Silver Lining + Friday Favorites!!

Good morning!  I hope your day is off to a great start.  Let’s get chatting about our Thursday.

My sister had to be back to her house by a certain time which meant it felt like we were FLYING on our run yesterday.  I’m calling this my tempo run for the week and I came home very proud.

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I put out the mat to stretch but decided that the mat yesterday was made for just lying there and relaxing instead of stretching so the kids joined me in that.

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The biggest event on our schedule yesterday was Grandma School.  My parents are going above and beyond for this for Brooke and Knox and I feel so incredibly grateful.

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My mom had her entire main living area set up for them along with a full agenda planned for the day.  This is a big silver lining for us during this time in the world…. My kids will remember this special time that they get with my parents for the rest of their lives.  They are learning so much from them and it made me cry again (so far this 3rd trimester has made me cry multiple times a day) on the drive home thinking about how amazing this experience is for my kids.

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Skye was very sad that she wasn’t staying (she makes it a little difficult for the big kids to learn if she is around:) but I think she is enjoying her one-on-one time with me.  We had to stop at the store on the way home (another bonus is my mom lives by the most beautiful grocery store that is so fun to shop at) and Skye scored her favorite yogurt while we were there.  Those Chobani Flip yogurts are heavenly in Skye’s opinion.

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Our kids are obsessed with Panda Express so I wanted to try to make their favorite parts about Panda at home—>  Fried Rice and Chow Mien!  Both recipes were super easy and now we have a lot of leftovers too.

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Maybe my form of nesting is actually cooking and baking because this is not normal for me but I made apple crisp afterwards with apples from our apple tree!

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Time for a few of my favorite things this week!

*Another win from these girls.  I am FULLY embracing sweatshirt season up ahead and I love a cheap sweatshirt.  This one is only $9.99 and ridiculously soft.  If in between sizes then go one size up!

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*I rotate through shampoos randomly but my sister has used the MATRIX shampoo and conditioner for at least a decade without fail.  It really is just the best and I always get so excited when I actually remember to order it and have it because it makes my hair feel amazing and look a little bit more like my sister’s hair:)

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*Julie recommended this book on a post last week and I ordered it right away.  I was hooked from the beginning.   It is a murder mystery that kept me guessing (and a bit creeped out) the whole time and now I wish I wouldn’t have read it so fast because I want MORE…

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*This beautiful story.  ‘I see the world with the realization that we love big.’

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*Kim posted about this story so I read it and WOW….

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What was the last book that you finished reading?

Have a favorite brand of shampoo and conditioner?

Did you grow up living close to grandparents?

Favorite brand/flavor/type of yogurt?

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Hi Janae! I always love reading your posts! That sweater looks awesome, I might get it in pink. Have you read “Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine”? That’s my most recent fave. Lately, I’ve been loving chobani key lime yogurt with granola mixed in-almost like eating key lime pie. Have a wonderful day!


YES YES YES… such a good book! We really need to do a book club together. And now I need to try your key lime pie combo, that sounds heavenly. Thanks Renee and I hope you have a great day!


1) I would also like to go to Grandma school because it looks so fun! We’ll just ignore than I’m 25 and have no desire for more schooling ;)

2) If you want a good book I HIGHLY recommend “The Winemaker’s Wife” by Kristin Harmel. Oh man it is good and had me planning a trip to France in my head. That’s not the last book I finished though. My last book was “The Red Address Book” by Sofia Lundberg. It’s a cute story about a 96 year old woman who is writing down her memories for her great niece who is the only surviving member of her family. It’s good and makes you realize how much you can go through in one life time.


My mom is welcoming new students so come on over:). Thank you SO much for sharing what you’ve been reading. I’ll join you for the France trip but first I’ll read the book! Have a great day:)


Grandma School! Your running suit! New things and favorite things today.

I’m reading Strong and LOVING it! Thank you for the tip. Roar was last week, and also awesome.


YAY… I am so glad you are loving Strong and Roar is amazing! I am so grateful for these amazing books for women by women:) Have a beautiful weekend Lee!


I just finished reading Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld, it’s a fiction book about what would have happened if Hillary hadn’t married Bill Clinton. I love reading about strong, smart women! And super interesting idea of how life changes with one decision.

Grandma school sounds awesome!! I bet Brooke and Knox are learning so much!!


Okay, that book sounds incredibly interesting! I totally agree, there is just something so inspirational about reading about these women. Thanks friend and I hope you have a really great weekend!


If you want another mystery/thriller, The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager is sooooo good. I couldn’t put it down, and I actually really liked so,Ed of the characters—in most of those books it feels like everyone has a secret dark side!

Love love love chobani, especially strawberry banana. The noosa mix-ins are another favorite!

Have a GREAT weekend!


I absolutely want another thriller so I will be getting this one now, thank you so much! Thank you Kristin and I hope you have a great weekend too!


Thanks to you I spent my weekend reading “The Last Time I Lied”. I absolutely loved it, and was terrified of it at the same time! :)


That makes me so happy that you read it! I’m SO glad you liked it–it was definitely scary sometimes!!


I thought the Wedding Party by Lucy Foley was better haha… your next read ;) I just finished 3 of Michele Campbell’s books, would recommend She Was The Quiet One and It’s Always The Husband. (I didnt quite like the other one I read, the wife who knew too much). You may enjoy The Broken Girls and The Sundown Motel by Simone St James too.
And since what would life be like without trashy implausible potboilers, I recommend The Gilded Cage by Camilia Lackberg. It’s a translation but really good. And trashy . And satisfying.


Well, you are just the best! Thank you SO much Chloe for recommendations, I can’t wait and these are just what I need. I hope you have a great weekend.


Lol janae I went back to my goodreads and I realised the wedding book I was referring to WAS the guest list :p and it was the hunting party I didnt really enjoy. Gosh, I got mixed up. But the other books are correctly named. ;)


I’ve become a bit obsessed with Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens and have made my in-laws read it and we are going to have a virtual book club to discuss it. (I think they are a little scared!) And I’ve just discovered the wonderful Elin Hildebrand. She’s like a cosy afternoon movie.

Can I just say I love your blog. I’ve recently started running and your passion for running is inspiring. Xxx


That book is the absolute best! I want to join your book club:). Thank you SO much Caroline and will you please keep me updated with your running? I’m cheering for you!


I have read too many books this week but I am still obsessing over Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren.
Other semi recent reads that I loved: Where the Forest Meets the Stars and When We Believed in Mermaids.


I will have to check these books out! Thanks Molly and I hope you have a great weekend!


I love what your parents are doing for your kids! My mom was a preschool teacher and she was so great at keeping kids interested. She always seemed to know when it was time to move on to something else.

I switch out my shampoo and conditioner all the time. Since menopause I’ve lost a TON of hair and I’m still trying to find something to help in that department.

I was so lucky growing up – both of my dad’s parents and my mom’s mom lived close to us (mom’s dad died when I was a baby.) Also one of my mom’s grandmother’s and several of my dad’s aunts and uncles lived close.

I rode my 100k on Wednesday and the day was perfect! Les, cycling and a cinnamon roll – what more does a girl need??


AHHHHH!! You guys are amazing! And the picture of that cinnamon roll has me drooling! Happy Birthday week Les!


The Chobani key lime flip is everything! So so good!


I will totally be trying that next… thanks Olivia and happy weekend!


Hi Janae! Grandparents are just the best. I can’t wait to be a grandma someday, I think I would have so much fun with my grandkids. In fact if I could I would just like to skip to the part where I have lots of grandkids. That’s why I gotta stay healthy so I can keep up with with my grandkids someday. Happy Friday!


Amy, I think about that all of the time when it comes to health and taking care of myself… I want to be running around with my grandkids too! You will be an awesome grandma. Hope you have a beautiful weekend!


I recently finished The Glass Castle, a memoir by Jeannette Walls. It was written well, but the story made me very sad at times. I also read Elevation by Stephen King–it’s not “typical” Stephen King to me, and it’s quite short, but it was hard to put down and oddly moving.
My grandparents all lived within about 30 minutes when I was growing up. We saw one set more often, and I spent one summer learning to oil paint from my mom’s mom. My parents and in-laws did daycare for my kids when they were babies, and they’ve had very close relationships, which is amazing. No doubt that your kids’ school days with your parents will enrich their relationships!


Thank you for sharing your recent reads, I can’t wait to check them out. I am so glad you were able to be so close to your grandparents growing up and that is amazing that your kid’s are so close to their grandparents. It sure does something special for them to get these opportunities. Happy weekend Corey!


Absolutely loved the story you shared about the 87 year old man; it puts everything into perspective. :-) The most recent book I read and highly recommend for a good summer read is “The Girl He Used to Know” by Tracy Garvis Groves. My current favorite yogurt is Chobani Honey & Cream Greek Yogurt. Unfortunately, I did not grow up living close to my grandparents – how cool that your mom and dad are having home school sessions. Sounds like they are having just as much fun prepping and doing it as the kids are enjoying the experience of it. Current favorite shampoo and conditioner is Nexus Clean & Pure; I am always changing it up though.


Oh I am so glad you liked that story! I need to try that flavor of Chobani, yum! Off to go check out “The Girl He Used to Know” and I hope you have the best weekend!


Growing up, I actually lived next door to my grandparents on my dad’s side. I often went over to their house for help with homework. My grandma used to be a teacher before she had kids and my grandpa was a professor of electrical engineering at Washington University – St Louis. My grandma was always up on the latest technology and even had a computer before we did!
After 6th grade though, we moved to a different part of the city and my grandparents moved down south 1.5 hrs away to a retirement community. So we still saw them, but nearly the same frequency.
The last book I finished was The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett. Very interesting read!!
I don’t really have a favorite brand of shampoo/conditioner… We still get “santa” gifts and it’s usually filled with practical items like shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, band-aids, etc.. so I’m usually going through whatever “santa” buys.
Favorite yogurt brand is probably 1. Noosa 2. Fage 3. Choibani


Next door until 6th grade… that is amazing! I bet you guys had the best relationship! I like the santa gifts idea and I need to try Noosa yogurt (I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it!). Have a great weekend Kathy.


Grandma and Grandpa school looks so fun and organized!! And does Skye suddenly look older now? sheesh.

I just finished Orbiting Jupiter. It’s young adult book but a good one to read if you are around middle school kids. I read it in one day (started it outside then finished it while cooking dinner). It’s sweet.

Is it weird that I’m particular about the scent of shampoo/conditioner?

I loved being around grandparents when I was growing up! It was so fun. My kids are around my parents a lot and I LOVE it. The other day my son said “my shirt smells like boppa so I’m never washing it.” it was sweet because we were not able to go see our family this summer (I live overseas) so I’m glad he had that moment of familiarity and comfort. I may have shed a tear on that one.

Tillamook key lime yogurt is so good, especially if you crunch up graham crackers or granola in it.

Have a great weekend!!!


isn’t that ultraunner story the ACTUAL best?! those are the stories we need to be making onto headlines. they give me hope for humanity! ;-) have the best weekend, love!!!!!


Try reading The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley (the same author.) It might scratch your itch. I also recommend The Good Sister by Karin Slaughter.


The grandma’s school is really neat. When Covid shut down NC, we drove 34 hours cross-country to Idaho to spend a month with my parents. Our 4 year old had never been there and had never had solo time with his grandparents – it was amazing and there were so many great memories made in my childhood home. That’s not an opportunity I think we would have had if work and school were in person.


My grandparents had an enormous Granny Smith apple tree in their back yard, and every summer that my brother and I spent with them (they lived in Toledo, OH…I grew up in central western NJ…), we would pick the fallen apples and my yiayia (Greek word for grandmother) and I would make pies, and apple crisps and crumbles. Your picture brought up some sweet memories of my childhood summers. :) I’m glad your kids have this wonderful chance to make special memories with their grandparents!

As for books–I will add that to my list!!! I recently finished Marie Benedict’s THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE ROOM and it was pretty ‘meh’ at best. Earlier this summer and back in the spring I read Anna Pitoniak’s NECESSARY PEOPLE and loved it and AJ Finn’s THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW, both of which were surprisingly good (the Pitoniak novel begins with these two characters who seem entirely too cookie cutter and stereotypical, but then something happens and a lot of questions seem to get brought up around these two characters. And that’s all I’m going to say…). I also read a true crime book, Gregg Olsen’s IF YOU TELL, and it freaked me out and was the sort of page turner I devoured very quickly. It was good…but I don’t think I have it in me to read another true crime book so soon, because it scared the crap out of me!!!

Up next is Sue Monk Kidd’s THE BOOK OF LONGINGS! I am excited to read it. GUEST LIST sounds interesting, too! :)


I LOVED this post and the comments because I got so many good book recommendations! :)

I lived super close to my grandparents and saw them a minimum of 2 times per week. We had half days on Thursdays in elementary school and my parents both worked full time. My grandmother did not work and she would pick me up from school and take me to Papa Gino’s (a chain Italian pizza place) and then take me to Toys R Us to buy a small treat. It was amazing and I think of those happy times often.

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