Silentish Saturday!!

Happy weekend!  Got up and out the door for 8.05 miles @ 8:09 pace in a new to me area.

I love running in the desert… that dry warm air is good for my soul.

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Feedings in a parking lot.

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McDonalds breakfast (their FAVORITE) at the park.

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Andrew and his grandpa (that is 86!) went golfing 18 holes.

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Chats with the cat.

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We watched Raya the Last Dragon.

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Rolling all over the place.

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Here’s to sleeping… for some reason Skye does not sleep anytime we are somewhere new and I lost count how many times she was up after the 8th ‘Mammmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa.”;)

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PS the Antelope Island 50/100 miler is happening today… flashback to two years ago and the hardest race of my life (I did the 50, I have no clue how people do that lap two times)!

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Happy Saturday and run happy!

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Tell me three things you are doing today!!

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I love your sleep mask! :)

Also, those almonds look super delicious!!

I am headed to the gym in just a bit so I can get in a long run workout then watching March Madness all weekend long! (Go Arkansas! ;))

Have an amazing weekend, Janae!!


Hi! Not sure of Skye’s sleeping situation when you guys are somewhere new, but we have a Slumberpod for my little man when we travel. It’s like a tent that you can put over a pack n play or small toddler size mattress/cot/air mattress. It’s completely dark inside so it replicates his environment at home. Of course I bring his white noise, lovey, and a sheet from home so it smells familiar. Hope that helps!


JESSICA! THANK YOU for the help. That tent sounds perfect and I love that idea to bring the sheet from home that smells familiar, brilliant! Thanks… slumberpod looks awesome.


No problem! It’s really been a game changer for traveling with my son (he’s almost 2 and we’ve been using it since he was 7 months). If Skye doesn’t love it, it’s not a bad idea to start Beck in it when traveling so he’s used to it as he gets older. Can’t recommend it enough.


Your running always inspires me! I have 8 miles on deck this morning and needed to see your successful run to pave my way! Enjoy your weekend!!


I loved following your training for your 50! I honestly cannot believe how hard you worked and the juggling you had to do…I’m in awe. And yes I also don’t know how people do a second lap of that course!!

Chocolate covered almonds from Costco are my favourite and their chocolate dipped dried mango!

Enjoy that warm weather!


Argh children not sleeping in new places is so painful – hope you have some caffeine available if needed for the day! Our weekend plans include: making some treats (maybe chocolate mini muffins?), playing outside with the littles when the rain stops (rain boots!), and hopefully cleaning up my house a bit too. PS I just added chocolate covered almonds to my shopping list. Yum!


Costco has these coconut-chocolate covered almonds that are SO GOOD. I ate a bunch the last time I visited my parents; they shipped us 2 huge bags for Christmas. We keep them in the freezer so we don’t eat a pound a a time haha.


THOSE ARE THE BEST… now to go to costco tomorrow to get some for my freezer! I hope you had the best weekend, Victoria!


Good morning!! Today…
1. Some yoga and a long walk
2. Spring cleaning (don’t be fooled…it’s just regular cleaning happening in the spring!)
3. Birthday dinner for my boyfriend in an actual restaurant (still a rare thing for us in COVID world)
Have an awesome weekend and enjoy those almonds (I love dark chocolate ones when I can find them)


Restaurant ? What is it ? Haha !
Restaurants here are closed since … October i think.
And last time i went to a restaurant was.. most than a year ago !
Happy birthday to your boyfriend :)


Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Ingrid!! I will pass them along :o)This restaurant thing is a big deal for sure. Such a crazy time!


Hi Janae ! Happy saturday !
Beck is growing so fast !
Today :
– planning to run again from next monday, after a looong stop (we moved to a new region, my husband changed his job, i quit mine. Lot’s of changes and lot’s of things to do, I had no time or energy for sport. Now i feel ready :)
– Crepes with chocolate ! Hum !
– I planed to organise my clothes but that seem to be a huge work and i’m not sure i will do it this week-end ! Haha !


Today is celebrating my dad’s 82nd birthday!
We already gave him his gift (a new grill) which he’s all mad at me about spending money on. Extra special part- my boyfriend is already at my parents place doing some repairs on his Saturday morning.


An easy 12 miles, 20 next Sat! My 2 accomplishments, I actually kept a slower pace and no blisters!! I am now using the new Hoka Mach 4 and just got the Brooks Ghost 13 last week. I have had the worst time finding shoes. The Mach’s are the first to not give me blisters in months but the ankles are so stiff. The Ghost felt great on my 5 miler last week. Not sure about our plans today, it is gorgeous so hoping we can maybe go somewhere. Covid cases are rising here so we are being cautious ( I feel blessed to be fully vaccinated). I know so many families currently dealing with it.


Ran 5 miles with friends, going to celebrate a friend’s birthday with a cheese board and ice cream from a local dairy farm, and potentially date #4 tonight (or tomorrow!).


I am holding my breath…my Peloton that I ordered last June is supposed to be delivered today! I could have given birth in this time, lol!! This is the 3rd attempt hence holding my breath! While I wait I am going to go for a run and think positive thoughts. :-) Have a great day all!!




That’s AMAZING that your huge trail run is already 2 years ago. Why does it feel like you were just writing last week on the blog that you’re never running more than a marathon again?!?!? Amazing.

I hope your niece’s wedding is beautiful. What a wonderful reason to be in Vegas!!

My three things today:

1. I drove about an hour away to a far-reaching suburb whose local volunteer organization was doing donation-based CPR certification classes. I had done recertification online through American Red Cross, but one of my gyms wouldn’t take online certification. NO ONE–not the fire department staff, none of the participants–WAS WEARING A MASK. I felt wildly unsafe and uncomfortable in the face of a very hypocritical moment of an organization putting people at risk of COVID while educating them and certifying them to save people’s lives. So I told the person at the front who was checking the list of sign-ups against who was attending that I was leaving because I felt unsafe, and he gave me a smug smile and told me I was free to leave if I wanted to. I was *deeply* offended by the whole situation, and I knew I needed to get out of there before a full-on anxiety attack set in.

2. After driving around to calm down and clear my head, I decided to do something that is to me very life-affirming: I went to a newer-to-the-city independent book shop and bought a book (why is full price so expensive?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? And why is Amazon too tempting?!?!?!?!?), then drove around a bit, and landed at a local French cafe with a piece of zucchini goat cheese quiche and cracked open my book.

3. Now I am watching a dumb movie on Netflix and catching up on personal emails and blog-reading, and when the movie is over I am going to deep-dive into the book I am reading!

It’s really amazing to have a normal weekend day. It’s still new to me to have a regular work schedule and my weekends to myself, and while Saturday mornings normally mean that I am going to the gym (instead of to a cpr class), I at least reached a point today where I am feeling good and calm and like life is understandable and normal. And I am making a point to fill the rest of my day with things I love–alone time, a big ol’ drive with good music in my car, and a book to read. :)


I just love that picture of Skye on the swing and the girls holding hands melts my heart! I hope you are enjoying your time away!

Have a wonderful weekend =)


Love your sleep mask AND your hair, Haha!
Those almonds look goooood!
We had a good weekend, went on a 10k run this Morning with friend and had coffee and really good cinnamon buns when we were done. And our youngest daugthern turned one last friday so we celebrated that, just with the five of us of course, but we still had fun.
Have a good sunday!


HOW IS SHE NOW ONE YEARS OLD? Time is flying by! Happy birthday to her and I am so glad you had such a great weekend! Thanks Sanne and I hope your week is a beautiful one!

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