all grown in our running together and learned to better cope with the failures while better celebrating the accomplishments.  I think we have found a lot in common with each other over the years while loving to see each other’s differences too.  I hope you are okay with me continuing to share my tangents and training, and before we know it, I’ll be blogging about dropping off Brooke and Knox at college (THEY ARE HALF-WAY THERE).

I wanted to share eleven of some of my favorite pictures/memories from the last eleven years…

*This one was from yesterday… It just felt so so good to be back together with my crew again after a few days away.

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*Brookie’s birth:

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*Feeling like myself again after divorce, loving life together with Brooke, and figuring out being a single mom.


*When we got engaged!

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*When Andrew asked Brooke if he could marry me:)

*Our wedding!

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*Skye’s birth!

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*Seeing the four of them together in Christmas PJs.

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*My first sub 3!

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*2:49 wahoo with Emilee!


*Beck’s birth and somehow waiting until he was born to find out he was a boy!

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I’d love to buy two people a pair of Brooks running shoes/trainers to celebrate today! 

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment saying whatever you want or an emoji, and I’ll choose a winner on Friday!

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Been an ardent follower of your blogs for as long as I can remember. Keep up the good work.


Loved following your journey!


I love reading your blog everyday! I think it was back in 2013 that one of my sisters introduced me to it and I haven’t stopped since! Please keep it up! You are such a joyful and inspiring person, Janae, and your family is too cute! Thanks for sharing your insights with all of us reading over the years!


Janae! What an honor to follow you for the past 11 years. Can’t wait for 11 more! I feel like every morning is just catching up with an old friend (that I’ve never met hahah).


Been following you from the beginning!! I feel like we’re good friends and we’ve never met!?


Congrats on 11 years!


Congrats on 11 years! Glad you’re still doing it!


you feel like a dear friend! i’ve always appreciated when you’ve replied to my emails and comments. sending love!


It’s been so great following your journey!


Thank you for being a great running and life motivation over the years!


Your posts have been great to follow throughout the years and have helped my wife a ton. Thanks for all the work you put into them.




Congratulations on 11 years!!! I read from the PNW every morning and love your blog! Thanks for being so open and sharing so much of your life with us!


I love that I found your blog! I read back through some of your tougher posts about divorce and it truly helped me get through!


Thanks for sharing your life with us! I appreciate your positive outlook on everything easy, hard, and in between!


What an amazing accomplishment! YAY YOU! Thanks for allowing us to be a part of this journey. I don’t always comment, but I always read. :) You have shown me a way to live that is FULL and how not to be scared of chasing dreams and eating good food and being my best self. Thank you for your authenticity–it’s so treasured to me, especially in this crazy world we live in. Cheers to you and so many more!


Love this!! I have been reading your blog since the CA days-and now two of my kids are the same ages as Skye and Beck-I feel like we’re friends IRL!!


This blog brings me so much joy. Thank you!


Wow, 11 years of blogging, that’s amazing! One thing I really appreciate is how generous and caring you are towards your commenters – I commented a couple of months ago after being diagnosed with a stress fracture and was feeling so down about it. Your reply really helped me to develop a more positive attitude and I’m so happy to be running again now! So just wanted to say thank you :)


The 2:49 is my favorite post of yours, I re-read it before every race! And this year I qualified for Boston for the first time after 10 year of marathons, it was worth the wait!


Happy blogging anniversary! Thank you for sharing your running and your life with us. You have gotten me through some difficult times just by being a constant, and something to look forward to. Now my Fridays start with Friday Favorites and a mad search for everything on the list! I love that everyone can relate to you about something, whether it is running and racing and running fast, or having kids, or for me, being a single mom(even though my kids are grown). It was such a pleasure to meet you and Andrew in person in Boston for Ali’s podcast way back when. I hope you know how appreciated you are by all of us, thank you so much. xo


Love reading your blog Janae! Congratulations :) PS – please tell me you’ve checked out cody rigsby on peloton by now :) :)


It’s been such a joy growing with you and your beautiful family. Cannot wait to keep it up, long into when Brooke takes it over :)


Thank you for your dedication! I enjoy reading about your adventures. You have a beautiful family!


Your smile and positivity brings light to each day. I love how you share, the good, the bad & the hard times of life. Your energy always shines through. I was a runner but had to shift to walking which I try to do daily. Fresh air helps me every day and I feel like you & your family help each of us. Happy blogging anniversary!!?


Congrats on your 11 years, love reading your blog!




Love you blog and have been a long time reader! Brooke and my son share a birthday :)


Oh goodness, I would absolutely love a new pair of running shoes!
I don’t hardly ever comment, but I have read your blog for years and years!




Yeah Janae!!! I’ve been reading since 2013 and it’s incredible to see how much as changed since then. You have helped me in more ways than you know. Here’s to another 11!!


I have been following since before you had Brooke! Thank you for providing great content!


Congrats on 11 years, thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us


I love reading your blog everyday!


Congrats! I love all your positivity and realness—especially when it comes to your body. Thanks for sharing!




Love sharing my morning coffee with you! Please don’t ever stop sharing


Been reading your blog daily for 6 1/2 years!


Your blog is the best! Happy anniversary!


I have loved reading your blog for years and sharing in your adventures! Thank you for bringing joy and humor to all of us! ☺️


Congratulations!! It’s been fun to read and I’ve gotten so many good ideas and yummy recipes (hellooooo salted caramel Rice Krispie treats!)


I’m so thankful for your blogs! Your reminder not to compare ourselves to years ago(pre-children for me) has been such a big help for me. Thank you!


I love your blog! Your tangents, your open ness, your running advice!
Happy 11 years!


Thank you for taking us on your journey with you! You are an inspiration!!


I can’t wait to be reading from my nursing home in 50 years ;-)


Congrats! ??‍♀️


Congrats! I’ve been following you for many years, starting a little bit before you met Andrew. My son and Sky are the same age and almost the same birthday so I felt connected since we went through that pregnancy together.


Happy 11 years! Your blog is the very first one I started reading and really got me into running! :)


Congrats on 11 years of blogging and inspiring so many!


I have loved following along on all of your milestones! <3


I have been a daily reader since probably 2012 or so (very early 20’s when I was in college). You have inspired me in so many ways of my life (running, your positivity, never giving up) and I look forward to reading your posts everyday. Seeing your family grow has been so wonderful and I look forward to all the milestones you will continue to share!

I would love a pair of Brooks Ghosts if I win!


Congrats on 11 years!! ?? I can’t believe we have been best friends that long (even though we have never met ??)! Anyways, you’re the best Janae and thanks for sharing with us. ?


Thanks for being such a great running inspiration!


Congratulations!! I’ve been reading along for about 8 of your 11 years!! I love your Friday Favorites posts, your races, and your winter running.


Congratulations on 11 years! I love reading your blog!


11 years! Brooke and my oldest are the same age and my 3rd and 4th are the same age as yours too! Crazy! Congratulations!!


Congratulations!! Reading your blog has become a staple of my daily routine ever since I discovered it five years ago. And you were so helpful to me when I had my own femoral stress fracture! I’m excited to keep following along with your journey :)


Thanks for sharing your life with the world! It’s fun to watch from a far :)


I have been reading your blog almost from the start! So many bloggers have stopped but I am so glad that you’ve kept going. Hope it is a beautiful day in Utah. It is a stupendously gorgeous day here in Iowa. The bright light before the darkness of winter. Ha!


Love reading your blog, thank you! ❤️❤️❤️


Congrats! Love reading your blog!


This blog is what got me into running 5 years ago, which is what has gotten me through the ups and downs of parenting (specifically foster parenting)!! 3 half marathons later and four foster kiddos later (all teen boys) – I am in love with both. I love reading it and it’s such a positive in my day :) – I had a little girl just a few weeks after beck and that has been another super fun thing to see what Beck is up to vs her! Keep it up janae I love reading it


Happy 11 years! This blog has been part of my morning routine for probably 10 years! I get my coffee and read your blog in my office. It’s a great way to start my day. Thank you!


Congratulations! Love hearing about your journey even though it’s so different from my life. Here’s to many more years of blogging :)


I love your blog and following your accomplishments! You keep it real and positive and aren’t afraid to share the good or the bad. Thank you for all the time you’ve devoted to blogging! Hope to keep reading for the next 11 years ❤️ Love brooks they are the best! Would love another pair of Ghosts


Congrats on 11 years! I have read your blog for about 10 of those years and I look forward to it every morning! I have def been inspired by your posts with running, to navigating a single mom life post divorce for myself and even trying some of the recipes you post! :)




11 years?! Congratulations!! I’ve loved reading your blog over the years and totally agree, it feels like I’m reading an update on a friends life!


Happy Blogiverary! I’ve only been reading since right before you met Andrew and even then I can’t beleive how time has flown by. The kids have grown up so much. My husbands ask me why I read about other peoples lives that I don’t know in person and I tell him we are friends, we just haven’t met yet. <3 Thanks for bringing me a smile to my face on a regular basis!


??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️Congrats and thank you for this blog!!


Congratulations on 11 years! I love your blog and have been using it for running inspiration for many years. Keep up the great work!


I have read your blog from the very beginning! You are one of the reasons I became a runner ❤️??‍♀️!!! Congratulations on all of these years and wish you many more!


Congrats on 11 years!!! My favorite posts are all about your family, running, and your mom’s lasagna recipe!!


Congrats! I can’t believe it’s been 11 years. Unreal!


So heartwarming! Happy anniversary to you. Thanks for chatting with your friends and sharing your little and big moments with us all along the way!


I’ve loved your blogs for years! I love a holiday and candy like you!




Loved following your journey!


Love reading your blog everyday!


Happy 11 years! I enjoy reading your blog each day.


Been reading your blog for a couple years now. Your family is adorable and I enjoy your take on running. I also enjoy new shoes, lol.


Congratulations on 11 years! You are beautiful and you have a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for continuing to blog and congratulations! I love waking up every morning and reading about your family. It truly brings me joy to see your life with your husband and kids, and I have related a lot to your struggles with disordered eating and reading about your recovery has helped my own. I would love a pair of Brooks Ghosts if I would win to get me through the rest of pregnancy!


Your blog is such a beautiful life/family story. Congratulations on 11 years!


I love your big, Janae! I’ve been following since Brooke was probably 2? You’ve motivated me so much in terms of running AND parenting! Thank you!


I love your writing – so positive and fun! Keep it up!


Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Cheers to another 11 years!


Woo hoo 11 years! I’ve been a reader almost that long ?? congrats!


Congratulations on 11 years Janae!! I’ve been following you for 8 of them. Loved seeing your recap and am looking forward to many more posts!


Congratulations! Your blog is the best and I read it every day!


I can’t believe it has been 11 years!! I have been reading since the beginning and try to never miss a day! Congratulations! You are an inspiration and truly feel like a friend!


Congrats! What an accomplishment!


I’ve been reading your blog for almost 7 years now! You were one of my main inspirations to get into running. Thank you for sharing your life with us, your openness and good spirit is always refreshing!


Hi! As a fellow runner and proud Peloton owner, I followed you on Peloton recently and so excited for you to start using the bike as cross training like I do!


I wear Brooks and have been following your blog since probably 2013 or so. It’s been great to watch your life grow and change. If I win, men’s 10.5 wide adrenaline (for running) or ghost (for walking) for me!


Congrats on 11 years! I’ve been reading for the past 7 years and it’s been fun following along :)


Your blog is my favorite to read each morning! It’s such a fun, informative space. You are a great motivation to many people! Please don’t stop!


Love your blog! I’ve gotten so much good advice and recipes off here over the years. Thank you for sharing yourself and your family with us!


It’s been so fun following along!


Congrats on 11 years!!


Such an accomplishment! Congrats! Even though we don’t know each other personally, thank you for being there and sharing. Reading the blog always give me a positive outlook :)


Congratulations, and thank you! ❤️


I have loved reading your blog over the years!! You have such a great family!!


I have been following you for about 9 years and I honestly feel like we are friends! Congrats on 11 years!


I’ve been reading since right after you met Andrew – so not the whole 11 years – but a while! I’ve loved keeping up with you, your running, and your family!


I have loved following your blog and journey throughout the years so much! You’ve inspired me to be kinder to my body, to get back into running postpartum, and to just be a happier human being- thank you!


Congrats on 11 years, Janae! Your blog is one of the reasons why I started running. Thank you for your daily dedication for so long! ???‍♀️


Omgoodness. I’ve been following along since Brooke was a little baby. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us all these years!


Congrats Janae!! ☺️?


I’ve been following you since before you had Brooke!!!! So glad your still here!!


I love your content and look forward to reading your blog every morning! You have a gift for writing! Congrats on 11 years


Happy 11 years!!!


11 years! Congrats! I’ve been following you for about 8 in which time I ran my first marathon, and then another and several halfs! Your tips have been so helpful and I’ve loved watching your family evolve and grow!


Happy 11 years! I’ve been reading almost since the beginning and have a funny story for you. I heard you refer to Mer every so often, and was surprised since it is not a common name for a grandma, but a good friend of mine (bridesmaid in my wedding!) also had that name for her grandma. Turns out, IT’S THE SAME MER!!!


I love following your blog and your adorable family. I also love your quick and easy TJ meals you share! Happy 11 years! Thanks for all of the running inspiration. :)


Happy blogiversarry!


Happy Anniversary!


Love following your blog, thanks for the daily inspiration!!


I’ve been reading since the multi-colored text days. I’ve enjoyed watching you grow and change as a runner and person.


I love your blog and following along on all your running adventures! Thanks for being a bright spot on the Internet for us all :-)




I have been reading since the very beginning! I would love a new pair of Levitates


Thank you for sharing your life. I enjoy reading your blog!


I have loved following you through your ups and downs. Also you have given me such wonderful food ideas! Some of my favorites are apple fritters, cottage cheese and grapes, and candy corn with peanuts. I hope we can meet sometime in the future and share some wonderful treats!


I’ve been reading since before Andrew- I love watching you hit your goals!


I used to come to your spin classes when you taught in Orem. You were always so positive and upbeat it definitely made a hard class more fun!


Hi Janae! Thanks for being a part of my life! I start every morning with your blog before I go for my run. Happy anniversary!!


I have enjoyed reading about your journey over the years and watching your adorable family grow. I’m a runner too, but nowhere near as fast as you are. But if you run, you’re a runner. I’ll be honest though, I’m mostly here for the food posts. ???????????????


Love your fun, vibrant personality that you share on your blog!


Congrats, and I think Ive been a reader for all of those 11 years! :)




So amazing to see all that has happened in your life over the last 11 years and the beautiful family you have now!


Happy blogiversary!


I have been following you for years and love your positivity and sincerity on everything going on in your life. You are such an inspiration and afresh ray of sunshine. Definitely have lifted me on days when I needed it.


11 years! Congrats, Janae! I’ve been following almost since the beginning and can’t wait to see what’s next! <3


Love reading every morning! I had a baby in December and loved reading your running journey while pregnant! I didn’t quite log the miles you did…but I sure tried!?‍♀️?‍♀️


I have absolutely loved following your journey over the last decade! Your posts have helped me so much and your honesty and positive attitude are so needed in this space! Wishing you and your family the best always!


Happy 11 years!! ???


Congrats! So exciting to hit a milestone!


Can’t believe I’ve been reading for over 5 years! Such a positive, real and down-to-earth corner of the internet ☺️ Happy 11 years!


Thank you!
Your friendship is a gift.


Happy 11 years!! I can’t believe it’s been that long but I also feel like we’ve become friends through your posts and they’re my favorite way to start off my day. Enjoy a yummy treat today to celebrate!!


I started following you when I was a runner, about 10 years ago. I’ve since stopped running (but I’m more fit than ever from spinning and strength training), but I love following your journey and seeing your delicious food and comfy clothes recommendations :)


Love reading your blog every morning! Been following for years now. Thanks for sharing your life with us!


Thank you for sharing your life with us!!


Wow! 11 years – crazy to thinking I have been following along for at least 10!



Congrats on 11 years!


Congrats on 11 years! I have been following since before Brooke was born! Love your blog and your sweet family!


Keep blogging! You’ve inspired me as a runner and validated my love for Brooks! ? I love following your journey.


Thank you for devoting so much of your life to people you have never met. :)


You’re the best. That is all. Congrats on 11 years and thanks for being there.


Janae I have been following you since Brooke was a baby!! I have loved your story and read your blog religiously. Thank you for being brave and sharing your life and most importantly thank you for inspiring me to be a better runner and human being. xo


Thanks for being a positive spot on the Internet! I enjoy reading your blog


congrats on 11 years! I have enjoyed reading over the years!


Been following you for a long time and I can honestly say it seems like you’re doing better than ever!


Congrats on 11 years!! Love following your journey and life. Love your positivity, motivating, and real posts. Here’s to 11 more?


I’ve been reading for almost 10 years. I’m glad to see you so happy!

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