Friday Favorites!!

Started off my morning with two friends and 8 miles.

And then Andrew, Skye and I hit up our weight room. I am starting very small with this because I don’t want to get injured or be so sore that I can’t run! It’s really nice to do this with Andrew so he can help me with my form because this is not my strength.  My goal is to go from complaining 90% of the session to 40%;)

Yesterday I did 3 sets of 10 squats with the bar (45 lbs) followed by the bench press for 3 sets of 10.  My legs were legit screaming at me by the end which is motivating to me because clearly my legs need this strength training if I want to get faster.

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Emilee and I went over to Runner’s Corner later on and it’s amazing what a new pair of shoes and socks can do for a runner.. I cannot wait for all of the miles in these.   Also, I’m sad to say that all of my previous favorite running socks are getting a ton of holes!  I’ve heard great things about Steigen so I’m excited to try them out.

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Warm enough to have friends over and jump on the tramp for a while!

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For dinner I made my mom’s Chicken Enchiladas and they were delicious as ever.

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The kids are sure getting good at doing the dishes each night and that makes me very happy:).

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Let’s have a thorough discussion about some of the things I am loving right now and I would love to hear yours!

*’To All the Boys: PS I Still Love You’ on Netflix!  Andrew and I LOVED the first one and the second made us just as happy.

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*I cannot stand it when our washing machine starts to smell.  It drives me bonkers.  I started buying these and they completely work on my machine to get rid of the odor (I use extra hot water for the cleaning cycle too).

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* IVY Collective sent me over a few pieces to try and my favorite is The Puffer Jacket —> it is crazy warm without being bulky, easy to run in (I even tried some strides while wearing it and the jacket was very flexible and moved with me) and I love the style of it.  I have a size 6 in this.

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*You know I have a thing for hot chocolate and Andrew found these tumblers and gave me one for my bday.  I can even take it in to the gas station to get my hot chocolate.  It’s the perfect size, comes in so many fun colors and it cuts out waste!

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*This might cause some upset feelings if you live in Utah but in my opinion, Chip Cookies > every other cookie shop here (and there are a lot;).  If you haven’t had their red velvet with the the side of frosting they have, I’m going to have to order them right now to be delivered to your house.  PS if you can’t tell, baked goods are more important to me lately than candy… maybe my taste buds are changing?

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*Why Jim Gaffigan thinks we are liars…

*I’ve REALLY been enjoying Podium Runner and thought it was fun to look over these workouts from different athletes that have run sub-3 marathons FOR SIX DECADES (article here).  It’s interesting to see how different they all are and how what works for one may not work for the others running the same race times.   I just love peaking in and seeing how others train!

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*The Olympic Marathon Trials are in 8 DAYS! It will be broadcasted starting at noon ET on NBC and I’ll be watching every second.  Loved this episode if you want to learn a bit more about it all before you watch it!

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*I ordered these cute sandals from Target for Brooke and Skye to wear once it gets a little warmer but Skye found them and thinks that it is plenty warm enough now to wear them everywhere.

Brooke still loves for me to put her outfits together… Skye changes out of whatever I put her in each morning within 2 minutes.  Skye will also go up to people and point to their shoes and say CUTE (and a warning to indoor play-place visitors, Skye does try to steal other’s shoes there if they are pink, shiny or sparkly).

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Who do you hope to see make the Olympic team for the marathon?

What do you have going on this weekend?

Have a recipe that you love to make now that your mom or dad made often when you were young?

Last podcast episode that you listened to?

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I am rooting for Jared Ward, Des, and a few Tennessee runners. I am hoping that maybe some of these folks will drive north 2 hours to visit the aquarium while they are in the area!


I hope that Des and Jared both take first:) They are my two favorites! I hope they will too:) Have the best day Loribeth!


CHIP COOKIES FOR LIFE! They Definitely have the best classic chocolate chip cookie. I do love Crumbl’s PB brownie though.


I haven’t tried the PB brownie one… Andrew would love that!


I’m hoping Des Linden and Allie Kieffer make the team! They’re both so awesome, and Allie just won the Austin Half Marathon maintaining a 5:40 pace. Honestly, I haven’t been following the men’s side of racing since there are so many awesome ladies out there. I’m so excited to watch the trials. I’m running a 10k that morning and immediately driving home to turn it on.

Also, curious on your thoughts/experience with training by heart rate?


Hey Mercedes! Good luck at your 10k next weekend… you will have such a fun morning! 5:40 pace for 13.1… unreal! So I actually do not train by heart rate but I know that @trackclubbabe does and has some awesome tips to help with that! Enjoy your weekend!


Just wanted to say we add some white vinegar into our wash loads and it’s kept our washer smelling great! Just don’t use too much or workoutwear starts to smell vinegary… but it softens the water too! We have hard water here.


I have been using Trader Joe’s Everything but the Elote Seasoning on practically everything lately! It’s so good! They also have Elote Corn Chip Dippers which are good as well. Planning on getting outside this weekend a lot since it will be warm (upper 40’s) in Pennsylvania compared to this week (teens and 20’s). Enjoy!


I will absolutely be picking both of those up next time I’m at TJ’s! Oh enjoy those 40s… you guys deserve it after this winter! Thansk Tisha!


Any time you post about those enchiladas I immediately want to make them! Our whole family adores them and they make for amazing leftovers as well :)


This makes me SO happy! Andrew told me he is eating the leftovers for breakfast today haha! Have a great weekend, Jill!


You will LOVE your Steigen socks!! I run 90% of my runs without socks; but when I have to, I wear Steigen. No blisters, ever! And the hug my arches just right.


So many awesome runners to cheer for next week!! It will be so fun to watch!
I am now craving a really good cookie ?. Just might have to get one later.
Thank you for sharing about the socks, and I can’t wait to hear what you think. I need to get some more good socks.
Have a great Friday Janae.


I wish we could all watch the trials together… wouldn’t that be fun! I need to mail you some good cookies! I’ll let you know what I think! Thanks Wendy, you too!


It would be so much fun to all watch together :)
Ok… You HAVE to listen to Ali’s newest episode. She has Andrea Barber on and it is awesome!!! I listened while running on the treadmill, and I was laughing so hard at several points. I’m sure everyone at the gym thought I was nuts!! It’s just such a great episode.
Enjoy the rest of your Friday :)


Ahhh I listened to it this morning and bought her book right after! I was laughing so hard too and when Ali ended it with ‘bring the thin mints’ I just about lost it hahah!


And when Andrea was talking about the show and how Jodi went and signed all the props by mistake, and then how Andrea made shirts with Jodi’s autograph… Ha ha ha ha so funny!


Oh this makes me SO happy! I have them on right now and can’t wait to run in them… also, I love the one size fits all part of them:) . Have a great day!


I know nothing about who’s running in the Olympic Trials but I really hope they are broadcast up here in Canada. I NEVER watch sports (my husband could watch sports 24/7) but I will always watch a running race if it’s on. Is that weird?

This weekend I am getting the house ready and prepping for our first legit trip with our two-year old. Any packing suggestions for flying with a toddler? Any must-see suggestions for San Diego?

I just resurrected my Mom’s taco recipe, complete with homemade soft shells. Hmm… maybe this is what I should make for dinner tonight? It’s such an awesome comfort food.

My podcast tastes are so varied. On the way to work I often listen to work related stuff so this morning it was a podcast called “Fearless Presentations” with some tips on how to deliver really good presentations. Running for Real was going to be my next option. And Another Mother Runner is also a favourite. Actually – that’s the podcast that convinced me to give the Eau Clair Marathon a try in May. And when I don’t have work or running on the brain, I LOVE listening to Conan O’Brien needs a Friend. OMG, it’s the best for just something completely different.


I am JUST like you! I don’t love watching any sports on TV besides running and the Olympics! I hope you get to watch it. Super excited for your trip to San Diego! I hope the weather is perfect for you guys! I loved this blog post as an awesome resource for flying with little ones… . I hope it helps and you guys have the best time. Make the tacos and those sound so good to me right now ha. Oh I LOVE Conan’s podcast, it really is so hilarious! Hope your day is a beautiful one Trina!


I’m rooting for Des, Sara Hall and Steph Bruce. It’s going to be an exciting race with all the amazing pros and all the other speedy women out there!


Those are my three choices for the women! I seriously cannot wait to watch. Have a beautiful day Kelly!


That cookie looks delicious! I think my mom made every recipe very often (she didn’t like to try new foods) so I think I am burnt out on all her recipes, haha. Although her pork and barely hot dish is a total comfort food that I love to make when I am missing home. I also remember eating it at my grandmas house so it always brings back memories when I make it.

I love the differences in personalities of your Brooke and Skye. My 4th grader just started picking out her clothes this year. My Kindergartner fights me because the outfits I pick “don’t look special enough” ;-)

Happy Friday!!!


I think everyone used to make their recipes often because they didn’t have Pinterest and all of the recipes online like we do now! I hope you get her pork and hot dish soon:) Oh our kids can sure relate with each other! Have the best day and thanks Becky!


That cracks me up that Andrew likes To All the Boys. One of my students let me know it’s out, and I can’t wait to watch it! I really want Des to make the marathon team! I listened to the Ali on the Run episode with her and Ryan yesterday, and I loved it so much. Their dry sense of humor is everything! I’ve had a pretty rough week at school (I’m going to have to be carted off to the looney bin by the end of the year), so I’m looking forward to resting all weekend! Hope y’all have a good one!


I told him I wouldn’t talk much about how many times he had goosebumps during the movie:) . Oh wasn’t that episode just the best. You are doing amazing with school and I am so sorry about the rough week… enjoy EVERY second this weekend, I’m happy you get to rest a bit!


cookies with a side of frosting??? Genius. Diabolical, but amazing. Why do I not live in Utah?

Just wait until you start deadlifting. Your hamstrings will be cursing at you….


Hahah should my hamstrings be cursing me from SQUATS though too?! And send me your address… I need to ship the cookie with frosting to you! Have the best day Emily!


Happy friday!! Long time reader but first time commenter! I would love to see Sara Hall make it – my sister is good friends with her and she can’t say enough good things about her! But they all work so hard, I wish everyone could make it. Shameless plug here for a second, have you heard of Color Street Nails? I’ve been using them for a bit and they are a mama’s dream (they also have petite sizes for kiddos). You always seem to have nice nails, so I had to ask! Let me know if you want more info and I’d be happy to share! Have a wonderful weekend :)


HEY LILY! Thanks for being my friend over the years:) . I really hope that Sara Hall makes it too! Those sound so fun! I usually use my at home gel or go to the salon but would always love to hear more! Thanks and have a great day!


Hoping Des makes it. Tokyo cancellation has me down, lost my mojo, zero motivation to run or train. Hoping to find it again some day.


Jennifer, I am SO so so sorry! Were you planning on running Tokyo? I am very interesting to hear your experience on what happened. I am really sorry, feel what you need to feel!


I love ‘getting curious with JVN’ so much, it’s my fav podcast atm! Always talking about different subjects and of course Jonathan Van Ness is so fun and intelligent|

I don’t really like my mum’s cooking but I’d love to have my grandma recipe for apple pie, crumbly and thick layer on top, sour’y apples and thick bottom, never found a similar one!

…And I’m cheering for Des Linden.

This weekend I’d love to see ‘Parasite’ in the cinema and hava short and pain-free run since I’m coming back from an injury. Have a great weekend!


I will totally have to listen to that podcast, thanks Hanna! Well now I need some of your grandma’s pie! I hope your run feels amazing, happy you are back running. Thanks!


Skye really likes her new pink sandals! She is so cute and funny!
My picks for the Olympic Marathon are Dez, Steph Bruce and Emma Janel Bates. Others I’m rooting for Kellyn Taylor, Aliphine and Lindsay Flanagan.
For the men I’m looking at Jared Ward, Scott Fauble and Parker Stinson. I am so excited to watch to Trials!!
My Mom loved to bake and she passed that on to me. I have lots of good memories of baking cookies with her. She also made the BEST pot roast! When she was sick and no longer to some of the things she enjoyed, she told me she missed cooking the most. That almost broke my heart :(
I’ve been enjoying The Road to the Olympic Trials with Matt Chittim (Rambling Runner podcast guy). I look forward to that one each week!


I love your picks! Just so many amazing athletes to cheer for! Oh I bet that broke your heart. Those memories that you have together are so sweet.

Oh I LOVE his podcast too… soo good. Have a beautiful weekend Elizabeth!


I saw Jim Gaffigan a few years ago in Milwaukee and his NYC marathon skit had me laughing and crying soooo hard for 30 minutes. The people around me were laughing at me!

Ps do you like the Brooks night life half zip jacket? I’ve been envious for a long time and It’s on sale and I WANT IT!


Oh I bet seeing him was the absolute best. Hahaha double the entertainment for the people near you;)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the night life half zip. It really is amazing.. go for it:) Happy weekending Stacey!


I’m cheering for Des! I’m such a big fan, absolutely love her! I would also love to see Sarah Hall make it!

On busy weeknights my mom made these delicious sweet and sour meatballs with pineapple and rice! (similar: So many memories of eating this in the car on the way to tennis or dance classes. And now I am craving this so bad haha (also that red velvet cookie?! Amazing. We don’t have such a thing here in Calgary, but I just decided I’m going to bake a copycat this weekend.)
If you want a podcast that will make you super happy, listen to the show of delights!

Hope you have a great weekend!


An awesome recipe link and podcast link… RACHEL, you are the best! Thank you for sharing and I really hope Des and Sarah Hall make it. Thank you and can’t wait to listen:)


Skye and I would totally bond over shoes! I love telling little girls that their shoes are cute. It brings a smile to even the shyest face.

My mom wasn’t a great cook, but I love all her baking recipes! They make me think of her whenever I make any of them.

I’m hoping for another good long run this weekend. It’s been very windy here in Hawaii but it looks like tomorrow is going to be an excellent day!


Hahaha I bet it does! Well, YOU are the amazing cook! I need to come eat at your house for a week:) . Enjoy that long run tomorrow and I hope it is very calm and peaceful out:) Thanks Kathy!


That pic of the kids on the trampoline looks like an album cover! LOL so moody and artsy, I love it!

I just realized I haven’t made one of my mom’s dishes in AGES. She has this wonderful bean soup recipe with kielbasa that’s awesome on a cold day.


You must make her bean soup then! Sounds delicious! Hahaha it totally does! Their little personalities are sure coming out:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend Sarah!


Washing machine tip: Leave the door open when you are done using it, it allows the inside to dry out and no more mildew smell. If the light stays on when the door is open then press the off button.


AHHH yes, I love that tip… now to just get the rest of the house to remember to do that too:) . Thanks Jackie for the help and have a wonderful day!


One of my teachers Tiffany McBroom is competing. She’s amazing. Works full time, goes to school full time for her masters and trains for the trials.


OH that is SO so cool! I’m cheering for her, what an inspiration!


Follow Hannah Bower on Instagram for help with weight training! She does the best short videos and gives great tips for form. Also has a toddler as well so does home work out videos with him. She’s my favorite!


Just followed her, thank you so much for telling me about her! THANKS Cari!


Just checking that the jacket is from IVL Collective, not IVY? :)

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