Friday Favorites!!

I’ve been staying up past midnight for the first time since I was 20 while we have been in Arizona;)  The problem with staying up late here is that if you want to run, you have to still get out early or it is way too hot.  I went at about 7 yesterday and it was already 70 degrees, it was quite the adjustment from our Utah weather but that sun felt so good.  The defrosting is happening!

9 miles @ 8:26 average with 100 ft of elevation gain total—> SO flat and wonderful!

Utah needs some really great dirt flat trails that go on for miles and miles like these ones.  They are calling my name for a tempoish type run on Saturday.

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After I got back then Andrew went mountain biking.  The scenery was a bit different than his usual rides.  He actually met a group of guys there that invited him to go biking with them today.  Andrew might never want to leave.

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The majority of our day was spent here.   We thought we would be going around more but decided that the kids are happiest at this pool with their cousins.

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Knox was able to get together with his best friend that moved to Arizona.  We surprised his friend and just showed up to where he was eating with his mom.   Seeing their reunion was so sweet.

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After we dropped off Knox we went to grab some Mexican food.

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Andrew and I love to order a bunch of items on a menu and share them all because I hate the regret I feel when I feel like I didn’t order the best item on the menu.   PS this was from Espo’s in Chandler.

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Vanilla ice cream from QT afterwards is a must.

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And then a whole lot more of this.

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Ready for another day of staying up late, the pool and then we are going to go pick up CAKE SHAKES.  They blend up the ice cream with a piece of cake and I’ll report back to you on how it tastes.

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I don’t have a lot of favorite things from this week but I’ll share these three:

*This episode with Des Linden!   It made me SO excited for her to go for the 50k world record next week!  I loved hearing about her training, fueling and thoughts going into this race (date not announced but she said mid-April).  Such a fun listen!  PS she talks about a 26 mile run she does with 3 x 5 miles at her goal race pace and it made me exhausted just listening to it.

218 Jeff Galloway  You Don t Have to Run Until You Puke

*These Bermuda shorts from Target!  $20 + stretchy = I’ve already worn them a few times this week:)

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*I shared this stuff last year but it is still one of my favorite things.  It’s the Olaplex No 6 Bond Smoother and it makes my hair so so soft and smooth.  It helps take away the frizz and protects my hair from heat.  I forgot to use it one time after a shower a few weeks ago and I could tell the biggest difference in frizz/smoothness afterwards.

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*Oh and if you missed my favorite summer running clothes post and you need some recommendations—> here it is!


When you go out to eat do you want your own dish or do you like sharing?

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Vanilla, chocolate or swirl ice cream?

I feel like I’ve been hearing about and seeing some sweet reunions lately with people that haven’t seen each other for a while due to covid… TELL ME IF YOU HAVE HAD ONE PLEASE!

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I need to try that olapex smoother! Heard great things about their products. Arizona looks amazing…what a sweet moment between Knox and his friend.
Looking forward to relaxing this weekend :) my 7 year old got rollerblades for Easter so we are taking advantage of the one nice day we have and are going rollerblading, and maybe get some take out :)
Do you have a link to the pink shirt you wore yesterday or is it old?
Have a great weekend in Arizona! That cake/ice cream sounds yummy


HEY ASHLEY! The shirt is an old one from Madewell! Let me know if you try the smoother and what you think! Have the best time rollerblading this weekend and enjoy that take-out! THANKS Ashley!


I LOVE a good dirt trail, and they are hard to find where I live, too! Way easier on your body and usually really pretty!

I’m glad you’re having such a great trip! I haven’t had a big reunion yet, but seeing local friends again is amazing. Planning to see one of my best friends who lives far away this summer–I can’t wait!


Right?! Every city needs some great dirt roads! I am so glad that you have been able to connect again with local friends and I can’t wait for you to see your best friend this summer. Have a beautiful weekend friend!


That Mexican food in Chandler looks awesome! If my dish is awesome then I want to be selfish and tell my husband, Dana, to get his own, but I do share and if we love it, we always say we can get 2nds if wer are still hungry! Such a sweet reunion! I love vanilla… not so much chocolate. Have a great weekend, Janae!


Hahaha okay, I’ll admit I have totally done that and changed my mind about sharing! Thanks Aimee, you too!


Janae! Are you going to Portillo’s to get a chocolate cake shake?! Because that’s a Chicago chain (if you didn’t know, maybe you do!) and I know there’s one or two locations in Arizona. Let me just say…cake shakes are AMAZING. So rich and delicious but everyone needs one at least once in their life. Please let me know you like it!


Hi Maureen: I just saw your post after I submitted mine about Portillo’s. It’s nice to see a fellow HRG blog follower who shares my love of their cake shakes. The best.treat.ever! :-)


HHH YES! That is where we are going! I cannot wait to try it and I had no idea it was a Chicago chain. I’ll give a full review of it tomorrow! Have a beautiful day Maureen!


You’re making me miss AZ! My mom’s side of the family lives there and every summer when I was little I would go spend a week with my cousins. Lots of pool time and lots of ice cream. :) And cooling off at the mall and movie theater. Simpler times. I love the dry heat though, it feels so much better than this nasty humidity. haha.
That Mexican food looks AMAAAAAAZZZZZZZING.
Can I come run my tempo tomorrow on that trail too?? Love a good dirt trail!!!


Hey Mollie! Oh those memories sound amazing… I hope you are able to come to Arizona again soon. Yep, meet me at 6 and let’s get that tempo done:) Have a great workout tomorrow Mollie


I love sharing food! Then I can try more things haha.

Vanilla all the way!

The guy I’m seeing is meeting some of my friends for virtual trivia tonight!


MARIAH! He’s meeting some of your friends…. AHHHH! Have the best time and let me know how it goes!


We used to live on the road traveling with my husband’s job. We moved home almost two years ago, and I’m getting antsy. You are making me want to move to Arizona! I’ve never been anywhere west of Oklahoma, so I’m itching for somewhere new. Also, that cake shake sounds totally gross lol. I’ll be waiting for your verdict :o)


Claire! I need you to come visit Utah and I’ll show you around! That must be a weird feeling to go from always traveling and now being in one place. You’ll have to keep me updated with what is next for you all! Arizona would be an amazing place to live! Happy weekend friend.


Aaawww… Knox hugging his friend is just the sweetest! What a fun surprise.
Pool and cousin time is the best! Looks like you guys are absolutely enjoying your spring break.
I love to share food when we go out, but I don’t think to just order a bunch of stuff and share everything. That’s actually a really good idea.
I’m getting my 2nd vaccine shot tomorrow, so I purposely have nothing planned this weekend, just in case I’m feeling bad. The weather has been absolutely beautiful here, so I’m thinking hanging out at the pool might be an awesome choice.
Have a great Friday!


Thank you so much Wendy! It really is so fun to be able to share a bunch of dishes. GOod luck with the second round and I hope you feel great! ENJOY the pool time. Thank you friend, you too!


Are the cake shakes from Portillo’s? Haha asking because I used to live in Maricopa County too, would go there after EVERY long run :) Enjoy!


YES YES YES! That is where we are going, we cannot wait! And going after a long run… you are brilliant! Have the best day Katie.


Love the cactus t-shirt! Can you please share where it is from? Thanks!


HEY!! Here is the link friend, have a great weekend:

I hope you love it too!


Happy Friday! So glad you are enjoying Arizona :o) Dirt trails are so great; I might have to go to Chandler to run next time I’m out there visiting my sister. The kids look like they are having the time of their lives!
I love to share food at restaurants! I have always looked for that in a partner – must.
We have some family coming for the weekend, which is always nice. They usually just stay one night, but this time they are staying for two. Always a good time.
Between those ice cream flavors, I would have to go with swirl (we call it a twist in my area)
Just a week ago, we were able to see friends that we hadn’t seen in over a year because of COVID – was so nice getting together again. Have a fabulous weekend!!


Hey Janine! Thank you so much and yes, you’ll have to enjoy these dirt trails next time you are visiting your sis. That is SUCH an important quality in a partner… I’m glad Andrew will with me:) Enjoy your family time and I am glad they are staying two nights. I wonder what states call them swirl cones and twist cones! LOVE that you were able to see your friends again. Thank you Janine, you too!


We have a place here in Wisconsin called Portillo’s that makes chocolate cake shakes and they are absolutely to die for! I think you will be a fan when you taste your cake shake.


AHHHH that’s where we are going, we can’t wait!! Have a favorite one that I should order?


The Easter weekend at my sister’s house was just the absolute best. We were staying up way too late too, but it was so worth it!!

Always need to share food, I love a lot of different flavors. It is like making a buffet for the table.


Hey you! Seriously, every now and then you just have to stay up way too late… I’m so glad you were able to do that at your sister’s. When I come out for the Chicago marathon let’s go somewhere to eat and get a bunch of dishes to share. Have a beautiful weekend Erica!


Looks like such a fun trip so far!

We haven’t had any reunions yet, but hope to this summer. I can’t wait to hear about/watch Des’ 50k attempt too!

I would love to share dishes more but my husband and I have very different taste in food, BUT I hope to share more with my kiddos ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!


Those dirt paths look so dreamy to run on! I can’t wait to watch Des run a 50k!! Olaplex is amaze! I just started using No’s 4-6 and my hair was instantly transformed!
If it were up to my husband, we would share all of our food but it were up to me, we would never share! Ha!
I’m looking forward to my long run with a friend tomorrow, taking my husband to get his first vaccine and relaxing w/ the fam!
I’ll be having a reunion with my bro, SIL and dad in late May after all of us adults will be fully vaccinated; I’ve seen my dad 1x and my bro and SIL 2x in the past year so to say we are excited is an understatement!
Have a great day!


Your pictures of Beck make me miss the baby stage sooo much. He is so cute! My little one is turning one next month. It goes so fast! Have fun! The sun looks amazing.


Goodness, Beck is cute!


Looks like a wonderful time being had. That mexican food looks amazing. All that’s missing is some Crumbl cookies! That’s my favorite treat when we visit AZ

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