Tis’ the Season & Tuesday Tangents!

Brookester came home on Sunday night.  She had the best time with her dad and step-mom!  It’s always the best feeling when we are all back together again (even though it wasn’t long before Knox left;) but next week we will get a solid week all together which will be so nice.

6.57 miles @ 8:13 average with my friends.  Jenn brought me some of her garden grown zucchini’s and I used them in dinner last night.  I can’t wait to make bread with them tonight.  Our runs together have been a lot longer than this normally so when we finished we felt weird because we still had so much to talk about, ha.

Also, do not burn your arm with a curling iron.  It hurts so bad.

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Tis’ the season to be going into Dr. Bennett’s often to get worked on.  I really need to stay on top of prevention of injuries with all of the training we are doing right now.  My glutes were completely shut down (hence my hamstrings feeling so tight lately) so he did muscle reactivation for me and adjustments and I left feeling like a new human.

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We are really trying to soak in every last second of summer so we went to the pool.

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Also, savoring every ice cream cone in the sun that I can get… before I know it I’ll be drinking hot chocolate three times a day again.

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Leftovers for lunch and another Mel’s Kitchen recipe for dinner—> Korean Beef and Rice (along with some added zucchini.  Both of the girls loved it too!

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Time for a bunch of tangents to talk about:

1) My niece had a pumpkin cookie the other day.  I feel like we are still in the snow cone/ice cream stage of seasons right now but who knows… maybe it’s never too early to start with pumpkin?

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2.  I’ve had a few people ask what Andrew is doing for work.  He is on the Respiratory Sepsis Floor right now and absolutely loving it.  Nurse’s schedules are awesome and lame at the same time, haha.  We LOVE when he has a bunch of days off in a row but then it’s crazy when we feel like we just see each other in passing for a few days when he is working.  It really it could not be a better situation for him and our family too.  It’s nice because he can also schedule working the days that Knox is gone so that the 50% of the time that we have Knox he is able to be here for that!

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3.  The other day a biker came up behind Emilee and I and told us that we have the exact same stride.  I guess that is what happens when you run 60ish miles a week together with someone.

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4.  My cute neighbor makes the best little girl rompers and they are all 30-50% off right now here!

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5.  My mom gave me this book.  I just started reading it and I’m loving it already.   Kacey McCallister lost both of his legs so the book is about his story and how he felt hope and accomplished SO much.

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6.  Please help Natalie out!  I’ve never had to stop during a race (unless I was pregnant) and for me I just don’t eat fiber for a day or two before a race to prevent this issue.  I stick to simple carbs and proteins leading up a race and that’s worked for my body.  Can anyone help her out on this… ‘ain’t nobody got time to use the bathroom!!!’ Haha.

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Can anyone help out Natalie with her above question?

Too early for pumpkin or do you welcome it with your arms open at any time of year?!

Nurses reading—> what area are you currently working in?

Any delicious zucchini recipes for me?!  I’ve heard I have more coming my way too:)

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Zoodles! I’m a pasta fan all the way, but zoodles are seriously SO good! We just make ours with a hand spiralizer, saute them in a pan until they start to cook down, add pasta sauce and done! It’s so easy and delicious! Especially when you also make the Turkey Trot Meatballs….:)


I forgot about zoodles… Andrew loves those and topped with Turkey Trot Meatballs= heaven!


LOL about pumpkin! I’ve been low-key craving my daughter’s chocolate chip pumpkin bread, but I feel like it’s selling out to have it in the summer ~ha~
I haven’t tried this yet, but I’m betting these parmesan zucchini “fries” are incredibly tasty: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/272777/baked-parmesan-zucchini-curly-fries/
Have an awesome day!


I’ve never heard of parmesan zucchini fries until today and wow… that picture makes me want them right this second. Thanks Corey!


Have you tried Pinch of Yum’s Sweet Corn and Zucchini pie? It’s delicious!


Just looked it up and now I’m drooling. I NEED THAT! Hope you are having a great day Juliet!


I was thinking of that too, so good!


I like to make my zucchini like this: slice it up, lay flat on a baking sheet. spritz with olive oil. add garlic salt and lots of parmesan cheese. roast for about 20 minutes, stir, add more cheese. it comes out creamy and delicious!


Well, that just sounds like heaven. Thanks Jessica, definitely trying this! Hope your Tuesday has been great so far:)


Natalie- taking Imodium is very dangerous. So stop that! I used to coach for team in training and we had a speaker who let us know that Imodium will make you feel like you need to keep drinking and can lead to overhydration which is more dangerous then dehydration. My advice would be to change your diet prior to the race. Fool with nutrition and even try one of the motion sickness bands ( a few of my friends do this and it might be placebo effect but it helps!). Are you taking the Imodium out of fear or does your stomach get upset?


Hey Carrie! Thanks for that advice! I can see how overhydration could be a problem with Imodium. It was crazy how immediately my mouth went bone dry. I could not drink enough! I took it just to stop my bowels from going crazy on race day. Which worked in that regard but I hated the way it made me feel. So I will definitely just try to manage it with my diet. ?


It’s interesting how many different theories are out there and so hard to know which are the facts. My friend is a gastroenterologist and told me talking 1-2 Imodium per day is completely safe and can be life changing for some people. I take 1 before each long run and 2 before a marathon and it works like magic. I also reduce fiber intake significantly before a long run or race.


Haha ok so to be fair, I haven’t had coffee yet today. But I read that question about preventing using the bathroom during races, and then I saw the first comment that said “Zoodles!” and thought for a moment that someone was suggesting happily that zoodles were the answer to bathroom issues. LOL I needed that laugh today.


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one! LOL Good laugh for a Tuesday morning! :)


Bahahah I mean you never know… some zoodles right before a race might just be the answer!


Smitten Kitchen just posted a really good (and SUPER easy) zucchini bread recipe last week. I highly recommend. I also highly recommend this recipe https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/sheet-pan-zucchini-chicken-meatballs-with-coconut-curry-sauce/.


Okay, both things look amazing… which to make first?! THANKS SARA!


I feel Natalie’s pain. The first six years I ran I never had issues. Now I can barely get through 8 miles without having problems ?. And Immodium never helped (though some people I run with swear by it).
I’ve been a labor and delivery nurse for 5 1/2 years. 95% of the time it is the happiest unit to work on. The other 5% can be brutal and some days you just go home gutted. Even in those times it’s such an honor to be a very small part of one of the most important days of people’s lives.


I bet that 5% are the hardest days ever. Your patients are all so lucky to get to work with you. I hope your day has been a really great one so far René!


(ugh trying not to cry at work while typing this)

For Andrew:
My Dad passed away from complications with Sepsis in May this year. He actually BEAT sepsis in March, recovered and was hit again with it. Those effected by Sepsis are experiencing the most crippling anxiety and heartbreak imaginable. The odds of surviving are incredibly against them. Please do not ever lose your humbleness, positive energy and compassion around these people. We will never forget the compassionate nurses and doctors that helped us and my Dad. Even if you know it is a bad situation, stay positive… please. We need people like you to be on our side when it feels like the world is coming down in the hospital room.

I will never ever forget the nurses that took care of my Dad and me and my mom! <3


I am so incredibly sorry. I bet you miss your dad so much and I am praying that you feel his love and comfort today. I am so glad that he had amazing nurses that took care of you all. It makes me happy to know that Andrew is able to do the same for other family’s struggling. Thinking about you. Please keep me updated with how you are doing!


I was kind of anti-pumpkin until fall but since finding the superhero muffins I really love the pumpkin kind year round:)

I’m not a nurse but my sister is! And she works night shift on the med-surg floor.

I love zucchini bread and it sounds like you’re going to make some! Even better with some chocolate chips in it;)

As far as bathroom issues go-> I used to have a lot of issues on race day specifically and it has gone away now that I’ve gone into racing with no anxiety/no worries. Also, I try to train with some different foods because we can’t always be perfect on race week. I used to train with very specific foods and then limit to those on race week and it was just too strict. I ‘ve found its better to train my body to get used to eating random things;) I adjusted, not sure whether that’s the case for everyone. Also, keeping a food log around your long runs and even races can show you things that you may not think are bothering your stomach!

And my injury update for you;) Last week I ran my highest mileage since March when I got injured, and also my longest run! Did an 8 miler on Saturday to end the week with 20.5 miles (+6 elliptical miles). Still building slowly, but last week was pain free and I’m super happy about that, I think I’ve finally got it figured out!! And so this week we’re going for 22 miles+9 mile long run. Super excited to be coming back!!


Natalie — I feel you, sister. I agree with Janae in limiting/eliminating fiber the day before the race. I eat my last bite two hours before bed that night, too. My biggest tip is waking up EXTRA early to drink coffee and maybe even jog around a bit to make sure I go PRIOR to the race. I can always nap after the race is done, and have never regretting doing this.
I have worked in the adult ED and NICU as an RN, and now Sleep Medicine and Drug/Alcohol Detox as an NP. –> That’s a lot of acronyms! haha I’m glad Andrew is enjoying his job. Tell him that I love suctioning trachs — he’ll probably relate. ;)


Oh that is a fabulous idea to get up earlier and jog a bit before the race to help get things moving:) . Hahah I’ll tell him when he gets home. You have sure done and helped a lot of people Stacey!


My friend Emily from onelovelylife.com posted an amazing chocolate zuchinni recipe yesterday!



I would be super interested to know how Dr Bennet does this Glute Reactivation you mentioned! My glutes tend to under-fire and I have to do a bunch of exercises to activate/strenghen them, so I’m always in for advice about that. Maybe a guest post with Dr Bennett? :)
Love those little rompers! I might get one for my friend’s little girl!


Hey Sarah! I wish you could just come on over and see him (and then I would take you out afterwards:). YES… I will ask him for a guest post for sure. Such a great idea! Also, he just started his own business instagram where he will be sharing all of his knowledge/tips/information on these sorts of things. It’s miraculous to me… I go in hurting a bit and boom, he fixes it all. Here is his IG: https://www.instagram.com/brockbennettdc/
Oh I hope you love the romper for your friend! Have a wonderful rest of your day Sarah!


I will be making this asap. THANK YOU!!!!


I’m a big fan of muffins, breads & cookies so I welcome pumpkin any time of the year. I like most baked goods that include cinnamon or chocolate chips! My other favorite flavors are lemon and blueberry. I can do without flavored pumpkin drinks. They taste kind of fake to me. I’m a hot chocolate girl for sure!!
Thanks for the update on Andrew! I’m glad he is enjoying his job and that it works so well for family time.
I can’t believe that HUGE zucchini!! The only zucchini things I’ve made lately are SuperHero muffins and zoodles. I’m looking forward to trying some of today’s suggestions.
I’m totally making that Korean Beef this week for dinner! I’ve made several things from Mel’s website with very good results.


Natalie – I feel you. I have IBS and it’s a constant struggle. I agree with experimenting with whatever is easiest on your stomach. And also the getting up early and having coffee to get things moving. With that in mind, watch how much caffeine you take in during the race. While I know caffeine can help with performance, it will also stimulate the bowels and can cause issues. Just keep working at it and trying different things until you get it figured out, I know it’s not fun.


It’s too early for pumpkin or talk of pumpkin ;) we may be starting school but it’s still in the 90s so I will stretch summer out as long as I can!

I can’t believe hobble creek is already happening! I wish I had good advice on that, it’s not something I’ve had to deal with (thank heaven)


I love this recipe for zucchini – https://www.onelovelylife.com/chicken-zucchini-poppers-gf-df/

I have fortunately never had a problem in an actual race with bathroom issues, but have had my fair share of training runs get interrupted. When training for a marathon or half, I start to eat the same thing the night before and morning of a long run/race so my body is used to it and I don’t have to think twice about it. I have to get up early enough to have coffee and make sure I have enough time to take care of business without any stress. I will take pepto if I think I need it – I haven’t had any issues with a dry mouth or feeling dehydrated. Good luck!


This recipe sounds weird but trust me! Sauté chopped zucchini in some butter and a little bit of garlic, salt and pepper. Add sharp cheddar cheese and put them in the Costco tortillas that you have to cook. Zucchini burritos and they are SO good. How fun that you get a solid week altogether next week. I can’t believe pumpkin cookies are out already but I do love pumpkin. Have a great day.


That doesn’t sound weird to me at all… it sounds heavenly. I have to make it. Thanks so much Sarah and I hope your day is a fabulous one!


Our family loves to grill zucchini with a little bit of EVOO and parm. It’s a weekly occurrence in our meals. I’m interested to hear what others have to say about going to the bathroom, too! As a new-to-races runner, I definitely need all the tips.


LOL! me too!


Pumpkin year round!!

Your friend Megan “muncher cruncher” has a zucchini cookie recipe i use! And choc zucchini bread that tastes like cake from twopeasandapod.


For Natalie: have you tried taking a half dose Immodium? Often that is enough help your intestinal distress but lower/eliminate the cotton mouth. I’m fortunate that I never need it for shorter races but I often take a half dose around mile 15 of marathons. I also avoid lots of veggies and fiber the day before and use the get up/eat/hot drink/walk around/bathroom trick (in that order). If you are not a coffee drinker, hot herbal tea or just plain hot water (99% of the time for me) work great, too.


Oh, great tips on a smaller dose. I’m not a coffee drinker, but never thought that the temperature of my water could help move things along! Going to try this out. Thank you!


I made turkey trot meatballs for the first time today and I loved them! Even my son approved. I’m so happy to have found a quick protein snack I can basically pair with anything. I’m also making their superhero muffins. The pictures you post and your rave reviews made me go out and get the book from the library lol. Thanks!
I’m currently taking the hospital unit clerk program in college and so I enjoy hearing about Andrews work. Glad you guys found a schedule that works for your family!


Oh this makes me so so happy… so glad you like them! Good luck with your schooling and keep me updated on it all! That is so exciting. Enjoy the rest of your day Gillian!


Natalie – what works for me is no food the morning of the race. I just down one small gatorade to get some sugar and carbs in me an hour or two before the race. It has worked fine for all my 5K’s.

Janae – same question as Sarah. How does your doc tell your glutes are shut down and what does he do to re-activate them? Some sort of trigger point therapy?


Hey John! So he will do an exercise that requires your glute (or whatever muscle he is testing) to fire in order to push against the pressure. He goes throughout my entire lower body testing different muscle strength and for example yesterday when he was testing my glutes… I couldn’t push against the pressure because my glutes just weren’t firing (I’ll do a video next time but they are things like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Dd-X9baWA ). I’m not exactly sure everything that it includes but trigger point therapy is included but it always works. He tests it again afterwards and I feel my glutes working again and then I can push against the pressure during the exercise. He started an IG page ( https://www.instagram.com/brockbennettdc/ ) where he will be showing how he does it all because it just seems like magic to me because I do not have the education ha;)

Have a great day!


Cool, thanks! I definitely need some magic on my right hamstring right now, lol. I think it’s going to take a few more weeks of no running though…..


OH NO. I hope your right hamstring starts behaving asap!


I am not a big pumpkin fan, but my daughter LOVES anything and everything pumpkin so she would say it’s never too early ? I do love zucchini though. We just look up zucchini bread recipes on Pinterest and try new ones each fall. There are so many easy recipes there. I bet Brooke would love helping you make some. Although I do wait for the cooler fall days for baking so the house isn’t 100 degrees! Enjoy your day ?


Hi Janae! I was one of the people asking what nursing area Andrew was in. Glad he is enjoying it and it is fitting in with family life so well. I finished my new grad year last year and am now working in a renal/vascular/urology ward in a large teaching hospital in Australia. It’s very busy but I’m really enjoying it. I’ve been reading your blog for years. I don’t get much time to comment these days but read every day xxx


WOW. Huge congrats Tara on everything you are doing and I can only imagine how busy you are. Thank you for reading over the years and I’m thankful for your friendship! I hope you are having a great night (ehhhh probably day where you are:)!


Do you like pickles? When I am overloaded with zucchini and have already made all the muffins/bread, I like to make pickles (I use a recipe from My Pantry Shelf). And I like to leave pumpkin for Fall. I’m too busy with nectarines and tomatoes right now ;)


Regarding bathroom issues- anti-diarrhea on any run over 13 miles, races or long runs. I usually go at least twice before a run or race. If I don’t take anything, by mile 6 of a race there’s a rumble. The distance really affects me so this slows everything down and I can make it until the end. Practice with your training runs and nothing new on race day.


They DO hurt, those are curling iron burns. Got one myself yesterday. ?


These lemon zucchini muffins are amazing and they do not have any egg…which if I remember correctly someone in your family can’t have egg. Seriously delicious and if they last long enough they freeze really well!


For Natalie: I am not a coffee drinker, but on race days I always drink an iced coffee right away in the morning. Makes me poop, then I don’t have to worry about it during the race. (Somebody maybe already said this, I didn’t read all the comments.) Also, try the running blog Shut Up and Run. She doesn’t post much any more, but has a lot of great articles from past years, and she loves to talk about poop issues!

For Janae and Andrew: I’ve been a nurse for 21 years, and worked shifts in acute care for my entire career UNTIL NOW. I am starting a new job this week in an Infectious Disease clinic — business hours for the first time in my career! And though I am really glad about no nights, no weekends, no holidays — I am also really quite nervous about having to get up every single day and go to work. I haven’t had to do that since high school! And I will really miss those days off. Jury’s still out on whether I will actually like it, and you are so totally right that nurse’s schedules are both “awesome and lame.”


I wish iI had an answer for Natalie as I have these issues too. I love pumpkin and could eat it all year, but I hold off until fall so it feels specspecial. I have been an ICU and Cardiac Cath Lab RN for over 20 years. Now I work in clinical informatics. I love being a nurse!!!! I grew up eating my Nona’s zucchini dish of thinly sliced and pantries zucchini layered in olive oil, vinegar garlic and sage. Let it marinate a day or so. Pure garlicky bliss on a piece of fresh sourdough bread.


We like to do diced zucchini, tomatoes (either diced from a can or fresh), and onions all sauteed up and then add in some macaroni with salt & pepper. It’s tasty!


I read this blog several years ago when I ran my first marathon and it made me laugh by the title, but there were some great suggestions. I’ll link the blog at the end of my comment. What I found works for me personally (running halfs or full marathons) is to limit fiber and dairy 2-3 days ahead of time. I also drink some coffee the night before and a little when I first wake up the morning of a race. This will hopefully help me go potty well before the race. I’m not a regular “potty” go-er if you know what I mean, so all the help is needed for me. Good luck! And I love pumpkin year round and all the zucchini!

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