My sore throat is gone and my cough is almost gone but the energy levels are still pretty low.  I tried to rest as much as possible yesterday so I’m just taking it a day at a time!  If I am good to go on Saturday I’ll just have to make sure not to go out too fast because my legs are going to be ready to fire after so much time off.

I took a full week off of running before my first marathon which ended up working out really well (I finished in 3:20 when I was just hoping to finish alive) so I’m sure the same thing will happen for this race too.

Brooke’s happiness= flip sequins shirts.  Beretta’s happiness= belly scratches.   I felt very grateful to be able to take Brooke to school yesterday… being sick makes you really appreciate the little things that we get to do when we are feeling well.

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We got in some playing time too… she loves to play crawling tag.

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Andrew took over on all laundry/cleaning/everything.  I have definitely been taking full sick days over here as far as the house/kids go.

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I spent time going over the runs that I have done to get to this 50 miler.  Doing this always builds my confidence for a race and looking back… some of these runs were nuts (especially in the weather that we did them in).

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Andrew took them out on errands…

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And his bike is officially ready for all of the mountain biking.

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And then my good friend Kelsey sent us Crust Club Chicken Pot Pie and it was good for our souls.

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Everything is officially packed and ready to go.  I have a nice container to give Andrew and Toby for them to bring to me each time I see them along the way to restock!

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What I’m packing:

*Caldera 3

*My Ricochet (not trail shoes but they are a completely different type of shoe than my Caldera’s and the last 30ish miles of this race are pretty flat.  If my feet are hurting in trail shoes than I can switch to shoes that have made my feet/body very happy for the last year or so).

*Compression socks (that I plan on wearing the entire time) and socks to change into just in case of blisters/rain/etc.

*huma gels (more are already in my pack), Honey Stinger waffles and chews, fig bars (from Costco), candy and salt and vinegar chips.  I’m planning on grabbing fuel at the aid stations too.

*My lip gloss!!

*Powerade and extra bottles so that Andrew and Toby can just have them ready for me to switch out in my pack.  This race also doesn’t provide any electrolyte drinks and I’ve been practicing with Powerade so I’m going to use it on race day too.

*Dove Deodorant (my favorite anti chafing goodness).

*nanohydr8 (code HRG20 gets you 20% off)… it’s my absolute favorite caffeine source for running.

*Gum because I hear mint tastes really good at the end.

*Sunblock (spray and lotion)


*UCAN.  I will be using this as part of my fuel before the race.

*Chamois Butt’r for heavy duty chafing/blistering… along with bandaids and moleskin.

*Handwarmers and gloves.

*Headlamp with fresh batteries.

*Buff for my face along with a headband to go over my ears.

*Hat and sunglasses.

*My pack

*Brooks rain jacket and tights (not pictured)… there is a chance it might rain.

*My lucky shorts and sports bra that I wore for the St. George Marathon (both not still sold otherwise I would link to them).

*This tank

*This long sleeve (I had one just like it but a little hole started forming so they returned it for this one for free!)

*My Garmin and charger


*A really good attitude;)

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Did I forget to pack anything?  Let me know if I did!!!

How early do you usually start packing and organizing for a race?  

Would you say you are a procrastinator or no way?

What is your least favorite errand to go do?

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Glad that you’re starting to feel better, and you definitely look ready to go!! I’m more of a procrastinator (I think I work better under pressure??), and I’ve never known what I’m going to wear for a race until that morning when I’m getting dressed. Ha!

Good call on the Swedish Fish and gummy bears. I think those are going to give you the extra zest you need! Have a wonderful day, and keep getting plenty of rest, Janae!


I totally agree… some candy towards the end is going to be just what I need! Have a wonderful day Natalie and it’s almost time!


A phone charger/ extra battery thing to charge your phone… not sure that you would need that?


Most trail races I’ve encountered have no bathroom facilities…are you going to be carrying wipes/toilet paper?? Good luck! :)


I didn’t even think of that… thank you! There is one bathroom at mile 33 but I definitely need to bring some more.. thank YOU! Have a great day.


TMI alert – And a spare empty zip-loc bag to put the wipes in after, so you don’t leave them out on the trail!


YES to a variety of tissue/wipes.

I would also recommend a portable camping chair for when you come in for aid. Helpful for all aid stations, but especially if you need to do work on your feet.

I think you already considered some type of salt tab, but I would recommend some! Probably the aid stations will have them, but they can be essential — they’re also pretty gentle (depending on the type). I think I tried them for the first time during a race and they really helped.

Have so much fun!


Good luck Janae, you’ll do great :) I don’t see your lip gloss packed ?


Oh I totally forgot to add it to my list on here, thank you! It’s safely on top of my hand warmers but really… I should be bringing a few right?!?


So excited for you–GOOD LUCK!! I can’t wait to see what you do! I think you have such a good mental attitude going into it; that’ll make a huge difference on the course. You know your body is ready, but your mind definitely is, too. Yaaaaaay!

I do not like grocery shopping!! I get overwhelmed, so I always make a list so I’m prepared. Because you have to grocery shop fairly regularly. Like every week. :-)


Thank you so much… I’m excited Kristin. I am right there with you. Grocery shopping is my least favorite errand (unless it’s costco) and that’s why I do it online ha. Have a wonderful day!


I’m so excited for you to run this race!!! I can’t wait to hear about how you did! I love following you during your training! So inspiring!


Thank you so much Catie!!! It’s almost time ahh! I hope you have a great day!


YOU ARE GOING TO DO AMAZING JANAE!!!!! You have a cheerleader in Minnesota!! Praying for you and sending health and peace as you near the big day!!!!


Thank you so much Emily… you are the best! Keep me updated with the big things going on in your world too!


Extra hair ties!!! And You are so prepared for this!

Also – Have you thought about getting a B12 shot? I got one 6 months ago when I just couldn’t kick a cold/tiredness and it really really helped. It wore of in about a week but I for sure felt a good burst of energy.


I never thought about the air ties or the b12 shot… do I just get that from my normal doctor???


Possibly? I got mine from a “health / wellness clinic” Like they did weight loss assistance, cleanses etc. I wonder if your local running/gear store could have some recommendations on who would do B12 shots?


You are the best! Thank you for your help!




Keep resting and hydrating! Do you have pins or other number attachment supplies?
I get tired of grocery shopping. My meal planning isn’t the best, so it stresses me out without having ideas nor a plan! Have a thrilling Thursday!


I do not have those things… adding them today! Thank you! I hear ya on grocery shopping. Thank you so much Jenny and I hope you have a great day.


Wow, so many supplies! I’m so excited to see you crush this!!’ I’ve been thinking about buying the Chamois Butt’r because I’m getting some serious chafing thanks to spin. Would you say it’s a step up from Body Glide or pretty similar?


Hey!! Thank you so much! First try the dove deodorant (it’s gold) and then try the butt’r. I’m not really a fan of body glide to be honest… good luck and keep enjoying spin!


woooohoooo!!! I love seeing what you’ve packed! but, where’s the chocolate? ;)

During our bazillion hill 56km I whipped out two mini snicker bars for my brother and I and it was the most delicious snicker bar I ever ate. I swear towards the end of these long ones anything fruit flavor sounds terrible. I also vouch for the mint. I carry Brach’s starlight mints with me.

It will be fun to “go shopping” at the aid stations. It’s so fun to see the offerings. Pack an extra baggie or two in case there are things you want to take with you (salted potatoes, cut bananas, sandwich, pancakes) but not put directly in a pocket. The baggy will keep thing relatively dry and prevent oozing inside the vest.

hair ties stashed in pockets or wrapped around a bar, maybe a few pins, and handi wipes.


Okay, that is brilliant about the extra baggies for snacks at the aid station.. I never would have thought of that. Thank you for the hair pins, wipes, hair ties tip too. And you are right.. usually the fruity doesn’t sound as good as something chocolate/hearty so grabbing a snickers too! Huge congrats on your hilly 56k! I love that you did it with your brother.


I’m so excited for you!! Just a couple more days!!
So glad to hear you’re feeling better. Keep resting, and you will be good to go on Saturday! ?


Thank you so much Wendy!!! You are the best!!!


Your good luck charm, whatever that is for you……..I can do hard things bracelet, mom necklace, this race’s manta written on a slip of paper………

Cheering for you!!!!!


I completely forgot this. Thank you Erica!!!!


You are so ready! Peppermints, peppermint tums, chewable pepto are all items I keep stashed in my pack…. and favorite quote. “Make friends with pain, and you’ll never be alone,” Ken Chlouber, creator of the Leadville Trail 100. Good luck and embrace the suck!! Oh, and remember to SMILE!!! It really helps!!


This might be the stupidest question ever but I’ve never used tums/pepto during a run… is that for an upset stomach? I needed that quote, thank you! Almost time to smile really big!


Yes! The peppermint Tums really help if the stomach is going south… the peppermint is soothing. Pepto if things go really south :(.

Have you read ROAR by Dr. Stacy Sims??? If you haven’t, get it. Also, she has been a guest on almost all the endurance podcasts so find some and listen. That is how I found out about using peppermint Tums. Now I always have them in my pack :).

So go out and smile, embrace the suck and YAY for new distance PR’s!!


THANK YOU SO SO MUCH… Picking them up today! Cannot wait for this. Thanks for the help Rebecca!


Janae!! I cannot wait to see you crush it this weekend! I will be cheering you on from Mississippi :) I’m a mom to 4 boys who is training for my first 50 mile race this July. i’m also following Krissy Mohel’s book, so I’ve loved following along on your journey! GOOD LUCK!


Emily… ahhh I am so so excited for your 50 miler! You must be busy with those four boys. Please keep me updated with how you are doing! Thank you!


I got sick the weekend before my marathon and was out almost the entire week. But there’s something about sleep that actually heals us! I literally stayed in bed 3 days and my husband took care of kids/house anything else. Was crazy I ran a PR! We do appreciate all the little things too once we feel better.

I coach track and have a meet this weekend! Hoping no rain!!!


Oh your story gives me so much help! Thank you and huge congrats! I hope that you guys have an awesome track meet with zero rain! Thanks Christina.


Hey Janae! You’re going to crush it this weekend. Do not stress. You can do this. You have rested and will be strong on race day. Make sure you are hydrated with getting over sickness. One thing I drink is pedialyte…I know its for kids but its packed with nutrients and electrolytes to get you feeling strong again.

Good luck!! I can’t wait to see how it goes.


That is such a good idea with the pedialyte! Thank you so much Eleanor. Have a fabulous Thursday!


I second pedialyte! We keep the pouches on hand, I drink one when I am super dehydrated…. and at the end of pretty much every long run and marathon – really, really helps!


Good to know!! Picking up one today!


My 5 year old daughter was peering over my shoulder when I was reading and when we came to the picture of your gear laid out she asked “what’s that a picture of?” And immediately answered herself “Girl Scout stuff?!” So I think even a 5 year is saying you look totally prepared! :) You do and are!! Good luck!! Super excited you’re at this point!!


YESSSS… I really am prepared. Thanks for telling me this Laura and I hope you have a wonderful day!


You got this! I don’t have any more ideas, but I saw a good quote the other day…..”Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” (Haruki Murakami). I think I’m going to hang on to that one for my next marathon (in October). I always like to borrow your quote too – “I can do hard things”!


Okay, that is just the quote I needed! Thank you so so much Cathy! I hope you have a beautiful day!


It has been fun following your training for this Ultra – almost makes me want to run one now. You’ve trained hard – now just have fun. I am anxious to hear all about it! BE SAFE!


Oh thank you so much and I say go for it if you want to run one:) . Thanks so much and have a great Thursday!


How is lip gloss *not* the first item on your list? ha ha
I get much more motivated to pack for races than I do for anything else. I’ll start mentally “shopping” my gear way ahead of time (just in case I need to do some actual shopping for anything to complete my list). I’ve been known to pack for regular trips much closer to departure times.
Grocery shopping has become a real chore for me. Balancing the cravings of 5 people with pushing everyone (myself included) toward the healthier options isn’t a joyful experience for me ;)
It’s so great to hear that your throat feels better and your cough is diminished! All the work plus this rest will pay off in a couple of days!


Bahaha right?! It should have been bolded and underlined too! I hear you on the grocery shopping! Do you ever order groceries online? Thank you so much Corey and I hope you are having a great Thursday so far!


If it’s supposed to rain, maybe you should write a reminder note to braid your hair?

Good Luck!!!!


SUCH a good idea. Putting it on my phone now. Thanks Shannon and have a great day!


I don’t know why crawling tag made me think of this, but does Beretta play games with your kids? My older dd taught her dog to play hide and go seek! (She hides and her dog seeks). It’s reallg funny to watch, and the dog loves it!


Okay, that is so so cool! We need to train Beretta to do that because as of right now all she does is give away our hiding spots by barking when she finds us! Have a wonderful day Amy.


Ahhh I am so excited for you! I can’t wait to read all about it. I will have to live vicariously through you because that’s just more than I foresee myself ever running! :)
I think you packed it all! Excellent choice with the Swedish Fish. Have you ever tried Trader Joe’s version (Scandinavian Swimmers)? I think I might like them better!
I am not a procrastinator by nature but it happens sometimes. It generally makes me feel more stressed out so I tend to avoid that feeling if possible.
I’m going to be thinking of you on Saturday… GO JANAE GO! :)


Thank you so much Rhiannon! Oh I love the TJs version of Swedish Fish. They are so so good. Thank you so much and have a great Thursday.


Do you have tips on AirPod charging and the long run? My last marathon, I didn’t want the bulk of the case so pulled them out when I had to the start line (so probably an hour before)… I usually don’t listen the whole time, but did on this one. They ran out of power at about mile 24 (I ran a 3:21 so I realize it had been 4+ hours out of the case). Anyway, I don’t know if my AirPod are having problems, or if there is a better solution. TIA!


HUGE CONGRATS on your 3:21… that is awesome Baili! Terrible that they died at mile 24 though! Mine usually last a total of 3.5-4 hours too so I think that is just their max. I’m going to be bringing my case to recharge them along the way. If I find a solution I will let you know!


I’m so excited for you! This is truly going to be the most incredible experience! Cheering you on!


Julia, are you sure you don’t want to come run the whole thing with me?! I need all of your help!!


I wish you the best on your race!! You are prepared and will rock it!! My daughter is going to do a 50k with me in November, maybe we’ll do a 50 miler next year!! You are inspiring!!


Thank you thank you thank you Shirley. Okay, this is the best… you and your daughter are doing a 50k together?! I love that. Keep me updated on everything!


Looks like you are ready! I would say pack extra hairbands….if that snaps and you don’t have one it could be super annoying!!


YESSSS great ideas… thanks Loribeth. Have a wonderful day!


I’ve never done a 50 miler so take this with a grain of salt, but I’m SO nervous only seeing one extra pair of socks in your pile. 50 miles is a long time! Will you have to cross any water? Puddles? Lots of rain? Blisters?

You’re probably fine. :) I’m just nervous but super excited for you! You go girlie!


HEY Elizabeth… great call, I’ll throw in another pair or two! So we don’t cross any water wahoo and it is down to a 10% chance of rain ahh. Thanks for the help and have a beautiful day!


You totally just made me feel loads better. I’m ridiculously invested in you and this race! You’re amazing, Janae! I can’t wait to see how you celebrate!


Oh! What about comfy post-race clothes? Oofos or other recovery sandals? That’s probably a different pile of stuff to bring.


BRILLIANT!!! Packing those now. Thanks!!!


I’m super impressed with how prepared you are! Like really really impressed! it’s like you were born for ultra’s!
I always wait until I’m getting ready for bed the night before to make my piles … and then I usually change my mind last minute! I was going to ask about PB&J but it’s not like you can make that a week ahead of time! Ha!
I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better! And way to go Andrew for helping out so so so much! When I’m sick the piles wait for me!


Oh thanks Jenny!!! I think I’m actually going to skip the PB&Js now because I overate them during training and I am so sick of them now ha. Thank you so much and I hope you do not get sick anytime soon! Have a wonderful day Jenny.


Love this!! I’ve loved following your 50 miler training and you’ve inspired me to sign up for one too : ) I’m maybe 10 weeks or so behind you in training, so it’s been fun to look back and see how yours went during those same weeks that I’m in now. You’re absolutely going to CRUSH it and I’m so excited for you. One question: how do you plan to charge your garmin while out there? I think that’s a great idea, but logistically not sure how it will work! Have a great day and continue resting!!


Oh this makes me so so happy! Will you please keep me updated on all of your training and how the race goes? I meant in that picture I’m packing it to charge the night before the race. My garmin actually lasts for about 24 hours so I won’t need to charge it during. If you can get one that holds a longer charge I would go for it. Have a wonderful day and I hope your training is going great! Thanks Stacy.


Glad you’re feeling better!! Keep on resting as much as possible. I’m SURE you already KNOW this but I’ll say it anyway.. if race day comes and you physically cannot do this race please don’t! Listen to your body. There are other trail races waiting for you when you are feeling good!

I also wanted to share that when I’ve been sick in the past if ….I’m also super stressed about literally anything I’ve have felt blackout dizzy. I tend to get overstressed about real issues and also things like.. is the dishwasher unloaded?!

Moving on lol…

Silly question.. why Excedrin? I have never heard that!

Rest rest rest!!! ?


HI Janae! I’ve been a follower for a while and am so excited you’ll hit your goal of finishing a 50-miler this weekend! I don’t want to be the annoying commenter here, but looking at your packing list I noticed the Excedrin. I know some people who have had pretty severe kidney issues as a result of taking NSAIDs during exercise, especially prolonged bouts like an Ironman/Ultra. You’re safer with Tylenol if you need to take something during the race. Good luck this weekend!


Yes to this! Happy someone else commented. I took Excedrin in a 100k and suffered severe kidney pain from 50k onwards and had to drop by mile 50. Tylenol is definitely the recommended drug if you need something, and there’s been loads of research on this as of late. The symptoms are usually amplified with dehydration too. It’s pretty scary. Good luck! Excited to follow along this weekend— I might be out there volunteering or doing a long run of my own and will be sure to send positive vibes your way if we cross paths. :)


I’m doing my first 50km in July, and this list is so helpful. I did part of an ultra last year, and my phone died so I couldn’t let my friends know when I was done. I’m bringing a portable charger next race! Good luck!!!


I have done a few ultras and I have always ended up wanting fresh fruit later in the race – watermelon, oranges, grapes.


Hopefully they have some at the aid stations?? or Andrew can bring some?


What lip gloss do you use?


Victoria Secret lip gloss punch flavor it’s the best!


I see you’ve packed the most essential item (Swedish fish) so I think the 50 miler should go great. Can’t wait to hear about it!


Hi Janae! I would pack some Tums or ginger chews just in case you get some nausea. I usually only get it during hot races when I’m sweating a lot but better to be prepared! It’s “easy” to run on dead legs at the end of an ultra (everyone is) but having a sour stomach is the worst.


Salt pills?! They are a must for all of my races, especially for ultras. And then for after the race, i love a good moist toilette for the face and bod. Instant shower for the ride home! hehe =)


I’m so excited for you! Are you carrying all that stuff, or is someone going to be able to provide it for you along the way?
My words of advice — truly go by taste as far as fueling goes. You may find that sweet stuff sounds great in the beginning, but then nausea may kick in and salty sounds better. Don’t force the gels. If pretzels sound better than Huma, go for it. Remember that you’ll be essentially skipping full meals, so take in a variety of tastes. I find that too many gels give me the runs (and I’m not talking about the kind my legs do ;)
I have bad IBS, so I always pack some chewable pepto. And on that note — toilet paper and ziploc bags!
Take it VERY EASY with the Excedrin. I highly advise to only take this if you really REALLY need it.
Again, I’m so excited for you. Ultras are AWESOME. You’re going to love the laid back feel of them, I promise. Just think, you get to spend an entire day running and eating snacks. What could be better? :)


Just wanted to leave a note to say that I am praying for your energy to return in full force on Saturday!!! So proud of you through all of this!! You are a total running rock star. Your mental game is getting its work out this week and you have more than proven that you are of strong mental fortitude! Keep it up lady friend and cheers to you and all of your hard work ! And shout out to Andrew for his hard work this week too :)


Lip gloss is always at the top of my list! Ha. I pack three or four….just in case.
Flip flops! I never want to put shoes back on after a race!

You got this Janae! Soooooo excited!


I keep a disposable dog poop bag in my vest. If you need to use the everyone has already reminded you to pack, you need to pack it out and having a waterproof opaque baggie is my fave. It also works for wet socks, or bloody anything, since you can pop stuff in and tie a knot, just like when it’s actually dog poop inside! Gingerale at later aid stations is magical, and I also have a collapsible cup in my vest pocket since many ultras are cupless. Remember to stop and enjoy the views now and then. The 10 seconds is 100% worth it. Enjoy!


I am so excited for you!! I hope you share your race bib so we can follow along!!!


Those fig bars from Costco are the best. I have fueled my last several full and half marathons, last year’s STP, and all the associated training for all of it on ‘figgy bars’ as they are known at our house. Absolute best of luck to you this weekend, it is going to be an amazing experience and I’m 100% sure you will rock out and love it!


Have A BLESSED run tomorrow!! I know you are going to crush it!
You have been such an inspiration to me as I watched you train… my jaw dropped many times. ha!
You have been on my mind and when I thought of you at all this week I prayed for health and healing for you and STRENGTH for your day tomorrow.
Have SO much fun! And I look forward to your race recap. :)

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