Story Time and Silentish Saturday…

5.66 miles @ 9:30 average pace of some much needed fresh air and thinking!

Cottage cheese and grapes happen every single day.

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Our run group is getting bigger for the ‘marathon in a month.’

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Tried to sneak away for a second from homeschool/virtual learning to eat leftovers for lunch alone but they found me 30 seconds later ha.

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We needed to get outside… again.

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Collected some leaves.

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Best time of the year.

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For dinner we started off with blueberry smoothies.

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And then made a bunch of breakfast foods.

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I’m just going to wear Andrew’s shirts for a while now.

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Rewind to Thursday night (I had already written my post for the next morning when this happened so that’s why I hadn’t talked about it).  The kids went outside to play fetch with Beretta while Andrew was still at a training for work.  I was in the kitchen doing dishes and all of the sudden Knox ran in screaming!  I couldn’t understand a word he was saying so I started hugging him to try to comfort him and that’s when I saw HORNETS on his neck and arms (I was able to get them off of him quickly luckily) and at the same time Brooke came sprinting in carrying Skye.  Knox had accidentally stepped on a hornet nest and he was stung about 10 times and the girls were each stung 3 times.  At this point all three were screaming and then we had a bunch of angry hornets in our house…. Andrew was able to leave his training a bit early and come kill the hornets in our house and help me get the kids all calmed down, taking Benadryl and cuddled up in our bed to watch Moana.  We had quite the full bed on Thursday night so we could check on them all night to make sure they were okay.

We all now have quite a phobia of hornets!

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How Knox wants to dress each time we leave the house after the above experience.

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Ever been stung by anything?!

Tell me three things that you are doing today!

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How wonderful of Brooke to also bring Skye in. Not sure many kids would have the same presence of mind.

Sending you all healing wishes.


I agree, I was really impressed that Brooke thought to bring Skye in during such a stressful situation. Thank you friend and I hope you are having a really great weekend so far.


Seriously! That struck me too. Not many kids, stung by a hornet three times, would have been able to resist panicking to rescue their little sister. Brooke is something special.


Oh, those poor kids!!! That REALLY hurts. I’ve been stung by bees but not hornets. Glad everyone’s okay!


Seriously, I felt SO bad about how badly each sting was hurting them. Thanks Jenny and I hope your weekend is a beautiful one.


Oh my gosh! That must’ve been so scary (and surprising)! Glad everyone got in safely and are all okay!

Today—some cleaning, a trip to great harvest, and…that’s as far as I’ve gotten. Love the fall colors in your pictures!


YES… it took me a bit to even comprehend what was happening. YAY for Great Harvest, you are inspiring me to go today too. Happy weekend, Kristin.


Oh no!! Poor kids :( They are are so tough, I’d be terrified! I’ve been stung twice, once was at a zoo as a kid, one of those things where you put your hand inside a container to feel what’s in there (not sure if I’m explaining that well haha…). But a bee came out and I got stung! Now I’m VERY cautious around those.


OH NOOOO I’ve always been freaked out by those containers so now we will definitely not be putting our hands in those! I hope you are having a great day so far, Mariah.


The kids must have been scared! Thank goodness nothing serious happened. When I was little, I didn’t really understand bees at the time, one landed on my hand while my family was out and I just watched it while I stung me lol. I didn’t say anything to my parents since it hurt and I didn’t want to leave the little street festival we were at since that was obviously super important in my head! Hindsight, I’m lucky nothing happened since my Dad is allergic to bees and it could’ve ended up with a hospital visit if I was too.

3 things – a run (once it warms up a bit lol), swiffering up dog hair and maybe baking! Okay four since the swiffering is because there’s a little wine night happening with some families that I’ve known since first grade. Have an amazing, no hornet stings filled day xoxo


You were dedicated to that street festival! So glad nothing scary happened. Enjoy your night with those friends of yours, you’ve all known each other for a while. Happy weekend Maureen.


Those poor kiddos! I was stung for the first time ever in life by a wasp a few weeks ago—and then I was stung again two days later. I was hoping I could go my whole life without a sting, but alas… it is not fun! Hoping the kids are feeling better.


STUNG AGAIN two weeks later… that’s crazy that both times happened so close to each other. Thanks Kristen and I hope you have a great day!


I got stung by a wasp this summer for the first time in my life (I’m 37) and it legitimately hurt so bad and for so long! My hubby got stung on a run this week at 6 am. ?‍♀️ He has allergies (not specifically to wasps but just in general to more things than me) and his arm is still all swollen and hot to the touch. They are no joke and I’m so glad the kids are doing better!!!!!!!!! I can’t imagine getting stung more than once!!!


2020 is just full of bad luck. I am so sorry for both of you and I hope that your husband’s arm starts feeling better asap! Thanks Chelsea and I hope your day is a beautiful one (without any wasps)!


Actually, ironically, my husband just got stung again on his neck while in his car?!?! 2020 is very messed up right now. ???


Oh my gosh!!! How scary! Poor kiddos, but so glad everyone is ok!
Ok seeing the beautiful leaves and the kids wearing jackets is making me a tad jealous. It’s still not here, and I am so wanting more of fall like weather ( at least as fall like as we can get).
We had an earthquake around 11:45 last night, about 20 miles away. I was in bed and didn’t feel it, thank goodness. 2020 just keeps reminding us that it’s a weird year. Although, to be honest, we haven’t had one in a while, so we were “due.”
Today is all about cleaning the house so I can get all my fall decor out! Oh, and I didn’t get to Trader Joe’s yesterday, so need to do that too.
Have a wonderful weekend Janae ?


Thanks Wendy, we are too! I need you to come visit Utah right now, you will love it. AN EARTHQUAKE… this year is just nuts. I’m so glad you are all okay. Enjoy TJ’s and decorating!


Oh no!!! That’s so scary!! I’m so glad they’re ok. We get hornets nests here and they terrify me. Hopefully they’re gone for good!
Also, those leaves the kids are holding don’t even look real! They’re beautiful!!! Have a great (hornet free) weekend!


Andrew jut went out to try and kill them all again (3rd time since the incident) and they are just not wanting to die! Thank you so much Mollie, you too and I hope you guys don’t get anymore nests!


Oh wow, Janae.. So glad the kids are okay, and how amazing how they behaved (and it was so sweet to think of you hugging Knox after that ordeal.. wow, ten stings!) and how Brooke came in carrying Skye! Poor things..

I haven’t commented often and it’s been a while. I actually usually read your email daily (just after about 1pm here – in the UK) but in Ramadaan (the month Muslims fast; it was in May this year) at the very end, when it is getting quite busy with all of the additional worship taking place, I wasn’t on the computer much at all and took a break from most things internet-wise (like a technology-fast!) so it was super fun when I came back after a short break and got to read a whole bunch of posts in a row… The reason I am explaining all of this, is that I came back after you announced your pregnancy!!! [CONGRATULATIONS!!] And I was (and am) super happy for you guys.. and also had a lot of fun reading back, and even going a bit further back to see or catch any of the hints or signs of when you first got pregnant… So fun.

Anyway, thank you so much for always posting such positive and happy news, Janae.. and I love following along with your pregnancy journey and also catching up with you and your beautiful family!

Finally, I had thought of a name! I know you guys have found your names now – Andrew’s got the boy one, and you chose the girl one, right? – but in case this wasn’t on your list ever, I thought Raine might be cool since it’s one syllable and goes along with the nature names, like Brooke and Skye (and you have that ‘e’ added on the end, too!) And, I think and thought it could be possible to even use as a name for a boy!! I believe the actor who played Dwight on the Office is named Rainn, so that could be cool… Just a thought! That I know I am seriously late in sharing… Sorry! (haha.. maybe for the next one. God willing..)

And thank you again for sharing and giving us readers all over something positive to look forward to daily..


WOW. Salma, thank you so much for your sweet comment, it means the world to me. I love what you do for Ramadaan…a technology fast would be amazing for all of us. Okay, I hadn’t thought about Raine yet but now I LOVE IT! Seriously, I’m going to talk to Andrew about that one. Thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to write to me, it really means so much to me. I hope you are having a beautiful day friend!


Yikes! Was the hornet’s nest in one of the railroad ties? Growing up a section of our backyard was tiered with railroad ties. That part of the yard tended to be overgrown and become a little neglected. My brothers were playing outside one day and the youngest brother climbed up the hill to retrieve a ball and accidentally disturbed a hornets nest in one of the railroad ties. He was swarmed by the hornets. Not knowing what to do, the oldest brother yelled for him to Stop, Drop, and Roll and starting hosing him off with water. Of course my mom walked out on this scene and became angry because she thought my brothers had been playing with fire. It was scary and awful at the time but now it’s a funny family story. :)


It sure was… in one of the stairs that is made of railroad ties. Oh my goodness, that is so scary and I’m so glad that your oldest brother knew what to do but I can see how it is all funny now too bc your mom thought it was something else ha. I hope your Saturday is off to a great start so far. Thanks Val.


Poor kids. I was always super scared of bees growing up (I blame the movie My Girl) so I had never been stung by ANYTHING until just 3 years ago. I really had to use the bathroom and the only option was a porta potty. Bet you can see where this is going. I got stung by a wasp MID-PEE. Easily my worst porta potty experience although I’m probably fairly lucky since there were actually several wasps in that John and only one got me.


THAT. MOVIE. RUINED. ME. TOO. It’s all I could think about after it happened and I just felt so lucky! Mid-pee… okay, that is TERRIBLE and now I am afraid of porta potties! So glad it was just one. Have a great weekend Lindsey!


Ay, yay, yay!! Ewwww!!! What a horrible way to close the day. I think Knox could also don his camouflage and do some reconnaissance in the yard periodically. He’ll be looking out for the whole family. It’s an opportunity since they know what the nest looks like now.

Even though you’re not running with your club, you’re finding a new group. It’s great for getting the wiggles out.

So your time alone turned in to hide-and-seek vs. quiet time. Ha! I bet you’ll take a different approach next time.

I like the Easy Tiger sweatshirt. I think it could be even better if it was Sassy Tiger. When I first saw it on you, I thought, “Ha, HRG goes Sassy?” I had to do a double take.

There was also a little blurb about Andrew in the open heart surgery area. It was like a fly-by mention. I heard someone this week explaining how when newborns have heart surgery, they keep the chest open for a while. I think they close adults up right away.


I’ll have to tell Knox about your camouflage idea:) You are so right, I’ve got an amazing group to run with now too. Definitely going to try a new approach ha! I had no idea they did that for newborns heart surgery! Have a great weekend Lee!


True about a lot of infant heart surgeries- I saw it during my pediatrics rotation in medical school. From what I remember the surgeons saying, complex heart anomaly repairs typically cause so much tissue swelling that it’s not physically possible to safely close the chest right away. So they close it some days later. It’s not open-open though- there’s a goretex-like patch and then some sponge-like packing and a plastic seal, so when you see the baby you wouldn’t necessarily realize their chest was open. What I still find kind of crazy is that they often did the closure right in the ICU instead of going back to the OR. I remember seeing at least one or two adults with the same thing but from what I remember it’s not so common. Sometimes you see a similar system after other surgery- we very occasionally use it in (adult) gynecologic surgery when it’s not safe or feasible to close an incision right away.


Thank you, Teresa! This is very interesting. There is so much in the world we don’t know!! For example, one wouldn’t necessarily know the infant’s chest was open, but I bet it affects the parent’s ability to hold them. So, the parents and child feel the emotional impact the most.


Hi Janae! That hornet story is super scary. Hornets are mean and I am terrified of all flying stinging bugs. I hope all the kiddos recover soon!

I went camping this weekend! It was nice to get out and escape the bad air quality, and then it also rained a lot while we were gone so the air improved! Happy weekend!


My husband was stung by a bunch of yellow jackets while doing yard work. He’s allergic as it turns out. I ended up having to call 911 and he spent the afternoon in the hospital. Thankfully, he was fine in the end and now we have an epi-pen at home.


I got stung by a wasp a few weeks ago and ouch it hurt for hours! It stung me on my wrist and my hand went numb. I am SO glad your kids are ok. Scary scary stuff yikes.


Your poor kids! Never want that to happen to anyone, especially kids.

I was stung a couple of years ago by 20+ yellowjackets when I ran over their nest with a lawnmower. It really sucked, and a few days later I ended up having to go on antibiotics because I got an infection from the stings. However, they cleared up with no problems after that. The signs of infection were the red areas around the stings got larger and parts of my body besides the stung areas were swollen and itchy.


That’s so awful!

Just thought I would share something I had heard. My brother in law, when he was about 6, had a bunch of bees try to attack him. He ran inside where a family friend was working on the house. The friend immediately got a vacuum with an attachment and was able to get all the bees off that way. I have always kept that in my back pocket just in case.


We are having horrible wasps and hornet problems in the Wasatch back right now. Add white chocolate chips to that pumpkin bread mix! You’ll thank me later!


I hate bee stings, especially on kids. I got stung on a run last week (it got stuck by my ankle bone and sock). I’ve never really had a bad reaction before but it swelled up and turned purple like I’d sprained my ankle, it was so weird. I can’t take nsaids so I wore compression socks which help but even now almost 2 weeks later the area where I got stung still hurts a little bit when you touch it. I’m glad Brooke had the thought to grab Skye before she came in!


Oh gosh I’m so sorry. I’ve been stung many times as a kid and few as an adult (including while running yesterday!) but never so many at once. I hope they feel much better :(


OMG I can’t believe this! Poor kiddos! As an adult I remember thinking “I bet stings don’t hurt as much as I remember them hurting as a kid.” And then I got stung about a year ago and YEP, they really do hurt quite a bit. Fun fact: when I was in high school I was out for a run when a bee FLEW INTO MY MOUTH. We were both VERY unhappy with the experience, and probably equally confused as it was happening. The next day a girl in my class asked if I got lip injections because my lips were so swollen from the stings. (Also a ridiculous question since I was 16 at the time.) I hope the kiddos have a speedy recovery and I hope you gave Skye all the bandaids she asked for ;)


OMG the hornets sound so scary. Did you get stung when taking them off Knox? I got my first ever wasp sting (at 30 years old) this summer while we were on vacation. I was browsing in a store and they had the door open and out of no where I felt a zap and brushed something off my neck. I tried my best not to freak out given the store employee was there and luckily my husband was with me. He looked up the nearest Walgreens which was a few blocks away and got a spray for my neck. That helped me to not touch it. Luckily I am not allergic. I actually got my first bee sting a couple years ago as my husband’s cousin was keeping bees and apparently they were not happy that day as we approached to look at them. I appreciate bee keepers protecting the honey bees but I am definitely never planning to have my own bees.
Also in the beginning of this summer, we had a couple yellow jacket wasps get in the house and we had no idea how. Since I was working from home, one day I spent a while watching one in the kitchen and grabbed a spatula to wack it. I was worried there was a nest someone because we kept finding them, but they must have gotten in through a crack in the door when we had it open for a breeze or something.

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