Weekending + A Race Recap!

It was a great morning for a race!  It was my second time doing this race and my goal was to do it faster than I did it last time in 2018.  I hit my goal and I averaged one second faster per mile.  That one second counts in my book!

PS my nieces tease me that I wear my necklace in this picture so much that it has caused a tan line on me:). I guess I need to switch things up at some point haha.

I woke up at 6:15 and ate some breakfast (toast with jam), fed Beck and pumped (because he fell back asleep while I was feeding him), and was out the door at 7 to meet my friends.  We did a 4-mile warm-up, a few strides and some dynamic stretches.

Twenty thousand people came out to do the race.

It is free unless you want a timing chip ($13) which is awesome because it encourages many people to come out to run or walk the course.

It is by far the biggest race in Utah.   It is held on Pioneer Day every year, a holiday here that celebrates when the Pioneers settled in Utah.

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You start at one temple and finish at another temple!  They are the two closest LDS temples in the world.

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It was already pretty hot when the race started at 8 a.m.

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I love the Hyperion elite (I still need to try the second version) a whole lot and these spandex (awesome pockets and they stay put the entire time) for racing!

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I had zero race strategies besides just making it to the end as fast as possible.  There are many turns on this course for a 5k but I don’t remember anything other than that.  Oh and I remember somebody that had shoes on that clicked like horse hooves coming up behind me and I thought it was a horse ha.  I got passed a bunch in the final mile, but I felt like I was giving my ALL so I was okay with it and just tried to hold on for dear life.

My splits were 5:50, 6:10, 6:22 and 5:57 average for the last .1—> 6:07 average with some major positive splits but the course is set up for positive splits.  That first mile you drop downhill big time.

I remembered doing this race a few years ago and it being short so I warned my friends and we all ran through the finish line until we hit 3.1 miles on our watches.  When I went through the finish line I was at 2.92 miles.

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Saw these friends (and family because they are cousins with Andrew’s mom:) afterward.  They are amazing and they have completed 100 milers and ultras. They do so many races every year, they are on fire.

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A little over 11 miles for the day!  They had packages of frosted cookies at the finish line and I carried two of them back to my car for over 3 miles to give to the girls ha.  They were a bit melty but the girls were so happy.

They were also giving packages of donuts out at the finish but I couldn’t talk myself into carrying those back to my car.

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And a few of our weekend things…

*I lifted after the race.   I used to do squats with weights on this bar and I am determined to get back to that again.

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*We spent many many hours at the mall because they had a bunch of events happening.

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*Our hobby of the week—> puzzles.

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*Teriyaki rice bowls from Motivation Mindy’s cookbook!

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*We cannot get enough of the Olympics.

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*I saw this on IG the other day and I had no idea there was a 10k swimming race in the Olympics!  I cannot even begin to imagine swimming that far!

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What Olympic events are you most looking forward to watching?

Do you enjoy puzzles?  

Most delicious thing you ate this weekend?


How far do you think you could swim?

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Good job on your race!!

After my mud run, I ordered a burger, garlic Parmesan fries and an Oreo shake- it tasted soooo good. Although it was a 5k, it felt like much more of a workout with all the obstacles!

I’m looking forward to gymnastics and swimming.


Way to go on your mud I hope your friends loved it too! Ummmmm that sounds like my dream meal, so so good after a race. Watching the olympics is the absolute best. Have a great day Mariah!


We do 1,000 piece puzzles then tape the back of them and frame them for my kids rooms! All my husbands idea, I find the puzzles very stressful ?

I used to be a swimmer (like middle school swim team) and decided to swim some laps this summer. I was so winded after 50 meters it was quite the wake up call. I have no lung capacity so really the best stroke for me would be back stroke haha

Good job on the race! I hate 5ks


I love that idea so much! Brooke told me yesterday she wants to do a 1000 piece puzzle next and that sounds so stressful haha.
I’m not sure I could do 50 meters! Seriously, I do not know how they do it. I do too, I think I’m going to take a break from them for a while haha. Have the best day Sara!


Good job on that 5k! Looks like a great time, I hope you rewarded yourself with a donut later since you couldn’t take a package to run with.

10km open water swim has been around for a while now, really cool that open water swimming is part of the games now. I’ve done a few swim workouts 10km or longer in my life (actually probably more than a few ooooof) but the longest open water race I’ve done is 4.4 miles (about 7 km).

The really crazy event for me was the road race they set up. 145 miles for the men, with 16,000 feet of climbing. The leaders finished in about 6 hours and I am certain I could not do it in less than 11 hours. Amazing.


I didn’t so I guess that means I should go get a donut together. I didn’t even know it was in open water either, I will have to watch. AND YOU HAVE DONE 10K OR LONGER?! How in the world? You always amaze me by all that you have done. That race sounds absolutely insane to me too. Wish we could watch together while eating Kneaders cookies.


Great job on the race! And it looked so fun with so many people ?
We are not puzzle people! When everything was completely shut down, we had several neighbor friends that started a puzzle swap, but we just couldn’t get into it. Ha ha
Yesterday we had our family over, and ordered tacos from our favorite place…. They were so good! I think I could eat tacos every day. It was such a fun day, ended up being much later than intended, so now I’m getting a late start. But it felt so good to have everyone here!
I love the Olympics too! Love watching swimming, gymnastics, beach volleyball, track and field… I wish I could swim better! It’s such a great workout! I can never figure out the breathing. Ha ha
Have a good Monday and a great start to the week ?


Haha it definitely isn’t for everyone. I LOVE the puzzle swap idea though. Taco night with family = perfection. I agree, I could eat them every day too. I feel like I’m getting too old to figure out the breathing with swimming so I just never try. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hi Janae! Congrats on the race! What a great feeling to see improvement over the years. My friend volunteered at a half ironman this weekend and he said that the fastest people there swam a mile and a half in about fifteen minutes! That is so fast, that would definitely take me more than an hour.
Happy Monday!


Thank you so much Amy! 1.5 miles of swimming in fifteen minutes? That is fast for running and I’m with you on that taking me more than an hour. Thanks Amy, you too!


Congrats on your race!!! The things we do for our kiddos, right? My daughter loves these little pink wafer cookie things from the gas station, and I only let her have them on the weekend. So now every Saturday on my run I plan my route so that I hit the store right around 7 miles. I go in dripping with sweat, buy the pink wafers, then carry them 1.5 miles home while running on the tiny little shoulder of a busy street. Ha! It makes her so happy, but goodness now I better NOT come home without those things lol!


Okay, you are the best mom. That is so so sweet of you to do that and I bet she REALLY looks forward to your weekend runs… and encourages you to go and do them haha. Have the best day and now I need some of those pink wafers;). Thanks Lindsay!


Great job with the 5k, Janae!!
I get most excited about gymnastics and the running events in the Olympics. I usually try to watch swimming too, because that is just NOT my thing and I admire what swimmers of that caliber can do. I truly wish I was a better swimmer and cannot imagine doing a 10k swim. Unfathomable…lol!
My partner is definitely a puzzle person and he actually uses them as a means of stress reduction. I am not terribly patient, so puzzles aren’t a favorite of mine. I always consider it a major victory if I end up helping with a couple of pieces!
We had family visit for the weekend and as part of an anniversary celebration, my partner and I shared zuppa di pesce that was amazing!! We hadn’t tried it at this restaurant before, so ordered the dish for two. It could have easily fed a family of 6 and we did a pretty good job of tackling it :o)
Hope your week is off to a fantastic start!!


Thank you so much Janine! Seriously, the gymnastics is the best! I felt like the puzzle yesterday was a stress reliever for me too. I am so glad you guys were able to go out and I hope you love leftovers… sounds delicious! Thanks friend, you too!

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