Silentish Saturday + Strep

6.58 miles with Josse and a new friend that is going for (and is going to succeed) a sub 3 marathon at the end of the month!

Going in for a hug once I got home.

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I thought she was pulling my watch in to see my mile splits but no, she was just interested in seeing what it tasted like.

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I knew once I saw Brooke when she woke up that she needed to go in to the doctor—>  Strep.

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Antibiotics, a nap, popsicles and 2 seasons of Spirit later—>  starting to feel like herself again.

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Sitting up by herself.

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She’s a big fan of peaches.

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Classy dinner of frozen pizza.

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Thankfully the odds of Skye getting strep are very very very small.  Just hoping that Knox didn’t get it before he left!

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Loved this article.

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Time to get in a fun workout this morning.

PS how cute is Jarrelle’s pineapple salsa creation:

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Tell me three things that you are doing today!!!

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Oh no! Poor Brooke! Strep is terrible. I hope she feels better fast!
Skye is getting so big. It doesn’t seem like she should be 7 months already.
I like it when you ask what three things we are doing. It makes me think of things that I can go do or reminds me of things I’m supposed to do and forget. My 3 things: 99 minutes on the elliptical to mimic a 10 mile long run since I still can’t run; birthday present shopping, and pool party with my 5 year old. I thought of other things but they include cleaning which isn’t fun.
Have a good weekend! I hope everyone else stays healthy.


LEE!! I am so sorry that you are still not able to run and way to go getting on that elliptical to get in your long run! Sounds like a great day and I’m right there with you on the cleaning! I hope you are back to running soon but you are doing an amazing job keeping up your fitness. Thank you so much! She has started to feel better this morning! Enjoy your weekend.


Strep stinks! Poor Brooke!
3 things:a hot run after work bc i could not get up this morning, petsitting, maybe some pool time? Or maybe just Golden Girls! Hope you have a fun day!!


Thank you! That sounds fabulous Loribeth! Thank you so much and I hope it cools down a bit for your run!


Allie Kieffer is what the running world needs.

Also-work, grocery shopping, laundry.


Agree so much. Have you seen the videos of her dog on insta? So sweet.


Yes! I’m obsessed with Winston the part beagle dog!!




Poor Brooke, I’m so glad she’s starting to feel back to hersel after the dr appointment. Strep is not fun.

We will hopefully have a fun Saturday. I’m going to hate myself for putting my long run off though. Just having a hard time finding motivation today haha.


YOU’VE GOT YOUR LONG RUN LATER JENNY!! You are going to rock it and enjoy your fun Saturday!


Ug, hang in there, Brooke. And yes, hope Knox is okay too.
Today I’m hoping to get a run in before it gets scorching hot, then I’m scouring the sale sections for discount running tights and crops (cooler weather is coming back eventually). And I want to try making Shalane’s superhero muffins. And clear out my super messy closets if the rain wrecks my outside plans.


Thank you! I hope your run was amazing and that you scored some sweet sale items. Those muffins are so so good. Enjoy!


Spin class this morning, baking this afternoon (as we finally got a cooler day), and may try and tackle bathing my 12 week puppy….


12 week puppy… you might need to some pictures so that Brooke and I can see:) Way to go on spin and enjoy your baking today!


Aww strep is the worst. Hope she’s the only one that gets it. I did my first long run of a new training cycle and ate a giant bowl of watermelon when I finished. It reminded me of your blog! ? Have a nice weekend!


WAY TO GO on your first long run of this cycle and that is the BEST way to refuel. You too, thanks Mollie!


Aww, hope little Brooke gets to feeling even better soon. Sucks to have sick littles. 1. Saying goodbye to a very special out of state visitor who’s been here for a week. (my kids bestie who moved away a year and a half ago). 2. Cleaning up our pool from the 2 of them swimming non stop this past week. 3. Hoping to get a list together and head to the grocery store, they ate this house clean !


Oh Michele, I am so sorry you all have to say goodbye today, that is so hard. I’m glad that they got in a lot of time together in your pool and I’ll be cleaning today too!


Aw, so sorry she has strep! Hope she feels better soon!!!

1. Playing 2 shows [violin – pit orchestra] of a production of Hunchback of Notre Dame. We’re entering the last week of a 7 week run and I’m so sad already that it’s ending.

2. My good friend from wayyyy back in high school is coming to one of the shows today. SO EXCITED.

3. Drinking too much coffee.


Poor Brooke! Glad she got some antibiotics. Strep is the worse!
My girls and I were going to the lake to canoe and SUP, but had to cancel due to storms in the area. Disappointed! Was to be the first time trying SUP for all of us. And the first time for my dog/boxer in a canoe. I want her to get used to staying still in it so we can then progress to a kayak for just the two of us.


Poor Brooke! Last few strep incidents here very similar exhausted and ? hopefully antibiotics will kick in fast.

Three Things:
1) 4 mile run ✔️
2) Wash all 10 pool towels ?
3) Go to a crab fest ?


I have had Strep so many times in my life ~ give Brooke a big hug for me! Hope she’s feeling much better real soon.


The last time I had strep bad enough to throw up, it also felt like I was swallowing glass – I hope Brooke doesn’t feel that, too. Poor kid!

Three things…
1) Long run: 12 miles total, a mix of fast/slow pace and uphill/downhill. Then almost 3 mile walk uphill to get home. My legs are tired which leads to…
2) Food and shower while procrastinating going to the grocery store…and
3) Dinner later with my friend before she has surgery next week (and probably will still be procrastinating getting groceries).


Oh no! Hope Brooke feels better soon! Sleep, popsicles and binge watching tv always work for me ?


Ohhhh Brookie…feel better and eat lots of popsicles!!
I went for a 4 mile run, now eating apples and almond butter and getting ready to go to a lobster fest!!!!
And yay for pineapple salsa served inside a pineapple:-)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Xo


Oh man, I’m behind at catching up on your blog due to my 12 month old having Strep too!! I sure hope Brooke is feeling better and that Skye (or Knox) doesn’t catch it!!

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