10 Bullet Points + Brooke & Skye got a Passport (bc we are going somewhere FUN).

*It was just the two of us yesterday and Skye really wanted to show off how cool her tongue is to you:

*We had a pretty low-key day together.  We went to church with my sister and her family and hung out at home!

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*Grapes + cottage cheese are back in my life and if you haven’t tried it yet, you need to.

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*I laughed so hard when I saw this and thought about the bag of spinach that I buy at Costco each time…

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*I started feeling some back pain the other day.  It doesn’t happen when I am running and I realized it only happens when I am carrying Skye.  I always put her on my left hip.  I think I really put that hip out to carry her around and that is what is causing it.  Time to switch it up and carry her on my right hip (and let her walk a lot more too:).

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*Best post-run idea from Emilee.  She put a frozen one of these in her car to drink when we finished our long run.  She shared some with me and WOW… it was so refreshing after 16 miles.  Try it.

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*Why carry one blanket around when you could carry three?

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*Skye officially folds her arms for the entire prayer now.  Then when we say amen she starts clapping because she is so proud of herself.

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*We love this little free library that one of our neighbors has for everyone to use.

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*I keep the countdown to the marathon on my computer at all times now (picture below from yesterday:).  As of today we are 10 weeks and 5 days away!

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We have a trip planned for next month and I cannot wait.  We are going to Grand Cayman with the kids (if any of you have been there then please send me your tips of things to see and food to eat)!  Our good friends have a house there and they invited our family to go with their family.  We found cheap flights and Andrew was able to arrange his work schedule (and work a bunch of shifts leading up to the trip) so he could leave and boom… beach time here we come.  I’ll keep up with my running there but probably won’t get in a long run.  Sometimes you just have to remember that it’s better to show up to the starting line a little undercooked vs overcooked.

Knox already has a passport and we took the girls the other day to get their passports for the trip too.  Brooke looks angry (they told her no smiling) and Skye was a bit offended that they made her take out her top knot for the picture.

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The key was having Brooke go first because once Skye see’s Brooke do something, then she will try to mimic her as much as she possibly can.

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The flight there is going to be very entertaining with Skye but it will all be worth it to play on the beach all day, right?  Oh and here’s to hoping that Skye will start liking the sand on this trip!


The most viewed posts from last week were:

*Sentence Per Picture, Learned My Lesson and Run Proud

*Does Anybody Else Do This?  My Next Race!

*This Will Make You Run Faster & What is Your Score?


Has anyone reading been to Grand Cayman?  Give me all of the details please:)

Anyone reading with kids that hate (or used to hate) the sand… When did they stop hating the sand?

Those of you with little ones do you naturally carry them on your left or right side?

Cottage cheese—> delicious or terrible?  What do you add to it?

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GC is beautiful! Casanova is a great Italian restaurant…Easts is a great diner. Tucca is cool restaurant where you can feed frigate birds (watch out for their? though). Make sure to make reservations at restaurants though!


JUST WHAT WE NEEDED… thanks so much and we will definitely get those reservations (and watch out at Tucca haha). I hope you have a really great Monday!


I love the Cayman Islands! My family has visited there several times. We loved visiting the Turtle Farm, Sting Ray city, and Starfish beach. Enjoy!!


Oh we cannot wait for all of those places! Thank you so much Hillary and I hope you have a really great week!


I agree with sting ray city!! I remember going as a kid and am so excited to take mine. Enjoy vacation and the airplane ride (bring tons of snacks and distractions-post its and stickers)


We stopped in Grand Cayman this past winter on a cruise. We went to the Turtle Farm and it was AMAZING. They have tons of sea turtles, an aviary, some other animals, an area to snorkel and a really neat pool with a waterslide!


That sounds absolutely amazing. We cannot wait! Thanks so much Laura, this will be perfect for our family and I hope you have a really great day!


Brooke s passport expression is priceless!!!! ? have you shopped the Nordstrom sale yet this year??


Hahaha I love it so much! I haven’t yet…. have you found some great stuff this year!? I’ve been too lazy to go through it all ha. Send me what you love! Have a great day Sarah!


I’ve been to Grand Cayman 5 or 6 times and I LOVE it there!!!! Crocodile Rock Key lime pie was delicious!


I will be getting that key lime pie… thanks Terri and I hope you have a great day!


Oh what a fun trip that will be!!! Brooke’s passport picture is a keeper! ;-)

I love cottage cheese! I add it to overnight oats. Or I add pb2. My 5 year old and I fight over cottage cheese…no one else likes it in our family. My 5 year old asked her 4 year old brother “Jonathan why don’t you like cottage cheese?” He replied “because that is the way God made me” haha.


BAHAHAHA best response ever! Your 4 year old is hilarious, thanks for sharing that with me! Hope you have a great day and thank you:)


Grand Cayman is beautiful! We stopped there on a cruise and it was a terrific port, one of my favorites! The beaches are beautiful and the people are so friendly. You will have an amazing time. I can’t give you great places to eat because we were on a cruise and already eating too much :-) but anywhere along Seven Mile Beach is heavenly. Have a great trip!


Oh this is so great to hear. Thank you so much and I can’t wait for that seven mile beach! Thanks Louisa and I hope you have a wonderful day!


I carry my daughter on my left and I have been having intense hip pain. Feels like a bad bruise. It eases up and intensifies sometimes- seemingly independent of my running- and I’ve been thinking it’s carrying her on the left, too! But it’s uncomfortable for me to carry her on the right :/. She’ll be two in October so she’s at that age where I still carry her a bunch and she does next to nothing to hold on haha! I honestly can’t believe she’s never fallen- she has zero fear and will just lunge toward something while we find her.

I cannot stomach the idea of cottage cheese on its own. But I use it in lasagna, throw it in the food processor with an avocado for dips or frozen fruit. I’m the person creeped out by the chunks.


I am so sorry Jenny and I feel your pain! Skye is right there with her on the zero fear thing! I hope that the hip pain feels better asap and let’s try switching it up together (even though it feels so awkward for me too). CC in lasagna is the best! Hahah Andrew is very creeped out by it too, you are not alone on that one. I hope your day is a great one!


I’ve only been to GC on a cruise but it was definitely magical!

My chiropractor always mentioned that the are between my shoulders blades was always off (my hips too) but we determined it was from holding/nursing babies.

I love cottage cheese. I use it instead of ricotta in my lasagna recipe and lately I’ve been loving it on my salad along with strawberries, blueberries, and chicken.


SOOOO interesting… I hope you were able to get it fixed. I drooled reading about CC on your salad. I hope you have a wonderful day and I can’t wait to go to Grand Cayman!


I went to Grand Cayman once and it was awesome! Great running route to the golf course, around the very quiet neighborhood, and back (not sure where your friend’s house is but if you google where the Ritz is, that is where I stayed, from the Ritz to the golf course, around the neighborhood, was 5 miles. You could do a couple laps in there. I even saw a running group meeting up and doing a workout!) . Please go to Island Naturals Cafe! I never recommend things UNLESS I’ve had the best experience. I ate all meals from there. They are very nice also.



Oh I hope I can use that same running route… I’ve been a little nervous about that! I will absolutely try the Naturals Cafe! Thanks so much Amanda, I can’t wait:)


Your upcoming trip sounds so nice! My husband and I took our two-year old twin boys to Europe earlier this summer and oh my word… the flights were interesting. Because of the number of air masks per row, they won’t let people with twins (riding as lap infants) sit together. It was pretty wild. And changing kids on an airplane is, as I’m sure you know, also quite interesting. But we all just close our eyes as parents and do it and hope for the best! I’ll cross my fingers for you :)


Two year old twin boys to Europe… you two are BRAVE! Thanks for crossing your fingers and you will have to let me know what things you brought for them on the flight. Have a great day Betsy!


My family went to Grand Cayman, and it is beautiful. You will love it. There used to be sidewalks along the entire street covering seven mile beach. Here were some of our favorite things to do in addition to the beautiful beach:
1. Rent a jeep for a day and drive the island. You can go to the turtle farm, Hell (which is this dark coral formation) with a post office and little gift shop, the beaches on the other side of the island, etc.
2. Stingray encounter on a day when there aren’t many cruise ships. They have removed the stingers, and you can feed them.
3. Go to the Lone Star Bar & Grill. Since we are from Texas, got to give a shout out to the Texans that own it. It has great casual food.
4. Walk around the downtown area and look at all the shops. There was a really great ice cream shop there and some island shops in addition to all the jewelry for the cruise shoppers.

Have an amazing time!!

PS — What size do you wear in Roolee tops? I am 5’9 and probably around the same weight as you, but there measurements for dresses made me nervous. For a size small dress I was considering, a 26 inch waist?? Don’t think I have had that since way before kids, but maybe it stretches out??


LOVE THESE IDEAS!! Thank you so so much… we can’t wait! Oh yeah, that measurement seems way off for me and I always wear small in everything from Roolee! I would stick to the small for you! I hope you love what you get… that store is my favorite. Enjoy your day Whitney!


Those passport expressions are too much! I love it. I’m pretty sure I look like Brooke in my work badge because they told us not to smile.

I stopped at Grand Cayman on a cruise, it’s beautiful. Definitely just walk around through the island if you can, the buildings are so adorable. And go to the Turtle Farm!!!!! It was so much fun, you see turtles at all different stages and get to hold them (and kiss them) and swim with them – they have their own man made pond to prepare the turtles to return to the ocean so it’s great for beginning snorklers. Sting Ray city was fun too, it’s a boat ride out to a sandbar where they feed the rays so there are tons around and they will come right up to you. I was a little terrified (going into non-chlorinated water scares me), but I was so glad I got in the water with them.


Bahahaha it was so weird for her to not smile after smiling for almost 7 years every time there is a camera out;) . SO good to hear your experience… the turtle farm and sting ray city is going to be the highlight for our kids for sure! Sounds like you had the best time. I hope your Monday has been great so far Tara!


Hi, Janae,
My family will be visiting the Cayman Islands in March 2020 during Spring Break. We already have lodging reserved but have not booked flights yet. Do you mind me asking what airline you guys chose? Thanks – hope you have a great time!


Hey Abbie! I am so excited that you guys will be going next March wahoo! We are flying Jet Blue there and Southwest and American back! We can’t wait:) . Hope you have a wonderful day!


My youngest hated sand. But the key to getting over it is to expose her to it often. Get some play sand and start playing in it, have her walk in it, get her messy in it, etc. Exposure in small increments will desensitize her. But the heat of the sand can be tough too so some water shoes might help with that factor. Start having playtime with sand a few times a day! If she is highly resistant, offer up some rewards in the beginning for touching or walking in it.


SUCH A GOOD IDEA Carrie. Totally going to do this and get some water shoes. Thanks so much for your help.. this will make a big difference for a trip. Have a wonderful day Carrie.


Grand Caymen is beautiful! I’ve only been there on a cruise stop though, so I don’t have many suggestions. As for sand, my little one doesn’t have any issues, but my guess is that it’s a sensory thing? Maybe have her try playing with sand on a table (like a water table) and see if that helps?
I love their pictures! We just got a passport for my 13 month old and her picture is so stoic, it’s funny!
I switch sides a lot mostly because my arms get so tired haha I default to my left hip so I can do things with my right hand though, but my left arm is weaker than my right so it gets tired quickly!
Cottage Cheese – yuck… I’m not a fan of any cheese, but the texture really weirds me out with cottage cheese!


That is such a good idea Kathy! I’ll pick some up today and maybe just having her play with it more will help going into it:) I need to see your little one’s passport picture haha. Andrew fully agrees with your cottage cheese dislike. Have a wonderful day and thanks for the help!


What a fun trip! I have never been!
No tips for babies hating sand, my son is top speed at the beach. Ha I almost wish he had a water or sand aversion, maybe it would slow him down!
I always carry him on my right side. Carrying him on my left side feels so awkward for some reason. But my back is starting to give me trouble on one side and I think carrying him has something to do with it!
Cottage cheese = delicious. I add a banana usually, or PB+J :)

Enjoy your day!!


Haha we need to find a happy medium with our kids at the beach. It really does feel so awkward to switch it up. I need to try pb + j to my CC! Thanks, you too!


Cottage cheese is one of my favorites! I put sliced peaches in it and it is heavenly. I was so sad last week when I opened a new container of cottage cheese and there was mold in it! Ick! Sometimes I also put it on an egg sandwich . . . delicious and extra protein!


That is what my mom puts on hers and I need to try it on an egg sandwich. Hopefully you were able to take that CC back this time. Have a really great day Kristin!


Grand Cayman! That’s so amazingly exciting! And yes, the time spent on the beach will definitely make the flight worth it! Ha!
When my boys were little they hated sand, grass and cold water. I think by the time they were 2 they were over it and I couldn’t get them out of the water or off the sand! We go to the beach A LOT in the summer so they didn’t really have a choice! I kid. Sort of.
I still carry my 5 year old around sometimes (I would be surprised if he weighed 40 lbs yet!) and it’s mostly on my left. I have a strange fear that my left arm will bulk up from doing that so I try to alternate or carry him in front. I don’t carry him for long amounts of time, usually just enough to comfort him, help ease his tired legs (they’re always tired!) or when we’re out and about and he’s fallen asleep in the car on the way to somewhere.
I like cottage cheese and buy it randomly but then I usually forget to eat it! Fruit cocktail is my favorite fruit to add to it though.
Have a great day!


Friendly tip! Not sure if mentioned already but I recommend taking the passport photo at home and then upload to passport photo printing service (e.g. Walmart). Earlier this year, we did this for our toddler (a few weeks younger than Skye) and had fun capturing his personality for his passport.


I went to the Grand Cayman on a family vacation when I was in middle school! The water was so clear and beautiful! We swam with sting rays and snorkeled a ton, it was one of my most favorite vacations I remember as a kid. I am SO excited for you guys, you will have a fantastic time!!

My daughter hated sand and grass until she was about 18 months old. My son (currently 10 months) loves the sand which is good because we just got back from a beach vacation! I hope Skye comes around on the love of sand for you!

I carry my kids on my right hip and I basically can’t carry them on the other side. It feels so weird to switch it up, it feels like I’m doing it wrong, haha! I hope your switching goes better than when I’ve tried :-)


starfish beach and sting ray city are awesome.
We stayed in the 7 mile beach area, people were so friendly there.
I was able to find a few short running routes I would run from our condo downtown to where the cruise ships are.
have a great time


So I read Grand Cayman as Grand CANYON and was quite confused about the needs for passports/all the beach talk… #Monday.

I always carry my 2 y/o on my right hip! And kind of like talking on the phone with the other ear- it just feels weird to switch. I should probably make her walk more, too!


What an exciting & exotic-sounding trip! Beach vacations are tops in my book.
My kids were usually OK with the sand, but we swear by a trick for getting it off of sticky little legs and feet —> BABY POWDER! We always stick a bottle of baby powder in the beach bag, then just sprinkle it over the sand and it dusts off the sand with a couple of quick wipes of the hand or towel. Magic.

I was always a left hip carrier so I could have my right hand free to do other things.

Cottage cheese is pretty good. I like it with lemon pepper seasoning.


Because of you, I tried the grapes and cottage cheese and LOVE it!! I’ll go through stages where I’ll eat a lot of cottage cheese and then I need a break. Recently, I started eating fresh peaches in it ~ YUM!


we just went there last winter with my then 6 and 8 yo. The water and beaches are amazing!! Starfish Beach and 7 mile beach. Park at Presidents beach. Free parking and beach. If you go early its empty minus a few walkers until around 11AM. Water is so calm, clear and warm! Find out what day the cruise ship ports and save the touristy stuff for when the ships arent there.


Hi Janae!

Omg these passport photos are priceless- I was thinking of one of my cousins who gets his kids to smile by saying “don’t you dare smile!” in a joking voice… that would totally backfire here haha!

I’ve been to Grand Cayman twice and it is my most favorite place on earth! We stayed at the Marriott on Seven Mile Beach. It’s super safe to run there (and pancake flat), which is so cool- and there isn’t a bad place to eat! The turtle farm is super cool for kids and we loved the sunset catamaran cruise and sting ray city as well!

Camana Bay has a bunch of really nice (family friendly) restaurants and there’s always cool stuff going on there! I highly recommend Cimboco for breakfast and Waterfront urban diner’s giant cinnamon bun French toast… much wow.

Also the restaurant on the beach next to the Marriott has the world’s best tacos ever…. I can’t remember the name of it but omg wow!!!

We’re going back in February and I can’t wait!! Hope you guys have a blast!!



I feel you about the hip pain! But it’s so hard not to carry and love on these sweet babies all day long =)

I will be excited to hear how your trip goes with the kiddos. We are taking our 1 and 3 year old(s) to Germany in September (Berlin Marathon) and I am looking for all the tips for the flight.

Great work on all the training you really are a BA (in the best way)


So exciting!!! I’ve never been to the caymans but it sounds so awesome. Hope you have the best time.
Both my boys hated sand. My almost five year old loves it now but doesn’t like water (I need to get him into swim lessons ASAP) and my almost 3 year old is just beginning to like sand now. He still wears his gumboots at the beach but at least he’ll put his hands in it now and not freak out. It’s a struggle!! Hopefully she’ll see Brooke loving it and start to enjoy it maybe??

Also, how is she looking so old all of a sudde ? That picture of her standing by the rock wall ready for church, she no longer looks like a baby at all! She’s super cute.

I always carry kiddos on the right hip (I’m left handed) and have caused terrible back pain from it and hip flexor problems so I’m working on that. If you have any hip strengthening exercises I’d love to hear them!

Huge cottage cheese fan here. My favourite is on toast with avocado or tomato or marmite (NZ thing). Have also tried with grapes which is also delicious. Glad to hear you’re not having the allergic reaction to grapes anymore!!


you are going to LOVE grand cayman!! I’m sure you’ll go to 7 mile beach… please just enjoy the perfect water and white sand for us all!! that and sting ray city if you want to snorkle, really cool.
also running st george for my first marathon and your countdown made my stomach drop!! it’s coming!!!


Grand Cayman is my favorite place to visit!! I highly recommend the Turtle Farm, especially with your small children, they will love it. They have turtles of all sizes, and they will be able to hold and interact with them!
I also recommend Smith Cove as a great beach and snorkeling spot. It will not be as crowded as 7 mile beach and it is absolutely gorgeous.
If you love photography, especially underwater shots, check out Cathy Church’s studio at Sunset House. Her work is amazing!
Stingray City Sandbar is also an incredible experience.
Make sure you eat some Conch Fritters while you are on the island too!
Have a great vacation!!


Cottage cheese has always been terrible to me because of the texture. I just can’t do it! But recently I started adding a spoonful or 2 of cottage cheese while making scrambled eggs. It is a game changer and makes the eggs so delicious!


Hey! We have a time share in Grand Cayman and we love it there! I would definitely go to The Warf for dinner and sit outside! It is right on the water and kid friendly and the food is amazing too. If you love chicken then go to “Chicken Chicken” very relaxed! And the funny part is that there are chickens running all around outside! lol
We love swimming with the stingrays and starfish island too! I hope you have an amazing time!!!


Ahhhhhhh! So exciting! We almost booked it this past feb…..but ended up in st. Lucia instead. I heard it is amazing!
How does Skye seem so old already!?!?!

I used to eat cottage cheese with any kind of fruit…and then had it once on a pasta salad with roasted veggies and it blew.my.mind. It’s also great with tomatoes (and lots of black pepper).


Seven and a half years ago we went on our honeymoon there!! Such an incredible place. 7 mile beach is where it’s all at! Such a great family place and beautiful beaches! The people are so friendly. I ran everyday at the hotel! We enjoyed all local good every day! We took a trip out to sting ray city, swam with dolphins, enjoyed 7 mile beach, the Cayman turtle center is really fun and great for kids, there is a massive car museum that’s so cool, and go to governors beach if you can!!
Enjoy!! I’m so excited for you and the family!!!!


I naturally carry on my left so I have my right hand available. I have found the Instagram account Expecting and Empowered very helpful with their postpartum tips! It’s a physical therapists that gives all sorts of tips on carrying, bath time, vacuuming, pelvic floor, etc! Super helpful!


How do you make that cool countdown on your computer?

Grand Cayman vacation sounds amazing!

Cottage cheese is the worst food ever! Sorry I just can’t. More for you!


You must go to Sting Ray City- where you get in the water and feed the Sting Ray. So so fun.


omg those passport pictures are so funny – what great timing for skye to be covered in face scratches hahaha! she’s gunna have that for 10 years!?

sounds like a great trip coming up that will be so fun!


We went to Grand Cayman with our 4 and 2 year old in February and had a great time. We loved a restaurant called Morgan’s a little out from the 7 mile beach area. Kid friendly but also good seafood for adults. I did almost all of my running along 7 Mile Beach — it’s busy/crowded in some places but sidewalks most of the way and even early in the morning I always saw other runners out.


Cottage Cheese? Yes please !! Any fruit goes with it. Or crackers ! I love the free library. What a fantastic idea. We have a whole subdivision with kids…this is a great idea. Thanks for sharing !
Grand Cayman. Ugh, I’m jealous and will be eagerly awaiting your post with pics and details. Years ago, we had a trip planned to go there. One of my must see places. And a hurricane hit only weeks before. So the trip was cancelled and we’ve not had the right opportunity to replan it. So I will live through your trip ! Those passport pics are too cute. I know they tell them not to smile, but a scowl just looks wrong on Brooke because she always has the best smile ! And Skye’s little scraped nose, ha.


I have a 21mo who always wants to be held, and have recently found this solution. When she comes to me wanting to be picked up, I ask her if she wants a hug, and take the time to get down to her level and give her a really good long hug. Then I say, “I can’t pick you up right now, but tell me when you need a hug”. She wants connection and attention, and this will (sometimes) satisfy her. If not, I pull out the step-stool and let her stand at the counter with a snack (usually fruit).

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