Our Weekend + What to Wear for a Run in Different Temps…

As you can tell, Andrew’s wish didn’t come true but I think the kids were pretty happy about that because they wanted us with them for Halloween partying and not at the hospital.

Saturday morning started off with 4 miles @ 9:31 pace with a total of 24 miles for the week.  Right after my run I went over to Great Harvest to pick up some things for dinner along with some bread and butter to eat on the way home.

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Everybody was up and in their costumes first thing in the morning.

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For dinner we had my parents and my sister’s family over for bread bowls, witches fingers (both from Great Harvest), this heavenly soup and some mummies.  

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We were able to do some trick or treating to family and close friends’ houses along with people that had set-ups like below… These people sent out the candy on little clothes pins, it was awesome.

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Fast forward to Sunday and after church we went on a walk.  

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These two prefer to go up ahead of us and talk about all of the happenings at their elementary school… they are already getting too cool for us.

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And for dinner we went over to my sister’s house to celebrate my nephew’s birthday.  EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD.  

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The funeral potatoes were definitely the star of the meal along with the above date bars (a family favorite).

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This portion of the post is mostly from a year ago but I updated all of the links and added new ones that I have found and love… I hope it helps anybody wondering how to dress during the colder months for a run! 

Let’s talk about what I like to wear for different temperatures and I’d love to hear what you wear too!  PS In Utah it is VERY dry here so the temperatures we experience here might feel very different compared to other areas with the same temperatures.  PPS I am a big believer in investing in quality pieces for the winter running months because it makes the biggest difference in how much I enjoy running all winter (they keep me so warm) and they LAST FOREVER.  Some of my pieces of winter running gear have probably already survived hundreds of washings.

30-45 degrees:  If I am running easy then I’ll most likely be wearing tights (like these) and a long sleeve (this is my goto long sleeve) and if it is in the low 30s then probably a vest too (my FAVORITE ONE or this one or this one).  If I am doing a speed workout, I’ll be in shorts and a long sleeve top.  I have a really hard time doing speed in anything but shorts because I heat up QUICKLY with speedwork and less is more.   PS these are my favorite speed shorts.

20-30 degrees:  Tank top + a thicker long sleeve top like this one, this one, this one or this one along with a vest.  Once again, if I’m doing speedwork and it’s in the upper 20s… I’ll still probably be in shorts.  If my upper body (especially my core), hands and ears are warm… I’m good to go and cold legs don’t bother me that badly until we get under 20 degrees….

20 degrees and below:  A long sleeve, a hoodie (like this one that I love) and a jacket (like this one or this one… I’ve used Brooks jackets for as long as I can remember because they are just so high quality and keep me quite warm).  Fleece tights—>  these ones and these ones.  Old Navy usually has awesome fleece lined leggings but I can’t find any online right now. I’ll even add in a vest under my coat if I really want to feel toasty.

PS the tights in the below picture are seriously the best and I’ve worn them from 20 degrees-45 degrees.  They are perfect for running and so cheap from Amazon HERE (plus a million great colors).   Vest below is HERE!

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50 degrees and below—> GLOVES.  Cold fingers= I am angry at the world.  Anytime it is below 30 degrees I have some hand warmers stuffed in them too.  These mittens and these gloves are what I use the most!  

I cannot wait to use the Carbonite jacket for dark mornings this winter and to wear this jacket for rainy mornings again!

Oh and I will always be arm warmers biggest fans (these are my favorites)… I use these for days where it might start out cold and get warmer along the way.  They keep my arms warm and I can take them off easily along the way.

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Anytime it is below 35 degrees I usually have something covering my ears like this, this, thisthis or this.

My favorite running socks for really cold mornings are these ones!  I also love the Cascadia for trail shoes that are waterproof for the winter:). If there is fresh snow on the ground then I will wear a pair of trail shoes even if I am running on the roads because they offer a lot more traction.

If it is snowing or raining really hard and under 30 degrees then I like to wear a hat and then a headband on over the hat so my ears are warm and I’m also keeping water off of my face!

There were also many mornings this last winter where I wore one of these buffs.  

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This fleece hat that covers my ears is perfect for the days that it is sunny or it is a light rain/snow during the run and it keeps my ears and entire head so warm.    I really love it. 

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I hope these help you to keep running throughout the winter because…

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Tell me about some of the things you wear for different temperatures!?  Would you rather underdress or overdress for your runs?  Or do you tend to dress right for the temperatures?

Who prefers winter running over summer running?  Tell me why!

Tell me about the best part of your weekend!

Who has a November birthday?  Tell me the day just in case this little one has the same birthday!  Anybody have a race this month?

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I love the Halloween costumes, and I’m glad you were able to celebrate, despite the craziness this year. I’m not a big fan of running in the cold. In the past I’ve resorted to the indoor track at the gym. I’m no longer going to that gym, so I will have to decide if I’m ready to face the cold. It’s so challenging with the winter inversions in Utah as well. Do you stay in when the air quality is bad, or do you figure the benefits of running outweigh the ill effects of the pollution? Just curious. I won’t hold you to it!


Thank you so much Christine! You’ll have to let me know how this winter goes for you! I hope you are able to find another indoor track that you love too. That is a great question. In our area I feel like we get a total of 5-7 days where the inversion is too bad to run in so I just hit the treadmill or take a rest day. I know that SLC has more days that are too bad to run in though. I check the air quality most mornings (between the fires and then inversion over the next few months) and if it is too bad then I don’t risk it. Have a fabulous day!


Great clothing post! Love the last hat you shared with the ear warmers. I had bad ear infections when I was little so my ears are really sensitive to the cold. This hat is perfect.
Im looking to get a new jacket for Christmas and love both of your Patagonia ones. Do you remember or know if the silver one you wear is “feathered grey” or the “para purple”? Thanks so much! Have a great day


I hope you love the hat so so much! AND YAY for getting a new jacket, I love mine so much! Andrew just looked it up and saw that we got the feathered grey and I love it so much. Have a fabulous Monday and I hope the hat can help those ears of yours!


I normally overdress and then have to take off stuff- I’m always scared of being too cold! Another thing I like for winter are hand warmers, if I can remember to start warming them up 15 minutes before I run.

I watched all the Halloweentown movies this weekend, best kind of Halloween movies (aka not scary haha). And I ran 6 miles on my own yesterday morning and got back RIGHT before it started raining. Perfect timing!


YAY to the hand warmers, I am so glad they help you. So glad that you had a fun weekend watching movies and you rocked the timing yesterday on your run. Have a great day Mariah!


I actually have an in person trail half marathon this Saturday!!! I am so excited! I will happily wear a mask until I’m away from others if it means I can do a race!


GOOD LUCK COLLEEN!!! I bet those trails are sure beautiful this time of year!!!


Oh Colleen! I am so stoked for you! Please let me know how it goes, I’m cheering for you big time.


I personally underdress for running in the cold! I can not stand when I overheat while running so if I have too many layers on. Last year, I went for a run with a vest on and I had to hide it in the bushes because I was dying. I debated just in case someone took it but I figured I’d be better off out a couple bucks over overheating haha. Luckily it was still hidden when I came back to it. My rule of thumb is to dress like its 10-20 degrees warmer than it actually is out since you heat up while working out.

Sounds like a great weekend! I can’t believe your nephew is 18! I haven’t been following you since the beginning but I’ve read some of those old posts and he was so little


Overheating while running is the worst! Haha I’m glad that your vest was still there and I like your rule of thumb! Isn’t that crazy to see how much he has grown over the course of my blogging? I can’t wait to see where he goes in life because he is crushing it! Have a beautiful day Maureen and thanks for being my friend for so long.


Your costumes and dinner were so cute for Halloween!

Your nephew turning 18 blows my mind, I get sad thinking about my kids growing up and moving away (they are only 2 & 4 so I am probably crazy).

I also love arm warmers! Sometimes I would cut the toes off cheap knee socks so that I could throw away arm warmers after the start of the race or not get them back when leaving them in drop bags.

I do love winter running because I prefer it to be cool rather than hot but I don’t love the dark or the ice so I guess it’s just a trade off.

No races for me for a while still. Colorado Covid numbers are getting really bad and we don’t want to put any burden on the health care system or expose or family members.

Hope you are having a wonderful Monday, some how you are making 10 months pregnant look good, I always felt like the blueberry girl.


Hey Beth! I do that same thing… I get so sad thinking about my kids moving out someday but I definitely have a lot of time until that happens ha. You are not alone in that. Brilliant idea with the arm warmers.. I’m going to try that in the future.I really hope that the Colorado numbers start getting better. Thank you friend, I am sure feeling READY to meet him/her! Have a fabulous day, Beth!


Hey Janae!!! Look at all those pirates!! Such big smiles… looks like you all had a wonderful Halloween!!! Also…. wow…. you are amazing… TWENTY-FOUR MILES is just so incredible. You should be clapping for yourself big-time.

Update on the guy– really there’s no update ha. It’s safe to say it’s over–he didn’t respond. I was definitely super bummed yesterday because I thought that he was a really great guy (and I still think he is, but unfortunately he has chosen to surround himself with friends who do not bring out the best each other and I don’t want to associate myself with what I perceive to be toxic, indecent, disrespectful, and disappointing behaviors & patterns). I refuse to surround myself with people who don’t hold themselves and others to a high standard–I’ve done that in the past and my self-esteem took a big hit (and a longggg time to rebuild). It’s just not worth it. I made a goal last night to take things one hour at a time (and maybe one step at a time if need be) until I feel more like myself again. I’m celebrating the fact that I trusted my intuition the second it came to me… I definitely have tried to make excuses for people in the past and that has never ended well (big surprise ha). I am so sorry for writing another novel… *sigh* hahaha.

On the plus side, I’ve decided this advent season (I’m starting early :) ) I’m going to be focusing big time on hope, peace, joy, and love. I’ll be single but I’ll be proud of myself for it and for holding my head high.


Hey Clare! Thank you so much, I am definitely clapping for myself:). THANK YOU for the update and I think you did the absolute right thing and you deserve someone that would choose to live with those high standards too. I am proud of you (which sounds creepy since I’ve never met you, I’m sorry). But I found I was much happier single than I was when I was dating someone that I knew wasn’t the right fit for me and then once I met Andrew it was ALL so worth it. I love that goal so much and you are doing amazing. Get through the hour and keep on the healing. You have shown yourself so much growth already and I can’t wait to hear what is next for you!


Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. You know, I look up to you and Andrew a lot (how is that for creepy haha). If you think about it, you each have dedicated your lives to encouraging and uplifting others, whether through blogging or nursing. How cool is that?!?! I’m just going to keep telling myself that one day I’ll look back on it all and my story will make sense. In the meantime, I’m going to try to enjoy the process and trust that the best is yet to come. <3


This is the perfect post – thank you! I ordered the Brooks vest because I needed a running vest for this winter. I’m supposed to be doing a half at a local lake here in December, so that will come in handy! VA doesn’t get scary cold, but it will get into the single digits some nights/mornings. I ran a 5 mile race without gloves in 8 degrees one year. NEVER. AGAIN. Terrible.


Oh I am so glad you got that vest.. you are going to LOVE it! Single digits sounds scary cold to me haha and I would have DIED during that race. You. Are. Tough. Hope your day is off to a great start, Mercedes!


I was thinking about you and Andrew all day yesterday! I’m glad you had a nice weekend with the kids and your family. A perfect thing to get to do before the new baby arrives.
We don’t get cold temps out here, sometimes it will drop into the 30’s, but not often. So I really don’t need much more than tights and a few long sleeves. I do seem to panic when we’re in Colorado visiting my family, worried that I don’t have the right clothes. But it’s always worked out fine by layering, and you are right about gloves!
Have a good Monday, and hoping the baby arrives soon!


Oh thank you so much Wendy for thinking about us. You are the best. Oh I bet that is a huge change in running wardrobes when you go visit Colorado! You guys need to drive there next time you head out and stop at our house along the way:). Thank you friend and I hope your day is off to a great start.


I actually enjoy winter running lol. It was about 4 degrees Celsius so I wore running tights shirts a running toque and gloves. I eventually had to shed the gloves lol. I love the cold air and winter sunrises are so pretty.

I love the Halloween costumes and candy chute ideas. We had a really low key weekend bundlesd up by the fire place in blankets and lit some candles. Oh and we dressed River up in a turtle costume lol. Poor pup was not impressed but made for great photos!

And we visited our favourite bakery but this time we each got our own box lol!

Happy Monday and excited for the arrival of your new baby!!


HEY Kristine! I am so glad you love winter running and I am right there with you (as soon as my body adjusts to it a bit:). There is nothing like those winter sunrises. I am so glad you guys had a great weekend and that your puppy got dressed up too! Send me a picture to show my kids:). GOOD call on getting your own box. Thank you so much friend and have a great one.


Great tips for cold weather running; I started using you hat and headband tip last year- very helpful! I love winter running (maybe because I am a December baby) – my favorite from a few winters ago was finishing a run by making a snow angel! I feel I never have to adjust to the cold (just comes natural) but for summer running I can never get cool enough (plus humidity here is the worst!) I think I will use your trail running shoe tip sometime this winter when I buy new shoes! Great idea!


Finishing your run and then making a snow angel… I HAVE to copy you on that and I will this winter. How fun! I hope the trail shoes help out this winter too. Happy birthday month next month and I hope you have a really great day!


Maybe I had too much Halloween candy, but did you link the vest you are wearing in the picture? I am in need of a new running vest.
Getting excited for you!


Hahah no such thing as too much Halloween candy! Here is the link for that vest… it is my favorite. Thanks Erica! https://amzn.to/3jNxbDP


My favorite part of the weekend was the wonderful weather on Saturday. We’ve had below normal temps here and it was a nice break from that for one day! I have a November birthday coming up on the 18th – I’ll be 29…again! ;-)


Hey Leslie! I am so glad you got that weather gift for Saturday… you guys deserve it! Happy 29th birthday:). I hope you celebrate all month long and I’ll eat some cake on your birthday too. Have a beautiful day.


Candy on clothespins is the best idea!!

As a native Californian, part time Hawaiian, my blood is definitely thinner than yours. I bundle up more when it’s in the low 50s than you do when it’s in the 30s!! The only thing I don’t wear often is gloves. I always wear them cycling, but it has to be in the 30s for me to need them running – my hands get so hot.

I definitely prefer “Winter” running in California. Pretty sure it’s called Fall running in Utah ;)


That is so interesting about your hands… I really want that to be the same for me:). Hahaha yes, your winter running is heavenly! Have a great day Kathy.


I love winter running!!! Although I cheat and I run on a treadmill in my house, but my favorite thing to do is put on a tank and shorts and open all the windows so I am running in the cold. It keeps me going more than running in summer when I can barely breathe.
My birthday is Friday, November 6! Excited for your little one whenever he/she comes!


HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY BETH in just a few days. I really hope you have already started the celebrating! Oh I love that you do that with your winter running, that is a really good feeling and that cold air just wakes us right up. Have a great day, Beth!


I seem to always overdress and then get too hot and then be mad at myself for knowing better! I’d rather run when it’s hot than cold.

My husband has a birthday on the 21st – I hope you don’t go that long!

We usually do a Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving morning but I haven’t heard yet if they are still doing it this year or not.


Haha I get mad at myself too when I overdress and know I should have worn less. You are right… I hope I don’t go that long either ha. Happy birthday month to your husband and let me know if the Turkey Trot 5k still happens! Have a beautiful day, Erika.


Hi Janae! Great time for this post! I definitely agree with a lot of your suggestions. One thing I am still never prepared for though is running in wind! I feel like I just never get used to it. Do you have any tips for running in wind?
Happy Monday and we are all excited for your last few days being pregnant!


HEY AMY! I hear ya on the wind… I think the only tips I have for wind are mental tips (or to just run the direction you can have a tailwind the whole way ha). I remind myself over and over again that this is what makes us strong. It’s what is going to take me to my race day goals. Rain jacket type jackets always seem to help too. Thank you so much and I hope this week is a really great one for you.


I saw some really creative ways people were giving out candy this year. My birthday is on November 14th!


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH FIONA! I hope you are getting in plenty of celebrating this month and that your birthday is perfect.


Thanks for the winter clothes recommendations, those are always helpful, I like running in the cold way more than in the Midwest heat and humidity! I would love to see a similar post from Andrew. My 19 year old son has started running and I’ve struggled to figure out what would be good for him to wear and stay warm while he’s out. Women’s clothes I can do but men’s are a head scratcher for me!


That’s a great idea! I’ll have him write that up… the only problem with him is that I think he doesn’t have feelings in his legs haha and will wear shirts year round. BUT I’ll have him put one together. That is so exciting about your son and I hope he is loving his running. Have a great day, Kim!


I am so excited about you having that baby soon! I don’t technically “know” you guys but I’m invested in this! Your nephew is so handsome and I think he looks like your Dad. I hope your Monday is great, Janae.


Kimberly, that means SO SO SO much to me. Thank you so much for being invested in this and please keep me updated with how you are doing and have a beautiful day. PS I agree with you about my nephew!


Thank you for the cold weather recommendations. Question… I know u are the taller side as am I- 5’10” with arms for a 6 foot person. ;). Just wondering how the length of the sleeves are on those crz yoga running tops? I find the more expensive tops generally have longer arms.
Way to keep on moving. I’m so impressed!


Hey Molly! That is something about the CRZ tops that I LOVE the most… the sleeves are plenty long enough for me… I think they will be perfect for you. Let me know if you try them out and what you think. Thanks Molly, you are so kind! Have a great Monday.


hope the baby comes ASAP!! you’re such a fun mom. this is prob a question for the HRG baby section but I’d love to know any pregnancy must haves or pregnancy favorites you have. also if you get stretch marks and what you use?? I am a crazy new pregnant lady with my first!!


CONGRATULATIONS! Erika, I am so thrilled for you! Keep me updated on all of the things. The only pregnancy-must haves that I have are here for clothing:
For some reason me and my sister don’t get stretch marks (I think so much of it has to do with heredity) so I’m not the best to ask for that but I can ask in my next pregnancy post! Would that be helpful?

So so happy for you friend, I hope you are feeling great!


Hooray for a wonderful Halloween ? Loving the treats on clothes pins. Very clever!

Oh now you’ve got me wanting Great Harvest. I went Saturday and my supply is nearly gone. I have been buying bags of flour from GH and let me tell you.. cookie baking has reached a new level of yum ? ?

My hands get cold easily so I’ll be that weirdo with short sleeves and gloves. I keep extra gloves in my car just in case. I have hand warmers and often layer my gloves with the basic knit glove under a warmer glove ? My husbands hands are always warm so if he’s with me I can hold his hands and it’s like a flood of heat! ?

Have a Merry Monday ?


You always convince me to try new things at GH, I cannot wait to grab their flour next time. Hahah. you are not alone with short sleeves and gloves, I have definitely done that before! YAY for warm husband’s hands. Thanks Sydney, you too!


What’s covid like where you are? Just wondering how you’re managing with your parents health issues and Andrews likely exposures in the hospital? No precautions with your sisters family?


What’s the lowest temp you will run in? I am trying to make sure I stay outside this winter so thanks for all the warm clothing recommendations!

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