My New Goal + Important Thursday Discussions + Your Accomplishments!

I love having running goals… it gets me out the door and excited to train.  The problem right now is that I probably won’t have a race until next February so I told my sister I need a new goal until then and she gave me a really good one.  The goal—>  to get her ready for a half marathon!  She has done a bunch in the past but not since she has had her two little boys and she wants to get back.  Each week we will do 2 runs together and I’ll help her build up and get back to 13.1!

I’m ridiculously excited about this because it means I get to run with her and I get to see her hit her goals each week.  Boom.

Right now she is at 4 miles and I’ll keep you updated with her progress!

I feel very lucky that we get to live by each other now.  PS I did Megan’s strength program for runners and did leg day on Tuesday. I’ll be sore for a week.

We had some great hills in there and finished with an average of 9:01.

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Skye and my sister’s boys were with Andrew while we were out.  We came back and stretched while Skye showed off her standing.

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I had one of the best salads I’ve ever had at home… leftover buffalo chicken from the crockpot (it was from when I made meals at Citrus Pear so I don’t have the recipe, sorry), lettuce, peppers, carrots and ranch dressing from TJ’s.  I want this salad every day.

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We got to be with Knox again.  I sure missed that little smile of his.

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The rest of the day involved kids, work and finishing up decorating our main area—> I’ll share the tour of how it all looks SOON!!!

Oh and I definitely had some fruit salad later on too.

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I have a few things to discuss with you today:

*Remember how I thought that pancakes were my biggest pregnancy craving?  I don’t think they really were… they are just a big life craving.  I wouldn’t hate eating them daily now too.

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*Also, egg sandwiches.  I’ve been eating a lot of these lately.

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*26.2 questions with Des Linden… SO SO good and real.  It also gave me goosebumps at the end so I’m not sure what is wrong with me.  PS she said that she is a big candy person too!

*These next two pictures are from Tuesday when Brooke and I went on a little park date just the two of us.

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*She is growing up so fast and it’s crazy to me that we are able to have deep conversations about things now.  I love it.

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*PS Skye is wearing her first hand-me-down from Brooke (I left all of Brooke’s baby stuff in California when I moved back to Utah but I did bring this jacket and hat back with me).  Luckily, I saved pretty much everything from when Brooke was one on so it will be fun to see Skye in Brooke’s old clothing:)

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*When Brooke found out my parents were coming over for dinner the other night she got busy working on the table arrangements right away:

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*I need more of this in my life.

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My Mom’s Apple Crisp Recipe that is heavenly:

6-8 medium apples

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup sifted whole wheat flour

3/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup quick oatmeal

Peel the apples and slice into a buttered baking dish.  Sprinkle with granulated sugar and cinnamon.  Combine the butter, flour, brown sugar and oatmeal.  Spread mixture on top of apples.  Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes until apples are soft and the top is golden brown.  Serve with vanilla ice cream


I’m sharing your amazing accomplishments today instead of tomorrow!  A few were from last week too.  I LOVE these so much so please share yours if you would like to—>  [email protected]


Honor!!!  Honor lost her sweet husband and ran the Chicago Marathon in memory of him.

“I knocked more than 10 minutes off my PR!!  And get this, placed second in my age group!  Second in AG in the Chicago Marathon!!  My time was 5:25:14 and I’m 77.  I tell you, I didn’t need my flight home—I simply stayed on Cloud 9 all the way!  I feel I did indeed honor my husband and had he been at the finish line he would have been so proud and delighted.  So running the race with such success went a long way to healing my sadness.  Now I’m waiting to hear if I’m accepted to run London next April for charity.  Crazy isn’t it?  My quads were still hurting when I sat down on anything low and already I was planning my next marathon!  Chicago was my 6th in 5 years”


Betsy!!!  “My almost 13 year old daughter and I ran the 5K Donut Dash in St. Joseph, MO.  This ended up being more like 3.8 miles.  The proceeds went to the Patee House Museum, Robidoux Row Museum & Mount Mora Cemetery.  The race started at Patee House Museum which features the home that Jesse James was shot (& killed) and Mount Mora Cemetery is the resting place for some Pony Express Riders and three MO governors back in the post Civil War period.  A lot of history in St. Joseph.  The route ended at Gold N Glaze Donuts.

The donuts at the end were great but the best part was seeing my daughter run.  TO be honest I was worried she wouldn’t be able to finish but not only did she finish, she beat her old mom.  I was so proud of her.  I’m so happy we got to make that memory.  We’ve already talked about doing the 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving (& it’s her 13th birthday).”



Jen!!!  “Yesterday, I ran the Grand Rapids Half Marathon in Grand Rapids MI.  It was my 8th half and I had my heart set on a PB.  The last month of my training cycle has felt really good and my coach encouraged me to try and get out of my comfort zone.  She said “What’s the worst that could happen?  You’ll still finish!”  Those words really stuck with me so, with my husband running at my side for a little extra support, I went for it.  I couldn’t believe it when I crossed the line… I had beat my old PB by over 3 minutes!  My new PB is 1:52:56!  So thankful!  Next time maybe sub 1:50!”



Lauren talking about her brother!!! “I wanted to brag about my younger brother- he is 22, working on his Masters, works part time, AND decided earlier this year to run the City of Trees Half Marathon in Boise, Idaho this past weekend.  He was a varsity high school athlete, but he said that this was the hardest thing he’s ever done.  He trained for months and his goal was to get a sub-2.  He ALMOST got his goal, finishing at 2 hours and 13 minutes.  Not only is this something he’s never done before, at the starting line it was about 30 degrees!!!”


Christina!!! “I signed up for my first 5k after a long bout with a stubborn knee injury so I was quite nervous! I reminded myself to just do the best I could, but I really wanted to finish with some kind of “place” because I have done it once before for my age group and really wanted to do it again for a sentimental reason.  My parents used to hang newspaper clippings of my tennis accomplishments on the refrigerator in high school and since this was a local race in the town they retired in, I figured it would end up in the paper.  I really wanted an age group finish and turns out I placed 3rd overall woman and 6th in the entire race.  Granted the weather was crummy (37 degrees and drizzle) I am still really proud of myself and can’t wait to see this image on the fridge in my parents cabin!”



Cooked fruit—>  Delicious or no thank you?  Does it depend on which fruit?

-I love cooked apples but lately cooked peaches do not sound good at all.

What is your current running goal?

Would you rather do upper body or lower body strength training?

Normal hot chocolate or flavored hot chocolate (details please)?  Does anyone dislike hot chocolate?

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My favorite part of cobblers/crisps is the crust or crumble part??? ?‍♀️Lol, weird, I know. But probably Apple over peach. Current running goal is increasing endurance!


Oh I totally agree… the crumble is the best because it is full of sugar hahah:) Good luck with increasing endurance… I’m excited for you! Have a great day!


Oh that apple crisp does look really good! I’m more a fan of cold fruit than cooked fruit, but I think apples are the one fruit I’m OK with being cooked, especially in apple pie. And I’m a no on hot chocolate, but I’ve told you before that I don’t like chocolate, and somehow we’re still friends. :)

Current running goal: be healthy enough to train hard and race at a competitive level again. I miss those days. :/


Our friendship survives things like different opinions in chocolate haha! I hope that you are getting closer and closer to reaching that point! Thinking about you Natalie!


The first picture of Skye in Brooke’s jacket and hat – – Skye looks very much like the early pictures of Brooke!


YES! I agree! I hope you have a wonderful day Susan!


All hot chocolate is good in my opinion :) Skye looks so much like Brooke when she was a baby in the first picture. I can see Knox in her in the second pic:)


I like the way you think! Yes yes yes… I can too! I hope your day is a great one, Ash!


mmmm! Apple crisp is one of the best things about fall! Peach cobbler is so very yummy and cooked pineapple is the best way to eat pineapple, so I guess I’m a cooked fruit fan!

I signed up for a Winter Run Series – it’s 6 races, one a month from October to March! I signed up for the 10k’s so I’m looking forward to just keep running through the winter! I’m in Wisconsin, so running in the winter is sometimes difficult and it’s super easy to make excuses when it’s cold and/or snowy!

Lower body 100%!!! I love leg day at the gym – I know it’s making me stronger, i see it in my running and I just feel like I can give it all I’ve got in the gym! Arm days are the worst! LOL

I’m about to leave for my first cruise in 2 weeks – any tips for a rookie? I feel like I’m way unprepared for this vacation! HA!


I agree with you about pineapple… soo good and if you put it on a burger= heaven. This series sounds awesome and you are HARD CORE for running through Wisconsin winters!
YAY for a cruise wahoo!!! Are you taking kids? Do you get seasick?


You need to come visit Boulder and get a pineapple express burger at “Next Door!” Best burger in town.



I NEED THAT ASAP! Time to visit Boulder!


No kids this time, and since it’s our first cruise I don’t know if I get seasick ?. I’m figuring I will since I get carsick pretty easily!


You are going to have the time of your life! Maybe just bring some dramamine with you:) Be prepared to have everything taken care of for you and ready to eat softserve multiple times a day. Let me know what you think!


Oooo…. I’m excited for your sister and that you will be helping her reach her goal! ?
I’m not a huge fan of backed fruit, except for apple crisps!! Yummy!!
I need to get those workouts still! I was going to start this week, but sometimes life just gets busy.
Have a great Thursday!!


Yes!! Try them out… I just did upper body today and my arms are already sore haha… it’s effective, that is for sure. Have a fabulous day Wendy!


I love that you get to run with your sister and be her cheerleader! The Apple Crisp looks amazing! I have to be in the mood for hot fruit but when I do eat it, vanilla ice cream must be eaten with it! I am deciding what my running goals will look like for the spring. This weekend one of my good friends will be in the Waco Tri and we made signs to cheer her on. I prefer lower body strength training. I love hot chocolate and flavored is delicious, especially mint hot chocolate.


I totally agree with you… vanilla ice cream is necessary with hot fruit! Enjoy cheering on your friend, that sounds like a blast and get some mint hot chocolate soon (although, it’s probably not cold enough in Texas yet?)!


Cooked fruit is acceptable in dessert forms… :)
Is it weird that I’m a little nervous to put my actual running goals out there into the universe? I have them written down in my training journal but I haven’t verbalized them to anyone in any way. I’m playing this close to the vest because I’ve had some disappointments before. I haven’t even told my mom and I tell her everything! Maybe I’ll come back from Mexico and be able to shared that I met my goal!
Lower body strength any time! I have been slacking on upper body strength this training cycle. I’ve still been doing strength training, but not like I do when I’m not training for a race.
I am not a huge hot chocolate person (I’d rather have coffee or hot tea) but I really like the land o’lakes caramel hot chocolate or their white hot chocolate.


DON’T BE NERVOUS!!! Let your world cheer you on and it is motivating to say it out loud! So so so excited for your race/trip!


I have very strong opinions about cooked fruit…BIG FAT NO! I do not like soggy fruit. The only exception is blueberries or cranberries cooked into muffins or bread.
My current goal is to keep up with my training while we remodel our new house, get ready to move and get our current house sold. My big goal is a half marathon next February, but I need to get in some racing the next few months so I will be ready.
I like most strength training. Upper body is harder so I know I need to do it. I could do squats, dead lifts and lunges every day if I had the time!
Love hot chocolate!!! I’m happy with the regular flavor, but sometimes I mix it with coffee when I get it at QT.
I can’t wait to see your new house!!!


I am so sorry I brought up a sensitive subject haha;) A few of my family members have strong opinions about soggy fruit too! Also, when I put fruit on my salads… sometimes I have people that think that is weird! WE NEED A QT here… those are my favorite. Keep me updated with your remodel and if you are ever wanting to email me pictures I wouldn’t hate that;) Good luck with all of the moving, so stressful!


Without goals I feel incredibly lost and sad, so setting new ones really helps me. Mitch and I related it to looking at a big nature scene; life is pretty awesome, but observing it all at once is overwhelming and sometimes just doesn’t hit us (kinda like a huge nature scene…my mind goes blank when I look at the mountains). Goals help me/us focus on the tiny, amazing parts of life that make us feel alive, like focusing on a lighthouse in a big view of the ocean. Idk that is just me though.

Next goal is potentially a full in April but I need to consult the husband/coach on that one. That, and figuring out this new job and going to church consistently.

Helping your sister sounds like it will be a blast. She has cheerleaders in Chicago!


YES… I need some sort of goal in every area of life or I feel so weird. I LOVE how you explained it… that is perfect. Keep me updated with what you choose to do, I’m so excited for you! GOOD LUCK at your new job too, that is awesome. Thanks Kaytlin!


I am not a cooked fruit person. I think this is my main reason I don’t really like pies. I know I’m crazy. I love fruit in raw form and apple and peanut butter is one of my favorite snacks.
I don’t have a current running goal, but my current weightlifting goal is to squat my body weight. I am about 10 lbs away so I feel I will be there soon. I also hit 150lb deadlifts and hoping by the time of my next meet in April, I can break 200 possibly.


I know a lot of people that totally agree with you about pies, you aren’t a lone! Okay, that is AWESOME Alicia and inspiring to me. Keep me updated on how it is going, I’m cheering for you!


Wow! Your readers have some great accomplishments. I got chills when I read about Honor’s race :) It will be fun to read about your sister’s upcoming running accomplishment, too! Very fun that you get to ramp up on that together!

No thank you to most cooked fruit (definitely not cherries). But grilled pineapple and cooked apples (with cinnamon/sugar) are winners!

Currently, I really need to get back to running!

I’m not sure I can choose between upper and lower body strength training. Hmm…

A little mocha flavoring in hot chocolate sounds good!


Honor is amazing, I’ve loved emailing with her. Thanks Corey! Cooked cherries are pretty awful:) I hope you get some hot chocolate with mocha flavoring. Have a beautiful day!


I love cooked apples or pears of any kind. Not a big fan of peaches. I also love grilled pineapple.
I like the concept of a hot drink but not the execution. Every time I have gotten a hot drink it’s too hot to drink initially then when it’s finally to a temp I can drink its like almost cold.


Oh I totally forgot about grilled pineapple… definitely one of the best. Ohhh that would turn me off to hot drinks too. I’ve developed probably too high of a tolerance for hot hot chocolate. I hope you have a great day and get some cooked apples or pears soon! Thanks Rachel!


Hi, it’s hard for me to resist adding something about hot drink execution here. I hope this helps you! Sometimes these warm drinks are worth it!! If you’re out and a server is executing, ask for a 1/4 – 1/2 C of ice or cold water. (I would choose either 1/4 or 1/2 or whatever works for the server! Even if they give you a full cup, you can toss the extra, they would. Or you could keep it.) If you’re executing at home, it could be one ice cube and you could move it around until it melts with a spoon. Also, if you’re at home you might be able to figure out a way to execute at a lower temp! Enjoy all the warm drinks!!


What a great goal for you and your sister! I need to get some of my non-runner friends into running so I can make them training plans and help them train. That sounds so fun!

I just entered the lottery for the NYC half in March so that may be my next running goal! If not, I will probably sign up for a different half in March. Hoping to train hard for a PR and then focus on marathon training for the second half of the year.

I’m with you that I love cooked apples but I like most other fruits cold. This is making me want some apple baked goods for sure though!


Oh let me know if you get in to NYC half… I’m crossing my fingers for you! That sounds like the perfect racing plan for next year. I hope you get some apple crisp soon:) Have a wonderful day, Diana!


I finally had some apple crisp (we call it apple Betty) and it was delicious! I’ve been craving it for a few weeks now. I don’t mind cooked fruit at all. I think cooked apples are my least favorite cooked and as you can see, I don’t mind those at all haha.

I also love hot chocolate of any kind. Normal and flavored. Preferably with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it.

Lower body any day, but I should be working on upper body more than I do :)

Have a great day!


I hope you get some more Apple Betty and hot chocolate soon! PS you put ice cream in your hot chocolate? I have never tried that! You too!


Yes! My grandma used to do that for me all the time! It makes it extra creamy!


I love cooked fruit. Especially apples.. or the controversial pineapple on my pizza.. love it!

I would also rather do lower body, just because it’s a lot stronger than my upper body :) I’m starting Megan’s plan next week!

And I do not like hot chocolate.. I love hot apple cider, but hot chocolate is just a little too much for me!


You bring up another good question… pineapple on pizza! I am with you, that is delicious although plain cheese is my #1! Please keep me updated with your strength training with her plan. I feel like we should create a group to cheer each other on (I need motivation for this kind of stuff)!


I am making that apple crisp this weekend. It looks delicious! I love peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream also.
Running goal: consistency is my goal right now, I ran/walked 4 miles last Saturday and will run/walk 5 miles this Saturday, but it’s my inconsistency during the week that gets me. I just do not follow through. I wish my sister lived close to me so we could run together. She could be my drill Sargent.
Upper body workout definitely. I like how my arms look after lifting weights.
Plain hot chocolate for me. Love it this time of year.


Let me know what you think of the apple crisp! It is so so hard to stay consistent during the week when life is crazy! You are rocking your Saturday’s though! Enjoy some hot chocolate soon!


Yes on cooked fruit, but it must be fresh, not canned pie filling.

Next big goal- 3:15 marathon or bust.

Definitely legs.

Hot chocolate: I was about to say unflavored, but I do like a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Small tangent, have you tried the Starbucks hot chocolate that they sell at Costco? It’s a darker chocolate, it requires milk, but it is awesome.


Oh that is very true… I agree with what you said about canned pie filling. 3:15!!! When is your marathon? I am cheering for you.. you’ve got this! I have not tried it but now I am going to grab it the next time we are at Costco. THANK YOU. I like hot chocolate with milk better so this will be perfect.


Love the Des Linden questions……..she seems so cool, ha! And candy, yes!

I love all hot chocolate, and cooked apples are great, and any cooked fruit in cobbler or pie, yum.

My current running goals: I was shooting for a running streak for the month of October, but as it is ending soon, I kind of don’t want it to, so I am extending it to a 100 day running streak…….provided I stay injury free. That means I go thru January 8. Then, I pick up training for a half marathon that happens in March, and I am strongly considering running my 3rd marathon in April. I haven’t run a full since 2015, so we will see what happens. :)


100 day running streak–> You are amazing Loribeth! I am so excited for you! Keep me updated with your marathon decision:)


Usually I think Skye looks alot like Brooke, but she looks so much like Knox in the “standing” picture!

Also congrats on your sub 3!! :)


It seriously is so crazy to me because throughout the day I see Knox, Brooke and Andrew in Skye:) I don’t see a lot of me though ha. Thank you Kelly! I hope your Thursday is a great one!


Cooked fruit is fine (with ice cream, of course!) except for cherries!
I’m in the no hot chocolate camp. Not sure exactly why!


I agree with you that ice cream is necessary! I’ll take your hot chocolate:) Have a great day, Samantha!


I really wish I could join you and your sister on your half marathon training runs! But it would involve flying accross the country every week lol I’m debating running half marathon no8 this spring (training would start in early december) or doing shorter races (5 and 10kms). Half marathon training is the best for my CF lungs but my brain and the rest of my body are more attracted to shorter and faster distances. That’s why I wish I could join you ladies for your long runs ha I usually prefer my fruits fresh, juicy and crispy but I do love apple and berry crisp!


Fly on over Mel! That would be so fun! Keep me updated with your race plans for the spring! Enjoy some apple crisp soon!


The pictures of Brooke and Skye are amazing! They look so much alike.

Any fruit cooked in pie/cobbler is delicious in my opinion. Of course not all fruits work – pretty sure watermelon cobbler would be disgusting ;)

My new current running goal is to be like Honor when I grow up! What an incredible accomplishment in the face of such a great loss. Thanks for sharing that story.

Salted caramel hot chocolate is my favorite.


Okay, the idea of watermelon cobbler… hahah gross! I have really loved emailing with Honor and learning from her. I am just like you, I want to be just like her when I grow up. She took care of her husband with his Alzheimers for the last 15 years and I am so grateful she has had running to help her get through so much.
PS now i need some salted caramel hot chocolate. Have a wonderful day Kathy!


So excited for you and your Sis, that’s going to be super fun. My favorite part about races is all the training time I get to spend with my running friends. I love cooked fruit – I had some overripe strawberries that I cooked down and added to my oatmeal this morning. And Honor, you are my hero, way to go! What a special tribute to your husband. As runners I think we can really appreciate how healing that must have been for you.


I love your idea of fruit salad. I want some. And I want some of your mom’s apple crisp. I bet I can replicate htat with coconut sugar and with almond flour instead of regular flour. Can you send a portion in the mail? Your buffalo chicken salad looks amazing, too!

As or strength training, I will take lower body any day of the week. I’m OK with being sore as ______________ for a few days. Though I can’t squat particularly deeply and I have to be very careful with lunges, deadlifts are my most favorite strength exercise ever. When I did crossfit I got to a super heavy deadlift in not too much time at all. I also just have really bad shoulders–maybe really impinged, maybe a rotator cuff problem, maybe my arthritis has spread there and has set on unusually quickly and strongly, I don’t know–but it’s bad enough where I can’t really make progress in my upper body lifts. I wind up in a bad way with even relatively low weights. And I get frustrated with how unfortunately slow all attempts at “progress” are. But lower body–ahh, that’s totally my jam. Now I just need to get better at that thing of a strength session one day and running the next instead of needing a couple of days to lessen the soreness. I need to build up that mental toughness.

I love the picture of Skye wearing Brooke’s old jacket. SO DANG CUTE!

And YAY for your sister tackling another half-marathon. When is it? What training plan have you devised for her? Want to share with us? :) :) :)


I love cooked fruit, or really any fruit for that matter.

I am training for Mountains to Beach in May. I’m debating on running a 1/2 in my city next month. My husband really wants a PR and I am not quite in PR shape, so maybe I’ll just be more of his support. I’d like to focus on some fast 5 and 10k’s between now and May.

We found Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate pods for the Keurig last year around this time and they were amazing!! I pretty much like all hot chocolate but add-ins like marshmallows or peppermint are always fun.


I was so surprised by how similar skye and brooke look in those pictures! i didn’t really think skye looked anything like brooke until that! ha! I don’t need cooked fruit in my life…. I like to mix the french vanilla (or at Sheetz they have like a birthday cake flavor) with the hot chocolate at the gas station machines! Unfortunately you probably don’t drink that cause i guess it has coffee in it, but suchhhhh a good combo 1/2 french vanilla + 1/2 hot choco for those who like coffee and crazy amounts of sugar for $1.50 ;)


Oh I think you would enjoy being a pacer! It is very rewarding to see others hit their goals!


This is something I’ve been meaning to try! I really need to. Thanks Christina for the encouragement. Have a beautiful day!


Depends on the fruit for sure! Cooked apples are always an A++ in my book though :)

My current running goal is to simply get back to running 3 days per week injury free! I’ve been nursing an Achille’s injury for about 6 months and I think I am finally on the upswing

Upper body FOR SURE…I hate, hate, hate leg day – even though I know it is so essential to staying injury free.

Normal hot chocolate please :)

PS – I am planning to do a “Fall Fashion inspo by my favorite bloggers” post next week. Would you mind if I included you and used one of your recent fall outfit pictures? I would of course link back to you :) If not, no worries! I just wanted to ask! I’m pretty new to blogging so I’m pretty sure only my mom and boyfriend read my posts right now anyways ;)


YES YES YES YES! That sounds awesome, thanks Megan! I hope that your achilles heals 100% soon. Keep me updated!


Egg sandwiches are my jam!! ??

Also, cooked fruit is delicious. I make blackberry apple cobbler every fall and it’s seriously the most delicious thing ever.


Just made your moms apple crisp!!! Let’s just say AMAZING!!


Oh this makes me so so happy!


the accomplishments today…SO. GOOD! way to go everyone! all the feels for Honor too <3
running goal is to try and stay injury free. i feel like there is constantly something and its driving me crazy. i'm not even that old but my body sure feels it! ugh.
i kinda love both upper and lower body…but probably bc the only lifting i do is in body pump where we just go through all the major muscle groups. great class and full body done in an hour.

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