Silentish Saturday!!!

Had a yoga date with Andrew yesterday morning.

I even got out the pull-up bar again… I can almost do one now:)

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The day started out with Crepe Friday (Andrew started this tradition with the kids and they love it).

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I met up with Megan for a last minute lunch.

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This made me happy.

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Roasted veggies to go with rolls and chicken with ice cream on the couch for dinner.

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Finding these notes from Brooke made me happy too.

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Wish we got to do it again today.


Time for fewer and slower miles today than what I did last Saturday!

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He did it!!!!


Tell me three things that you are doing today!!

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1. Trying to stay out of the early snow/rain that is forecasted today!
2. Homecoming dance for my daughter (brrr!)
3. Going out with friends for lunch.

Additionally, I’d love to know what you wear running as the weather gets colder. Not specific brands, but what temp do you wear long sleeves, gloves, ear warmer, etc. Its always a challenge when the temps drop here in MN. Dressing warm enough but not being too hot :)


SNOW!?!? HOW IN THE WORLD have we reached this point?! Stay warm and get some hot chocolate. Sounds like a great day! GREAT post idea! I will absolutely put that together this week. Thanks for the idea Megan!


that sub 2 is so exciting! that was the first thing i checked when i woke up this morning. i don’t understand how anyone can run that fast for that long.
Brooke is a sweet girl who will grow up to make the world a better place.

enjoy your run today. i ran 2 miles. it’s the first i’ve run in 3 weeks. i’m trying to decide if i should do it again tomorrow or if i need a second round of NSAIDS. My treadmill is stuck at the maximum incline. someone is coming to look at it tuesday. i’m really anxious about it. i haven’t been able to run so it shouldn’t be a big deal but i don’t like that it’s not ready to go for when i am.

have a good weekend!


YES… me too! As soon as my eyes opened I thought about checking how he did! Oh I hope that your treadmill gets fixed asap! That is so frustrating. I’m so glad you are back to running and keep me updated on your progress! Thanks Lee!


I set my alarm for 2:15 (central time) this morning and watched it live. So amazing and inspiring!


I watched live too; definitely worth missing a little sleep to see history being made! So exciting!


That sub 2 is amazing! Brooke is such a tender hearted soul!
I’m meeting a friend at Burn Bootcamp this morning, going friends for packeupick, a half marathon in my future tomorrow and it’s one of my faves! This is my 8th time! It’s a beautiful course, women only and well supported! Through Why Racing, Girlfru Half in Vancouver, Washington. Then meeting my husband at friends for dinner! Kind of a crazy day, and I’m looking forward to it!


YAY FOR BURN (and you are motivating me to get back!)! Have the best time at your half… the entire weekend sounds perfect to me. Let me know how it goes and 8th time… you KNOW that course!


YAY He did it!!! I found out before my run this morning with friends and that definitely helped motivate me (plus good conversation with my running buddies!)


Oh I bet that was a great motivator for your morning run. Love that you were out with friends! Have the best weekend Mariah!


So incredible!! Sub 2 hour marathon!
Heading out for about 8 miles, then putting together a care box for my oldest at college, while watching his team play, then a band competition for my youngest later. All good fall Saturday things ?
What did your coach say about training for CIM? That is going to be awesome!
Have a great Saturday!!


We actually don’t get to talk to him until this next week now! I cannot wait to hear what he thinks ahhh. Have the best time today, sounds absolutely perfect!


I think the best part about that picture of Kipchoge are the smiles of everyone behind him! I love that his victory is their victory in a way!


I totally thought that too and it gives me goosebumps each time I see that picture. He seems like such a kind and amazing man that everyone is just thrilled for him.


Eliud Kipchoge is AMAZING!

I ran my 5k today, and I got a 44 second race PR (missed my training PR by a few seconds). Also, I was the first female. I know I could’ve pushed myself harder (my body is not accustomed to this distance, and doesn’t really know how to pace itself) but I had a wonderful time, I felt strong, and I can’t wait to do that again. Next time, I will definitely start farther up front (I had to weave in and out of slower runners) and I need to remember to go to the bathroom before the race starts (enough said in that subject). Thanks again for the support and the tips!




Those notes are the CUTEST!!! I love all the spelling-keep the notes because eventually they spell things correctly and it’s still cute, but these……

1) Watched Kipchoge (same time zone!)
2)20 mile run, since I watched the above, I got out right after and it was sunny and blue sky. A bit warm, but very tolerable!
3)Made chocolate chip cookie bars

Yoga feels so good, doesn’t it?! Glad you and Andrew did that together-it’s so fun and funny with a partner!


Watching Kipchoge was probably the best motivation ever for your 20 miler. WAY TO GO! Enjoy those cookies and totally agree… we definitely looked over at each other a few times and laughed haha! Enjoy the rest of your day!


15k trail race this morning! It was SO MUCH FUN! Except next time I need to buy some trail shoes b/c my Levitates were sliding all over the place ? Recommendations?
The rest of the day will consist of:
1) relaxing
2) enjoying this gorgeous day
Have a fantastic weekend, Janae!


WAY TO GO on your 15k trail race! Yes, you need some trail shoes…. the Cascadia and Caldera from Brooks are my absolute favorites!! THANKS ANNEMARIE AND CONGRATS!


1. Long run in PERFECT fall weather
2. Taking my kids to some afternoon activities
3. Getting wood for our first fire in the fireplace tonight!

I set my alarm for 1:10 am CST (yes, I am a dork) and watched Kipchoge break 2 hours live. It was incredible. He is such a humble, inspiring athlete – and it was clear he was doing this for the sport and to inspire humanity, not only for himself. I showed my son the replay of the last few minutes and my son said “watching Kipchoge helps me believe in the sport again” (after all the recent doping news about Salazar).

Have a great weekend, all!


Oh I am SO happy you are getting fall weather (enjoy it for me;) . YAY for your fireplace… that is amazing. So cool that you watched him finish. I love how he inspired your son. It really is such a high note after all of that low note stuff recently. Thanks so much Emily!


First thing I checked this morning was to see if Eliud did it! So happy! I lived in Kenya off and on for 13 years so I think I got a little bit more emotional too knowing he did this! Kenya is the best and the runners from there are just the top!

So…knowing he did that totally helped me fuel my first ever 20 miler this morning!!! My first marathon is in 4 weeks and I’m so excited. I felt strong and steady the whole time. So ready to run that race soon!

Have a beautiful Saturday!


FIRST EVER 20 MILER!! HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats Sarah. You are SO ready for your marathon and I better get to hear all about it. So cool to have that connection with Kenya and Eliud… wow. Thanks and keep in touch!


So impressed you talked Andrew into doing yoga with you! My hubby and I do not like to do the same workouts at all! ? Hey, where is your hooded sweatshirt from? Super cute and it looks a WARM! ☺️


Bahaha I was impressed that he loved the class! It is very warm and from Fabletics! I can’t find it online anymore but they have other cute ones!


So Kipchoge is of course amazing….moreso when you consider he hit the goal time perfectly.

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