Let’s Catch up on Life, Cross Your Fingers & Friday Favorites!

Skye has been having some amazing hair days lately.

Wednesday run:  6 miles @ 8:35 pace and I felt surprisingly good after my track workout on Tuesday.

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Thursday run:  8.24 miles @ 8:27 pace w/4 x 20 second pick-ups at the end.

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Friday run:  I’m getting in my long run w/a tiny workout in the middle right about now!

I wear my Levitates so much (and through so much mud) that they started looking like they were the black version of the shoes so I put them in the washing machine and boom… also, can someone teach me to stop kicking the inside of my legs when I run?  See that little brown mark on my leg a few inches above my ankles?  Why do I do this?  When I was running as a teenager I would kick my ankles so much during my run without noticing that they would bleed sometimes… at least I don’t do that anymore.

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The last two days have definitely included some outdoor time.

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Our soccer game lasted about 4 minutes because heat + competitiveness between these two = things don’t always go as planned.  But they sure looked fierce before we started.

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We had one of my favorite meals one night.  Tortilla (the kind from Costco that you cook yourself), lettuce, peppers, chicken cooked in the crockpot (taco seasoning + Costco mango salsa + chicken), wholly guacamole, corn, beans and more salsa.  I love this combination of food.

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On Wednesday night I took the youth girls that I work with through my church for ice cream.  They requested Baskin Robbins.  I haven’t been there in years but my favorite flavor, Gold Medal Ribbon, tasted just as amazing as I remembered it to taste.

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Skye is wanting to wear her Brooks onesie the entire time (complete with drool marks;) I am gone this weekend in Seattle.  I can’t wait to share with you the weekend and cross your fingers for me that I survive being away from Skye for my first time ever for longer than just a few hours.   Anne and I are going to be roommates (her little girl is just a few weeks older than Skye) and I have a feeling we are going to be sleeping REALLY well for the first time in a while this weekend.

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Let’s talk about a few of my favorite things this week!

*The kid’s 4th of July gear is all ready—>  Old Navy and Target for the win!  I am so excited that we will have all three kids this year.  Holidays are kind of crazy with Brooke and Knox going with their parents at different times but for this one, we have everyone!

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*This dessert recipe is life chaining.  My niece made it for us last Sunday and I’m still thinking about it.  It is called a Double Chocolate Chip Pizookie and the recipe is HERE.  Seriously, try it now.  Don’t second guess us on this one.  Let me know when you try it.  She told me to make sure to tell you that she doesn’t add the chocolate chips when she makes it:)

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*Jarrelle shared this brilliant idea with me… a fruit salad in the watermelon shell.  We’ll be doing this for our next get together (minus the grapes… RIP grapes).


*Our favorite guy on the Bachelorette this season—>  Blake.  I’m really hoping they end up together and I’m really really hoping I understand someday why in the world I get so invested in television shows.

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*A Costco find that you MUST get if there is a Costco within 200 miles of your house.  Yes, I did the math and they are worth a 400 mile round trip to get these.

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*Something Des Linden said on this episode of Ali’s podcast, “Give yourself a chance to see what’s going to happen.  Sometimes we think I don’t feel great, I’m tired and you give yourself a million reasons why you can’t, but go find out what you can do.”


Also, I listened to this podcast episode yesterday during my run and loved it so much!  There were so many spots where I would stop and write down in my notes what she said so that I could remember it all.  Listen now:

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*Skye’s dimples on her hands and elbows.  I find myself just staring at them sometimes.

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*Melly told me about these sprinkle overalls from Target and I ordered them right away.  They arrived and we are all pretty thrilled about them:

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Whitney!!!  “I ran the AF Canyon 10K for cancer just two days after my 10th chemotherapy treatment.  I was asked by the race director to be their angel runner and represent everyone who had lost their lives to cancer.  I started the race and was given a 20 second head start.  It was such an honor to be their Angel runner.  It was one of the hardest races I have done besides my marathon.  All of the half marathons I have done have been easier than this one.  I ran this because I had to prove to myself that chemotherapy couldn’t stop me from living.  I may have run this race slower than most the races I have run but all that matters to me is that I finished this race and never gave up.  I was so happy to cross that finish line and it will be the most memorable finish line ever.

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PS Whitney is a real life friend of mine and I am continually inspired by her and her optimism throughout such challenging times.  She. is. incredible.


Do you ever go to Baskin Robbins?  What is your favorite flavor there? 

What are you looking forward to the most this weekend?

Bachelorette fans—>  Who are you cheering for?

Who has a long run this weekend?  How far?  

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Speed work today and long run tomorrow. I needed that quote about giving yourself a chance because that’s kind of how I feel this morning!

Those raspberries look incredible.

I love some good Fourth of July outfits! Those are adorable.

Have a good day :)!


YES!!! I bet you rocked your speed today Jenny and have an amazing long run tomorrow. Get the raspberries now. They are by the frozen fruit. Thanks girl, you too!


YAY, WHITNEY!!!! I love that line about chemo not being able to stop you from living. Girl, you are AMAZING!!!

I wish those sprinkles overalls came in adult sizes! Those are so stinkin’ cute! Have a wonderful time in Seattle this weekend, Janae, and GET LOTS OF SLEEP!! :)


She really is amazing. HAHA I wish they did… that donut tank though:) Thanks girl and enjoy your weekend!


Yay, Whitney!! So happy for you for crossing that chemo finish line and headed toward many more race finish lines :)


She is amazing! Have a great weekend Corey!


I like Blake too. You can tell she really likes him. He seems so down to earth. I am looking forward to relaxing at my mom’s pool this weekend!!! Have a great one!! xoxo


YES, exactly!! Let’s hope he continues to be such a good guy:) Enjoy the pool time Taylor! THANK YOU!


I told myself that if my knee made it to 10 miles I can certainly do my half marathon in Sept. This morning I did 10.53 miles ( a road was closed and it detoured me a little hence the .53 part). Running and my knee are still not an option but I am happy I can racewalk! My pace is around 12 min ( race pace will be 11 min) so I usually am able to keep up with some runners anyway. It just looks weird.
I have been adding in speed work which I think is helping me so thanks for the motivation!!!


CARRIE! THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Way to go girl and sometimes those detours are kind of nice ha, we get in a bit more! Keep me updated on everything and way to go on the speed work too. Have a beautiful weekend and I am so excited for your half in September!


Go Whitney! You’re inspiring all of us who are still battling cancer that there is still so much life to live! <3


Emily, you inspire me!! I love messaging with you:) Keep me updated on everything!


Whitney is amazing. Wow. That brought tears to my eyes reading it!
Not a fan of BR.
It’s going to be H-O-T this weekend (like we had a heat warning starting on Wednesday for how hot it will be) so even though I have lots of fun activities planned (wine tasting, celebrating a friend’s birthday, family bike ride) I also am going to be happy if I survive without melting! :)
No long run planned but I got 5 miles in this morning and hope to do the same tomorrow – although it will be 82 degrees by 7am… EEK.


Oh that is crazy Rhiannon! I hope you are indoors most of the weekend besides the bike ride! Enjoy and way to go on 5 miles in 82 degrees… OUCH! Have a wonderful weekend and eat a lot of popsicles.


I only go to Baskin-Robbins once a year– when they send me a free cone coupon for my birthday!

When I was a kid I used to go once a year when my family and I went to the beach. I’d always get the pink bubblegum flavor. Not sure if they even make that one anymore! It’s probably a choking hazard, because the bubblegum bits were real.

A friend of mine would always mix chocolate and daquiri flavors, half of each. That one I could never quite warm up to…


Ha.. I need to sign up for their birthday coupon. I did not see the bubblegum flavor this time, Brooke would have loved that (she came too)! Have an amazing weekend Emily!


We must have the same taste buds — Gold Medal Ribbon has always been my fave at Baskin Robbins.

I can’t wait to listen to that Des podcast when I can run again — hoping this weekend. I went to a different PT yesterday and she was VERY aggressive with the IMS needles. I was so tired last night, in bed by 9, and awake in the night with major leg pain (as if I had run a marathon). I feel the nerve pain (that have had since early April) has improved since she did the needles so I am hopeful!

We are just over the border from Seattle; weather not great right now although maybe you will appreciate the cooler temps. Have fun!


I am so sorry about your leg pain last night… that is awful! But I am glad that it has improved, hopefully you are running this weekend. Keep me updated. I packed a few jackets (I’ve learned my lesson a few summers ago in Seattle) but hopefully we will see some sunshine too! Have a wonderful weekend and crossing all of my fingers and toes for you Wendy!


Runners who do this “need to enhance their flexibility in hip extension,” says Scott. “But they really need to strengthen their glutes; that’s a huge, huge problem.” <--- JUST WHAT I NEEDED. Thank you Jeff, I really appreciate this!


You’re welcome. I saw this article months ago so when you mentioned it today I did a quick google search to find it again for you.


Thank you!


Mmmm. I LOVE Baskin Robbins! I haven’t had it in forever!

I thought about you as I was using this cookbook the other day: https://feedzonecookbook.com/feed-zone-table/

Everything is SUPER simple and pretty quick to make! I’ve been trying to cook one or two things from it each week and I haven’t had a bad thing yet! I thought I’d share since it’s healthy fuel for athletes that doesn’t take very much time! :)

Good luck this weekend – I hope you get some solid sleep!


YES… “eating together matters”! Thank you for that, we will have to get that cookbook! Thank you for this… I can’t wait! I will and have a great weekend Chelsea!


O.M.G! All the tears reading this post!
1. Brooke looks so big/old in the pic of her at the splash pool!
2. Leaving your baby for the first time! I’ll be saying an extra prayer for you this weekend!
3. Your AMAZING friend! She’s so inspiring!

Have a great trip!


She really is. She has two more rounds and she is doing so great! I agree, how did Brooke grow up so fast?! Thank you Bridgette and I hope you have an amazing weekend!


Definitely agree with you…Blake is the best one on the Bachelorette! I also like Garrett, but Blake seems more of the type of guy that is handsome and great AND humble. Listen to me, pretending like I actually know him! haha the obsession is real. Maybe he has a brother? ;)

Have a great weekend in Seattle!

PS I totally ordered the etsy donut tank you linked. Too cute to pass up!


Oh my gosh! I dont feel so bad now that I do the inner leg kicking thing too. I, too, have made my leg bleed and I’m like how did I even do that?!

Also, I think I need those sprinkle overalls for myself.

Unfortunately skipping my long run this weekend because I have a chest cold, blah! But, body needs what the body needs! I’m looking forward to relaxing and watching the World Cup. :)

Hope you have a great wknd!


I love BR Gold Medal Ribbon! We buy a pint every week! I wish it came in a bigger size, but it’s probably a good thing that it doesn’t.
My weekend plans include running, eating and napping. Fun trail race with my club Saturday and a 12 mile run Sunday. Can’t wait!!


Whitney is AMAZING!
I’m anxious to hear how leaving Skye goes. I have a son a few weeks older than her, and I’m to nervous to leave him more than a few hours.
I live just outside Seattle if you need food recommendations or places to run give a shout out.


Running a half marathon as a training run on Sunday! Also had a question for you- I’m starting to add in more trail running (so fun!), but wondering how everyone fits it into their road training schedule? I’m thinking trail runs = easy runs (because of the pace being slower typically), but sometimes my heart rate gets up pretty high because of the elevation gain! Any advice/ guidance would be GREATLY appreciated! Brooke is looking so grown up! Have a great weekend!


OMG I want Brooke’s cute sprinkles overalls. The smile on her face wearing them!!! She should be Target’s official model for cute girls’ clothes. Get her an agent ASAP for that (and only that because she needs to have a kid’s life…)

Your friend Whitney is AMAZING. I’m inspired.

This weekend has me nervous. I’m supposed to run (or, well, run/walk…) a 10K–my first since January 2015–next Wednesday, but my knee has been SO BAD with inflammation related to arthritis that the last couple of weeks I have barely run. And when I have tried to run more than 4 miles, it has turned out horribly. SO, on Sunday, I am going to try one more time to get to 4 miles (my target is–silly as it may sound–4.5 miles…just to be OVER 4 miles…) before I decide for sure if I just need to give my knee more time (and I search for a good 5K to run instead…) or if I can make it to this 10K. Bad runs get in my head, and right now I need as much confidence-boosting stuff I can get going on in that inner dialogue instead of the “shoulda coulda woulda” voice that can tear me down too easily (I worked HARD this past spring to get myself out of a depressive spell that was sinking in…and it’s still work. I need to surround myself with good things!!!).

I can not wait to read your post ALL ABOUT being in Seattle! TRAVEL SAFE and have the BEST time!!!

PS–this morning after a spin class and a barre class that was really more like a HIIT workout using a mini trampoline and hand weights, I had to stop at Target and get a microwavable cup of kodiak cakes for *part* of my breakfast/earlyish lunch. I thought of you as I was getting those–AND walking past the candy aisle. I wanted a bar of chocolate (and let’s face it a bag of gummies…) so much, but I chose kodiak cakes as my “sweeter treat” for the day. Besides–I have those chocolate covered bananas on popsicle sticks you blogged about a few weeks back for tonight after work! ;)


Almost all of the running accomplishments you post make me tear up – I feel so proud of these people I’ve never met, out there doing their best and putting one foot in front of the other, even on their hardest days! Major props and best wishes to Whitney!!


The last time I went to Baskin Robbins was probably 15 years ago, ha! They aren’t too common in my area. I just remember my sister got the bubble gum ice cream and it had real pieces of gum and she was super confused about whether to swallow it or chew it, ha!


Wow Whitney!! You are awesome!!

I don’t go to bask in Robbins much anymore but I grew up walking distance to one so we went a ton as kids! My dad still likes to pick up ice cream there.


I ordered those overalls for my daughter too–and LOVE THEM!!!!

Have fun in Seattle!


Yay!!! Brooke, you look beautiful! Those are the cutest overalls and I thought they would be perfect for you!


Whitney is INCREDIBLE!!!! WOW what an inspiration!
I love those 4th of July outfits, so fun!!! And those overalls are adorable!
I am going to do a long run this weekend and looking forward to it!
Have you ever tried rolled ice cream?? If not you need to ASAP!!!!
Enjoy this great weekend!!!! XOXO


Blake is my favorite too! Also, I MUST find these white and dark chocolate raspberries! I hope Costco in Alaska has them!


In July 2017, I was there at D23 Expo when Bob Chapek announced an overhaul to California Adventure’s Paradise Pier and the arrival of an exciting new celebration to Disneyland Resort, Pixar Fest.

Starting April 13, 2018 visitors to Disneyland Resort will be immersed in all things friendship and Pixar. Ride and dining closures (including Cove Bar, Ariel’s Grotto and California Screamin’) will close January 8, 2017. Keep reading for more details.

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