Freaked Me Out + Friday Favorites!

A run in the sun with my sister= a really good morning.  Four miles @ 9:22 pace.

The kids had their Halloween parties at school yesterday.  Because I was running later on in the morning I slept in and the first thing I opened my eyes to in the morning was Knox standing over our bed not saying a word with his costume/mask on… It freaked me out just a bit and I’m surprised it didn’t put me into labor.

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After the kids went to school, Andrew was going to lift weights in the garage so I joined him in there for a bit.  I tried out our new rower (we bought a Concept 2) for a few minutes and it is awesome.   My range of motion is a bit limited right now and I can’t wait to use it in a few months.

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Sword fights made sure to happen after school.

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We did another Halloween tradition yesterday together.  We made these caramel apples and had all of the toppings on them.  I think I am going to make up for the normal amount of October sugar that I consume next month after I have the baby (candy just doesn’t do it for me during pregnancy!!).

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I was very impressed by how many toppings Knox was able to fit on his apple.

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For dinner I was able to go to Sundance and eat their heavenly food.

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And Skye was so happy to have a little date with Andrew at home while I was gone:)

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Time for my favorite things this week!

*My aunt sent this to me and it made me laugh… 2020!!

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I thought this one was pretty perfect for this weekend too….

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*Elizabeth shared an awesome find with me (HERE) and I bought it right away.  I’ve always done a hat/headband combo for the runs in the winter when I needed a hat and something to keep my ears warm but this one includes both!  It is made out of fleece and SO so warm, I also love that it has a hole for you ponytail too…. I’ll be wearing this a lot this winter.

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*These rain boots.  I bought these rain boots to wear when I went to London and wore them for miles and miles of walking each day while I was there and my feet were in heaven.  I wore them all of the time for the rest of the winter too and I was so happy to whip them out this season too.

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*I’ve become the Amazon fashion addict.  I keep finding sweatshirts on there that I have to have and found another winner.  THIS ONE has a quilted front which I love and it is so so soft.  It isn’t maternity, I just prefer looser sweatshirts normally so it is working now and will work post-baby too.  They offer awesome colors and they are so soft.

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What are your weekend plans?  Have any fun things going on for Halloween?

What candy will you be reaching for on Halloween?  What’s your goto Halloween treat?

What was the last running accessory that you bought and how would you rate it?

Favorite scary movie?  <— Question from Andrew so he can watch your recommendations (when I am asleep haha).

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Thanks for sharing the caramel apples. My daughter has been asking me to make them! Now that will be part of our weekend plans:))
Love the kids costumes…what did you get Brooke’s from? Are you staying in for Halloween? We are in Canada so trick or treating is allowed here this year, we are just visiting close family and friends.


Have the best time making caramel apples together… they are too good. We got Brooke’s at Party City here in our area. We are just going to a few different family members houses and a few of our close friends houses for trick or treating and then we will figure out what to do for the rest of the night?! I am so glad you will get to visit with some of your people. Have a beautiful day Ashlea!


We get to go to our anatomy scan and find out if our baby is a boy or girl!!! We are going to carve a pumpkin later to reveal to our parents this weekend.
Candy is definitely my friend right now, give me all the Reeses!
I’m a cross country skier and bought that hat/headband combo thing immediately! It looks perfect for winter. First pregnancy and really hope I can keep skiing this winter, just have to find all the flat trails.


PLEASE let me know if you are having a boy or a girl. I am SO excited for you and what a fun way to reveal to your families. I hope you get plenty of Reeses right now and let me know what you think of the hat. That is so awesome that you cross country ski… hardest workout on the planet. Have a beautiful day, Caitlin!


IT’S A GIRL!!! I am so so excited :) The name Brooke is on our shortlist haha.


Ahhhhhhhh Congraulations! I am so thrilled for you and please keep me updated on how you are doing!


Those caramel apples look amazing, and Skye’s expression is too cute!
I’m totally feeling that Kermit meme–let’s get out of 2020, and I also dread the early darkness in the evenings :(
We don’t have any specific Halloween plans, but we have onesies, a fire pit, and s’mores fixings, so I think I can figure out something!
I’ve been using my Concept2 since it was delivered last week! Tuesday’s workout was run 1 mile, row 2K meters, run 1 mile. Those wobbly legs!!! Last night I just did a few rounds of rowing 100m and 10 reps of situps, pushups, squats, etc. It’s great for rainy days and dark evenings.


ME TOO… I already feel like it gets so dark early in the evening now. This is going to make me want to go to bed even earlier ha. I think those items are sure to guarantee a fun night. I am SO happy that you are using and loving your Concept2. I can’t wait to use mine more and we will have to share our workouts with each other. Have a great day Corey!


The kid’s costumes are great! I love the girl’s pirate costumes, but the striped leggings are the cutest!
Our oldest son is flying to Vermont tonight, to stay with his girlfriend and her family for the whole month of November! So we’ve been doing lots of fun Halloween traditional things all week. Last night we carved pumpkins and had so much fun. Our neighborhood is not doing trick-or-treating this year, but I made rice krispie treats that look like candy corn to give to the kids on our street.
Have a fun Friday!


Thank you so much… they love being pirates! Oh that is exciting for your oldest son, I hope they have the best month together. YAY for carving pumpkins and good call on the rice krispie treats with candy corn. You too Wendy!


My favorite scary movies are What Lies Beneath, Lights Out, and the Weeping Angels episode of Dr. Who. You’re welcome, Andrew, and congrats on NP school! I’m a FNP and you’re gonna be fantastic, I can tell!


Those memes are so accurate! The candy and mask one made me laugh, gonna have to share that with friends haha. And agreed, I don’t need another hour of 2020- or for it to be darker earlier at night.

Go to Halloween treat is Reeses (although I will also eat them any time of the year LOL).


I am so glad you liked the memes and I agree… It already feels like it gets dark so early at night:(. I hope you get all of the Reeses this weekend. Happy Halloween!


For Andrew: The Movie “Orphan” is very creepy. Also I loved “Hide and Seek”!


Ummmm just reading these titles for scary movies makes me nervous haha… Andrew says THANK YOU! Have a great weekend Gabi.


Hey Janae! Looking great and have been following your daily updates! Keeping you in my prayers :)

I’m going to be 20 weeks on Monday and running is still going strong! Love the quilted sweatshirt you posted! Just wondering what size you purchased – wanted to make sure it fits me in the next 4 months :)

For this weekend we are having my parents come to visit and pass out candy :) My go-to candy totally fluctuates! I love Reese’s and Swedish fish though so maybe those?

Hope you have a great weekend Janae!


Thank you so much Geri and I am SO excited for you. Twenty weeks and still rocking the running. So I just went and grabbed it, I thought I ordered a medium but it is actually a small so I think they must run a bit big. I hope you love it too, it is so comfy. Enjoy your time with your parents and I hope you are feeling and good and that you get your favorite candies. Happy Halloween!


Hi Janae! I don’t watch scary movies because I’m a wimp but I did get Gremlins from the library to watch this weekend! I haven’t watched it for a while so I’m pretty excited. It’s been a while since I had candy but I think my favorite one was Twix! I also have some really good apples at home that your post reminded me of. Have a great time trick or treating!


I’m with you… total wimp with scary movies! I haven’t seen Gremlins, if it’s not too bad I’ll have to watch it too:). I really hope you get some Twix! Have a great weekend, Amy.


Just want to give a heads up that if anyone watches Gremlins with kids, there’s a reference to Santa not being real and that it’s the parents.


Love that sweatshirt! Was the colorblock sweater you had on in your pregnancy update post from there also? I immediately went on looking for it but didn’t see it. :)

Happy Halloween!


Hey Lindsay! Thank you so much! The color block sweater is from here and I got it last year:
I don’t see it there anymore but they have a ton of really cute ones now. The brand of the sweater is:
I will keep trying to find it online because it is the best. Happy Halloween to you too!


Hi Janae!
Happy Fri-yay! It looks like you guys have had such a fun-filled Halloween week. :)
We live in Canada and my husband has recently gotten into running (!!!). For Christmas, I was hoping to gift him some winter running-wear to encourage him to continue through chillier months. I wondered if you or Andrew (<< my husbands name too, haha!) had any gear recommendations? Even tips and tricks would be welcome.
Thank you and have a great weekend!


Hey Anna! I am so excited that your husband has gotten into running, this is so so exciting! Andrew is usually wearing shorts still most of the winter ha but his favorites for sure are from Brooks. They by far have some of the best winter running gear! What temperatures does it get down to where you are? Make sure he has some really good gloves and ear coverings/hats! Hand warmers are my best friend during the winter and if you guys get a lot of snow then I would get him a pair of trail shoes (Brooks again ha:) for the traction in the fresh snow. I am so excited for this! It will be his favorite winter yet:)


Hi Janae,
Thank you so much! I’ll have to check out some
Brooks gear. I had to look up the temperatures as we are in Celsius here but it would be between 16F and 32F during the winter. I was thinking some warm pants and definitely gloves/a hat/headband in some combination :)
I hope you are having a great weekend and thank you again! I am excited for him!!


I love that your kids had a halloween party at school! My kids get to do math assessments via zoom. :/
I’m venturing to the mountains on new trails in the morning and then if the weather holds up, I’ll hide candy outside at night for my boys to find … if there’s any left. I made the mistake of telling them when I bought a giant bag of it and although I keep hiding it, they keep finding it!
The last running accessory I bought was the Garmin Instinct. It came in handy the last time I was on unfamiliar trails because it has a backtrack feature on it that we needed in a few spots. I also love that it has a multi sport feature ranging from trail running to golf to yoga to strength to walking etc.
The last scary movie I watched was the Blaire Witch Project when it was in theaters. That how little I like them! That movie spooked me FOREVER! Ha! When I was little I LOVED Poltergeist and Freddy movies but no more!
Have a great day!


BOOOO I don’t like how your kids had to celebrate Halloween with their school this year:( I hope that you have the best time on the trails today… I want to join you! What a great idea to hide the candy outside. That sounds like a blast. I’ve never looked into the Garmin Instinct, that sounds amazing and so helpful! Hahaha I understand why it’s been so long since your last scary movie:) Thanks Jenny, you too.


I want to make those caramel apples!! Candy is my weakness – love jelly beans and sours. Having a campfire for Hallowe’en and hoping to be outside as much as possible over the weekend.

Do you have any Amazon recommendations for tops that are warm base layers?

Love your posts, positivity and inspiring write-ups. Wishing you a speedy labour and amazing new human to add to your family.


I cannot wait to join you in the sour candy love! Sounds like you are going to have an awesome Halloween. Yes yes yes–> I love this top so much:
PS on Monday I am posting all of my weather recommendations for clothing… I hope it helps! Thank you so much for your sweet words, it means the world to me!


Scary movies are my favorite!! :) This is my favorite time of year. Of course all of the “Halloween” movies are my favorite..there was supposed to be a new one coming out this year, but due to Covid it has been pushed to October 2021. Friday the 13th..the most recent one is really good! The Resident, House Of Wax, The Strangers, The Strangers Prey At Night, The Last House on the Left(so bad, but good), Don’t Breathe, The Perfect Guy, Breaking In, Disturbia (this might be an ok one for you Janae :)), A Simple Favor (isn’t really scary, but a thriller), 13 Cameras & 14 Cameras on Netflix is a weird scary…The Glass House, The Call, When A Stranger Calls, The Gift, I See You on Amazon Prime. I will stop there…I promise I’m not a psycho…my mom and I just really love scary movies…we’ve tried to pull my twin sister on board as well :)! I can’t get my husband to watch them! Happy Halloween! I sure hope you have a baby today! Wishing you all the best. I sent you an outfit for Skye…sure is sweet you’ll have another bundle so soon! Love reading your blog.


Bummer about the new scary movie not coming out until next Halloween now. THANK YOU for all of the recommendations, Andrew is very appreciative. Haha I don’t think you are a psycho either, Andrew is the same way. Thank you so much friend and thanks again for sending that outfit to Skye, you are just the best Linsie! Have a beautiful weekend full of your favorite things!


I love my concept 2 rowing machine. I’ve had it since I was 16 years old so it has lasted 22 years now!


The kids look adorable sword fighting.
Those caramel apples look insane.

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