Let’s Catch Up + What do I do now??

I think we should catch up on a few things because it’s not often that I go a day or two without telling you the most random details of my life!

First, Emilee and I felt cool because we were wearing matching headbands…. I swear these headbands are the best for those days where your ears are cold but anything too thick would make you sweat to death.  We are also both big fans of vests and sunglasses too.

Tuesday’s run: 8 miles @ 8:20 on the treadmill!

I know that reading while running would make a lot of people sick if they tried it but for some reason it just works for me.   I get in a run and some reading at the same time… win win.

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Wednesday’s run:

I went much later in the day and joined Emilee for her miles.  She was doing a speed workout so I jumped in for a little bit of it (I did 2 miles of 1 minute on and 1 minute easy).  She has kept up with her speed and I have not so I was behind her which felt weird after almost a year of being side by side with her on every run but that’s just how running goes.   If you aren’t doing the work, you don’t get the benefits!

We got plenty of talking in during the non-workout portion of the run.

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This was my view for quite a few hours on Wednesday.  I’ve had problems with my gums since I was a young… I’ve had a tumor removed from them and gum grafts.  This time around I don’t need a surgery but I’m having a therapy treatment done on them to help them to stop receding.

Long story short, I’ll be here a bit more often but they told me Skye is free to come too which makes things a bit easier.

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We went to Target for Brooke to pick up some new decorations for her room.  While as much as I like to control every little thing in the world, I really want her to feel ownership of her room and like she did a lot of the creating:). I’ll show you her room pics when we are all done in a week!

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We got in a few hours of skiing… as soon as the sun goes down, Brooke and I are by the fire or in the lodge while Knox and Andrew go on a few more runs.

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I somehow managed to break one of my poles.

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Skye stayed in her pajamas the entire day which you would never know because she covered them with her Elsa dress.

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I ate vegetables.

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And I ate this black and white cookie from Sundance that I absolutely love.

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General Mills sent me these which made the kids think I’m cool.

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***I need your help.  Skye was taking her nap while I was home alone and all of the sudden I heard a door close and footsteps coming towards me.  I had never even thought about Skye getting out of her room because I knew she was in her crib so it freaked me out big time until I saw her smile coming around the corner.

So I put her back in her crib.

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I did not have this situation with Brooke.  I’m pretty sure I transitioned Brooke to a toddler bed when she was 3 because she was potty trained and needed to use the restroom at night too.  Once she was in a toddler bed, Brooke would get out of her bed and use the restroom and go right back to her bed and not get out until I came in to get her ha.  This is a whole different world to me… SKYE CANNOT have free rein of the house now during the night when we are asleep!


Can anyone else read while running on the treadmill?  Treadmill runners—> What keeps you entertained?

While talking about the dentist—> Do you like laughing gas or no way?

-I love laughing gas.  It takes all of my worries about the dentist away when I’m there ha.

Catch me up with you… what have you been up to?

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My sympathies about the gum treatments! I have terrible teeth so spend a lot of time at the dentist too. Is there anything more nerve-wracking?

Good luck with the bedtime situation! I wish I had some advice to offer.


Hi! We had to transition our daughter to a big girl bed shortly after she turned 2. We used a crib canopy for about a month, but she was miserable in her crib. Instead of a toddler bed we just transitioned to a twin mattress on the floor and made sure her dresser was mounted to the wall. Also moved anything out of the room she could potentially get hurt on. Another option could be to put her mattress on the floor in her crib and see if that works. Good luck!

I have never had laughing gas, but I hate going to the dentist. So this maybe something to look into for the future. I have finally been able to get back to hard workouts and jogging! My postpartum recovery has taken a lot longer than it did with my first.


I was coming here to say the same thing, drop her mattress to the floor. That works for some people. I moved my oldest to a twin bed right before two and wish we’d waited. We ended up putting a child lock on the inside of her door so we could control when she got out. That worked for a couple months until she figured out how to open it! The 2 year old is staying in as long as I can keep her there!


You were the first person I had heard of reading on the treadmill. I tried it and I love it! Way more distracting than netflix or music, somehow. Thanks for the idea!


You could put her in a sleep sack (we love the woolino ones), which makes it harder to climb out of the crib and walk very fast even if she does get out. You could also put a baby gate on her door. Good luck!


I had a friend used crib tents. They go over the crib to prevent them from getting out.


Once my kids got our of their crib (both did!) We put them in a toddler bed and then put one of those child locks on the door so they can’t leave the room (we did this until they were potty trained). Skye is so funny I think her and my daughter Abbey would be the best of friends (they are very similar).


I second trying to move mattress into the floor of the crib. Also a sleep sack for sure. If you have to do a toddler bed don’t be afraid to lock her in her room. That is a million times safer than free range of the house (and my firefighter husband seconds the safety of kids locked in their rooms in case of a fir)!


i love laughing gas! i love how it takes the edge off. i always joke when i have it that i wish i could take it to work with me too (i’m sure that joke is SUPER original and the nurse has never heard it before, LOL).

My daughter is like Brooke was – has never even tried to climb out of the crib (will vault over any other piece of furniture in our home no problem, but not the crib). She’s about 6 months older than Skye. The problem we’re having is that i’m gonna need the crib for baby #2 in a few months, so we’re thinking of starting the transition to a “big girl” bed, and putting a baby gate on her door. Not sure if the baby gate would stop Skye, though. I worry too b/c our bedrooms are upstairs, and I hate to think about a little one taking a tumble down the stairs. My daughter is tall enough and able to open doors. So I guess I’ll be trolling the comments to this post all day for ideas!


Our son started threatening this (just over 2), so we put a child safe door handle (the kind that spin) on his door. He thankfully hasn’t tried again since, but that is a quick and easy solution while you figure out if she needs to transition to a toddler bed! Check out Busy Toddler too, she has great recs on her kids’ room set up, including a little mini potty in their rooms in case they need to use it at night but are tow little to be wandering alone to the bathroom! Good luck!!


This may cause backfire but what we did when our son was young is turn his doorknob around so the lock was on the outside. His room is right next to ours so in the event of an emergency, we could get him. Also, the lock isn’t very strong and he could get out easily as he got older. We continued this when he was older and had night terrors and was sleep walking to protect him from walking outside or getting hurt. I know some will say that is wrong and unsafe but it worked for us.


I have heard this too. Lock them in while they nap and when they first go to sleep. Unlock when you go to bed. It may not sound like the safest thing, but a two year not being supervised in a house is more dangerous in my opinion. You know they will not hurt themselves in their room.

If you don’t have one already, there are these $20 YI cameras on amazon that work amazing! You can keep an eye on her and I am pretty sure it notifies you when there is movement in the room.

I am terrified of this too. My 2.5 year old loves his crib and never climbs out. My 14 month old will try to climb out early. I just know it. A girl a work with has an 18 month old and literally, the FIRST time, he tried to climb out of his crib he feel and broke his arm. Well… that scared the living crap out of me!!! Mommying is hard LOL


My husband’s parents did this for him. They had to lock him in his room. I’m also not positive it’s the safest, in case there is an emergency, but I suppose it’s not much different than if a baby is stuck in a crib and there is a fire. I like the idea of unlocking it at night though!


Oh my goodness Skye! My twin boys had the same issues- but they would gang up on us and join forces haha! But we were able to keep them in a crib until they were three by taking off the spring holding the mattress up and just put the mattress on the floor with the crib surrounding it! Obviously it depends on your crib if this is safe or not! Make sure there are no spaces between the top of the mattress and the bottom of the crib and that the crib is stable/sturdy enough without it. Also we put a child lock on the inside door knob to make sure they were safe in their room! We also had to get rid of almost every piece of furniture inside there room to make sure they didn’t get into anything in the middle of the night! Good luck she will definitely keep your life fun, exciting and entertaining!


My son hopped out at 18 months. We dropped the mattress to the floor and it got us another two months. Then we transitioned to a toddler bed and put a childproof doorknob cover on his door. My 2.5 year old is still in a crib and potty trained, but she’ll call for me if she needs to go in the night (which thankfully isn’t too often). Also, Team Elsa Dress over everything, all the time. :)


I’ve had six root canals, so I feel your dental pain! Glad they’re giving you laughing gas to take the edge off. The one time I had it (for a crown-lengthening surgery that turned into a tooth extraction– fun stuff!) it did absolutely nothing for me. The dentist seemed surprised that I was able to talk and respond to them at all, so that must have been unusual. But I’m also pretty resistant to lidocaine. They always have to dose me 2-3 times, which is super fun. Anyway, better luck to you!!!


I am a pediatric sleep consultant. Drop the mattress to the floor and turn the crib so the high side is out. Put her in a tighter sleep sack so she can’t get her leg over the rail. Please do not use a crib tent- they can be dangerous if they move or fall! Happy to help more! My website : http://www.dreamsleepconsulting.com


I cannot read on the treadmill. Or read in the car. I can barely read on a plane. Nor can I watch action movies on the treadmill. So usually I tune in to HGTV or the news. Boring but hey, no puking on the treadmill.

No laughing gas for me or my kids. The first time I took my kids in for fillings and they asked what flavor of gas, I freaked! My dad was a nurse anesthetist and forced me to take the minimum intervention possible. I even had hand surgery in high school with only an arm block – no sedatives. I have terrible teeth too. I guess inheriting bad teeth is better than a bad hip (my mom) or heart disease (my dad) but I had to have 3 teeth pulled this fall. That sucked! But I love my dentist and his staff (he is a runner) so I actually enjoy seeing them. And they are very non-judgmental. They didn’t lecture me about my teeth because they knew there was nothing I could do. OK, I could have come in earlier. (A high pain tolerance isn’t always a good thing!)

The weather here has turned frightful. So I will be watching a lot of HGTV and drinking tea. Every year I wonder why we live in Iowa.


OH no! We have had climbers, but they never did it during the night. They were also fine in a bed at 15 months–no advice, but GOOD LUCK;-) I will say a prayer for you!

Netflix for the win when running endless miles on the treadmill. I try podcasts but I get bored–oddly I don’t get bored listening to them when I run outside.

I love, love, love laughing gas. I was so bummed when our hospital didn’t offer it for child birth when I had my 3rd. I agree it takes all your worries and stresses away for a while.

It is freezing here it is going to be -30 and 6-9 inches of snow coming this weekend. I am looking forward to a cozy, lazy weekend at home! I feel like I am finally figuring out what I want to do with my life (for now) and what makes me happy. It’s nice to have a balance where I can work, but still go to my kids school events. Also, now that they are older, I get “guaranteed sleep” which makes getting up to run/workout so much easier! Haha, I have deep thoughts going on for a Thursday morning;-)


I giggle to myself you write about Skye because it brings back so many memories about my youngest son. He started climbing out of his crib when he was 8 months old…let that sink in a second! he couldn’t walk or talk but he was climbing out of his crib. we used a crib tent for a while and when he figured out how to unzip it we transitioned him to a twin mattress on the floor. we put a baby gate on his room to keep him in the room after he ripped off the safety door knob thing. The old saying is true, where there is a will there is a way. Good luck!


Happy Friday Eve!

No advice to offer on the Skye front, but with some creativity, I’m sure you’ll get a handle on it :o)

I cannot read on the treadmill! I have a window to look out when I’m on it (not so great when it’s dark out, though), so usually use music or podcasts (just listened to the one you did with Ali back in October after St. George!)

I’ve had more than my fair share of dental issues too, including gum grafts at age 20. That was not my most favorite spring break in college!! No gas for me though, only novocaine.


I have always had major issues around worrying about driving and substances so refused laughing gas until very recently. Then I was like….OHHHH. Not only did it make my procedure ever so much easier but I totally could have driven home.

Live and learn, right?


So funny that today you mention again your ability to read and run on the treadmill! I have been doing this the past week (I’ve never had a problem with it either). It passes the time sooo quickly! I also read a physical book (not an ebook) which makes turning the pages (I use binder clips on both sides of the book) quite entertaining. It’s almost a bit dangerous when I have to turn the page but I love it :)

Good luck with Skye!! My dog doesn’t move from his bed at night so I can be of no help. Hee :)


My son started climbing out just after he turned 2 so we put the crib mattress on the floor and that bought us a couple more months. Once we had to transition him to a toddler bed we bought those doorbell chime things so if his door is opened in the night it will chime in our room and wake us up. This is the one we got


Totally going to buy this… THANK YOU! Such a great idea and I’ll sleep so much better now. PS put the mattress on the floor and she is taking the most glorious nap now. Thanks!


Skye is quite the little daredevil! No advice from me as my 3 month old has yet to even sleep in her crib (she is in a bassinet in our room still). But good luck!
I also have receding gums but haven’t had to have any sort of intervention yet, but my dentist said it is coming in the future. Not looking forward to that. I have never had laughing gas, the only dental work I’ve had done is having a couple cavities filled.
I can’t read on the treadmill if I’m running but I can if I’m walking. I feel like I must bounce too much and I can’t focus on the words haha. I can elliptical and read though, I used to all the time but I never elliptical anymore. My husband and I are looking into buying a treadmill for our home since it’s harder to leave the house to go to the gym or get outside to run with a baby :). Any input on good treadmills for home use? My husband was looking at Nordic track I think.
Lately I’ve been soaking up all the baby snuggles I can get because I go back to work from maternity leave next week. I’m so sad and I’m sure there will be plenty of tears that day. However, her “daycare“ will be either my mom or mother in law watching her on the day’s that I work so I know she is getting great care. I’m gonna miss her so much during those 12 hour shifts though.


Can you lower mattress anymore? Like to the floor? My friend did this with her 2 year old and rubbed coconut oil on the bars. He quickly learned he couldn’t climb out. Too slippery. Haha.
I actually like going to the dentist but I’m only going for cleanings and haven’t had any serious work done. So I like it because I get to lay down and close my eyes!


Hey! I’d love to hear more about the therapy for your gums. My short story is I lost an adult tooth when I was a child and had a lot of difficulties with implants, which results in a huge loss in gums. Any gum graft just disappears. I am currently losing gum over one of my real teeth, and I’d love to learn about what you’re doing, how it is working, etc. Maybe I can bring it up to my dentist. Feel free to email me! Thanks!


Rachel, I am so sorry that you are going through this. The worst! Just emailed you exactly what they are doing. Thanks!


The link for the headbands isn’t working for me – can you share what brand it is? Thanks!


Our daughter decided at about 15 months (she will be 2 next week) that she was done with the crib. We put a twin mattress on the floor with bumpers I bought off amazon! She’s been sleeping amazing and doesn’t leave her room until morning with the help of the hatch nursery sound machine and night light! Highly recommend!!!


Hatch is the best! Love it – my 4 year old loves to choose the colour her light will be in the morning that tells her she’s allowed out of bed!


Wow I’m so impressed you can read on the treadmill! Every time I try, I keep losing my place and have to re-read sentences over and over haha maybe I just need more practice? And it is absolutely frigid here in Calgary so I guess I have the perfect opportunity.

Good luck with Skye! I’m also so impressed by her bravery. I would lower the crib mattress to the floor and get either a bed alarm or an alarm for her door. Maybe find some distracting (but safe!) lights/sensory stuff to keep her occupied in her crib? There are some really cool light projectors or lamps that might help calm her back to sleep if she gets up at night!

Also, I’m moving to Utah! I’ve been trying to make a decision for a while, but I have decided to start my career down there! I just finished my OT degree here in Canada, but I’m starting to look for jobs in UT. I’m really open to anywhere…I lived in Salt Lake briefly and liked it, but I would also love to try living further south, even as far as St. George (love that town!). Any advice for someone moving to the beautiful state? And if your husband know of any opportunities in the healthcare world, please let me know haha :)

Hope you have a wonderful day!


RACHEL! This is so so exciting! I think you should move to St. George after living in freezing Calgary! So excited you are moving here and my biggest advice is to rent in an area before buying (that’s what my brother is doing down in St. George to find his perfect place to buy). Get a national parks pass and see as much as you possibly can! Once I know where you are living I can send you more recomendations etc. SO thrilled for you!


Thank you thank you!! That is really great advice :) I lived in Salt Lake for about 2 years before I started grad school and I liked it but I kind of want a brand new place (to have a FRESH new start!) National parks yesssss!! I can’t wait to spend the summer exploring :) will definitely keep you updated and thank you in advance for all your stellar recommendations haha I’ve been reading your blog/buying things you’ve recommended for long enough that I feel like I can totally trust you (I hope that didn’t sound creepy?!) Thanks again!


We put a sleep sack on backwards and that seems to help with climbing out of the crib. Until they figure out how to squeeze out the neck of the sleep sack, anyway! My youngest is 2 1/2 and newly potty trained but I know once she transitions to a bed, naps are over and I AM NOT READY. She doesn’t try to climb out with the sleep sack on.

I’ve only had laughing gas once and I was super paranoid I was going to get nauseous and throw up. And I have a real phobia of vomiting. However, my 8 year old had to have a cavity filled last year and she is really scared of needles, or really any medical procedures, and I let them do the gas on her and it really helped calm her down.


Crib mattress ( and the thing that it sits on) on the floor inside of the crib. That’s bought us some more
Time with my climber!! Good luck ?


BRILLIANT! THANK YOU! Skye is taking the most amazing nap as we speak:)


Hi Janae,
I had major dental work before I hit my teens so the dentist is my least favorite place to be. Or it was until I found a wonderful one who took my pain anxiety seriously. I still don’t go as often as I should, but I do go.
My middle kid was the climber. We put his mattress on the floor, removed anything he could get hurt on, and put a baby gate across his door. I also knew someone who replaced the solid door with a screen door with a hook/eye latch on the outside so kiddo couldn’t get out during the night, but they could still peek in a check on him.
Can’t wait to see what you have done with Brooke’s room!


Same scenario in my house years ago with child 1 and 2. Once they climb out of a crib, it is no longer a safe option. You’ll probably need to transition her if she keeps doing it. We had the same worries and bought something you put on the door knob to child proof. They can’t open the door – but a grown up can. We put one of those inside the room so my son could not get out. Sometimes he played but then usually got back in bed once he couldn’t leave the room. Once they are three, it is easier to communicate with them, but 2 yo’s, not so easy! Good luck


I can’t get on a treadmill without reading. I wouldn’t last a mile.


The idea of running on the treadmill makes me feel so sick, but I love listening to audiobooks while I run, particularly ones that deal with endurance sports. I’m listening to A Life Without Limits right now by Chrissie Wellington, and it’s so good! If you haven’t listened/read it yet you totally should! She’s won Ironman Kona several times and is super inspiring!



Put a door knob cover on the inside of her room door. This was what I did to keep my kids safe in their rooms at night and during nap/quiet time. With my second kiddo, I put the little potty training toilet in with her too so she could go to the bathroom if she needed to. She would tell me over the monitor and I would go up and take care of it, but this way we didn’t have to worry about potty accidents because she couldn’t get out of her room.


I have a hard time reading while I run on the treadmill, but I haven’t tried it in a while. I will read when I’m on an elliptical or stationary bike since there is less up and down movement. I tend to watch a TV show on Netflix or Hulu – especially medical shows or something else with a lot of action/drama to keep me distracted. Some of my favorites to watch on the treadmill are The Resident or New Amsterdam :)


Get yourself a crib tent! You can prolong the life of captive bedtime a little bit longer before transitioning to the joy of the big kid bed (I’ve got twin 3 year olds and my biggest challenge of the day is keeping them in bed lol)


Twin 3 year olds… you must be exhausted! Just ordered a crib tent off of Amazon, thank you so much!


Detach the “spring” layer from the bottom of the crib and put it on the ground, and put the mattress on top. There shouldn’t be any space between the bottom of the crib and the mattress, and it should be low enough that she still can’t climb out. Worth a shot!


LIFE CHANGING. IT’S WORKING and Skye is taking an amazing nap! THANK YOU!


OMG!!!!!!! I would have FREAKED RIGHT OUT if I was “home alone” and heard footsteps. We transitioned Elliana to a real twin bed on Christmas Day (she just turned two). It just felt right even though we didn’t have any climbing out of the crib incidences… She hasn’t learned that she can get out of her big girl bed yet (although I know that will be coming) so we don’t have to worry about her roaming the house at night. She is potty trained but we haven’t tackled that for when she’s sleeping so again… don’t have to worry about her getting out of bed on her own – just yet.

I can’t run and read. I’ve tried… I’ve been using the paleton app for a year now. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I’m marathon training now (your fault, fyi!) and so I mostly use the app for the music and then just follow my own running plan (because with paleton you can do hiit runs, hills, fun runs, fastest mile, etc..) and the instructor stories. Some of them are soooo motivating.

And always laughing gas when I have to have work done at the dentist. Used it for a root canal last year and it was the best for helping with my dentist anxiety. Thank goodness for that!


Can you put her in a sleep sack? Mine started climbing out of his bed at naptime and then we realized that we put him in a sleep sack at bedtime, but didn’t worry about it for naps. We put him in the sleep sack at naptime too (which shackled his legs enough that he couldn’t get his leg high enough to reach the top of the crib) and it bought us a few more months, until he was a bit more mature and could handle the big boy bed.


We ended up putting the mattress on the floor and got one of those things that go around the door know via three can’t turn it to get out of their room. The rest of the house is safe, but they can still make a mess of their own room! Good luck!!


My girls were not even 18 months when we transitioned them, they both climbed out!!! They are also both now very athletic and one loves rocking climbing, ha!! We had a baby gate on my youngest’s door to prevent her from coming out since she was in a bed. We did not need that for my oldest, she stayed in her room and bed. We did not use a toddler bed but rather a twin bed with a rail. That takes more time to get out of and they have more room. I honestly hated the crib, just a pain. The transition was nice for us. My girls were potty trained early too, both not yet 18 months but diaper at night.


Hi Janae – just curious about the vest you and Emily are wearing. Can you share? My girls are 27 and 17 now so I am no help in the crib dept. I may have had a heart attack hearing the door and foot steps :)


Hey Gina! My vest is this one:

And Emilee’s is from North Face!

Hahaha I almost did have a heart attack. Hope you have a beautiful day friend!


We transitioned our daughter to a twin bed shortly after she turned 2 because she started to climb out, and because we needed the crib for her little brother. :) Started by putting her crib mattress on the floor. Once she was good with that, we moved her to a twin bed with a low profile mattress/box spring so it wasn’t quite so high. We also put a baby gate at the top of the stairs so she couldn’t get down if she came out of her room during the night. Which she never did – she would call us in the morning when she woke up! :)

With our son, he started climbing out a little later than that. We were able to take the bottom out of the crib so the mattress was essentially on the floor (propped up on some short blocks). This worked for a while because he wasn’t tall enough to climb over the side. :) Once that ceased to work, we followed the same method we used w/our daughter.

Good luck, mama!


Hands down, put her in a sleep sack and lower the mattress to the floor but keep all 4 crib walls up! My 3rd climbed out at 15 months and I was not prepared! But both of these helped. Now we have only 3 sides up and she finally learned how to turn door knobs – so now naptime is a battle. Keep her in the crib as long as possible!


Oh gosh. Please tell me about your gum grafts. Just yesterday I FINALLY scheduled the procedure for the beginning of May haha. I have 3 that need done, but scheduled it for 2 of them. I’m so scared haha. They gave me a prescription to take something beforehand to relax me, but i’m afraid I want more – like the laughing gas or something. I dunno. How was recovery???


Oh girl I am SO sorry! I wish you didn’t have to get this… I would definitely get laughing gas too if it were me. Are they taking the gums out of the roof of your mouth? If that is the case then it is pretty painful for about a week… If they are getting the tissue from somewhere else than I have heard it isn’t that bad! GOOD LUCK and keep me updated!


UGH. Yes, taking it out of the roof of my mouth. Luckily I can work from home if I’m in bad pain haha. I thought my gums were receding b/c I brush too hard, but he said my teeth look like I grind them haha. So now i’m trying to figure out when I actually grind my teeth so I can wear a retainer…which is looking to be like all the time LOL


I had a cadaver graft and it really wasn’t bad at all. Honestly the worst part was they waited until the day of the procedure to tell me I shouldn’t exercise for about a week. Hello, you can’t just drop that on a runner. Pretty sure I waited 3 days and it was fine. You’re going to do great!


Oh gosh. I should find this out then. AND let my coach know! haha I’ll be in the ramped up phase of Ironman training, so this will be fun haha.


We used the crib tent with all 3 of my sons. I was concerned for their safety, I couldn’t sleep if I thought they were wondering the house or bedroom. Especially when older siblings have little tiny toys everywhere. No on ever got out of the crib tent and I remember if I forgot to zip it up they would tell me :). Ours was a white mesh fabric. Lasted 3 crazy babies – very durable.


Try the door monkey. Leaves the door open a crack but they can’t get out of the room. Safer to look them in rather than having them wander. Good luck!


I’m such a stress-basket when I go to the dentist so a big yes on the laughing gas. Actually, I was such a bad patient last time that they suggested I have laughing gas for my cleanings too. Hahah! I don’t know if I’ve tried reading very much running on the treadmill (yes to walking though), I’ll have to try it out and let you know if it works for me. Do you get motion sickness in the car or flying?


HAHAH I want it for cleanings too! I do get terrible motion sickness in the car or flying but just not on the treadmill! Let me know what you think!


Have to tried putting her in a sleep sack so it’s harder for her to climb out! We transitioned my twins at 2.5. good luck!


My daughter is like Brooke and never leaves her bed. But “just in case” we put one of those doorknob covers on the inside of her door so she can’t turn it. And it’s early but might be time to transition to a toddler bed :(


You are not alone with the gum issues. Worked hard all my life to keep them pretty. Disappointing when they don’t cooperate. Hah
I Can barely even watch TV when on the treadmill let alone read. I wish I could. I just load up on good podcasts and concentrate on not falling off. I am the geek at the gym hooked up to the emergency cord “just in case”.
I had a great 9.5 mile run 8.10 pace average. Great for me. I can join you in your easy runs sand get in a workout. Ha ha.
My husband and I are building a new house and looking at furniture and decorating ideas. Want to start fresh in our new home. It is stressful . I do not have designer abilities.


Oy goodness, that little stinker!
That cereal is so cute- I’m jealous. :)
You poor thing. I’m glad you don’t have to have surgery again. Gum grafting is the worst! I would rather have my wisdom teeth pulled, have a mammogram and a bikini wax all in the same day than have to do gum grafting again!


Not sure if someone has said this already or if you’ll even see this, but a couple of my babies escaped their cribs when they were too little, too! If you take the “box spring” out of the inside of the crib, and just leave the frame up, the mattress can sit right on the floor. It lowers the mattress by about 10 inches (depending on your crib). And makes it much harder to climb out. It bought me another 6 months! Because transition to a toddler bed is a little too much freedom at 13 months! ?


When my daughter started climbing out of her crib, I was feeling the same way as you! Funny thing – when we put her into footie jammies that were a little too big for her, she could no longer lift her leg up high enough to climb out because the crotch was hanging lower! That was a fun discovery :) Hope you figure out a solution soon.


Total bummer. Once they can climb out of the crib I think you really need to get rid of the crib, for their safety, due to risk of falling. Toddler bed, or a mattress on the floor if she’s not ready for the bed. Child safety door knob cover or baby gate to keep her from wandering all over the house. And speaking of safety, when our kids were little we put eye hook latches way up high on the inside of every door leading outside to keep the kids from wandering outside, especially in winter. Good luck!


We had the same issue with my son (which was completely opposite of my daughter who’s almost 5). At barely 2 he was climbing out, and I was desperate for help because he is not one to stay somewhere unless contained. We bought the crib tent (it’s mesh and see through), and we are still using it a year later…it’s incredible! We even folded it up, fit it in a checked bag, and took it with us to Disneyworld ??. I HAVE to have my kids sleep, so anything where he wasn’t contained was out of the question for me. I hope you figure out a solution soon!


My newly 2 year old is on a twin mattress on the floor and baby gate in his door! They apparently make taller ones for not climbing over it, but he’s trapped with it taped shut (because he figured out the lock ?) for now! It took a few weeks to transition well, but it’s perfect for him now!


Our second was also a climber. We transitioned him to a mattress on the floor for a few months with a child lock on the inside of the door so he couldn’t get out. He still wakes up way too early in the morning, but he sleeps better through the night!


I didn’t scroll to see if it was recommended already, but get a door monkey—or 5– ASAP! https://www.amazon.com/DOOR-MONKEY-Door-Pinch-Guard/dp/B004ECJWK4/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?keywords=door+monkey&qid=1579263147&sr=8-2

This is a parent hack I could not live without. My oldest is a rule follower like Brooke and my youngest is 3.5 and just now being allowed to practice naps with his door monkey low bc he can’t be totally trusted haha

They can be removed, lowered or raised (like, with one hand right there as an adult) and it keeps the door “locked” with a small crack. We have them on most of our doors to prevent smashed fingers, and keep them low for the kids to go in and out. On the laundry room door, if I have a bunch of piles I don’t want to have “mysteriously” messed up, I’ll raise the door monkey so they don’t go in and mess w it.

I hope this helps!!


My sister sleepwalked when she was just a few years old, and it scared us because in her sleep she would try and leave the house…..even pushing a chair to the door and taking off the security chain! My mom turned the doorknob around so the door to the room locked from the outside. That kept her in until the sleepwalking stopped and she was old enough to know not to wander the house. It also prevented her from locking herself in the room!


My just turned 2 year old was climbing out of the crib when she was one. I want her safely “stuck” in her crib (don’t want to have to listen for a doorbell chime (we have one) or her getting into anything while I’m busy. Bought her a crib canopy and she now WANTS her “tent”. Easy to put on and off the crib (we bring for her pak’n’play when travelling). HIGHLY recommend. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075DLL489/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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