Friday Favorites & I’m here!

I made it to Indianapolis but let’s first rewind and start at the beginning of the day.

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Utah went back to February weather.  I almost wore a coat for my run but I decided I wasn’t going to completely surrender to the temperature mix up happening.

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Three miles by myself yesterday, 30 minute shake-out run today and 13.1 miles tomorrow.

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We had some waffles for breakfast which clearly put Skye in a good mood.

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And then we got a bunch of things done around the house before leaving.

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Every time I go to our airport I pick up Cafe Rio because it just feels right.

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Andrew and the kids went to Texas Roadhouse with his parents for dinner. It turns out Skye is a huge fan of honey butter.

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I ended up talking to the girl next to me on the plane the entire way which made the flight go by so quickly!

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Lindsey had some good stuff for us when we arrived (that popcorn was so so good).

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And then I got to say goodnight to the kids once they got home from my in-laws..

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Time for a few of my favorite things!!

*The Stillpoint Meditation app!  I found a meditation app that I am really loving.  This one is specifically for moms and covers everything from mindful motherhood, to new baby help to learning to love your kids for who they are.  I naturally tend to try to get as much done as possible each day but taking a few minutes to slow down is feeling so so so good.


*This song.  Add it to your running/life playlist now.

*Rabbit shorts… they are some of my favorites.  Not the best photo of them but if you are wanting to try out a different pair of shorts this summer I have a few of these and really love them.

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*This light up frisbee!  The kids love it and it’s so fun for summer nights.

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*Love me some Brené Brown and this on Netflix is just the best.

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*Somebody posted about the Diet Coke Freeze at Chick-fil-a so I tried one.  It was magical.

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*Andrew bought this swing for the kids and they love it but I find him on it more than the kids:).

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I love hearing about the amazing things that you are doing!  Send them to [email protected] !


Megan!!!  “I ran the Pikes Peek 10k for the 6th year today here in Maryland.  It was rainy and cold but I ran it in 44 minutes and was the ninth female finisher in my age group and came in 205th out of around 2500 people!”



Have any Friday Favorites?  I would love to hear them!

Where do I go for donuts here?!?!

Looking forward to anything this weekend?

Last song you added to your running playlist?

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I’m from Indiana, south of Indianapolis, but have many friend running and walking the mini this weekend! It’s so exciting to see you and see familiar surroundings! Good luck tomorrow and enjoy your time!


Thank you Monica, have an amazing day!!!!


Jack’s Donuts. There are a ton of locations, but if you’re downtown there’s one off Monument Circle near the Capital Building. South Bend Chocolate Company is in the Circle too. They have yummy treats.


Thank you that sounds amazing!!! I’m always looking for good donuts!!!!!


I’ll be there at the expo tonight as an Indy Mini ambassador! Can’t wait to see you! Also Jack’s dounts is wonderful.


YES!!! So excited to meet you Molly!! Looking forward to it!!!


Texas Roadhouse rolls are actually the best thing I’ve ever consumed. Out of this world.

Thing I’m looking forward to the most thing weekend – SUNSHINE! It’s been raining all week here in Chicago and really depressing. Excited for some dry/cheerful weather :)

Good luck this weekend!!


Hopefully the wintry temps will blow away before you get back home again!
Knox’s expression in the frisbee picture is priceless!!
Friday Favorite: I finally got to the new Trader Joe’s near me! So many fun things, and I’m excited to make it part of my regular shopping routine. AND there’s a Cafe Rio in the same shopping center! That might be something to look forward to this weekend–my first Cafe Rio salad :)
My daughter made me a “Mama’s Running Playlist” on Spotify. I was excited to hear the Bastille cover of Green Day’s “Basket Case.”
Have a wonderful time in Indy!


I feel like winter keeps trying to come back!! Yes!! for the new Trader Joes and even better with a Cafe Rio!! Have an amazing day Corey!!


I grew up in Indiana and ran the Indy Mini twice – it was actually my first half marathon ever. Enjoy the flatness, but good luck if it is a humid day! :)

I grew up in western Indiana and always had Square Donuts. Nothing fancy – just plain, glazed square shaped donuts but they were always so good.


No way!! Yes, I am not used to the humidity, hopefully its not too bad!! Square donuts, you don’t see that too often!! Have a fantastic day Janelle.


You want Long’s or Dancing Donut! I love the “Nutella the hun” from Dancing Donut. Jack’s is great if it is what is accessible too! I won’t be able to make it to the race or any events but I will be watching the TV coverage! I have been reading this blog since around the time of your stress fractures and I can’t wait to see your recap of running on my turf!


Kali you know my love for donuts!!! Thank you for the recommendations!! Have an amazing day!!


Have fun in Indy! I’m cheering for you! I’m running a 5k tomorrow, so I’m just putting together a quick playlist. Will add K. Clarkson now, beautiful song!!! Lemme know if you have any other random thoughts of great 5k ones!

Chick Fil A drink looks amaze. First the ice cream sprinkles, now this. You know all the secrets!

Rabbit shorts are my favorite as well. I have them in so many pairs. The pockets are super handy!


Good luck tomorrow on the 5K, you are going to do amazing!! Rabbit shorts are amazing, I do love the pockets! I have been listening to all types of music lately!! I have listened to Linkin Park that is more intense and high tempo, that is what comes to mind right now!


OMG! What is the Diet Coke Freeze?! I love Diet Coke, especially from Chick-fil-a! I’ve cut it from my diet but indulge from time to time. I love the frosted coffee from Chick-fil-a so if it’s anything like that I must try it!


It is like a root beer float, but with their amazing ice cream and Diet Coke, you have to try it out and let me know what you think!!! Have an amazing day Lauren.


Have so much fun this weekend!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!! ?


Kelly Clarkson’s daughter is so adorable in that video! :)


My sister and I are doing a sister’s weekend in Chicago. You aren’t flying out of there are you??


Chicago sounds fun!!! No, I flew straight to Indianapolis and don’t have a layover in Chicago, how amazing would it be if I did!! Have fun on your sister’s weekend!


What is a Diet Coke freeze? And what is a freeze? I thought you meant slurped but that is an odd slurpee color. Yeah I’m overthinking this lol

Good luck this weekend! ???

My Friday fav is my weighted blanket! How did I sleep before this gem? Also how do you sleep WITHOUT yours when you travel? I’m considering bringing mine or buying a travel weighted blanket hahah!


The Diet Cooke freeze will change your life!!! Go try it!! Its vanilla goodness with Diet Coke… you will just have to try it! Right? The weighted blanket is so amazing. Sadly I don’t travel with it, but I need to figure out how to!! I’ll have to find a travel size for me! Let me know what you find!!


Go to Long’s for donuts! They’re an Indy classic ☺️


How do the Rabbit shorts fit?? I have wanted to try them for SO long but I’ll be honest- the models on their site all seem SO thin (even more so than other running companies!) and I’m not quite that small so in my head, they will be tiny!


Yay! So excited for you to be in my state and running the Indy Mini! I wish I was running it, but I am nursing an injured foot right now. I’m sure Lindsey can hook you up with some great donuts, but Jack’s is pretty good. Good luck tomorrow and have all the fun!


Welcome to Indy! I’ve lived on the Northside of Indy my whole life, and the mini marathon was my first half back in 2007. I will be running tomorrow too!

I loved that Brene Brown special on Netflix.

For donuts, Long’s is an Indy legend. I personally love Jack’s donuts.


Skye eats Texas Roadhouse rolls like I do! Dip those rolls right in the butter. You got it going on kiddo!


Hope you have great time in Indiana. I’ve run the mini 20 times and ran the 5K this morning. I live just outside of Indy in Shelbyville.

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