Friday Favorites!

Knox was the one in charge of the morning selfie.

Beck was up four times throughout the night (I think he might be teething because he usually sleeps through the night!) which called for sleeping in and running later in the morning.

Knox left for his two weeks away and then we left.

I went to my sister’s house to use the treadmill to talk to her while I ran and 4.1 miles was what I could get in before swim practice for the girls.

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I asked Skye to take a picture of me running and this is what she took.

PS I take that fanny pack everywhere with me.  It is the perfect size and lets me bring the necessities around while being hands-free so I can carry kids.

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The girls did great at practice and Beck tried to wrestle away from me the entire time which gave me a great upper body workout.

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Brooke has been too afraid to jump from this ledge for years.  She did it for the first time yesterday and I was so so proud.

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We somehow survived Sam’s Club during nap time.

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And we got started on a 550 piece puzzle which is a step up from our last one.

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Watermelon makes an appearance pretty much every day at our house.

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After work, Andrew took Brooke out on a little date.  He is so good at spending one on one time with each kid.


A few favorites from this week!

*These joggers and they are on sale!  High-waisted, so incredibly light and I love the ribbed side panels!

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*There is not a lot better than fresh homemade salsa (especially with the tomatoes I steal from everyone’s gardens) so I decided to try this Salsa Mixer/Blender.  IT IS AMAZING.  It makes it so easy to make salsa in about two minutes!  The kids can even do it so they can make their favorite version that doesn’t include any cilantro or jalapeños;)

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*Sam’s Club members… I present to you the best popsicles you will ever eat.

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*School lunch season is coming up quick on us and if your kids love Uncrustables, make homemade ones with this tool!

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Tell me something you are looking forward to this weekend?

Tell me a favorite from your week/month!

Do you want summer to last a lot longer or are you ready for school to start/cooler temps?

Done anything lately that scared you?

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Well looks like I’ll be driving to the grocery store instead of walking because that watermelon is making me crave some! There’s no way I’m walking 10 minutes from the store to my house carrying that thing either lol.

One thing I’m looking forward to this weekend is spending time with the guy I’ve been seeing which is a luxury since he’s a third year in med school. One favorite for the week will be the work day ending because it’s felt like 1284 weeks in this one… Have a great Friday, Janae!


Enjoy the watermelon, it will be worth the drive! THE GUY! I’m going to need more details:) enjoy every second together! Happy end of the work week!


Ok, I have the same uncrustable maker. My question to all the peeps who have one is what do you do with the crusts? I’ve made a french toast bake out of them but it wasn’t delicious. It feels super wasteful to not do something with them.

Favorite from this week – watching my middle at surf camp yesterday. He’s spent the summer mornings learning to surf and it was fun to get to watch him go!

Long run this weekend that I’m trying to figure out when I’ll do.

I’m nervous to send the kids back to school after a year and a half doing distance learning. We start Thursday and sports start on the 16th (my husband and I coach a local middle school XC team). Lots of back to school prepping this weekend.


Bummer about the French toast casserole! Andrew or I usually eat the parts I cut off (I’m a human garbage disposal ha). Surf camp… that sounds amazing. Good luck with all of the back to school prep. That’s so awesome that you two coach the XC team. I need your tips because hopefully my program will be starting soon!


I wish I wasn’t the only one in my house that likes watermelon!!
I ordered those joggers last week through you, can’t wait to get them. So many girls at work (nurses) wear them to work as scrubs and love them too!
I want summer to stay a little longer, but I do love Fall. When do your kids start school? We don’t go back until the 2nd week of September. Will they go back full time now? One thing I’m not looking forward to about school is making lunches again haha


Nobody else at your house likes watermelon? What? I hope you love the joggers as much as I do! What kind of floor do you work on? They start in just a little over two weeks and they will be full time. I hope you are having a beautiful morning!


That pool looks amazing!!!


It really is so fun! I hope you are having a great day so far Samantha!


I’m a teacher assistant and start on Monday. Kids start on Thursday. Not ready for summer to end at all. The rushed mornings are frantic. And even though we are back to school temps are still hot here in TN until mid October.


I am so so sorry that work starts again Monday! I hope this weekend you are able to really relax and enjoy these last few days. I hope your first week back is a great one!


That indoor pool looks so fun!!! Not ready for summer to end quite yet. The days have been hot but the nights are getting cool now..
Love those Lulu pants…I love anything comfortable these days!!! Is your shirt you are wearing with them Lulu too?


Hey Janet! I’m not wanting summer to end either… just a few weeks longer please! It is from lulu too but it sold out so fast! If they restock I’ll send you the link. Have the best day!


Knox you did a great job on the selfie!
Beck is very lucky to have you as a big brother, he will admire you forever ❣️


AGREED! Happy Friday Connie!


I’m an elementary school teacher so part of me always wishes summer could be a little longer (we start back next week, students the following week), but living in southern Louisiana, I am always eager for the cooler weather and lower humidity that comes in the fall. Honestly, one of my favorites from this past month or so has been discovering your blog; it’s such an inspiration to me as a new runner! What I’m looking forward to this weekend is my Sunday run; my first since recovering from two broken ribs. Since I’m new to running and also have a congenital heart condition, I’m still working on increasing my pace slowly- my goal right now is a 10k in November, but I hope to do longer distances eventually. Hope you and your family have a great weekend!


Emily, thank you so much for telling me this:) I’m so glad we are friends now! I am so excited for you to get to do your Sunday run. Two broken ribs… ouch! I am inspired by you. Please keep me updated on your 10k training! I hope your school year is an amazing one, your students are so lucky to have you! Enjoy those temps dropping over the next few months. Happy Friday Emily!


That pool looks awesome!

My mom and I love puzzles. We just did a Magic Puzzle Company puzzle when she was here visiting and it was one of the coolest puzzles either of us have ever done! Once Brooke is ready for 1,000 piece puzzles, you guys should try that.

I love the cooler temps. I told a coworker this morning that I’m looking forward to fall already. And I live in the northern midwest, so it doesn’t even get that hot..


Thank you for the recommendation! I will absolutely be getting one for us. I love that you do that with your mom! Enjoy those temps cooling down. Thanks Alyssa!


Hi there! We have that salsa maker too (or at least one that looks like it!) and we love it – salsa is so good this time of year!
Tomorrow we’re headed to my cousin’s house for a family get together -we haven’t seen this crew all together in 2 years! We are very excited & they live on a lake so even better.
I am sad summer has one month to go because I have to figure out how to balance mid-week runs with working back in the office. Sweaty lunch runs perhaps? Or else ridiculously early runs before my kids wake up? Decisions, decisions…
I picked up a pair of the CRZ-Yoga run shorts you posted about a while ago & the phone pocket on the side is a game changer – thank you for introducing me to not having to carry my phone!!


I love summer…….keep up the heat, I say!

I will be petsitting on the mountain for a whole week and I have 4 days off this week, so hello gorgeous mountain miles followed by cold brew coffee, grocery store burritos (amazing ones) and lazy reading time! I may attempt my “3 mountains in 3 days” run challenge again, too! Plus my husband and I are going to try a new to us restaurant/brewery just under an hour away that is supposed to have amazing views!


I am a preschool special ed teacher and state law dictates we have to be in session at least part of every month so we are year round. I am itinerant so my kids come to see me, are virtual, or I travel to their daycare or preschool. It’s hard right now. We do live in PA and our vax rate is way up there so that is good but Delta is hitting kids and they have no mask mandate. We just went through a scare with my youngest as her best friend has Covid. Turns out we didn’t meet true exposure criteria but we did test and it all was negative. We got the results just in time for swim champs. She has been so stressed that I think it hurt her breast stroke time. She was supposed to make it back for finals but just didn’t do her normal time. It’s ok. She made it back in a relay for tonight and should place tomorrow in back. I am just done honestly. I thought this school year would be different. My kids will be wearing masks no matter what, even though one is vaccinated. So I do want summer to last longer, I don’t want to deal with school!!
Favorite- Trail run midweek with a friend. It was unexpected and so nice to start out my work day with the trails! This Wed I work later so I plan to do the same.

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