10 Thoughts that are BOGUS.

Last week’s most viewed posts were:

*Friend to Friend —>. Being Underweight + Amenorrhea 

*Very Strange—Friday Favorites— Date!

*Tuesday Tangents!

Andrew made it back and had a really great experience.  He was also able to write all of his remaining papers and study in the car… 3 more shifts + 1 test = graduation.

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Just some sister love.

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We made our way over to church.

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Got a few things done around the house…

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And then went over to my parents’ house for dinner.  I’ve talked about this before (here) but once a month we fast from food and water for two consecutive meals.  Each month I choose something/someone specific to fast for and include a lot of prayer throughout the day.

Dinner (I had another bowl and roll too) last night was my first meal of the day and it tasted very good.

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So did the cookies that we brought and turned into ice cream sandwiches!

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And Brooke figured out the best way to clean the floors… she can run so fast like this.  We do a similar move at Boot Camp with sliders instead of paper towels and Brooke goes 7 times faster than I can like this.

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And a picture with Knox because we are missing him:)

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I WROTE THIS POST LAST FALL.  I never posted it for some strange reason but hopefully it can help any of you training for a spring race!

Marathon training brings out some pretty crazy thoughts in my brain so I thought I would share mine (and my answers) and I’d love to hear yours too!

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10 BOGUS Thoughts During Training:

*A few weeks ago when I finished up my long run (16.24 miles), I thought… THERE IS NO WAY I CAN RUN 9.96 (aka 26.2 miles) MORE MILES than what I just did.  No way, I’m dead, that was tiring and 9.96 miles is a long ways to go.  This happens to me during every marathon training cycle.  I finish a long run and think that I can’t possibly run 26.2 miles.  But guess what, every time I do.  It’s amazing.  So this thought is bogus because you can run xxx amount more (with the proper training/work) and you will run xxx amount more.  You CAN!

*Being hard on ourselves for not hitting a run or being as fit as what we wish we were is going to help us get to our goals <—No way.  Being hard on ourselves gets us nowhere.  Comparing ourselves to what we used to do or to others is going to take us straight to miserable street.  Focus on where you are now and work on your weaknesses but pick yourself back up after those not so great miles and keep moving forward.

*’I’ll be fine without fueling…. (for long distance events)’  No you won’t.  (In my expert opinion;).  How many times have I thought, ‘well I feel great now so I don’t need to choke down a gel because I’m killing it right now’… and then I die.  Marathon #10—>  My first gel will be taken at mile 4 which is quite different than the many marathons that I start taking in fuel at mile 15 and then I crash and burn and hit the wall head first (followed by hitting more walls every .2 miles until the end of the marathon).

*For example= “So and so has a way faster 1/2 marathon pr than I do and she just barely got my goal marathon time… if she is faster in the half distance (or has faster long runs or faster workouts etc) then it isn’t possible for me to hit my goal marathon time.”  <— Nope, not true.  This is something I struggle with often.  Each runner has different strengths.  Each runner has different good days and bad days.  I am basing my goals off of me, my workouts and my potential and not off of what other people are doing.  It’s fun to see what everyone is doing to get to their goals but just because in my brain I think ‘they are so much faster’ does not mean I cannot hit the same times with the proper training and work for me!

*How do I expect to do a long distance race event if I struggle through some of my shorter runs that are much slower? It’s not possible.  <—  BOGUS.  I can’t tell you how many 6 milers I’ve had lately where I felt like I was trudging through mud while running 2+ minutes slower per mile than my goal marathon pace and yet I KNOW 26.2 miles at goal marathon pace is on it’s way to my life.  Trust your training and know that we all have beyond terrible miles out on the roads.  Don’t let the internet make you think you are the only one feeling that way.  Those hard and longer runs that we are completing make that ‘trudging through mud’ feeling happen during the following days so rather than get down on yourself when you feel like that… pat yourself on the back for rocking workouts that make you feel that way and give yourself the rest that you need to.

*It will be beneficial on race day for me to push a bit more during the taper.  I’ll get fitter and it will help me hit my goals.  In my experience this is totally bogus.  Our bodies need the rest, the repairing and the downtime to perform their best on race day.  I do think that we all have different amounts of time that we need personally for our tapers (some need 10 days some need 2.5 weeks for the marathon taper) but do not underestimate the power in the taper.

*I can’t.  Nope, you can.  Remove those the words I can’t from any run that you are doing from this point forward.  Thanks.

*If I have to take time off ALL IS LOST. <— Don’t worry, it’s not.  I think the reason that I have been able to pick up my speed and endurance quickly again after having Skye is partly because of previous training cycles that I’ve had over the years.  Pregnancy and time off after having her obviously had me take a step back in my fitness but all of that hard work in the previous years have made it easier for my body to remember how to jump back into the ‘fast for me’ paces.  If you have to take time off, don’t stress about losing your fitness, you’ll come back and your body will know better how to get back there (+ more) again.

*I don’t belong.  This is one that I experience often and I have to change it.  I feel like I don’t belong in the group going for the times I’m wanting.  But I do.  And so do you.  We all belong.  I’m pretty positive running is the most inclusive sport on the planet.  I’ve even heard Kara Goucher say that she didn’t feel like she belongs.  Forget these feelings because they aren’t true.  You are right where you should be.

*But I USED TO BE more fit/faster/blah blah blah.  Who cares.  It might be true and it might not.  I’ve learned that focusing on my here and now makes me the happiest and most likely to succeed and dwelling on my past takes me nowhere.

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What are some BOGUS thoughts that you’ve experienced with your training/running?

Who has a March birthday?!

-Andrew on 3/14!!!

Looking forward to anything this week?

What was the last dessert that you had?

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Yes! So many of those ring true for me right now. I just finished by 13th half marathon this weekend, and I didn’t get the goal I was hoping to……I was 5 minutes off a PR and 2 minutes off breaking sub 2. I wanted to cry, but after about 10 minutes I realized that I just kicked trash out there. I didn’t get what I wanted to BUT I gave it all I had. Maybe if that quad hadn’t tightened up I would have hit that goal, but that doesn’t make the race any less impressive. I am proud of what I hit, and 2:02 is freaking awesome, it’s my 4th fastest, I think. So yes, maybe I look like I don’t have a neck in my race photos and maybe I feel out of place sometimes and maybe I am slightly jealous when newbies are faster than me, but I am doing my best, and I am strong and healthy and able to do something I love.

Happy Birthday to Andrew! I have 3 of my sisters’ birthdays in March (14th, 20th, and 23rd), a sister in law (22nd), and a friend’s daughter (24th) ….I better get some wrapping paper!

This week is a recovery week and I am thinking I will make it out for a few miles Thursday or Friday. I plan on finding my next race to sign up for, too!

Last dessert was the Famous Amos from the finish line yesterday. I am so glad my husband convinced me to grab 2 bags, but next time I am getting even more…….they are soooooo good!

Have a great week!


Loribeth. First, huge congrats on your 13th half and second, congrats on realizing how amazing you are. Celebrate this accomplishment and all of your hard work! March is a very busy month for you! Let me know what race you sign up for next. Yes, next time grab more ha. Thanks, you too!


Yay for March birthdays! Mine is March 21. When I used to live up north I loved the fact that my birthday was on the first day of spring. Now that I live in Florida it’s not quite as exciting!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH JENNY!! Hahaha well at least now you can go to the beach on your birthday:) . I hope this month is perfect for you.


I’m training for an April marathon and I’ve been having all of those arguments with myself lately.

I had chocolate pudding for dessert last night. Actually it was more like Cool Whip with some chocolate pudding for flavor.

Have a great day!


I’m super excited for your marathon next month and keep on quieting those bogus thoughts:) . Well, now I need some pudding. Thanks Angie, you too!


I know some of those thoughts all too well, but you’re so right that they are big time BOGUS! I had to take so much time off over the last couple of years, and it’s easy to get in my head and make myself think that I’m not fast enough or not good enough. But those are lies. And, as you always say, WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. I’ve been replacing all of my negative thoughts with positive reminders about who I am, and that’s been helpful in me not getting discouraged with where I am in my training right now.

I’m looking forward to new possibilities and opportunities this week. There’s so much of my life that’s unknown right now, so I’m excited to see what the Lord has planned. :)

Happy Monday, sweet friend!!


YES, you are so right Natalie… they are lies. Keep on being amazing! I can’t wait to hear about your next chapter!


I did that with my cookies last night too :).

I’m always surprised at how strong my kids are with things too.


It’s the best way to eat a cookie (ehhh cookies:) . Have a wonderful day Jenny and I’m just so excited for your family!


Thank you for posting those BOGUS thoughts- so many of them ring true for me right now as I get closer to my 2nd marathon (26 days!!!)- and they really are just Bogus, but it can be hard to forget that sometimes! I plan to keep your “I can do hard things” mantra in my head when things start to get tough!

My last dessert was a cookie ice cream sandwich too!


TWENTY. SIX. DAYS. I am so so excited for you Alicia and I am cheering for you! You absolutely can and will do hard things. You’ve got this.


Last dessert was Girl Scout Thin Mints – my favorite!

Going back in time a little to when you locked yourself out of the house…I wanted to mention that we have a push button deadbolt lock on one of our doors at home. It was my husband’s suggestion now that the girls are getting off the school bus at home before we are home from work. If they would happen to forget their key, they still have a way in. It’s also nice for me when I run and no one is home, I don’t have to take a key or hide one somewhere. Just a thought since I know there will come a day when your kids will need to let themselves in the house. :)


THANK YOU and we absolutely need to be doing this. I think this will save us big time! Thank you Amanda and now I need some Girl Scout Thin Mints.


The fueling/hydrating is one of the biggest lessons I learned from my last marathon. I didn’t drink enough and cramped pretty badly. I have been playing around with different things this time around, so I’m excited to see how I feel!


Isn’t it crazy how big of an impact our fueling/hydrating makes on our races/training?! You are going to rock it this time around and don’t worry, I think we all learn this lesson through trial and error.


Janae – just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your posts, your advice, and your consistent optimism! I am just catching up on the posts from the weekend and I am so sorry that you were attacked (for absolutely NO reason). You choose to share so much with us, and that’s not something you need to do. Frankly, as long as you aren’t harming yourself or others, it’s none of our business why you/your family choose to do certain things. Also – I’m 30 years old and my parents support me all the time. That’s not embarrassing, that’s amazing, and it’s because they love me – and I’m so grateful for that.

Anyway! :) I have had so many defeatist thoughts while running or working out in general! Usually it’s during my long runs – something like “omg I can’t get through 8 miles, how can I get through 13?” (jokes on me because I can and I do!). Every now and then it crops up during speed workouts when I think that I just CAN’T run that fast for even 30 seconds!

I went to a baby shower this weekend for a friend and I ate a cake pop, cupcake, and a cookie… so that was my last dessert. Probably all I need for awhile! Ha!


Rhiannon, thank you so much for your comment! It really is so nice to have supportive parents! You are doing such a great job showing those comments the truth and rocking it. Baby showers always have the best treats. I hope you are having a great Monday!


Rhiannon –
thank you for making the comment about how it’s no body’s business but yours/your families how you handle the ins and outs of your daily life. I am 28 almost 29 years old and I still live with my parents. I work full-time, saving for a down payment on a house, and trying to deal with some major medical issues so for me I’d rather be at home with my parents with their entire support instead of paying for an apartment where I am alone all of the time. Hope you know you’re NOT alone and its a-OKAY to still live at home at 30. I may be in that same place, in a year or so … I guess we’ll see! :)
Have a great day!


Oh, that’s sweet of you, but I don’t live with my parents. But I did for a couple of years after college (so I could save for a house) and I don’t regret it! But my parents do a LOT for me – they come to every race or other important event. If I have to travel for work, my mom cares for my cat and gets my mail. If I’m sick, you can bet my mom gets me whatever I need! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. That’s love, if you ask me! :)
Good luck to you on saving for a house! It’s so fun to have a place of your own (but I still loved living with my parents for sure)


The “I used to be faster” talk is always in my head! But I try to tell myself I’m in a different time in my life, so I shouldn’t try to compare. And I’m stronger/more flexible than I used to be! So switching out some running for strength and yoga may not make me the fastest I’ve ever been, but it helps me prevent injury!


A NEW CHAPTER.. and you are rocking it!! Way to go with the strength and yoga, your body is thanking you. I hope you have a great day Mariah!


Thanks for wonderful advice on BOGUS thoughts this morning. Unfortunately I did not hit my goal this weekend at my race and another BOGUS thought is when you come off a race and didnt hit goal and feel like it was a failure or that you’re really not in the right shape or you’re not good enough. I heard all those things in my head after my race but then I realized how FAR I’ve come. Jan my goal was a sub 2 half, and I hit 1:57. This weekend I hit 1:59, with no pace group and in 98% humidity (literally), hot, and hilly. With all those conditions, I proved my strength NOT failed. It was a great shift in mind set. My body has been telling me for weeks it needed time off so now I’m ready to rest and hit some shorter distances and get back even faster to the half in the Fall.

My sissys birthday is today! happy almost birthday to Andrew.

I’m looking forward to enjoying all the treats that I’ve limited during training and just allowing my body to rest and recover and getting a massage;)

Last dessert->King Cake on the ride home from the race yesterday. Have you ever had one? Its a Southern thing so wasn’t sure if you guys get them where you are:) They are amazing, like a big cinnamon sticky bun covered in icing and colored sugar;)

I hope you have a wonderful Monday, Janae. Thanks for always bringing brightness to my morning!


Eleanor, I am so sorry that you didn’t get your goal BUT YOU ROCKED it and you have come crazy far. The fact you ran 13.1 miles in 98% humidity is unreal to me… I can barely handle 25% humidity. And the heat and hills… you are amazing and I’m so glad you realized it. Enjoy the rest and recovery! Happy birthday to your sister today. I must try a King Cake, that sounds like my biggest dream ha. Thank you for your comment and I love hearing from you!


So exciting for Andrew to be so close to being done!! And your girls are just too cute! I think Skye literally looks like a doll! Miss mine little.
I’ve noticed now that I’m older I’m slower and try not to compare my past times for sure! I love that quote!!


Oh thank you so much Christina! Keep on being amazing and have a wonderful rest of your day!


Hey girl hey ??
One thought I’ve had lately is that I’m not as fit as I used to be. It’s true, having a baby and suffering from postpartum mental illness took a lot out of me. But now that I’m doing better, I want to train for my second half marathon. I was litening to Rich Roll’s podcast this weekend and he was talking about the importance of training from where you ARE not where you wish you were. So for me, that means excepting that I’ve been an occasional runner this past year, but I still love running, and I can commit to a training plan and run the race I want to!

My last dessert was apple crumble ???? So yummy!!


Amanda, thank you for sharing your story. I think you are incredible. You are doing the right thing and I love what Rich Roll said. Where you ARE. So so so much goodness. Apple crumble with vanilla ice cream sounds so good right now. I hope your little one is doing well and she is so lucky to have you as her mama.


BOGUS thoughts where I do a whole lot of body checking pre-run to determine how my run is going to feel.
Dessert: Bowl of cereal with a crushed up chocolate cookie on top.


Yes, yes, yes, yes… total bogus. You are doing amazing Erica and you just changed my life with your cereal + crushed up chocolate cookie on top. I will be trying.


Glad everything went okay for Andrew and that he got papers done. You guys have been in my thoughts Janae. Awesome Andrew is born on pi day too.

I’ve been hard on myself and comparing to previous fitness levels but you’re right, it’s dumb. It’s so important to live in the present and trust yourself.


Thank you so much Hollie!
Yes yes yes, you are in a new chapter and rocking where you are at now.
Have a beautiful rest of your day!


That bowl of stew looks amazing. Can I have some now please? There were flurries this morning when my husband and I were leaving our apartment for work…IN ATLANTA. In March. Surely this means I need warm, hearty stew?

Brooke’s mustard yellow dress and Skye’s plaid dress are beyond cute. You need a ‘coordinated outfit’ family photo shoot with those colors.

I love your bogus thoughts. Especially the one about ‘i’m not fit enough’…that feels like ME AND MY DANG HEAD entirely too often. Especially when I walk into the spin room to teach a class, I sort of BOGUS convince myself no one will show up because I am not skinny-strong, because I have lots of extra fluff (and after this past year, because of cortisol and such, LOTS of extra fluff). But somehow, it’s not bogus. I am TOUGH on that bike and I am EXCELLENT at motivating my classes to work hard, and they see me working hard. Lately (in the last month?) people from all three gyms have been telling me that my class is one of their “can’t miss” classes. I have built two classes up from being new on the schedule–so 0 participants–to a healthy 10-15 each time, and the other, my 5:30 AM class, is steadily 15-18 people. That wouldn’t happen if my bogus thoughts were legit thoughts.

Silly head! SOmetimes I think it need a time out…

So March birthdays–my dad is the 13, my mom is the 19, and my brother the 26! I am the only one who is a June baby!

I can’t wait to see on the blog what you’ve been planning for Andrew!


I’m going to post the recipe for the stew in tomorrow’s post. Oh girl, you are right… that is completely bogus. Your students love you and your classes and your numbers speak VOLUMES. YOU ARE ENOUGH, more than enough and I would be one of your regulars too if we didn’t live so far away. You guys have a busy month! Have a wonderful rest of your day!


Oh, I really needed to read this today! This training cycle has been “off” for most of it, and with a hip issue happening now, it’s hard to stay positive. So this marathon may not be what I was hoping for, but like I said before, there will be other races, more opportunities. I need to remember to be kind to myself, and not down on myself because I’m so far off from where I was last marathon.
Thank you for the reminder ?
Glad Andrew is back safely! Have a great day!


Frustrating injuries/issues really do make it so hard to stay positive! You are doing an amazing job and I am cheering for you and your hip to behave again. Thank you Wendy, you too!


THANK YOU JANAE!!! This post was just what I needed to hear. I ran an 18 miler last weekend and absolutely finished it thinking “There is no way I am going to be able to do 8 miles more than that, FASTER than that, in a couple months…” Thanks for the reminder that it’s not true!


Oh I am so so glad. You can and you WILL! You are not alone in those thoughts (it happens to me every marathon training cycle). Keep me posted on your training, I’m super excited for you!


Brooke looks just like your sister in that top picture!!!


Now that you point that out… YES 100%. I’m sending it to my sister now:) . Have a wonderful day Ali!


I loved your list of marathon training thoughts! I can’t believe you didn’t post this, but I’m so glad you found it and posted it today!!!! ALL such good thoughts and reminders!!!!! The one about not comparing yourself to where you USED to be is a tough one, but it’s so true. I remember when I worked with Mary as my coach, she emphasized this thought so much. We change so much as runners over time. It’s like YOU have told us–focus on the NOW in running in general and in the mile you’re in. I can’t tell you how often I think about that since you mentioned it—“NOW!!!”

I hope you had a great weekend!!!! What am I looking forward to this week—-yoga class tonight, “Valentine’s” dinner out with my husband on Saturday–we don’t like special menus and we decided to wait for a non-rainy non-cold weekend to go out. I think it’s going to be 40 degrees and cloudy. ha That’s about the best we’ll get in March here in PA!

Last dessert I had—good chocolate yesterday, but I am CRAVING decorated cake with tons of buttercream icing. CRAVING it. I’m no stranger to buying a cake like that for no real “occasion”, so it might need to be a part of my life this week. ha ha


Oh thank you so much Jen! NOW NOW NOW:) . Enjoy your Valentines Date… you guys are brilliant! Maybe grab some cake as part of your date too! Have a beautiful day Jen!


Aaahhhh! Andrew is almost there! YAY! How exciting for all of you!! Also, does Brooke contract out for floors? She looks like she has a fabulous system. ?

I love the quote you posted at the end of your Bogus Thoughts. It’s one I remind myself of very often. I think for me, my brain likes to play the “I can’t” or “This is too hard” game, both of which you mentioned. It’s the default switch my brain flips in my head when things get hard (workout, life, emotions, etc). And not to be too analytical/personal, but I do know why my brain goes there. However, I also know that my personal disposition actually isn’t that (it’s a completely learned behavior) and I’m pretty stubborn, to a fault. I also believe 100% in muscle memory and that it can be created not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. So when I feel that learned behavior taking over and start to climb behind the steering wheel, that’s when I try to just clear my mind and let whatever muscles I need in that moment (physical, emotional, or mental) take over, based off of what I’m doing, and let them fight. There’s a lot to be said for letting instinct take over and letting your body do what you’ve trained it to do. You can analyze later! ?

My last dessert was… Gluten Free Donuts!!! I found some! I for real almost started crying in the organic freezer section at Smith’s on Saturday. And then again when I got home and microwaved a couple. They were the first donuts I’d had since September and they were SO good! This week I’m getting my hair done and heading back to LUSH to pick up a couple more hair things (girl…my life has changed forever…you must go). So I’m really looking forward to that. My Dad, uncle, and BIL have March bdays, and both my grandparents who helped to raise me were March babies. ☘️ Happy early birthday to Andrew! Happy Monday, Janae! Are your kids out today? Anything fun?


I’ll send her on over to do your floors. I love everything you said about muscle memory and the choice you make with your thoughts. You’ve got it. You found some donuts, I am so glad. I hope they were perfect. Enjoy getting your hair done and I need to go to LUSH with you. The kids are in school… are yours out?


Teacher work day for us. :) And definitely on the Lush run. My new hobby has become reading product descriptions, ingredient lists, reviews, and making a very, very long wish list. ;)


Hi Janae,
Thank you so much for this post! These are great reminders. You look SO STRONG in that photo of you running. I wanted to let you know that I skimmed back over your weekend posts, and was so disappointed to read that someone gave you a hard time about not joining Andrew in California. I hope you are no longer bothered by that person’s hurtful words. We all do things that, if broadcast on a blog platform, could appear to be “not supportive” or otherwise. I can’t stand it when we, as humans, make assumptions and judge each other. I’m sorry you had to deal with that and thought your response (and your mother’s) shouldn’t have been necessary… but both were respectful and well worded.


You. Are. The. Best. Thank you so much Stacey! I really have appreciated our friendship over the years and I hope you and your little man are doing well today!


This is a great post. Self-doubt is incredibly real and overcoming it is a constant battle. There are things about my self that I never doubt. I don’t doubt that I am capable of advancing my career. I have a great job and it allows me to have a great work/life balance. The garbage I hear in my head has to do with my fitness. I have been working on changing my perspective on why I am fit. My kids think that I am super strong and capable of anything. That is a big deal to me. I am, not only, physically fit but emotionally fit and mentally fit. I work out so that I can enjoy my life and experience all kinds of things from hiking, biking, running, swimming, playing a game of tag at the park, etc…My fitness is used to make memories with those people that are most important to me. Memories that will last longer than I am on this earth.


Megan, I had goosebumps while reading your comment. Yes to all of this. I love switching my brain to how my kids see me, it helps me so much to see my strength in all areas of life. Thank you for sharing this with me! Congrats on all that you are doing!


That stew looks amazing!!!! Is that your Mom’s recipe!? Could you share it?


YES it is! I just asked her and she said she will send it over later when she gets home. I’ll have it in tomorrow’s post. It is delicious. Have a great day Melly!


Yay!! You’re mom has the best recipes! They are usually simple “home style” and extremely tasty!


We have a bunch of March birthdays – my brother would have been 56 tomorrow (he was 31 when he passed away.) My brother-in-law will be 57 on the 19th and my twin nieces will be 32 on the 20th. It’s crazy to think I have nieces in their 30s!!

Last dessert? Girl Scout cookies! Les bought 3 boxes from a little girl at Lowe’s on Saturday. It’s a good thing they don’t sell them year round.


Girl Scout Cookies sound so good right now and if Skye wasn’t asleep I would jump in the car right now to find some. Happy birthday to your brother tomorrow, I bet he is smiling down from heaven to you right now. And happy birthday to your BIL and twin nieces. Have a beautiful rest of your Monday Kathy.


Wow! Andrew was so productive on his trip–sounds like a perfect plan to be with family and get the most out of his travel time.
I can’t because I’m not ___________ (fast/strong/prepared) enough for this. Bogus! I love the expression “don’t tell yourself no, see if someone else will tell you no” because if you just go ahead and try, the answer might be heck-yeah, and I did it!
My middle daughter turns 16 on Thursday 3/7!
Looking forward to celebrating with her :)
I ate ice cream last night: Friendly’s fudge swirl.
Oh, and those dresses on the girls! <3


Oh I love that so much Corey… so much truth. AHHH sweet 16! I hope you have the perfect time celebrating with her. That fudge swirl sounds delicious right now. Thank you so much Corey, I hope your Monday has been a great one so far.


It is nice to hear Andrew had a good time with his family, and so close to graduation!

Thank you for this post! I have been having a lot of those thoughts during my current marathon training. It was a nice reminder that I can do hard things and not all is lost is everything doesn’t go exactly as planned/I want. I am also trying to be more positive when I talk about my training to people. I tend to brush off their praise of how far I am able to run and how far I will in the marathon. I am trying to take that compliment and remember it is pretty amazing what I (and anyone training for a race) are doing.

I’m looking forward to the weekend when my husband and I head to Nice, France to celebrate our anniversary. I am hoping to get a run or two in while I am there as well as it looks gorgeous and there is a path right along the beach!


Sarah, I think that is a fabulous plan… to be more positive when you talk about your training to people. It really is incredible. Keep it up! Have the most perfect weekend in Nice, France with your husband. Happy anniversary!


No March birthdays in this household :)

I am excited for it to be hopefully spring soon around here – temps around freezing and it is cold for us. I want to be able to wear shorts on my run haha.

I think for me right now, not having any races on the calendar as of yet has thrown me off a bit. Usually I have my race year planned out by December. Mostly because a lot of trail races you have to sign up so far in advance (and some of them sell out in less than a day). I am still running a fair bit, trail running etc but I just don’t have a big desire to sign up for a race yet. There are a lot of options but for some reason I am like eh. Hopefully I get my racing mojo back again soon. But for now I am just enjoying my runs. I got out and chased sunrise on a run this morning not because I had to but because I want to.

Last dessert – well does the chocolate almond croissant I stopped for mid run this morning count? Ha.

I am glad Andrew had a good time with his family! Have a great day Janae!


I am right there with you Kristine… bring on Spring! I think you are doing the right thing for you right now. Enjoy some time off from racing and going out and running just because of your love of running (like you did this morning). I look up to you for all of your race accomplishments but also for your day to day love of running. And now I think I need to have a chocolate almond croissant stop during my next long run. Thank you so much, you too!


Absolutely love the idea of fasting and also that you dedicate/pray for someone during that time. Love it when you talk about your faith/beliefs/practices. Such a wonderful thing to do and that dinner looks delicious!


Oh thank you so much! I hope you are having a beautiful day.


Thanks SO MUCH for this post!! Your blog has been such a source of motivation throughout the years. You keep me motivated and determined to break my own barriers. I think I need to read the Bogus Thoughts part every. single. day.!! I came across a quote that I read and share a lot: “If you have a bad thought about yourself, tell it to go to hell because that is exactly where it came from.” ~Brigham Young
I’m glad Andrew got back okay and that he’s SO CLOSE to the end (and the start of something new!).
I’m looking forward to the end of the week because it’s Spring Break next week! I’m so ready! (I teach 4th grade…)


Lisa, I am so glad that you liked this post.
Ummmm can I thank you for that quote… that was exactly what I needed today. Thank you x a million. Happy almost spring break and those 4th graders are so lucky to have you!


Me me me! March 10th!


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!! Enjoy all of the celebrating and I’ll eat some cake to celebrate you!


Congrats to Andrew! He’s so close!!

A bogus thought I have had while injured is that I am exponentially losing fitness even though I am doing other things for exercise.

My oldest is going to be 15 this Friday!! Wow, that is just plain crazy!

I am looking forward to celebrating my girl’s birthday this week and spoiling her a little extra!

The last dessert I had was last night for family dinner, brownies and chocolate chip ice cream.


Yep, definitely a bogus thought! Happy birthday to your oldest… spoiling is the best:). Sounds delicious and you are rocking your cross-training throughout this injury!


I am loving ? your fasting routine. Is routine the right word? Did you just picture Ross and Monica doing “the routine”??.. anyway…

I think my family is going to do the same thing. I just love this idea. Starting this month! Gosh I cannot even believe I have been reading your blog since pre-Brooke and am finally making leave comments.

Love your quote too. Reminded me of a quote I heard once and think of often….

“What you think of me is none of my business”

Have a lovely day ! ?


Sydney… hahah YES–> ‘THE ROUTINE!’ I am so happy you are leaving comments now, they brighten my day. Best quote and SO much truth! Thanks Sydney, you too!


I have been reading your blog for a long time now. I really appreciate the way you share your life with us. You just keep on doing what you’re doing. Reading your blog brightens my day!


Thank you so much Kimberly, this means the world to me. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and brighten my night. Have a great rest of your day!


Hi Janae,
I’ve never commented before but there’s a first time for everything! Just wanted to say I have sporadically read your blog for at least a few years and I’ve always appreciated your positivity. I’m in a different spot in life, and we’ve had very different experiences, but I think it’s important to be a kind person and look for the good, and it makes me happy to know other people in the world, no matter how different they are, do the same. Two questions/thoughts for you: 1)I’m printing out your bogus thoughts for my fridge. I’m signing up for my first marathon in the next week and I found myself nodding along as I read it. I’ve run numerous shorter races, but I’m not a natural athlete and came into running later in life so I’ve had *lots* of those bogus thoughts. 2) Any chance you remember where those yellow/orange shorts in your running picture are from? I love the color so much! Have a great night!


Hey SJ! Thank you so muh for reading and your sweet comment! I’m thrilled that you are signed up for your first marathon, you are going to do incredible! Part of your training will be continuing to get rid of those bogus thoughts. Please keep me updated on how you are doing! Yes… those shorts are from Nike. They do not make the same ones anymore (I bought them about 4-5 years ago) but you can find some used or at running stores. They are called the Nike Rival and here they are in a different color:

Have a wonderful night!


Thanks, Janae! I needed to read this! My marathon is in less than 2 weeks and I’m trying to work through some negative thoughts. My big fear is that I know other speedier runners who haven’t hit my goal time so it makes me wonder if I’m crazy or naive for thinking I can hit it if they haven’t. I try to remind myself that I came up with this goal based on my own fitness, not theirs, and I have done the specific training that supports this goal. It is hard to stay focused sometimes!


GOOD LUCK!!! You’ve got this and you better let me know how it goes! Dream big and don’t worry if you won’t get it because you will and you’ll keep working until you do! You’ve got this!

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